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Elysian Interdiction Technology


Inactive Member
Elysians are a very proud people, and for a species that had once held dominance over the Geshrintall, or Yamatai as it is now known, loosing four wars in succession as well as being dominated by their former subjects was a constant burden. Elysian pride had been damaged. It was never forgotten that it had been the Elysians who had developed Soul Transfer technology, and who had led the way in genetics. It was much of their scientific advancements which had made Yamatai great.

During the conquest Elysian scientists studied all of the technology of Yamatai that they could, studying it and working out how to improve on the design, to tap the untapped potential of the technology, and upon their freedom they began to create this technology, planning to build their own ships which could defend them from Yamatai, or from any other force that would subjugate the reformed Elysian Empire.

The first two of these technologies were based of Interdiction technology and are as follows:

Interdiction Shield:

The Star Army has many weapons of terrible power, including the dreaded Legacy Cannon, Aether Shock Weapons, or even Projected energy beams. These were all weapons that were extremely hard to defend against, and were devestating to the extreme.

The defence came in the form of a refined and modified interdiction field, which prevents hyperspace, subspace, normal space or any of the plethora of other dimensions from being warped in any way, in an area surounding the ship. This effect is far more powerful than the standard Interdiction field. This protects it from Transposition beams, due to Transposition beams warping space, the very thing this shield prevents, and so the area the shield covers is uneffected. This shield also functions against weapons that use other dimensions to function, such as those that travel through hyper-space, draw energy from hyperspace directly on the ship, or require a 'sub-space effect' such as sub-space tunnelling to penetrate shields. It even provides a measure of protection against a CFS's Projected Energy Beams, given as how they draw off 'fifth dimensional energy', and this is part of what makes them so devastating.

The shield is extremely effective in protecting the ship, however it comes with some disadvantages when active. The first is that, despite the ship being able to to create a certain amount of 'calm' within the shield to travel within, the ship's capacity to travel in FTL or use a warp or distortion based form of travel is significantly limited. Another disadvantage is the the ship can not fire any space-warping effects of its own, including projected energy beams or weapons of this variety. Thirdly it requires a great deal of energy to run. Due to these three factors the shield is not kept on as a default measure, but only when it is needed.

Interdiction Beam:

The Interdiction Field used on some SA vessels is noted in hits ability to suppress all varieties of FTL through using a specialised Gravitic field to prevent the warping of normal space, or the interaction of Hyperspace and Subspace, or any of the plethora of other dimensions and styles of travel. It is even noted for being able to greatly reduce the speed at which a ship equipped with CFS can travel. This is important since the travelling ability of CFS is simply another application of the space warping CFS, creating a pocket universe and using it for both protection and offensive measures. That the Interdiction effect can greatly reduce one facet of this, suggests that it has an overall effect on the system, and given how it prevents the warping effect of space, it can easily be seen how it does this.

The Interdiction Beam functions much as the Interdiction Field, however it is far more powerful and is fired as a beam rather than a field of effect. In effect what it does is prevents the warping of space around a ship, which includes the effect of CFS, and this in turn means that the CFS does not function, ridding the ship of its shields, propulsion and projected energy beams. In addition, while the beam rests on a ship it can not use any weapon that uses space warping weapons, such as the legacy cannon or sub-space tunelling positron cannons, nor draw energy from any extra-dimensional source. The effect only lasts for as long as the beam covers the ship.

The disadvantage of this weapon is that it drains an enormous amount of energy, and the ship may neither use distortion based propulsion, or distortion based shielding while firing.
While some of the tech Zakalwe came up with engaged a considerable amount of debate, this one has gone unnoticed. I'm not sure if the extent of the power of the technology outlined here should be approved, but I think it's certainly worth discussing over.

The interdiction beam seems to be extremely effective in putting down about any vessel and opening it up to kills. I can understand why it could be effective at debilitating a ship versus killing it in one shot, okay, but does have any drawbacks? It looks too convenient to me.

And no, in an universe with aether generators... power usage does not seem to be an issue.
I did actually write about the disadvantages ... this includes the inability to fire distortion based weapons, or weapons that rely on warping space, sub-space or hyper-space, and limitation in the ability to travel using distortion based styles of propulsion.

Oh, in addition to that power usage can be a problem. This is the point - although using an aether generator you can produce unlimited amount of power, the amount of actually power you can tap at any one time is limited by the power of the aether generator, and the power regulation systems that come with the ship. You can therefore not simply take as much energy as you need.

Otherwise you could use a single aetheric generator to destroy the entire universe.
In addition, while the beam rests on a ship it can not use...

Oh, I interpreted the above phrase as additional disadvantages the ship that suffered from the beam (where the beam rests) had.

I've heard the point about infinite-lasting limited output energy source, but I guess Wes is the only one whom could really tell us how this is. I don't disagree with you Zakalwe in that regard since I think it makes sense (power cables and wiring have a threshold after all - that's why we have converters and such).

Please note that the entries for the Sakura-class gunship and the Nozomi-class scoutship include mentions about their CFS system still functioning even when being exposed to zones that would inhibit their FTL functions. Furthermore, it was mybelief that interdiction system prevented fold systems and transposition weaponry to work correctly, but did not affect the rest of what you listed. The other stuff was supposed to be affected by the anti-wormhole weaponry such as the mini-missiles the Mindy power armor have. At least, that's how I saw it.
As noted in this topic, interdiction fields "could prevent proper operation of a transpostion fold ("Legacy") cannon, but not the aether shock cannon." Aether systems would not be affected, therefore this system would need to be revised in order to be approved.