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Elysian Bola


Inactive Member
A rather unusual weapon, the Bola was designed to incapacitate unusual targets. Indeed to incapacitate – not usually Elysia's strength.

The weapon consists of three two feet long cords which are made from a aramid resulting in a flexible polymer which is particularly hard to break (beyond the strength of even most organics), while retaining the same degree of flexibility as a rope - it has high tensile strength but very little compressive strength. It is also fire proof (not really a design feature, but a side effect of the material used). These three cords are connected to each other at one end, and from this end expands a short piece of cord which you hold the Bola by, and at the other end are three orbs.

The cords have millions of micro-spikes, hook like fibres smaller than the eye can see but which all go in the same direction, in the design which serves a dual purpose. The first is that it makes the cords incredibly hard to pull apart – they need to be pulled in a single direction which is almost impossible to do when wrapped into them. The second is that it can cut deeply through flesh and clothing – chafing from hell.

These orbs are designed to emit a High-energy radio burst, through the use of a radio wave projector, disrupting all electronics in the immediate area – specifically what it is entangled in. To power this there is a small battery (0.7cm by 0.7cm by two centimetres) which is inserted into the side of each orb. Each of these batteries power the orbs for three 'hits'. The effect can be considerable. They are composed of ultrahard fullerite but also with small beads of iridium which greatly increases their weight. This weight is enough to do impart considerable kinetic energy onto the target – enough in certain circumstances to break bones.

The entire bola is designed to thoroughly ensnare a target when thrown – wrapping up limbs and grabbing hold of the body. It takes some training to be able to use throw the bola accurately and carefully (although in the hands of a skilled user it can also be an effective mêlée weapon).

The Bola is unlikely to see a particularly large use as a weapon – it is somewhat of a speciality piece – but it can sometimes be seen hanging by the belt of some soldiers.
I like this one it seems like it could be a decent non-lethal ensnaring device for security personnel. Though I would suggest giving the radio burst and on/off switch, because there could be times when it wouldn't be wanted/possibly dangerous.
ultrahard fullerite fibres – this makes this cord very flexible
I stopped reading here. Hardness is the opposite of flexibility. Not approved.

Carbon nano-tubes are a lot weaker but they're cpable of being fashioned into a cord like substance which is required in this instance.

I could argue about using very small molecular chains of ultrahard fullerite which together would create a fairly flexible cord ... but it is far far too much bother.

Is this better?
Alright I've made further modifications in which I changed the material for the cords ... again.

Is there anything else Wes?
These orbs are designed to emit a High-energy radio burst, disrupting all electronics in the immediate area – specifically what it is entangled in.
This utterly lacks an explanation. ~.~;;
Zakalwe said:
The same way this works?
Then edit that in.

I saw no mention of a battery or a radio projector, etc. It just said it produced radio waves ("It's magic!") but was made of fullerite and Iridium.