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Endurance (Pheremone-based drug)


Inactive Member

An offset of the Torment project, Endurance has a very different purpose. While Torment causes pain, Endurance protects from it.

It works in much the same way, through engineered pheromones effecting the Rostral anterior cingulated, Insular Cortex and Nucleus which respectively help determine how much pain you're feeling, receives signals from the body about pain, and tells you how important the pain is. The drugs function is that it does not stop you from feeling pain, or sensation, as would happen in leprosy, but effects the Nucleus accumbens in making sure that the body knows there is danger and something to fix (which is after all what pain is, something telling you something's wrong), but without pain, just a sensation like normal touch, as dictated by the Rostral anterior cingulated, which makes sure you're not in ‘pain' as you would normally feel it. If you get a deep wound or loose a limb or some such injury, it is likely to still kill you, and your body will respond in the relevant ways, but it will stop you from feeling the true pain of it. You certainly would notice, but it just wouldn't ‘hurt'. It works as a perfect pain killer. Vitally it does not deaden your sense of touch in any way.

Endurance has the additional effect of stopping you feeling extremely cold, and the terrible shivering and discomfort that causes. It allows your insular cortex and other parts of the brain to tell the rest of your brain and body that it's cold, and allows for the defence reactions to this (shivering etc.), but does not allow it to feel the extremely uncomfortable cold. Even when you are extremely cold you feel warm if you're on Endurance.

Further more Endurance helps stimulating the Dorsolateral Prefronatl Cortex, a cognitive area of the brain involved in decision making, interpretation and selective concentration, which allows for an increase in the ability to make good decisions, clear thinking, seeing tactics and other patterns and being able to concentrate well. It also makes it release Endorphins, the body's natural opioids, which induce a state of calmness, and allow you to keep a level head more easily.

The effect of Endurance lasts 6 hours, overdosing can lead to excessive Endorphins in the blood stream, creating an effect of excessive happiness and being ‘high', although that would require a triple dose in 6 hours. Repeated overdosing may lead to the effect becoming semi-permanent.

Each shot of Endurance comes in the small shiny metal canisters that are the Pheremone's trademark. They can either be injected onto the skin without penetrating it, using a chemical which makes that part of the skin hyper-absorbent for a short period, or drank, the pheromone being absorbed as it goes down the throat. It takes only a few seconds for the drug to begin to take effect.

Cost: 4ks for a shot.
Now this is just preposterous, Your body is told it's being hurt, or, it's cold, or it's warm, and yet to doesn't react?

That's impossible, all acts when caused by mental stimulation, like being burned, cut or frozen are subconcious(sp?).

If you're shot, you clutch the wound, if you're cut you clutch the wound, if you're freezing, you shiver and try to remain warm, if you're hot you try and cool down.

Hell, the point of this drug is to tell you something's wrong, but inhibit the response to the problem.

How can your body, upon realizing it's cold, not try and stay warm? Or, if it's near a strong heat sourse, not really care it's going to be burned?

This drug removes the basic human need for self preservation against adverse stimulation.
As stated in the post, the body does react to stay warm, however you don't feel the piercing cold.

There's nothing proposterous about it, they're real parts of the brain, and they're affected in relatively realistic ways. The body reacts alright, but you don't feel the useless pain.

And no it doesn't - it takes away your body screaming at you that somethings wrong, it now gives a polite message. You are still intellectually going to be self-preserving, and do it better without the distractions of the pain that is no longer usefull.
So, instead of the body going... DUDE! MOVE! It goes... Sir, I should inform you that something is amiss and you should make haste and move.

If anything the "needless pain" is there to tell how serious the problem is. So your body being told it's cold, but not being told the severity of the cold will result in an easier chance of Frostbite, or other related problems. Being burned and having your brain interpete it as a slightly unconfortable heat source isn't very helpful at all either.

If you wanted to make something that supresses the pain receptors responces why not just make a pain inhibiter?
That's more dangerous. This works better. You still know that there's a dangerous situation/your body is in trouble/you've had your limb blown off, and the urgency of it, but without the pain.

You know how severe it is, you just don't feel the extreme cold. You have to exercise some intelligance to use the product well of course. An idiot with it is just going to hurt themselves.
Yes Cora, we understand that this is a chemical that effects how the mind works.

Now, do you have something to say about the tech behind it other than complaining about the use of the chemical? (Which btw, USE is irrelivent of the 'That it works' part of technology that needs to be solid to get this approved.)
The bulk of the trauma caused by a severe wound, such as an arm being blown off, or a gunshot wound, is caused by the person's psychological response, not the wound itself. When a person looks down and sees their own guts hanging out, it causes a severe fear response that raises blood pressure and causes rapid breathing.

Any individual whom is without a fear response for their own wounds, is unable to command properly due to the distorted perception of pain. A commander must have sympathy for the endurance of a body, thus they would be able to command a group properly by knowing the limits of the solider. If the unit commander feels no pain, no fear, and no suffering when shot by a 9mm in the gut, he won't have any problems sending out all his men to receive the same fate. Sure, this drug will get you a position, or maybe help you take out an opposing squad, but it will ruin troop morale, and troop psychological health on the level of cognitive reflexes and dependency upon the drug.

The fear of pain is what should dictate a battle, otherwise when you have a horde of painless soldiers, you'll end up having stupid soldiers that don't know when to keep their heads down. On that note, as a leader of the Lorath, I'd love my enemies to be doped up on this stuff, it would make them stupid and a good target for getting one shotted in the face.

Also, I've had technology ridiculed to the point of being on the verge of disapproval due to the USE of the technology, not the "That It Works" aspect. So please Uso, don't go talking like you know what will seal the deal. It is purely the whim of the admin and their weighing of the facts.
The fact is that in most situation, the inate fear of pain will still be present. People are not used to not feeling pain, and as such will most of the time act as if they still do: they understand that it will still damage their bodies. Anyone level headed to get to a command position probably would not let it affect them.

Thus it will not make them significantly easier targets and so forth, because they're still not idiots. If you have known for all of your life: "Getting shot hurts, and will kill you," the fact that it doesn't hurt won't change much. You'd have to have used it for a long time, enough for it to change your outlook on life which would take months for that to be a possibility, and after that long you can just work out logicly what the danger is.
Zakalwe said:
the fact that it doesn't hurt won't change much. You'd have to have used it for a long time, enough for it to change your outlook on life which would take months for that to be a possibility, and after that long you can just work out logicly what the danger is.

Considering that when you're serving in a military, it is often for many many months. Additionaly, its the Nepleslian military, so there will be a very big logic gap.
The SA would laugh at using such chemicals, considering that the bulk of their army is comprised of nekos, and they eat incoming gunfire for breakfast.
Ah, but the majority of the plot ships consist of non-Neko characters, who therefore might benefit from it.

Nepleslia will be the main market though, methinks.
Well, if the drug has the side effects hammered out, the Lorath may be interested in such a chemical. The Warriors of the Lorath don't exactly depend on logic.

<_< I am gonna catch some heat for that warrior comment later, heh.
As per request of Nepleslian army command.

Should this drug be approved for use in the RP, the army would like it to be placed on the "banned" list alongside torment for use exclusively within the Nepleslian army.

In other news, the Army will be purchasing many of these.

That is all. :)