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Emrys Industries Body Armour/ Uniform

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Inactive Member
Alright people, I liked that article in the Starlight Lounge, and has been planning on making a uniform for some time. And so I came up with this. I don't have any experiance in the milistary, so if I've missed out some important factor, please let me know. Also if SA's intrested, well then I'm sure the standard deal can be arranged, Emrys producing them for free.

Emrys Industries Body Armour/ Uniform

Despite the popularity and success of the Dusk EVA suit, so much so that the Star Army created its own version, Emrys Industries was still looking for a suit of armour that could be worn in order to allow flexibility, protection, but not weigh down the wearer or be cost prohibitive. And as such, Seru ordered research! And the research created a suit based on one of Emrys Industries strengths: artificial compounds and substances, in this case Felluerere like materials, Titanium Disulfide in particular. These substances are much like the fullerene's, nano-structures made of carbon, like buckyballs and buckytubes, but instead of using carbon, it uses another inorganic substance. The advantage of this is that it is easier to make, less reactive (and therefore more stable and better for protection), and without the health hazards associated with fullerenes. The uniform is not for sale to the standard public as of yet, but is available to Emrys Employees and to members of the Star Army if wanted (pending deal).

The suit comes in two parts, the trousers (pants for Americans), and top. They take the form of a black (colour is variable, black is default) flexible elastic material, but with large silvery plates over the chest, and other inflexible parts of the body, for example over the biceps, and upper and lower leg, while leaving the joints unhindered, and also allowing for breatheability. Both the plates and the fabric use Titanium Disulfride, mixed with the fabric, and making up the entirety of the plates. This means that the plates have above a 350 tons/cm2 strength, and impacts of up to 1.5 km/second by normal sized projectiles. The strength comes from the fact the Titanium Disulfride is made up from nano-tubes. The fabric is also very strong and shock absorbent, but not quite as much, protecting still from most types of hand held projectile weapons not utilising especially powerful or penetrating ammunition.

Inside the suit is a thin layer of highly effective padding, further dampening the effects of weapons, and making the clothes more comfortable to wear. As an added advantage, the clothes are specially designed to control their temperature in such a way that the wearer does not become to hot or too cold in non-extreme environments. In the upper body part of the uniform, there is a small sensor above the heart to monitor breathing rate and the pulse of the wearer. The fabric is treated to be waterproof, windproof, dirt resistant, easily cleanable and is essentially scentless. The uniform is relatively easy to put on, simple requiring being pulled over the head (for the top), or being put on much like a tracksuit would for the trousers. Over the uniform are a variety of pockets, varying in size and location due to purpose, mostly on the limbs where there is a gap between metallic plates, although there are some on the plates, using adhesive to stay on. In other places there are Velcro straps for additional equipment.

Also included are boots, which are made from a sturdier version of the fabric that makes up the uniform, and also comes with plates, dark ones instead of silvery. These boots come half the way up the lower leg, and are waterproof. The insides are snug and comfortable for the feet, made for long walks, or for crossing difficult terrain. There is a inbuilt hilt for a dagger, with a strap to secure it in. The uniform also comes with the standard Emrys Industries gloves, with or without claws at the wearers preference.

A helmet has yet to be created, but will be made if there is interest in the product.

The product as shown is in its default stages. The design can be changed for coloration, whether in Khaki or DPM, and has a Infra-red Reflective coat, which makes the wearer less susceptible to nightvision.
I'm liking the idea, but you might want to make the armor plates a optional attachments (attached via clips, straps, velcro, space duct tape, whatever) because It would probably get uncomfortable after awhile wearing inflexible plating. The flexible cloth-esque part would still probably be equal to a balistic jacket anyway, plenty good to help against minor impacts from small arms fire.
Ohh, a body armor. Sakue might buy one (if it's not too expensive :/)

However, you can protect the knees and the elbows without hindering movement (or only a little). Look at the good'ol full plate armor from your standard medieval knight ;p

Knees and elbows protection are a must (especially knees) when you need to jump quickly undercover, or when you just trip over a rock.

And what are the sensors for ? I mean, what happens if you breathe too fast or your heart is going to explode ?
As for the sensors: They're there so commanding officers can easily monitor the health, and state, of the wearer. I forgot to say there is a small broadcasting device connected to it, although this can easily be disabled for stealth.

There are plates covering the knees and the elbows, I meant to say that there was gaps in order to allow for flexible movement.

The placement of the plates, combined with their lightness and the paddings, make sure that it is comfortable, and stays comfortable.
ah, ok. I had understood the plates to be covering the chest and whatnot, but knees and elbows shouldn't have much impact in flexibility or comfort.
Now, if we could attach this armour to the proposed type-43 enviorment suit then I'd feel like a much safer space-cowboy.

Regardless, since this is present tech and it's already approved I don't see a problem with it. However, since this is present tech (and we are so not present here) perhaps there are better things this could be made out of?
{I did replace the adrium weave with a TiS02 weave on the Type-43, btw.]

Well, there are limits to how strong molecules can bond with each other, and I believe fullerenes are on the upper limit of that. There so strong because each molecule bonds covalently with several others around it.

Also, remember that old things still are used. People still wear cotton cloth, write on rice paper, and eat simple rice even when synthetic products should have logically replaced all of these as far superior.
NovaCorp has far stronger matterials, Carbon-Ring for example, but this is Emrys, and this is the best realistic matterial I could find. And Emrys specialises in technology that isn't too advanced.
Carbon rings? Fullerenes are much, much stronger than carbon rings (benzene and such). Each atom/molecule in a fullerene is bonded to 3-4 other molecules, whereas the carbon rings atoms are only bonded to 2 others. So the fullerene can maintain a degree of strength (2 bonds still holding a atom onto it) when the carbon ring would be random deterious floating around. Further fullerenes strands can bond strongly with each other over large areas, wheras the carbon rings cannot. So overall, fullerenes are much stronger than carbon rings.
This is getting off the point but:

https://stararmy.com/forums/viewtopic.ph ... ght=carbon

Of course, there are other materials besides iron, and many of them have also been tested in the form of perfect whiskers. The most impressive of these is carbon, in the forms of both diamond and graphite. Perfect diamond whiskers have values of 20,500,000, 20,200,000, and 12,100,000 N/cm^2 in tension, compression and shear. That's quite impressive. Hardness is closely related to tensile strength, so you can see why diamond is so hard.

Perfect diamond is a another real material, but there is a theoretical material which is far stronger. It, too, uses carbon, but in the form of benzine-like rings. These are looped through each other in a three-dimensional matrix, and the impressive figures (1.0 X 10^15 (that's a 1 followed by 15 zeroes), 9.3 X 10^14, and 9.3 X 10^12 N/cm^2) for the yield strengths come from the fact that not only is deformation resisted by the normal molecular bonds, but by the mutual repulsion of the shared electron clouds around the rings. As you can imagine, this also makes the material extremely rigid. And hard. (My thanks to Dr. John Brantley for telling me about this.)
Would memory metals, or memory polymers be handier instead of inflexible plates? They would be more comfortable to wear for longer periods of time since they can move with the body.
Not really, as memory metals generally require lots of heat to change shape and most at room temperature would be as inflexible as the plates already proposed.
Uso Tasuki said:
Not really, as memory metals generally require lots of heat to change shape and most at room temperature would be as inflexible as the plates already proposed.

But is there several types of memory materials, not just heat based?

(Sorry for the one liner.)
There are other types but generally they tend to act like normal metals until heat is applied.

There are weird ones that could be used like liquid pouches that form into metals when struck, but you'd have to look into those.
I wasn't particularly talking about the way the armour is constructed (fullerenes), but rather what it's made from. Now, I'm sure that Titanium Disulfride is seriously resiliant but there are probably better things it could be made from. Ones that are capable of surviving higher velocity projectiles (because 1100mph is slow in the grand scheme of things) or are much more capable of resisting energy based weaponry (which are quite prevalent).
From what I've read the only real way to protect against high-power energy weapons, especially particle beams and very short wavelength lasers (gamma and x-ray), is to just put allot of mass (gamma and x-rays) or nucleui (particle beams) between you and the beam. The physical make-up of the material becomes signifigantly less important.
Vesper said:
From what I've read the only real way to protect against high-power energy weapons, especially particle beams and very short wavelength lasers (gamma and x-ray), is to just put allot of mass (gamma and x-rays) or nucleui (particle beams) between you and the beam. The physical make-up of the material becomes signifigantly less important.
That's 'a lot'.

It's easy to protect yourself from particle beams with a magnetic field; they just allez-oop and off to the side. For lasers, you'll want something with a lot of valence electrons; say, lead, for example; which will be able to absorb a lot of the photons due to the huge energy in ionization levels available. The only trouble is, this will heat up almost as fast as your skin, so...coolant would be necessary as well.

As for hardness, see http://www.winstonbrill.com/bril001/html/article_index/articles/51-100/article61_body.html
Would it be possible to protect yourself from laser weaponry by using some sort of Aerosol? Being what they are, lasers are probably a lot more susceptible to atmospheric interference that a projectile weapon or one that uses larger particles. I'd reason to say that even a lot of water vapor would reduce their effectiveness (because water reflects light) and it wouldn't be too hard to come up with something better than that. Nano-chaff or something similar?
Yes, modern tanks use Aerosol as an anti-laser device. Defracting of the laser beam spreads its power over a larger area, making it do less damage to any one spot. Also, having to burn through the aerosol makes the laser use up some of its energy before the actual impact if it makes it through at all. The aerosol also tends to send the beam bouncing in all directions ( tydenol effect, probably not spelled right) allowing someone to see the beam and where it is comming from.
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