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RP: YSS Celia [Empress' Palace] Emissary, Part 2

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Uesu smiled. "... and that's the palace. I hope you didn't find it too chilly inside." He wondered what the lizard-like man really thought of its grandeur.

Henry had been in the palace several times before. Nevertheless, it was still intimidating to be in the presence of the Emperor. He carefully brushed some imaginary piece of dust off of his dress uniform.

"How's Shina?" Uesu asked, making conversation while waiting on the diplomat.

Issus, the massive humanoid slithered along with the other two his arms crossed over his bare, muscular chest as he looked around. Looking a bit puzzled, the secondary tongue flicking in and out at times, sampling the air. "It's overall quite different on this planet, it's... colder to some extent." he said, hissing the S sound, a species habit. "And ssssso far only you two have any smell... or taste..." he said looking at them even those he towered over both at a massive 8' tall and 30 ft long.

"And the architecture is... unlike what I've seen... It's so metallic and cold..."

"Ah, but the nekos are very warm. It makes up for it!" Uesu chuckled.

"Shina is fine, sir," replied Henry. He considered asking Uesu about his daughters, but thought better of it.

He just blinked. "I wouldn't know, how do they... produce usable heat?" he asked naively. "There are so many facets of this race I do not understand, why do they not have a noticeable smell or taste? It's puzzling to me... my Jacobson's organ can't tell"

"They're artificial - made to be stealthy." The emperor led the way towards the courtyard, where they could return to the landing pad and their ship.

He looked exasperated and shocked. "Artificial?! How is that even possible, how do you breathe life into machine..."

"It is rather complex," Uesu said; he was a former PNUgen scientist and could explain it, but he wasn't sure he'd be able to talk about it in a way that someone not familiar with DNA and such could understand.

"Hmm, the curiosities of your culture and technology abound." he said. "But they're purpose is to be... companions and... warriors correct?" the large half human asked. "But being artificial they must not know the miracle of birthing young."

"They can reproduce, actually," Uesu pointed out.

"Really?" he asked. "In the same way you human do I assume" Issus said. "Now I am curious to see how this happens."

"A Neko giving birth? Um, I could try to arrange something, Mr. Issus, if you are really curious to see that," offered Henry.

He looked at Henry a slight smirk growing on his face. "I have my own ideas on how it works but it's of morbid interest you might say. We by nature like to know everything possible of what we must deal with."

"You mean, in person?" Uesu asked. He hoped he didn't have to find some random neko for Issus to watch give birth. After all, having a big, strange alien stare down one's birth canal would probably be unsettling.

Henry nodded. "They're fascinating creatures, aren't they? ... I was really thinking about finding something suitable in the media library, sir. I'm pretty sure this is something we'd have on the holo-recordings."

Issus snickered quietly. "These holograms....are useful for things such as this. Im sorry if it sounds odd by our species puts much importance on the youth, are yours born live or in eggs?" he asked. "we can start with that basic question"


"That must be painful."

"No," Uesu shook his head. "The younglings are actually pretty small and thin."

"I believe Mr. Issus refers to our own species, sir, and not the Nekos... Our medical technology is sufficiently advanced to make the event painless for human females."

"That I do," he said. "I see someone is fond of his creations, perhaps he needs a real human female..." the snakeman teased lightly.
Henry winced. Issus could use some lessons on diplomacy and tact. By this time, the trio had reached the landing pad, and the awaiting shuttle.

"Let us go, Mister Issus," said Henry. "I am sure His Majesty has other affairs of state to attend to... Thank you for showing us around the palace, sir."
"Of course. See you, Henry," the Emperor replied.
Henry turned to Issus momentarily to assist him in getting into the shuttle, which was really not originally designed to accommodate someone of Issus's size. The only reason Issus fit inside at all was due to some creative modifications that were made to the shuttle. Henry then bowed to Uesu. "I look forward to our next meeting, Your Majesty."

He then boarded the shuttle, closed down the hatch behind him, and instructed the pilot to take off once the Emperor was a safe distance away from the launch pad.

The shuttle soared into the crisp, blue sky above Kyoto.
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