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Emrys Manacles


Inactive Member
Electromagnetic Manacles

The Electromagnetic Manacles were designed by Emrys Industries with the intent of producing a device that could restrain even ID-sol's and other extremely strong individuals, including those who were cybernetically enhanced and as such be a boon for any peacekeeping agency. The market that Emrys Industries was looking at was the FCPD, but an item such as this could find use in any self-respecting police force.

Electromagnetic Manacles come it two basic forms – arms and legs, and then in two varieties – normal sized and big (big in this case meaning the sort of size that an ID-sol is). The manacles do not come attached, but as two separate objects. In appearance they seem to simply be a loop of metal whose band is one inch thick and two wide and with a thick hinge on one side, and the loop is roughly the size of a normal humans arm (or leg, or ID-sols arm or leg).

One placed around the subjects arm (or leg), the Manacles powerful electromagnetic field which first causes the Manacles to slam shut while other systems in the manacle quickly adapt its circumference and size to match the size of the targets wrist (or ankle), although it can also clasp somewhat higher up the arm or leg. At around about this point the highly powerful directed electromagnetic field is attracted to that of the other Manacle, which causes them to clasp together with great force. This is where the immobilisation effect of the manacle comes in, since the manacles attractive force is equivalent to 2000 lbs, and as such enough to prevent even an ID-sol or other such ‘super-strong' or enhanced miscreants.

The Electromagentic Manacles are paired with a transmitter device which sends out a radio signal, containing the complex and coded algorithm which releases the Manacles. Besides this the only way to remove the Manacles is brute force, given that it has copious amounts of tamper-proof features its own power source (functional for twelve hours), and is built of next to unbreakable aggregated diamond nanorods capable of withstanding 491 Gigapascals, and a tensile strength of 100 gigapascals, equivalent to 1,019,716 kilogram-force/square centimeter.

An additional feature of the Electromagnetic Manacles is that they can periodically create small electromagnetic pulses whose effect is limited to roughly the wearer, and as such render any electronics on him, or part of him, useless. This feature is controlled by the transmitter.

It should be noted that the Electromagnetic Manacles are mostly to be used when the target is incapacitated or distracted. Use in other circumstances may well lead to complications. They are delivered by hand, in much the same way conventional hand-cuffs are.

The Electromagnetic Manacles are powered by an onboard battery which can sustain 12 hours of constant use after being charged for 6 hours. They are charged in a specially made dock.

Price: 1,000 KS

Low tech equivalent:

Given that this level of technology would not be needed in many situations, Emrys Industries did create a low technology Manacles which is effectively a set of hand-cuffs crafted out of aggregated diamond nanorods. Due to it being constructed out of this material it actually requires the equivalent to a thousand tonnes of pressure on every centimetre of the chain or main body of the handcuff to break them. It is locked using both an advanced Tubular pin tumbler lock and a six digit code using a number chosen by computer to be psychologically unlikely to being found (each is different though, and the number is changed each time it is taken off the prisoner). Furthermore neither of the locks can be reached by the miscreant due to the angle of his hands.

Price: 400 ks.

Aggregated Diamond Nanorods
I am uncertain. They're a variety of nano-rods, which can, but I don't know if they allow electricity to flow through them. Is that truely significant?

Oh ... the actuall generators inside the manacles aren't made out of that material, they're regular (although hardy) electronics.
It seems like it might be too dangerous for police use, with the forceful way of closing and the two parts "slamming" together.
Even too dangerous for FCPD? The single most violent police force in the know RPverse?

I agree that in some circimstances they are dangerous, but in others (such as when the target is already subdued, for example in the transportation of a convict) they present no danger.
From the description, I'm under the impression that there are only 2 positions, open and closed, rather than having multiple locking positions like normal handcuffs...so if someone's hands are too small, they'd be able to slip out, whereas if their wrists are too big, they'd get crushed when it locks.
One placed around the subjects arm (or leg), the Manacles powerful electromagnetic field which first causes the Manacles to slam shut while other systems in the manacle quickly adapt its circumference and size to match the size of the targets wrist (or ankle), although it can also clasp somewhat higher up the arm or leg.

The size does in fact change to fit the size of the miscreants limb, which it does through a multiple layer sliding plate system concealed beneath the top layer which is not so much metal as a advanced and highly tough polymer that looks just like metal. This allows for the manacle to adjust its size while maintaining the same smooth appearance.
Well, it's kind of like "why would anyone make these when conventional cuffs are less dangerous and equally effective (if not more so)?"
Partially because conventional handcuffs might not fare overly well against a cybernetically enhanced target, or an ID-sol, who might be able to break their bonds.

However the low-tech hand cuffs that are also included in the post do deal with these problems.

The reasoning behind the electro-magnetic manacles is that they will actually be more effective than normal handcuffs, or legcuffs, by benefits of the closeness by which they bind the hands, and not being as hard to put on as other handcuffs which might hope to do the same thing. By having the wrists or arms forced in to constant contact you limit their maneuverability a lot more - they will not be able to effectively elbow someone for example, or use their hands as effectively as they might in normal handcuffs.

Secondly don't underestimate the power of 'this is a cool idea'. If Seru finds an interesting concept he's likely to put money in to it, as long as it does have at least some practical application. These work on a fairly decent concept basis, and look good as they work.

Thirdly I've implemented a seconsory device in to the manacles. Simply put they will only close when there is no matter obscuring the area of the manacle that will close. This isn't perfect - you can get some really nasty pinching when a very small bit of skin is caught, but it stops anything serious being crushed.

Fourth the manacles now do not instantly start their magnetic field on full, but increase to that with some speed. This means they do not 'slam' together but still move fast.

Is that better?
Approved, I guess. (Blech.)
I can see it being very useful in a maximum security prison scenario or for active surpression of a test subject (READ: Whatever alien happens to be in the lab that you don't want running around)

Actually, now that I think about it.

Does Yamatai even have prisons?
Yes, it does. There are two kinds: Government-run ones, which are strict but clean and humane, and privately-owned contracted ones, which are brutal and tiny. The latter are used for the worst of criminals - they're a rarity these days though (on Yamatai) but are fairly common on Nepleslia. The only private one still active on Yamatai is the Thornton complex, run by Nepleslian torture enthusiast Jacob Thornton. Yamataian government prisons are located mostly in the planet's military states, near major cities (Central, Kyoto, Uesureyan Fields).