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Emrys Industries Pheremones


Inactive Member
Emrys Industries Pheromones.

Emrys Industries has been working for some time on projects rotating around pheromone based drugs, designing and developing them so they are effective on Geshrin, Yamatians, and to an even greater effect Nepleslians and other varieties of unenhanced humans (Emrys Industries is considering bringing the drugs into Ayenee). They are designed to be the perfect drug, they have strong effects, very few side effects (as long as they are used sensibly), and are hard to detect in the blood stream, to standard technology, Star Army standard has no prblem, although it is easy to detect in the air using the right sensors. Despite this, Emrys Industries has no particular wish to go into the illegal drugs use, preferring to think of their drugs as helping people and being used for recreational use. They do however understand that some of them may be abused.

The Pheremones have the capability of stimulating the body and brain, giving it suggestions and feelings, which allow the drugs to have many effects on the body. The chemical signals can change emotions, change what a cell is producing, in fact it can command the body to do most things, but not always safely. Emrys Industries has spent a lot of time and money making sure that their Pheremone Drugs are as safe as possible in the recomended doses.

The pheromone drugs take the form of 1 ½ long metal cylinder, with one smooth, rounded end, and another flat one. The pheromone drug can be either drunken, or injected, which it allows by a chemical in the concoction which makes cells extremely absorbent. As such if you press the cylinder to your arm (or whatever part of your body you wish), and press the rounded end, your arm will quickly absorb the chemical, it will quickly reach the blood stream and come into effect. It can also be drunken by unscrewing the flat end and simply drinking it, the fluid being absorbed in the mouth or when going down the throat. It is rare for any of it to reach the stomach.

In the capsules the amount of the pheremone is measured very specificly, and if taking just that capsule, there should not be any problems, taking more than that can cause serious dificulties, apart from Bliss, which can be overdosed up to a degree without harm

There are several varieties, and more are being developed:

Focus: This drug allows for extreme concentration, putting all your focus on a single point and going for it without being distracted, by stimulating parts of the frontal lobe. It is very useful if you wish to do work, and work well and has a certain effect of negating the need for sleep and rest, again effecting certain areas of the brain. It can be abused and the takers body can simply wear out if this is taken over a prolonged amount of time (if the body does not rest enough, mentally they will be able to continue, and they will feel as if they can physically), and can burn the body out, as it begins to burn up muscle and fat that the body needs to function. If overdosed it can cause a need for more to maintain concentraion. 20 ks.

Calm: This suppresses most emotions and grants a feeling of calmness. It does this through restricing the parts of the brain that control emotion, while stimulating others to create a very specific effect. This is useful for people who have emotional problems, such as emotional pain, hatred, or experience other unwanted emotions. It is predicted that if this is taken too much, as in they are constantly under the effect, it may permanently dampen the ability to feel emotions. 15 ks.

Serenity: This is a close relative of Calm, but it creates a sense of peace and happiness in the user, a feeling of being truly content and happy. In adition to the effect of Calm, it stimulates part of the pleasure centres of the brain. Overdosing can cause hatred of reality. 16 ks.

Clarity: This drug allows you to see through problems with clarity, removing most of the emotional attachments that are needed in the problem. It is currently under development due to the complexity of the drug, but it is being tested out. How it achieves this effect it not public. Not for public sale yet.

Rage: This is one of the more dangerous drugs, and many people question why it was developed. It creates an immunity to pain, allowing for dangerous use of muscles, and releases huge amounts of adrenalin and other natural hormones that make the user feel, and effectively is, unstoppable. Again this uses specific stimulation and supresion of parts of the brain, as well as releasing adrenalin and tetosterone. It also unlocks a more bestial side to the person, more assertive and angry. The combination between the adrenalin, and not feeling pain, means that the person is effectively far stronger than normal, and more dangerous. An overdose of this can cause heart failure, and prolonged use can cause psychosis, as well as developing other health problems. 25 ks.

Prime: This is the single most potent drug, since it is a combination of most of them. It instils a feeling of satisfaction, by way of stimulating the right parts of the brain, while speeding up the metabolism through the right chemical commands including tetosterone and adrenaline, the heart, and the nerves, allowing for the body to move faster, react faster, think faster, bringing them to their ‘Prime'. This is a more expensive drug than most, but it has been worked on the most, and has no side-effects what so ever. Well, unless you take more than a shot in an hour. If you do the carefully measured nature of the shot is thrown out of balance and you risk messing up your whole body, including your heart, brain, and nervous system. 40 ks.

Bliss: Possibly the most popular drug in predictions, bliss creates a state of bliss, extreme pleasure, by stimulating a carefull selection of parts of the brain. There are few states that rival Bliss induced pleasure, especially if you take multiple dosages (up to around 9 in an hour, which is undescribable). It is simply amazing. It also has no side-effects, even with an overdose, it only increases the pleasure. Well that's with a reasonable over dose. It is possible with massive dosages, as in taking around 10 in a single hour, to slip into a coma (a very pleasant coma, but still a coma), or to premantly damage your brain. 15 ks.

Power: This is a less dangerous version of rage. It increases physical power by increasing the metabolism, and level of blood sugar, and testosterone, burning up energy fast, but granting greater physical abilities. It doesn't damage the pancreas, and thus doesn't cause any permenant damage in this regard. Overdosing can cause damage to the body, but it requires quite a bit of overdosing. 15 ks.

Attraction: This in fact is nothing to do with physical attraction; it instead makes people in the vicinity to want to go to this area. It works using a spray instead of the standard injection method. 11 ks.

Vigour: This works as an aphrodisiac. I'm not going into any more details. It stimulates. Oh use your imagination people. 8 ks.

More are of course being worked upon and will be added as time goes on.

Edit: Ammended for both Zack's and Wes' suggestions. I haven't added Agony yet, but ... well I'm leaving that for a bit.
Seems all good to me, except for this part:
hard to detect
(If it's easy to pick up by a human, it'll be easily picked up by a detector)

And this part:
The Pheremones have the capability of stimulating the body and brain, giving it commands, which allow the drugs to have many effects on the body. The chemical signals can change emotions, change what a cell is producing, in fact it can command the body to do most things, but not always safely.
Giving commands? I don't think so. I think it's more like giving a feeling or a physical effect. The effects described above support this too.

With the minor changes above, this will be approved for IC use. I can't wait to see it in action (these are going to be abused so much lol :P )
Wait a minuet, Pheremones affect beings that are not their user. You're thinking of Hormones.

And really, Hightened senses can detect Pheremones quite easly. Why do you think animals use them almost exclusivly for some types of communication? I fear what will happen to Fenyaro, (mainly Kee'Awloo and Dy'Unnar) who get a wiff of these things,
Not really. If you think about it the chemicals are being introduced from outside the body, and are not ones that are produced normally. They are being brought into the body and producing an effect that would not normally happen.

Therefore Phereomones.
Zakalwe said:
Not really. If you think about it the chemicals are being introduced from outside the body, and are not ones that are produced normally. They are being brought into the body and producing an effect that would not normally happen.

Therefore Phereomones.

But, they are being used in effect on one body, save that attraction thing. Pheremones are extrued from the body to effect others.

So calling them "Pheremones" isn't correct, even if calling them "Pheremones" isn't wrong either. They'll need a new name.

1. A substance, usually a peptide or steroid, produced by one tissue and conveyed by the bloodstream to another to effect physiological activity, such as growth or metabolism.
2. A synthetic compound that acts like a hormone in the body.


1. A chemical secreted by an animal, especially an insect, that influences the behavior or development of others of the same species, often functioning as an attractant of the opposite sex.

Because this is not secreted by an animal, but created synthetically, calling it a Pheremone is wrong.
Who said it wasn't created by animals? The details of its production have not been produced.

In all official documentation of the effects, it will be noted as a hormone or something of that nature, however Pheremone was decided to sound better for a brand name.

1. A chemical secreted by an animal, especially an insect, that influences the behavior or development of others of the same species, often functioning as an attractant of the opposite sex.

Read the definition of this again.

the behavior or development of others of the same species

This says specifically that it is created by a member of the same species that it is intended to effect. That means that you would have to be geneticaly engneering humans to produce this substance for use on other humans. If you altered them genetically for this kind of thing they wouldn't really be the species they started out as would they? Same family yes but not same species.

Unless all of these occur naturally in the body you can't call them Pheremones.
Eh, there's nothing wrong with calling something that it isn't if it sounds better.

You see it in advertising all the time.

High energy bar? Sports drink? Thirst quencher used to describe sodas? Eggland's best eggs?

I have no reason to see how it'd be any different in this case.
There is a difference between getting this approved for use in RP and using them in RP. In this case he is trying to describe how his drugs work and he dosen't quite understand what he has made so he can't adiquitely discribe how they work and their effects.

Its perfectly ok to lie about what he has made IC, however getting aproval OOCly for use in the RP should be done with the proper wordings.
But in the end, why be so nitpicky?

It's negative and discourages player creativity.

I call it an honest mistake. Let's look beyond the letter of the definition to the heart of it. It's a good idea.

Hormone sounds better than pheremone, but is it really that big of a matter? For all I care, they could be called "SUPER DRUG X EXTREME +1 TO ALL YOUR STATS ELIXER PILLS."

They're drugs. We don't have a lot of drugs in SA. Therefore, this is awesome.

Hell, two seconds ago I just thought of a logical explanation for how to call them pheremones. Animals secrete pheremones. These secretions are trapped in pills and given to people. You ingest the pheremones. Badda bing, badda boom.

I'm sure with all the genetic tinkering and crazy technobable used in this universe, we can let something this harmless slide.
But in the end, why be so nitpicky?

Why worry about quality? Why fix small problems? Why speak up when you see something wrong?

In the end the more discussion about a topic, the more critisisum, the more 'nitpicking' about small things the greater the understanding of the topic, and the greater, more realilistic the RP about the subject becomes.
There's a point where nitpicking gets annoying. When that happens, the game becomes less fun.

There are times when it's best to forgo the annoying formalities of having everything be perfect for the sake of bolstering realism and just let the guys have some fun with their ideas.

After all, we are playing a game here. The writer of this drug obviously believes they should be pheremones instead of hormones. Are we really going to shoot down such an inspired idea over a single word?

Doesn't sound very fun to me.
There's a point where nitpicking gets annoying. When that happens, the game becomes less fun.

Maybe for you, but this isn't your technology that your trying to introduce anyways. Submiting technology is really something that only the older players should do because only they have the proper understanding of this universe and the technologies involved. The technology used on this site like a foundation for the rest of the RP. Because the tech is used so often in many many other places down the line it needs to be correct.

We aren't shooting this idea down, we are simply showing that he was incorrect about what he has actually made. This vertion of is deffinintly a huge step up from the first incarnation and has given the creator a greated understand of what he is creating so he isn't just pulling it out of thin air.

Again 'nitpicking' has not only educated the creator about what he has made but improved the quality of the RP down the line. Long story short if you can't take critisisum don't post on this part of the site.

Now, back to the drugs at hand.
I understand your pespective on this matter. I hope you understand mine as well. I simply do not want players with potentially fantastic ideas to be intimidated by the degree of scrutiny placed on them. If anything, I feel it best to point out the positives of the idea, before entering criticisms. It shows a certain degree of respect for the poster and his idea.

It's the more tactful way of approaching the matter, and I hope to see it used at every available opportunity.

Returning to the matter at hand. Couldn't pheremones/secretions of animals be collected and condensed into a pill format?
I understand your prespective as well, I just think that if people start slacking off on the critisisum of new designs just because someone thinks it is fantastic we will end up with something not very well thought out and overly used in RP. This has happened before because people complained long and hard enough their stuff was let through without proper scrutiny.

If a pheremone of an animal was collected and used on a different animal then it is no longer a pheremone by definition. I adressed that earlyer in the thread.
Submiting technology is really something that only the older players should do because only they have the proper understanding of this universe and the technologies involved.

Does this in fact include me?

Long story short if you can't take critisisum don't post on this part of the site.

I can take criticism.

I'm working on another name. Suggestions are welcome.