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Approved Submission [Emrys] EM-J6-1 Rayleigh


Lover of Purple
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Kickass Robot Bodyguard
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=emrys:em-j6-1_rayleigh

Faction: Emrys
FM Approved Yet: No? (But he knows about it)
Faction requires art: No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles: No
Contains New art: Yes
Previously Submitted: No

Commander variants are designed to be more PC compatible if anyone wanted to play a giant walking tank of a robot. I dunno could be pretty cool. Otherwise, they can just say funny stuff standing at the shoulder of a moustache twiddling villain or something.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Okay, a few things that need to be addressed.

There should be an About and History section for the overall submission. History should cover some of the events that lead to the creation and design. The about should give us a clear idea of the purpose and how they can be used.

The description is excellent.

However, I would like to see some clarification about the control system. Much like the EM J4 has the AI and the Programming detailed. In fact you might want to just have the J6 use those components.
The About already existed but was small. It's been expanded. History has been added and it's massive. Added details about the AI in History, changed armor from Durandium Alloy to Nerimium powder-coated durandium alloy composite for extra zing! and to give people a hard time saying it on one breath. Expanded some sections of Description. Changed the way prices were displayed.

The change list goes on, but basically most everything requested should be resolved bar some possible polishing in the About section when I actually return to my body from after-workitis.
Rewrite is good except for the Nerimium, that's a Nepleslian armor material. Better to go with Osmiridium which the company has access to.
Really? Huh. Learn something new everyday. It even has an extra syllable for making the armor type even harder to say in one breath, I like it already. Change should be good, changed it from powder-coating to lattice coating since Osmiridium seems to rely on nanotubes for strength.
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