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Laz Public Network Encrypted Communication: Nishitama City Office # 8412


Inactive Member
Encrypted Communication:

BAD Office Operatives, This is the Administrator.

I suspect that by now you've gotten things going well situated in orbit around the Samurai Sanctuary.  It's time we got started gathering our information.


Observe KMS media for bias and omission of facts, which can aid in determining its political stance and possible intentions.

Passively scan at all times and observe KMS fleet strength and infantry.  Report unexplained increases and maneuvers which could be a threat to Core Yamatai, Yamatai's holdings, Nepleslia, UOC, etc.  Estimate KMS strength against Core Yamatai, Nepleslia, and UOC.

Try to observe public opinion of Core Yamatai amongst those loyal to Uesu.  Is it favorable?  Are Uesu's people disillusioned with or disloyal to Yamatai?  Determine if loyalty to Core Yamatai has been maintained or strategically shifted to Uesu himself.

Determine if the KMS has nationalized.  Does it consider itself an independent force from Core Yamatai?  Does it no longer wish to obey the Empire?

Discover the opinion of KMS toward other races, such as the Nepleslians and the Jiyuuians.

Report any new ship classes in the area which have not been reported to Core Yamatai.  Are they combat-grade?  What is their purpose?

Report if the KMS respecting the Nepleslians' claims to former Mishhu territories.

I honestly hope these results do not point to a conflict of interests, but they must be explored.  Core Yamatai is too distracted by the UOC and other circumstances, it seems, to determine if the KMS is a threat.

Depending on your findings, we may intensify our information gathering capabilities in that sector.  That is all.
2 Level Security: Encryption and Custom Encoding:

To Master Director Kage @ Eucharis:
From Site Director Takeda @ Nishitama

600 new ships have been constructed for the 1st XF.  Reason for construction unknown.
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