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SACN [ENCRYPTED MESSAGE] To: Motoyoshi Misato, Director of SAINT


Inactive Member
Secure Channel, Quantum Encryption Active.

Motoyoshi Misato-sama,

My name is Kuroaki Isuzu. I am an Ittô Hei rank Technical Sentry in the Fifth Expeditionary fleet, currently assigned as auxiliary security staff for the International Relations Conference on Pisces Station. I have been instructed to forward this correspondence directly to your desk.

In summary of earlier situation reports, available through Pisces Station security, the following events transpired on the morning of the second day of the International Relations Conference:

  • At 1040 hours, I assumed temporary command of the conference area security detail, per orders of the acting head of conference security, Creighton Marks-chui.
  • At 1107 hours, a warrant was issued by Star Army Central Command for the immediate arrest of the Mishhuvurthyar representative, Eyfrlurpjakar Melisson.
  • At 1110 hours, Senator Tange-Katsura Ayana exited the conference room and left the concourse, citing minor injuries due to accident.
  • At 1113 hours, Crowned Prince Motoyoshi Tio issued an Imperial Order though Pisces Station Command that all members of the Yamataian delegation were to be evacuated from the station. The conference area security detail immediately secured Prince Tio and escorted him to the YSS Heion. The security detail also escorted the Elysian and Kohanan representatives from the area, and allowed the Nepleslian IPG detail to secure their representatives.
  • At 1114 hours, Senators Kurokawa, Aegis and Maysaki of Yamatai became separated their security escort in the confusion of the evacuation procedures. It is now believed that this action was intentional on the part of the Senators.
  • At 1116 hours, the conference area security detail entered the conference room and requested of the Mishhuvurthyar representative that she surrender peacefully and allow herself to be placed in custody. Representative Melisson did not take aggressive action, but did not immediately comply. She stated that she was ‘waiting for someone.’ From her statements, it is believed that she was waiting for Senator Kurokawa. As we were under orders from Marks-Chui to arrest Melisson using nonviolent means, if possible, we did not attempt to force her to leave the room. I deemed the conference area a sufficiently secure location to hold Melisson while an escort path to the detention area was being secured.
  • At 1118 hours, Senators Kurokawa and Aegis confronted my security team outside of the main conference room and demanded that they be allowed into the room. They were advised that the area was not secure, and were offered an escort to an evacuation shuttle.
  • At 1119 hours, the senators refused to comply with the evacuation order. I ordered five members of my security team to subdue them and remove them from the area. The remaining members of the security team assigned to arrest Melisson included myself and two NH-28 Nodal Integrated Weapons. Two Nekos in Daisy powered armor remained outside of the conference room to secure the door. The senators were rendered unconscious with scalar stun charges and carried to a waiting shuttle. Senator Maysaki was collected en-route.
  • At 1121 hours, representative Melisson requested that I deliver a message for her. After relaying her message, representative Melisson exited the conference room by unknown means. She appeared to simply 'vanish,' leaving her clothing and belongings behind. We have thus far been unable to ascertain her whereabouts.

Attached, please find the subject of this report: a sense data record of Melisson's message, as recorded by myself. As the representative did not specify a recipient, and parts of this message may be deemed sensitive, I was instructed by my superiors to relay this message to you before releasing it to other parties.

The contents of this message were censored in my original report to station security and I have had the NH-28s' sensory records wiped in accordance with standard safe-handling procedures for preparing Nodal Integrated Weapons for storage. As there were no other persons in the room and the area was under security lockdown, I possess the only complete record of this message:

Begin attached recording:
This ends representative Melisson's message. Please advise with regard to what level of security clearance this content should be placed under, and to whom this message may be released.

Ittô Hei Kuroaki Isuzu
Fifth Expeditionary Fleet
Pisces Station
>>Return to Sender
>>Quantum Encryption Engaged

Above documentation is now identified as SAINT jurisdiction. Your PANTHEON level system has erased the document and all copies. It us under suggestion you forget the above. We will be watching.

>>>Forward: Direct to File:499A /~Misato
>>SAINT-wide Comm

Be advised, Ittô Hei Kuroaki Isuzu has information linked to official business of SAINT. If he breaches trust eliminate the problem.

Black Nova
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