Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!



Inactive Member
Retired Member
There was a dull flicker on the monitor as the message was brought to light on the machine, what was supposed to be a simple document injecting code into the system it executed upon, looking for something. To 99.99% of those out there who viewed it, it was simply a brief glitch and a corrupted file: machine-code which would only run on extremely specific hardware.

But for those who met the conditions...

The screen would flicker a dull rainbow of passive colors as it calibrated, text gradually scrolling either side in various layers like the motions of a jittering Nepleslian Jumping spider as the decision cycles in its tiny mind ticked and rolled like clockwork.

After quite a time, the screen slowly faded to white and then to black again before orange text would scroll across, the message displayed in motion, the audio file backing it decrypted as text etched down the display...

//Decryption starts...
Start:          call    SystemParametersInfoA,SPI_GETWORKAREA,0,offset ScreenRect,0
                call    SystemParametersInfoA,SPI_GETWORKAREA,0,offset WindowRect,0
                sub     WindowRect.r_right,5
                call    SystemParametersInfoA,SPI_SETWORKAREA,0,offset WindowRect,SPIF_SENDCHANGE
                xor     edx,edx
                mov     eax,ScreenRect.r_bottom
                mov     ebx,20
                div     ebx
                dec     eax
                mov     MaxVert,eax
                call    GetModuleHandleA,0
                mov     hInstance,eax
                mov     wc.wce_cbSize,SIZE WNDCLASSEX
                mov     wc.wce_style,CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW or CS_DBLCLKS
                mov     wc.wce_lpfnWndProc,offset WndProc
                mov     wc.wce_cbClsExtra,NULL
                mov     wc.wce_cbWndExtra,0
                push    hInstance
                pop     wc.wce_hInstance
                mov     wc.wce_hbrBackground,COLOR_BACKGROUND
                mov     wc.wce_lpszMenuName,NULL
                mov     wc.wce_lpszClassName,offset ClassName
                call    LoadIconA,hInstance,1000
                mov     wc.wce_hIcon,eax
                mov     wc.wce_hIconSm,0
                call    LoadCursorA,NULL,IDC_ARROW
                mov     wc.wce_hCursor,eax
                call    RegisterClassExA,offset wc
                mov     wc.wce_cbSize,SIZE WNDCLASSEX
                mov     wc.wce_style,CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
                mov     wc.wce_lpfnWndProc,offset PropDlgProc
                mov     wc.wce_cbClsExtra,NULL
                mov     wc.wce_cbWndExtra,0
                push    hInstance
                pop     wc.wce_hInstance
                mov     wc.wce_hbrBackground,COLOR_BACKGROUND
                mov     wc.wce_lpszMenuName,NULL
                mov     wc.wce_lpszClassName,offset PropClass
                mov     wc.wce_hIcon,0
                mov     wc.wce_hIconSm,0
                call    LoadCursorA,NULL,IDC_ARROW
                mov     wc.wce_hCursor,eax
                call    RegisterClassExA,offset wc
                mov     wc.wce_cbSize,SIZE WNDCLASSEX
                mov     wc.wce_style,CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
                mov     wc.wce_lpfnWndProc,offset AboutProc
                mov     wc.wce_cbClsExtra,NULL
                mov     wc.wce_cbWndExtra,0
                push    hInstance
                pop     wc.wce_hInstance
                mov     wc.wce_hbrBackground,COLOR_BACKGROUND
                mov     wc.wce_lpszMenuName,NULL
                mov     wc.wce_lpszClassName,offset AboutClass
                mov     wc.wce_hIcon,0
                mov     wc.wce_hIconSm,0
                call    LoadCursorA,NULL,IDC_ARROW
                mov     wc.wce_hCursor,eax
                call    RegisterClassExA,offset wc
                mov     eax,ScreenRect.r_right
                sub     eax,5
                call    CreateWindowExA,ebx,offset ClassName,offset WndName,WS_POPUP or WS_BORDER,eax,0,WndSize,ScreenRect.r_bottom,0,0,hInstance,0
                mov     hBar,eax
                call    UpdateWindow,hBar
WaitMessage:    call    GetMessageA,offset msg,0,0,0
                cmp     eax,1
                jnz     StopPrg
                call    IsDialogMessage,hBar,offset msg
                cmp     eax,TRUE
                jz      WaitMessage
                call    TranslateMessage,offset msg
                call    DispatchMessageA,offset msg
                jmp     WaitMessage
                call    ExitProcess,0
End Start

//Movie file follows...

//Mission Briefing.jdd


It was a low gruff voice, throat tight as it spoke in heavy lulled hush, bashed and ground out by audio-encryption, the result leaving a hazy wishy-washy static against the voice as it gave word.

"Your target is to disable the SS Maras, currently escorted by the Lorath Trishka in an attack convoy. The convoy is moving through our territory. Combined, the Trishka, Maras, armor and bomber wings are a force to be reckoned with since the Trishka's heavier weapons and carrier functions compliment the Maras' high mobility through the battle-space and its ability to lay down decisive fire very quickly. This is our problem, not yours.
Once you are in position, we will separate the attack-group and isolate the Maras. That's where you come in: You will have a window of approximately 100 seconds whereby high-energy aetheric systems won't be usable by the enemy so you need to act and get up close and rip her propulsion asunder."

There was a pause of hesitation in the voice, breath rasping over the recording device. A brief clatter of keys and the boot-noise of some ancient machine counting it's RAM checksum and then another jumble of keypress followed before he continued, reading the results before he would speak.


"From what we can tell, Maras is a special-ops gunship. The first of a new breed. She sacrifices armor for mobility. If you can remove the mobility advantage by destroying the propulsive systems, it should be quite easy to disable the main gun and prevent the crew from escaping.

We must have it... We cannot allow the technological gap to grow any wider.

Ahead of time, you will be delivered a bleeding-edge powered armor while in transit and the means to customize it for your mission with help from our engineers. We will also procure any additional munitions that you require regardless of legality through our connections and the price will be deducted from your final reward."
Assuming you commit, the deposit is 25,000 KS and an additional 50,000 KS if the mission is successful, regardless of capture.

Above all, this mission is a show of force. The reward for this will be based on your performance.

Heh... We've encoded this message under an OSC cypher using some very effective neural encryption algorithms typically used by the FreeSpacers. Time and hardware sensitive... Clever little things, aren't they?
By the time the Lorath have this decrypted, the mission will be long over so do not fret. We will communicate further ergo the same means... If you are interested in the job, contact us ergo the provided frequency.

We'll be waiting."

Message Ends.

OOC notes:
Any interested bounty hunters, guns for hire or members of the Opportunist Social Club out there?
We're hiring two and they'll be working together on this OP.

It's an open invitation.

The idea isn't to destroy the Maras. You're to sneak up and catch it with its pants down and let the Occhestian do the rest.
Sitting in an office of origin industries, boredly working on a new design, Aerin looked up as an ancient machine in her office suddenly perked up. The computer was one she'd had several years, acquired during her tenure in the underground. She had only kept it for nostalgia, but often kept the thing running to communicate with old friends. When something different than chat invitation popped up, however, the Woman got up from her desk and moved to the computer. As the message began playing, she became more and more interested. This will be a PERFECT way to test out the Raider she thought, getting some ideas. Quickly, she began to type up a response, applying for a part in the operation.

After a few minutes, she sent off an encrypted message on the proper frequency.

 The SS Raider would be interested in joining this venture. We believe we have the capabilities to be very beneficial in this operation. Being a fast attack craft ourselves, we have very high speed and attack capabilities, as well as plenty of ability to run for more than 100 seconds without Aether power. We may be reached via two methods, contacting this terminal, or contacting the SS Raider herself. We look forward to working on this mission. Happy hunting.

A few more encryption keys followed, before Aerin linked her datapad to the terminal and put the terminal back into standby.

Getting up, she began to look for a few trusted 'volunteers' from the ranks of her company. they would enjoy the bonus, and the change in routine for once.
"Put a lock on it."

Ayla ducked her head down, illuminated by the glow of the control panels aboard the SS Galean. Talroc drummed his fingers against the arm of his pilot's seat, frowning slightly and trying not to breathe the smoke from Andrew's cigarrette.

"I can't," answered Ayla, "It's been bounced around before it got here."

"Andrews? What did we take on at the last station?"

"Well, cap', I took out the fucking useless bulkheads on the wings, cut er' up and put in a couple of P-21 Missile Batteries. We're rigged for some serious firepower this time, and I've got the controls right here." Grinning around the cigarette, the half-mechanical Red party member patted the weapons control panel.

Looking over the missive again, Talroc sighed, displacing some of the smoke.

"Very well. Return a reply, as follows;"




He sat back.

The bridge grew silent. Talroc noticed Ayla, watching him.


"You're smiling," Ayla answered, turning back to her console.

"Are you worried?" ventured Talroc, crossing his arms so that he could hide his mouth with a hand.

"No," she answered, flatly, "It's just, we've always won, when you've smiled."

"No shit?" shot Andrew, elbowing the bottom of the elevated pilot's seat. "I don't care if you're lucky, just give the orders, a'ight?"

"Very well," Talroc answered, pulling the helm controls up from the wings of the commander's seat, "All ahead full, bearing one-thirty-four, up twelve. Anything in the area, Ayla?"

"No, captain. We're clear, all the way there." After a moment of electrical noises from her panel, she leaned back, winked, and added; "You can open it up, smiley."
The situation calls for a more... 'subtle' approach. 
A large vessel would quickly be detected and the ambush would be a failure, however your firepower will be needed later in the operation.

The operation begins in approximately 5 days when the Maras departs. She will be carrying cargo. Like a lion after a meal, she will be a slower drowsier target. 

Meet at the indicated point and we will provide you with the means to proceed and a mission briefing.

We are particularly in need of skilled operators for powered-armor. The smaller size would allow for the initial strike.

After what they did to us, I won't allow them to escape unscathed.
"Always when I begin to think they've forgotten about me, they destroy my hopes." Drake sighed as he re-read the screen. His cat lay on the desk above his keys, not seeming to care what was going on.

Then again, every time Regnier began to wish he hadn't gotten involved with the OSC, he reminded himself of how much they had done in return. This was probably a chance to pay some of that back... It certainly seemed so as this message had been copied and forwarded to him.

"I suppose..."

I have a pilot of exceptional skill and competence I could spare for this. I certainly hope they are serious about outfitting him, as what few armors we do have around here are currently in use.

Relay this if you would and let me know where to send him. Assuming the assistance is accepted of course.


He wished he hadn't just used the first alias that came out of his subordinates mouth. (Who is thankfully long since dead.) It was going to stick to him though.

The message was sent to the OSC, who in turn replied to the original along with encrypting the information of the interested party.

"Mrow?" Drake's cat yawned and stretched, her nap having come to its end. "No, I'm not going myself. What makes you think I'm in any condition to use a power armor? I'm not a goddamn Cat." The kitten laid its head back down indifferently.