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OOC Entrenched (Open RP proposal)


Well-Known Member
So, as a few of you might know, I've talked off and on about an antagonist insectoid race meant to act as a swarming scavenger like race that live in giant hives that fly through space with stolen engines and armor plating. Neat?

No? Well ok. But regardless I wanted to do something with them. And since I don't want to go through the excruciating task of putting something through the NTSE when I'm not even sure if it'll be interesting enough to warrant an attempt, I thought to give it a shot in the Open RP.

So here's the basic idea. A freighter belonging to a Yamatain merchant gets attacked out in the expanse of the frontier of nepleslian space. Their SOS transmission doesn't specify who is attacking (As it's obviously an alien they've never seen before) but local authorities arrive to see the wreckage stripped mostly bare. Taking a few life pods that remain to send back to their home country, they don't see any sign of the attackers except for a interesting armor plate that doesn't fit the destroyed ship. Crushed against the inside of it is one corpse of the buglike alien. Deciding to take it and autopsy it to figure out what the hell it is before notifying anyone else, they take it to the nearest starport down planetside and hand it over to the medical staff on site.

The thing is that it's not quite as dead as they thought. Though injured the insectoid lets out an odd screech that interferes with all frequencies of communication for a bit. As it flails it has to be put down, but what it did becomes apparent soon enough.

With thousands of its angry bretheren closing in, the colony is evacuated save for a small number that try to load the cadaver for study elsewhere (Now that they're certain its dead). However, the hanger carrying their escape shuttle has its automated defenses overrun and even though they sealed it off, they're now without an escape.

They have some luck, as a nearby mercenary frigate is nearby, and agrees to take the dangerous mission of doing a rapid pickup and escaping before the bulk of the swarm arrives. Until then, the guards, locals armed with the garrison's weapons, and medical staff must hold the starport for as long as they can till their escape arrives, with hundreds more drones touching down planetside every minute.

So where do you all come in? Be one of the brave souls holding the facility! Whether through marksmanship, coordinating the facility's defenses, or jury rigging traps and other chicanery, keep the swarm from reaching the landing chamber! Species really doesn't matter for characters as nepleslian space generally is a melting pot of races.

As an aside, I did entertain the thought of having the merc frigate carry a PA compliment to punch through the swarm in order to arrive, but I am not good with PA tech and its action. Though I'm certainly open to someone else running that side!

Questions, submissions and anything you'd like to say, feel free!
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Sign me up! Do I needa make a character? Or just give a description and wait for plot to kick off?
As for the Merc's, Any of them downside, or not yet in system?
You can do either. Existing character, or make one up in two paragraphs. I'm not picky at this point. I'll do my best to incorporate different skillsets though.

If mercs are in the facility, they're seperate from the ship coming to evacuate them. Though it's likely there would be some planetside being paid rather handsomely to secure the body.
Hahaha, In that case do you mind me playing a Merc? Would be interesting to have one down there going 'oh man, All I came here was for a body, what the hell did you guys do to piss these thigns off!?'
That's perfectly fine. Remember that it kind of starts with them having a way out at first, but the hanger gets overrun before they can prep the ship or secure the doors properly
Character: Illiana Triellis
Race: Nekovalkyrja, Civilian. (Discharged NH-33)
Job: Merc.
Illiana stands roughly five foot five, sporting brunette hair, blue slitted eyes and a series of digital tattoo's along her arms when she's not wearing a surplus set of non-descript fatigues. Her ears are heavily pierced with a variety of odd's and ends, her basic build is athletic and well toned given her occupation. Acting as a combination Security/Demolitions and scout for the Mercs she's on planet to help out by ensuring the body is secured and ready. Her personality is a mix of sarcastic cheerfulness and a mostly utter lack of seriousness in any situation. So long as she's getting paid, she's loyal.
I would like to join up and play a medical Ernie. I will come up with a bit about it but for all intents and purposes it has become a self aware medical robot.
Apologies for those that are interested. Dragon's Dogma happened.

I'll put together something for you either tomorrow or thursday. We'll see what happens. Go ahead and brainstorm a bit of what you might do in your characters situation. The location is a starport on an otherwise uninhabitable moon, so stepping outside isn't a thing, but imagine your favorite sci-fi spaceport and factor in a few automated defences and what you might normally find there. (Comes complete with a medbay, cafeteria, and small apartments for on site staff.)
>.> My favorite space port happens to be a horrible place... Dead Space 2 style, but for size? I'd go with alien isolation. (because Screw you, shiny upkept Star Trek Space stations! ^_^)
Awesome to see you getting the plot started! I'm still interested, but I'm caught up in a lot of work at this time so need to wait things out.
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