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Enforcer Power-armour


Inactive Member
This is the first product by Emrys Industires, an organisations run by the Emrys clan of which my character Apesael is a member.

Emrys Industries Enforcer powersuit

Price: 7500 ks (reduced price for peace corps)

History and Background: Emrys industries, sparked by it's leaders sudden enthusiasm for expansion, started to design a range of products for law enforcement in lawless environments, notably Nepleslia. The Enforcer powersuit was designed for just this purpose, capable of surviving most of what a typical riot or hostile situation would throw at it, including armed crime, and capable of returning with a mixture of lethal and non-lethal firepower, while not being to expensive to not be used. It has passed all the tests that Emrys industries could conceive, and clocked hundreds of hours of real/simulation fighting, the suit is ready to be marketed, and trade negotiations are beginning.

About the Enforcer: The Enforcer is a seven foot tall suit of armour/exoskeleton, with a bulky, jagged and not terribly appealing look. This is in fact on purpose since that jagged edges and carefully placed edges actually serve to reduce the effect of projectiles. The suit is made of a strong titanium-steel alloy, and made thick enough to withstand any handheld projectile weapon that most hostiles would be able to lay their hands on. On the back of its arms there are two maser blasters, capable of emitting a powerful maser beam more than capable of killing even an (low tech) armoured assailant, or a non-lethal version which burns and leaves people unconscious (lightly fries their brains). This version can be put on tight beam, or a wide beam that can encompass several people. Also in the arms there are retractable steel rods 1 foot long which can have a powerful electric current relayed through them, stunning or killing anyone that comes into contact (depending on the power setting). The different power settings are chosen by pressing a button on one of the fingers for each of the settings, four times in sequence. The servo muscles which pick up the wearers movements lead to an impressive increase in strength and combined with the rods make them quite dangerous in mêlée, quite capable of wading through a riot.

Statistical Information:

Government: Will be available to all peacekeeping organisations
Organisation: Currently Emrys buildings and some rented security personnel
Type: Peacekeeping Powersuit
Class: Er-E-01 Enforcer
Emrys Industries
Manufacturer: Emrys Industries
Production: 400 currently constructed, more pending deal

Appearance: Bulky, jagged, black visor, gunsteel complexion, around the joints theirs a thick flexible durable plastic, covered with a layer of flexible ceramic plates covered with an overlaping layer of titanium-steel, which extrudes from the main armour.

Length: 2 ft.
Width: 2.5 ft.
Height: 7 ft.
Mass: 1700 lbs.
Pilot limits: The pilot can not be more than 6' 4", or be overweight

Speeds: 50 kph
Range: Can go for five hours without recharging at the apointed station (see below)
Lifespan: Lasts five years without maintenance, less if in combat
Powersource: Long endurance recharchable bateries

Weapons Systems:

Enforcer type maser blaster: This weapon, found on the back of each of the powersuits arms, can project either lethal or non lethal burst of maser.

Location: One on each of the suits arms
Primary purpose: To kill armoured hostiles
Secondary purpose: To stun or take down rioters/ wide beam
Damage: Enough to kill a armoured man, damage walls. or to burn and stun a target
Rate of fire: 1 burst every two seconds/ continuous beam
Payload: Infinite while power is functioning

Enforcer type mêlée rods: These feet long steel rods are used either to swing or to thrust, dealing significant damage in unison with the high voltage current running through it.

Location: retractable on each arm
Primary purpose: Stun/kill assailants
Secondary purpose: Break through doors/walls/various objects
Damage: enough to heavily damage a human with concussive force, electric current can either kill or stun (depending on power setting)
Range: Close combat

Systems descriptions:

Armour: Three inch thick titanium-steel alloy, jagged edges reduce effect of projectiles. A flexible ceramic makes up the protection of joints, as well as an overlapping titanium-steel plate.

MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical System): This uses integrated circuit construction technology to combine mechanical elements, sensors, actuators, and electronics on a simple silicon substrate. Using this, the actuation of a suit can be achieved through surrounding the wearer with millions of tiny machines which move with respect to each other.

Flashlight: On each of the arms, on the side, their is a high powered flashlight, used either for seeing in the dark, illuminating areas, or shining in peoples eyes (a significant element of on highest setting).

Sealing system: Instead of putting it on, you put your leg/arm/torso in the right place, and the armour clamps shut around you, with both mechanical and magnetic seals. The helmet is put on as normal. Standing in the wrong place can be fatal. The armour release when a certain button in the helmet is hit with the tongue. Once the pilot is out (he/she is given twenty second) the armour snap shuts again, able to be asembeled in recharging/storage position.

Chemical filtering system: In the helmet this system removes toxic gases, such as nerve gas and all but most dangerous (and thus exspensive) substances, while allowing the pilot to breath. There are also two high presssure oxygen canisters in the armour which can serve as an alternative oxygen source in an emergency (the helmet can cut off all external air).

Audio speaker/ mike: This very powerfull speaker system allows for the vioce of the pilot to be boomed out of the shoulders (where the speakers rest) at sound levels up to one hundred decebels. They use this to make official arests, telling people to put down their arms, distraction by shouting at them, making a very loud (and piercing) siren noise, or in one or two rather strange cases re-wire the speaker system so it plays trance music very loud. Their is a microphone in the helmet which the pilot speaks into.


Radio: Allows the armours wearer to communicate with other peace enforcers or with central command, and to pick up messages as well.


Each suit of armour comes with a recharging unit, the Em-RU-01 which is a dock 7'1" by 2'7" in which the armour is stood up. Small cords go into the docking ppoints of the armour on the back of it's arms, legs and back, where it is recharged. It takes two hours too fully recharge a suit, due to the efficient nature of the batteries, and so if bought in numbers a single charger can cater for several suits. The recharger itself is 3750 ks. However they can come significantly less if bought in bulk.

Alright. Tell me what you think. I'm considering writing a RP (or whatever Jadg would call it), about a deal with a Nepleslian peace keeping/police force, but I would like your opionins.
Seems like a decent light power armor. Make sure to discribe how the armor looks when worn, what part of the body is covered ect ect.
Thanks! I'll try and do what you suggested, but theirs one question I had. What do you think of the price? Too cheap? And would it really be usefull on Nepleslia?
The price seems about right, maybe a bit less but probably not any more. As for usefullness, this is only a weapon system. It would be as usefull as any other weapon but its not something groundbreaking that would vastly help out in the fight against crime. Neplesia is like a watered down Ayenee, they will have all sorts of weapons not just limited to sidearms and civillian grade weapons.
It's just meant to be something relitavely cheap to help the police in their jobs. I wanted it to be capable of dealing with most of the problems, while not being overly powerfull (and thus exspensive). I was hoping the police would by quite a few to help them, and was hoping to write something to that effect. Not until Wes says something though.
Well I think they already have a few types of powered armor at their disposal. Or at least their own suits have popped up from time to time in RP.
I just can't get a break can I? Well I just need to know whether they might conceivably like this cheap suit of armour (comparitevly) well suited for the task (I hope), with lethal and non-lethal capabilities and close-combat potential (I like the Rods).

Thanks for the feedback.
Hell yeah they'd like it! Nice design.

Some things to add:

-It needs the mass listed, still.
-How does one enter and exit it?
-Environmental stuff, if any (not necessary, but a chemical filter for the headpiece would be nice).
-Communications gear, if any (I recommend a basic radio tranceiver)
-Height or body shape restrictions for pilots?
-What's the power source? Looks like a rechargable battery system (which is fine) but no detail is given.
-Audio speaker/mike ?
-Cost (and model number?) of a recharging station and time it take for the recharge to charge the suit.
Okay I'll try and do that. I wasn't sure what the Mass was (I'm terrible at it), and will probably get someone how is better at it than me to have a stab at it. I'm thinking of making it a clasping system actualy. INstead of putting it on you put your leg/arm/torso in the right place, and the armour clamps shut around you, with both mechanical and magnetic seals. The helmet is put on as normal. I'll put this in above.

I'm not sure about the price of the charger I've put.
one decebel[/quote]I think you mea...at's the way it works with my FRS radio sets.
Sorry I was under the illusion that one decebel was quite loud. I've changed it. And the price of the charger.

Thank you again for your statement that the Nepleslian police would like it. I have a question which is how should I put them into ciruculation? Write a story/RP with a Emrys and Police representative? Also how many do you think the Nepleslian Police would want?
If your armor is geared toward defending against small arm projectiles you hardly need 3 inches of armor (I'm assuming) all the way around your body. Try and explain more what the armor looks like when worn, like around the joints neck, ect.
Seems alright to me. Still needs mass, though. I'm thinking since it's 3-inch thick steel, it'll probably be quite heavy, possibly in the 1000-2000 pound range (453.6 to 907.2kg).
Okay I've put it down as 1700 lbs. What would you sugest I do now? Right an RP/Story about a trade agreement between the Nepleslian police forces and Emrys industries? Have any better ideas?
Well, we could also just mention them the next time it's called for in the RP.

I think the FCPD will order around 10,000.
Sounds good, as soon as something formal is worked out I'll create an acounting thing in the relevant forum. Thanks

How long should the range of the maser be?
Added to S&M (Misc section for now)
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