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OOC Entrenched (Open RP proposal)

@Dragonnova Here's a brief description of my character; will start working on my RP post immediately afterwards.
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Apologies if any of you were waiting. I've got a move coming up like right the hell now. So things are chaotic and stressful.
I'm in I'd like to be a CQB specialist charged with training duties in the facility when the attack happened.
This has been on hiatus for quite some time, Ace. Notice it's been two months since the last post in here.
This has been on hiatus for quite some time, Ace. Notice it's been two months since the last post in here.
@Aendri The last in-character post was on Wednesday so there's still life. I do see that the post before that was in February, though, so it does look to move slowly.

I mostly was waiting for someone besides a single person to post. :/

Ace, you're free to set someone up and hop in. Try to make it within reason, but it IS open rp. I'd like to point out that it's a spaceport, not a military installation, however. (Also I don't think you want to be close to these things, but I won't stop you. )
I don't think I was clear in the post itself, but the armory and the security office are on opposite sides of the hallway's end. It's meant to heavily imply that the bugs are all over that wing, so splitting up may be dangerous. (Though by all means, if your characters think they can handle it, go for it. Double the risk for double the reward!)
With blessings from @Dragonnova, I've created maps for the Spaceport

Blue objects: Chairs, beds, tables, lockers, etc.
Brown rectangles: Doors

Central Concourse

East Wing

Once we "explore" other areas, I'll update this post to include their maps as well.
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