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Emrys Industries Armoured Transport


Inactive Member
Alright, gather round. Criticism is welcomed and expected. I haven't entierly finished, and so any suggestions may find themselves in the finished design.

Armoured Transport:

A new product from Emrys Industries, the Armoured Transport is a mix between a taxi, a bus and a tank. In appearance it is a large tank like object, with a sliding door on the sides, and two maser pods on top. People enter through the doors (usually running), and get taken where they want to go. When the pay up, they're let out; if they don't have enough money they are brought back to a station, where there kept in custody and forced into labour until the debt is paid (a friend or family member can pay instead). The fees are quite high, but worth it. It is of course designed for service in violent neighbourhoods, Neplesia is the first planet where 20 of these will be put into action. If a success the numbers will increase substantially.

The Transport is protected by 6 inch thick bubbled titanium-steel ally, giving it great strength. The doors are imported from NovaCorp, and are formed of three different sliding and interlocking doors of perfect iron. The entire transport is projected by a form-fitting shield generator capable of absorbing . In the main body of the transport there are rows of two person seats, with seat belts (essential in many cases). The front of the transport is the place where the driver and assistant are. It is protected by a three inch thick bubbled titanium-steel alloy wall, and the door is impossible to open from the outside without the correct access codes (or considerable force). Inside the cockpit there is a video screen showing video telemetry from the outside of the transport. If the high durability cameras are destroyed, there is a satellite in orbit that can give it directions, even it is driving blind. On the top of the transport, the two maser pods take the form of black domes, and are capable of firing a concentrated maser beam at any target that comes within firing radius. The power of the hits can vary between stunning and enough to kill easily.

The transport drives upon caterpillar tracks, protected by a thick steel-titanium plate protecting the tracks from attack. To protect the bottom of the transport from mines and so-such, a separate shield generator protects it, and the floor is made from 9 inch thick steel-titanium. The tracks can actually propel the transport with surprising speed, around 80kph and with very impressive force. Combined with a ram at the front and back of the transport, it can drive through buildings with surprising ease, the people inside not feeling much.

The monetary transaction can take place in either electronic or physical form. There is a very durable screen and interface which is used for electronic money, and a specialised slot for physical money. After the money is put in, a metal plate shoots down, a camera/scanner counts the amount of money, and if it is enough they are let go, if not they are required to pay the rest. It doesn't give change except in extraordinary circumstances. Any vandalism to the interior of the transport is added to the fare.
I haven't entierly finished, and so any suggestions may find themselves in the finished design.
Is this done? *Is updating the site*
Unless anyone has any more suggestions - yes.

The price chart hasn't been established, and likely won't be. When it is used I think common sense will dictate the price. Their are too many variables for a simple chart.
Saw a couple of things:

Zakalwe said:
The entire transport is projected by a form-fitting shield generator capable of absorbing .
Absorbing what?

Zakalwe said:
If the high durability cameras are destroyed, there is a satellite in orbit that can give it directions, even it is driving blind.
Is there some kind of distress beacon that the driver can activate? Maybe a deadman switch?

Zakalwe said:
Combined with a ram at the front and back of the transport, it can drive through buildings with surprising ease, the people inside not feeling much.
"Dang it, I didn't see that stop sign... Sorry, ma'am, please go back to sleep, someone will be by shortly to repair your living room." ^_^

Zakalwe said:
Any vandalism to the interior of the transport is added to the fare.
This being determined by the driver or some other system?

One thing I'm wondering is what is there to prevent tailgating, and I don't mean the driving version. For example, Joe and Mark (arbitrary names, apologies to anyone who thinks I mean them, for I don't) are riding along, and we get to Joe's stop. Mark's short on cash, but Joe isn't. Mark decides to go through the door right after Joe pays and exits, and before the door closes, possibly by tackling Joe right after the door opens so they both roll out the door and land on the ground outside. What's to prevent this? Do they even try to prevent this, or figure that since Mark isn't getting off at his desired stop, he's on his own?

Looks nice, and remind me never to ride one. I'm absent minded...
Your first point is answerable to the point that I am abysmal at coming up with number of joules per meter for shields. It's quite powerful, enough to negate most weapons that are going to be fired at it.

I took the distress signal as red, assuming it would be in there even if I didn't say anything. I am sorry. There is a distress beacon for circumstances where the vehicle is down and the pilots can only press a button, not ask for assistance.

To your third point, yes. However Emrys Industries always looks into a driver after any meaningful amount of collateral damage has been inflicted. They also only allow someone to drive one once they are content with their responsibility and driving ability.

The additional price would be decided back at depot. They will not be allowed out for the remainder of that journey. Small things like damaging the chairs, putting gum on the floor etc., can be decided upon by the driver. A system surveying the interior of the transport informs them when such an action is taken.

Tailgaters are shot with a stunning maser pulse. In your example Joe would be safe to leave, while Mark would be hit by the maser, knocked unconscious by the maser, and dragged back in. Alternative action can be decided in different circumstances.
Zakalwe said:
Your first point is answerable to the point that I am abysmal at coming up with number of joules per meter for shields. It's quite powerful, enough to negate most weapons that are going to be fired at it.
So it will take small arms fire and, say, anything else up to but not including an anti-tank weapon? That may be enough of a description for RP; let someone else work out J/m numbers if they need it.

Zakalwe said:
I took the distress signal as red, assuming it would be in there even if I didn't say anything. I am sorry.
No problem, I was just wondering what would the driver could do if he/she/it lost all the cameras to obviously hostile fire and the satellite link got shot off as well.

Zakalwe said:
To your third point, yes. However Emrys Industries always looks into a driver after any meaningful amount of collateral damage has been inflicted. They also only allow someone to drive one once they are content with their responsibility and driving ability.
Nice to know, even though I was just making a joke. I'll have to remember to flag those things in the future.

Zakalwe said:
Tailgaters are shot with a stunning maser pulse.
Nice. ^_^

OK, that's everything I can think of. I vote to ship it (like my vote is worth anything, but still, out of principle...).
I took the distress signal as red, assuming it would be in there even if I didn't say anything
That's the opposite of the way things are generally done around here, since different people would assume different things. If something's not mentioned in the stats, it's not in the vehicle.

Furthermore, sloppy workmanship or lazyness OOC generally is considered to be a form of passive role-playing for the organization that that person's creations are being put into the IC world though. It's a way of keeping the quality up. What this mean is that if your technical stats are poorly written or not understandable, the GM has the right to count that part of the vehicle as potentially malfunctioning.

Here's an example:

The Champion stats don't have any armor listed under ship systems, therefere the GM must assume there is no armor, only a basic, generic hull. It's the same with life support.
In all fairness I think life support is a fairly standard thing and dosen't need to be included on starship stats unless it is something special. Kinda like wheels on a car, they aren't always listed in the stats but you know they are there.
Without information on life support, I have no idea how long it would last, how the particular system works, whether it includes water and/or food recyling, how many people it supports, whether or not there is a backup or redundancy system, where the oxygen tanks, if any, are stored, if the thing runs on its own computer, or under the main one, or even what species it is designed to provide breathable air for. I'd like to know at least most of these. Don't leave out life support descriptions in starship stats. Y'all have been warned.
To be fair, I did not design the Champion. I am however doing an updated version of the site.

Oh, and I encourage everyone to leave the NovaCorp pages alone. They haven't been updated in a long time, and don't really represent what we are selling.
Zakalwe said:
Oh, and I encourage everyone to leave the NovaCorp pages alone. They haven't been updated in a long time, and don't really represent what we are selling.
"Information herein is subject to change without notice. Please contact us for the latest information before using these components in a production item." Or something like that...