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End of a Dynasty


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The shame of the Motoyoshi division doomed Katsuko's reign; she knew it and so did her aides, they had begun to pack, reverting the palace to it's original state. The Motoyoshi Dynasty had been the shortest in history, over before it even had a chance to begin. Katsuko had learned, she was no politician.

Within a clan to support her, without the protection of the Blackcoats, the majority of which returned home, a home she was no longer able to return home to, or felt that she could return to.

When it came to naming a successor and addressing the people of Yamatai, she would begin to prepare for that upcoming reality, her final speech. Sitting on the balcony, overlooking Kyoto's busy skyline, her laptop open before her.
Alongside the message which came before Katsuko from the Ketsurui was a message which carried the seal of the Lorath Matriarchy... along with several hundred million others as an attachment.

High Priest Velor 'Tomoe' Tur'lista said:
Dear Empress Katsuko,

I hope this message finds you in good health. Our senator has brought word of rumors which have been rattling about the Empire, rumors which have worried me and my sister. My sister and Xiaah has chosen to speak to you separately, but I myself have chosen to speak to you as the High Priest of the Lorath, and as a citizen of the Empire. At this time, I think you would be needing both.

About the rumor, the rumor states that you've been packing, the message behind that is clear, and apparent. I do not know the motivation for your leaving the throne. I do not know if it was the pressure brought on by Yamatai's conflicts, or the UOC's declaration of independence. However, despite the events which have taken place, I would like to assure you that the Lorath people as a whole support you, our Empress.

Before you claimed the throne, the Lorath people were openly defiant and hostile in the face of the Empire despite being citizens... and to be honest, being citizens was the driving reason for our hostility. Even I myself, a man of faith and the one which was to be the voice of peace... even I had my hatred for the Empire which I displayed through open posturing and stubborn will.

Before you, we had to deal with the Ketsurui. In Lorath society, the word Ketsurui, and those names linked to it, are spoken as a vulgarity. In Helashio society, they refer to the Ketsurui as the 'Bringers of sorrow'. While we were under Ketsurui rule, we were in a state of turmoil which we were beginning to think would never end. Some of my people even speculated we would have been better off if we were still in exile in the depths of Lor's subterranean caverns. Since our conquest, until the time of your fleet coming to our aid, we felt a deep loss of hope. We were certain that under the Ketsurui's rule, we were going to shed much blood, and endure a misery which would have taken an unspeakable toll upon my people.

Our loss of hope persisted until we were saved by your fleet. Your people coming to our aid was the first step, your leadership over your people was the next, and your well refined direction was what truly gained the faith of the Lorath people. We the Lorath are indebted to you, your officers beneath you, your fleet, and even the good people which have welcomed us into the Yugumo Cluster with such grace.

With your ascent to the throne, Empress, we have gained a new hope for the Empire, and even for the universe as a whole. Under your watchful eye, we have transitioned from the most grim of situations, to being a prospering people once again. Peace talks, your military policy, your leash upon the Ketsurui, and your sane response to the Freestate and the United Outer Colonies, these are the things which bring the greatest faith in the Empire to my people.

Now, we fear again with these rumors. We are confused as to why you'd wish to leave the throne when we feel safest. We are afraid of who will claim the throne in your wake. We are worried for our future and what will come to haunt us. With fear, my people become restless, we've grown a spirit of combat, I am afraid that if you were to leave the throne, my people would fall into a desperation. With this desperation, I fear they will want to challenge whoever comes next. I also carry that same feeling, and it shakes me to the core and worries me.

Due to this worry, and the will of my people, I bring these words of support. Lady Empress, you have the support of the Lorath people as a whole. Our minds, our hearts, our blood, and our will are with you. Even though there is a border between you and your kin, we will provide ourselves as a bridge. Even though you are without your sisters, we will be there for you. Even though you are without a clan, we offer our strength to protect you.

As I send this message, I have dispatched transport ships carrying a division of some of our finest warriors and a squadron of some of our finest warships to serve as your personal guard. Our strength is with you, as is our loyalty. In time, our strength will grow and so will the support we give to you, Empress.

I, and my people, urge you to remain on the throne, Empress. Guide us into a future which we can welcome with open arms. A number of my people as well have sent their individual words of encouragement. Admirals, Generals, merchants, farmers... from all walks of life, there is support for your continued rule of the Empire.

High Priest and citizen of the Empress' Empire, Velor 'Tomoe' Tur'lista

| Attached: 887,643,570 text and voice messages. |
A short message was forwarded to Katsuko from the UOC.

Tange-Katsura Ayana said:

I wanted to express my heartfelt desire that if you ever wished to return here to Jiyuu, you are more than welcome. I blame circumstance more than you for what has happened but, we have gone down this path as we felt was best for our people. This is your home, you helped build it and I would not deny you it should you ever wish to return.

With best wishes and love,

Akina rose up the stairs, and stepped silently out onto the balcony. "This prospect is a little scary, love." She murmured, bending down to draw her arms around the other woman's shoulders. "You could name the next enemy of all nations in your stead. We finished moving headquarters, though." Her hair was still up from the busy back and forth it had been.

The Taisho wore a simple dark grey dress, the first one she had seen in the wardrobe on the way to Katsuko. Or really one of the things there was left.

Resting her cheek to the side of the Empress head she breathed out softly, "What do you want, truly?"
Katsuko read over her messages, listening to a few of the attached Lorath message. She sighed and shook her head. This was not for her, she was an Admiral not an Empress, and that was as unfair to the people as it was for her. The message from Taisho Yui, although sweet brought another wave of shame, another reminder that her precious Motoyoshi had decided they no longer needed her.

She leaned back into the newly arrived Akina's arms. She answered quietly. "I want to be done with this throne, it is like a rock that I must drag along with a chain. At least in the military I was able to set some kind of direction and meet tasks with victory. Here victories are losses and losses victories, all is true at once, but wrong in the same breath."

She responded to the Lorath first:

High Priest Velor 'Tomoe' Tur'lista,

It moves my heart that I have your support, but I apologize I can no longer sit upon this throne. All things, no matter how much we wanted them to begin with, come to an end. This chapter in my life has closed with embarrassment beyond words, I am sorry that has to reflect on my Dynasty. I will be remembered in history as the one who failed to keep her clan together, but history is always cruel.

Good Luck with your endeavors.
Motoyoshi Katsuko.

Taisho Yui,

I will need some time to think on that offer; I wish to get away for a little while to clear my mind and refine myself and my direction. I will reply with an answer when I return in a few weeks.

Motoyoshi Katsuko.

She looked back at Akina, disregarding the message from Ayana and said, "I could use some help packing..."
Yet another message arrived, this time from Saito...

Kacchan, I pray you don't mind me calling you what I have in the past...I am writing you to make sure you are aware that you, the remaining Motoyoshi, and Akina-Taisho are all welcome within the UOC. We have always been a society of second chances, rising from destruction, bringing the Lorath with us, forging new origins for ourselves when Taiie was rendered but a memory. There is no reason you cannot return to your true home, and I welcome you and the Motoyoshi with you with open arms.

The clan can be reunified, and you can be at peace here...and know that we split due to disagreements with policy and moral issues, but it does not mean we do not love you. Please know that you can return to us. The door needn't close on that part of your life. You should know more than all others that we are not as quick as the core Empire to forget our origins, or those who brought us into being.

If Tio should give you trouble over this for whatever reason, then he would be a heartless child, and I would MAKE it happen somehow. Of course, I do not expect that to be an issue.

If you do decide to come to us, please bring Kiyoko-chan's ST backup with you if you could...she is not considered a traitor here.

Motoyoshi Saito
Grand Peacekeeper
Katsuko read Saito's message but closed her laptop and did not reply. She waited for Akina to answer her.
Akina quietly pressed her lips to the back of Katsuko's ears and kept them there, hugging her fiancee a little tighter. She'd been watching over her shoulder, and didn't care for what snippits she did see.

"Vultures. Even now they still want something out of you." The Taisho added, "The girls are due soon, and if I am to let something else go to be with you it will take a little time to make the arrangements with the Fourth...there's a sort of familiar suite on the Nadare you might like. I-it's not the Akuro, but maybe for now it would be okay." She kissed Katsuko again, and moved to where some of the packing hadn't been finished.

Smiling over at the former Empress, she remarked. "Well or we could find booking as a violin and flute duet." Unable to help trying to perk up the woman she'd crossed death to come back to.
Katsuko whispered; Thank-you... Words felt cheaper and cheaper, everything that was being packed had lost its value as well.

Your car is waiting for you out front Motoyoshi-sama... SYSTEM informed her, its voice making her head pound worse than before.

I am taking the Yacht the Ketsurui giave to me. I am going to Taiie... She said, after some lengthy silence. If you can get the time, you are welcome to join me, but do not jeopardize your career for it.
Going somewhere without me again..? Akina stood up and shook her head faintly. Why? The Taisho took one of Katsuko's hands in both of hers and leaned closer to her. She wasn't about to let Katsuko dissapear when she was so close in coming to term.

Much less to compound sadness upon sadness. That meant she had more time to be with her, neither of them would be so busy in that case. There was finally time, but the squeezing feeling in her chest wouldn't be ignored.
Yui said:
You can take some leave time if you need, since there isn't any major war going on right now.