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EMBLEM shielding system


Inactive Member
Electro-Magnetic Ballistics/Laser Evasion Matrix "EMBLEM"

Developer: Zen Armaments

Information: Inspired by the magnetic fields around most terraform planets, which shield them from charged particles and extremely high-frequency waves emitted by their suns, the EMBLEM creates a similar magnetic field electromagnetically around a single ship. It effectively causes anything charged (antimatter, ion beams, etc.) to simply curve around the ship like a slipstream. Unfortunately, it does not protect against lower-frequency EMR, neutrons, or aether and thus the ship is vulnerable to attack from some kinds of laser and nuclear weapons and as well as power armor's swords and such.

Technical Information: Using a set of strategically-placed electromagnets to simulate the dynamo effect within a planet, this system creates a strong magnetic field around the ship but a very weak one inside; enough to spin a compass but not enough to disrupt the ship's electronics. As a result, all radiation and particles approaching the ship will be subject to a force which will shunt them either over or below, depending on their positive or negative charge. Since the force is directly proportional to the speed, even ballistics travelling near the speed of light will be deflected effectively. Unfortunately, though, the neutral charge of a neutron is unaffected by the field and so the ship will tend to take a direct hit from anything neutron-heavy or particularly strongly bonded. Also, high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (gamma rays, X-rays) will tend to be deflected due to their high energy level.

Protects effectively against: Antimatter, ions, high-power lasers
Protects moderately against: Regular matter, medium-powered lasers
Protects poorly against: Extremely heavy regular matter, aether

((This would be standard on the series of cargo ships I intend to design, since that is what needs doing according to the sticky.))
Bonichi said:
Protects moderately against: Regular matter, medium-powered lasers

Regular matter has a neutral charge... right? So magnets owuld have no effect on it. Unless the matter was naturally magnetic. So aluminium wouldn't be effected, but iron would. Yes I know this is listed under "moderately," but maybe change the listing to "not at all?" Unless there is some quirk of matter that I am not aware of(I only took a year of chem).
The protons in the matter would be deflected one way while the electrons would be deflected the other way. If they aren't very strongly attached, they're just gonna split up and fly off in opposite directions, rejoining each other (if they feel like it) on the other side. Of course, if they are super strongly attached, such as in pure molecular nitrogen, then they stand a better chance of staying together - but most bullets would be made of some kind of metal, which is known for easily parting with a few electrons, enough that it would become charged. Then again, the ferromagnetic metals might be attracted enough to counteract this; I'll have to look it up.

Then again, this is kind of speculative, and I just finished a chem lab so I don't feel like doing the calculations right now, but I think it would kind of work that way. Slow-moving or extremely dense matter (cannonballs or neutronium as opposed to railgun bullets) would be unaffected, though, since the magnetic deflection force is proportional and perpendicular to the velocity of the particle (go hand rules!).

Either way, I'm trying to think of another system to work in parallel to counter some of these weaknesses; maybe the whole matter thing could become a non-issue.
a compressed shell of superconductive material held in a gravitic or magnetic (depending on the conductor) field, then charged with a LOT of energy would vaporise things like cannon balls... and it would be easy to power, as superconductors don't lose energy when not being charged or given an earthing channel >.>

edit: of course, I'm assuming here that the superconductive material is efficient, although I don't think that would be a problem to find in SARP
Nay, good sir! This is but half of the shield I describe! Add to your system superconductive material, perhaps a supercooled metal or helium variant and calibrate your shields to hold this in place (as a near-solid shield composed of particles) then pass a charge into it (no complete circuit, speaking in electrical terms)... and make sure you don't touch it until you power it down
System approved. This'll be good for civilian ships and such.
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