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Elysians (Writeup - Culture, Politics, Religion, Etc)

I'm Only Dancing

Inactive Member
About Elysians
Elysians are the angelic-seeming inhabitants of Elysia and (recently) Novus. They are a single species divided into two distinct subspecies - the Plebians, and the Arch Angels. Classically, Arch Angels rules over Plebians absolutely, though recently the social breach between the two has lessened significantly.

Elysians tend to appear as tall, graceful humanoids, with wings - often useless in the case of Plebians, and just as often capable of flight in the case of Arch Angels. They are a highly innovative and pragmatic race that despite vast technological strides have maintained their religious dogma for centuries. More importantly, the technology they have created - most notably Soul Transfer technology - outright supports their religious beliefs in many cases.

Playing an Elysian
Elysian culture is very reserved and polite, and for an Elysian to strike at another Elysian is unthinkable - an offense that without exception results in execution. One may note the past tendency for Archangels to strike Plebians, though this has grown far less common in recent days, and is now considered uncultured, and regarded harshly. Courtesy is excercized to excess with all other members of the race, regardless of social caste or religious/political importance. It is the hallmark of their society, in the eyes of many (particularly elder) Elysians, and it seperates them from the more primitive creatures.

Education is paramount to Elysian society, and all Elysians are schooled intensively. Downloading of information, though occasionally used, is considered to be crude, and a method that denies one the personal experience that truly allows for understanding of material. Arch Angels generally have access to better education, though any Plebian who scores well in testing can (and most often will) be schooled to the full extent an Arch Angel would. Past the primary schools are a series of career academies - most every Elysian will join such an academy, and those who dont rarely can fit into the world. Particularly talented or wealthy Elysians often attend multiple such academies in their lives, shifting from vocation to vocation.

It is important to note that Elysians are far more honest about the wars with Yamatai than Yamatai is - they acknowledge and teach all the mistakes they understand that were made by both sides. It is taught that Yamatai precipitated the first war, through reckless and arrogant theft of sensitive technology. And it is also taught that Elysian incompetence in the chain of command led to the second war, the ill-thought out assassination of a prototype Nekovolkyrja starting a conflict the ECN was by no means ready for.

With this honest history, despite the admission of myriad failures by Elysia, a deep-rooted and highly nationalistic resentment of Yamatai and all things Yamataian is very common. Though neither promoted nor discouraged by the ruling council, business and military often capitalize on this hatred that has carried on for nearly two generations.

The political reality of Elysia is one that most Elysians understand intimately, and few others ever will. It is at its heart a Republic - every Elysian of majority (26 Elysian years) is granted a vote once in every 7 year cycle. The votes are cast for representatives to the Erudite (a Senatorial body of 26,000 members), who vote on their leaders and on civilian affairs.

The Ruling Council, a group of 13 leaders elected by the Erudite, have absolute control over military and economic affairs, though they have rarely used that power over the economy. While technically the leaders of Elysia, the Ruling Council actually answers to one further force - the Teranath, the religious authority of the planet. No law or act passes without the approval of the Teranath. This usually results in national policy opposing fiercely anything that would directly aid Yamatai. However, the Teranath is often content to let the Council do as it will, so long as Teranath scripture is followed.

The Seven and One, God of the Teranath remains nameless. Though he once was given names, they have long since been abandoned, as it was deemed disrespectful to speak the titles of the God Themselves. Teranath preaches that Elysians are the superior servants of the Seven Gods, and that all other species have only what rights Elysia chooses to give to them. All Elysians are familiar with the scriptures, and most sincerely believe them.

Teranath and the Ruling Council both fully intend to break away from Yamatai's rule, though they bide their time for awhile longer. Until very recently, Elysia was utterly dependant on Yamatai for food. Following recent colonization and synthesis operations, however, they are very nearly to a state of independence.

Elysian Appearance
Plebians tend to share the following characteristics -

* Plebian Elysians are small, slender, always appear too small and sometimes appear malnourished by Geshrin standards. This is not due to actual malnourishment, but rather a genetic predisposition towards an incredibly high basal metabolism, preventing any particularly notable gain in body mass without deliberate effort.

* Skin color is usually either very pale pink or white, often pale grey, and occasionally pale blue. Eye color is always pale blue, and Elysians do not have whites to their eyes. Hair ranges in all hues, from blues and greens to standard "human" tones to brilliant metallic colors.

Arch Angels tend to share the following characteristics -

* Arch Angels are significantly taller than average Geshrin, ranging from 175 cm to 240 cm on average. They are most commonly very muscular in build, and their wings are usually large and well developed. The muscular structure for the wings shows through in the chest.

* Skin color is usually either very pale pink or white, though soft gold is not uncommon, and vibrant sapphire or emerald skin has been seen in the past. Eye color is always either deep, burning blue or brilliant green. Hair is almost always of metallic hue, though occasional deep green and blue hair color has been noted.

All Elysians share the following characteristics -

* Elysians have six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. Nails grow very slowly, and cover more area on the digit than would be so for a Geshrin. Fingernails are very strong, and often grow in clawlike points.

* Elysians have hollow bones, making them significantly lighter in weight than other humanoid creatures of comparable size.

The Elysian military consists of two forces - the Celestial Navy, and the Terrestrial Defense Force.

The Celestial Navy is officially a force consisting of a single fleet, containing some 100 spacecraft. Their technology rivals that of Yamatai, and they emphasize geurilla warfare and cloak-and-dagger style combat, preferring to leave nothing to chance, and crush the enemy absolutely, chivalry be damned.

In reality, the Celestial Navy is actually somewhat larger, involving nearly five times their official numbers. The "secret fleets", as they are called, are also equipped with more advanced technology - and with Seraph S17 models, rather than the more outdated S11 and S14 that inhabit their official fleet. The advancement of the rudimentary force that once was into the extensive military it is becoming today was handled under the command of a project dubbed 'Azrael' by the Ruling Council.

The Terrestrial Defense Force consists of some three million Elysian infantrymen and ground artillery who's official purpose is to defend Elysia from invasion should their navy fail. However, they are actually trained to be an occupying force on other worlds, as the Elysian military sees a rise to power as eminent - a chance they have been waiting for for many years.
I found some stuff I don't agree with:
Elysian to strike at another Elysian is unthinkable - an offense that without exception results in execution
It's not oncommon for Archangels to strike plebians.
Seven Gods
Elysians have always been fiercely monotheistic.
and vibrant sapphire or emerald skin has been seen in the past.
No it hasn't. ~,~
six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot

Also, I'm doubtful their military is anywhere near that large. From my point of view, they've had less than a hundred ships since being decimated over and over again by Yamatai and cannot afford more (unless they ask for some from Ketsurui, which they have politely declined to to thus far).
Will modify, though I had for the most part absolutely no information other than... ooh, a half-paragraph of very vague physical description, which included equally vague notation on military (stating 3000+).