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SYNC Elysians: A New Subspecies


Inactive Member
Banned Member
Senator Antonius Castor,

My name is Iemochi Seinosuke, currently an Elysian, born Yamataian. This may come as a shock, hence my message being sent to someone of such standing as yourself.

I've been meaning to send my academic and experimental findings to Elysia for a long time now yet I was wary of the consequences. Please find attached my full reports, records and logs of my work.

In essence, I have managed to synthesise myself an Elysian body nearly genetically identical to the one I was born in as a Yamataian. I did so following months of expensive genetic research and biosynthesis, until I found the perfect blend of DNA strands that made a body that my mind would not reject.

My wife, born Caelisolian, is currently pregnant with our child. As I was unsure whether this body completed all the requirements of the following classification, these suspicions are now confirmed as she is with child:

I have created a new subspecies of Elysian, dubbed the Neo-Caelisolians by myself due to the nature of using Caelisolian DNA as the main base. Have your scientists look over my findings, I am happy to come and present myself to whomever the Senate desires so confirm the validity to my work.

Hopeful regards,
Nito Juni Iemochi Seinosuke, Chief Science Officer, YSS Kaiyo.
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To: Seinosuke Iemochi
From: Antonius Castor
Subject: Re:

I suppose the correct thing to say would be, I am quite speechless at your results. Standing does not matter; your merit in your work is enough.

It is unnecessary to have you arrive in person, as I would not like to slight the Star Army’s service contracts. The Star Army makes a prickly enemy, to put it lightly. You will find an invitation to a digital meeting attatched. Bring whom you wish, but please do not make the meeting too cluttered.

If possible, would you be interested in doing further work for Elysia? Please ponder this question, as we will talk about it over the meeting.


Antonius Castor

“I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”