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RP Entrenched

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Well-Known Member
It had all happened so fast.

When the local garrison in the system responded to a distress call, they had only found wreckage of a merchant vessel, stripped bare of nearly everything but a few electronics and its black box. A few armor plates were in the area, but not of the aforementioned vessel. On one of them was a crushed insectoid alien that had never been documented before. Taking the cadaver on board, they brought it to the nearest station in the Shinjiyuu system, a terrestrial starport on the barren moon of Oni. It was there they began to autopsy and examine the creature.

However, it was not quite as dead as they had thought.

Severely injured and broken in numerous places, the stubborn alien let loose a shrill shriek, causing nearby communications to disrupt. When it used its elongated appendages to strike at nearby medical staff, it was put down quickly in response.

It was far from over, however. In less than half a standard solar day, A tremendous craft arrived in system, biological in nature but covered in pieces of numerous starships. From it, thousands of the insectoid creatures emerged from it, completely undeterred by the vacuum of space, and swarmed towards the starport.

Lacking a means of travel any faster than their own furious wings, The hour it took for them to approach the range of the station's defenses let almost all civilians and staff escape. Almost. The time it took to prep and preserve the cadaver cut it too close. The fastest insects arrived ahead of the swarm, and manged to climb into the hanger housing the last evacuation shuttle, disabling it. While the hanger was quickly sealed, and the automated defenses activated, it was too late to save the craft.

All hope is not lost though, a mercenary frigate in the system offered it's assistance for considerable compensation. It would take time for it to arrive and navigate a path through the swarm, but it would come if they could keep a hanger secure. Closing the empty hangers until they arrived, the guards, medical staff, and any civillians that stayed behind for their own reasons would have to hold out against the furious horde clawing their way into the facility...

The insects themselves, from looking at the corpse, appeared to have six limbs. Two body sections with the lower thorax holding the four legs they used to skitter along the floor and over obstacles with surprising deftness, and two long mantis like appendages that could be used to stab, hook, and tear just about any material. The head seemed oddly attached to the upper part of the body, the carapaced head spreading out much like a triceratops' skull would, a jaw that could distend and bite with as much force as its appendages to boot.

===Waiting Area===
The second large room in the facility, the first being the front lobby, was quietly busy. The number of people that stayed behind were few, and not up for chatting it seemed, but they were trying to do whatever they could to prepare defenses. The lobby itself was connected via a large, long hallway with moving walkways to the south. The blast doors at the far end were closed, but the repeated clangs of the invader's sharp appendages tearing at them meant they wouldn't last forever.

The waiting area itself had many, many chairs. Some were faced to the large screen that would display departure times and arriving shuttles in a more normal situation. Right now the screen was blank, leaving little in the way of distractions for the unlucky defenders. Off to the western side of the open area was a cafeteria, partitioned off only by a low waist high wall where people may sit and eat from a meager menu. Next to it were the public restrooms, usually spotless since the staff had little else to do on slow days.

To the east was where the staff usually lived on site, the passageway marked as employees only on the large automatic door. The north, of course, led to the facilities. Cargo, medbay, hangers, and so on. So far the rest of the facility had no other entrances other than the sealed off hangers and the lobby.

In the room with the associated civilians and mercs that had remained, was two guards for the starport carrying heavy automatic rifles meant to ensure no visitors got any ideas. One was a tall, almost lanky man who looked like he had never really had to exercise his authority. The other was a stocky man of tan complexion who looked very much like he could use a smoke. An older woman in the janitor's uniform was moving a table out of the cafeteria area and placing it in a makeshift barricade by the corridor leading to the lobby in hopes of slowing them down even just a bit.

Over the speakers, a man with a slight accent that could only vaguely described as lorath reminded everyone what their objective was. "I can confirm the mercenary group IS coming, although it will take some time for them arrive. Please, do whatever you all can to keep them from getting to the hangers, or else there will be nowhere for them to land... and nowhere for us to run. We can do this." The man didn't sound very convinced, but they were all in a dire situation.
Illiana, Waiting Area.

Illiana was eyeballing her fingernails as her ears twitched slightly when the PA squawked up, "Well...shit. Guess I'm on the clock then." She'd stand up and crack her back with a loud yawn, "I don't suppose anyone here has any explosives?" she'd look towards the two men with the guns and whistle, "Hey, Lankyman. And you, bub - You ever use those things?" she'd spit her toothpick to the ground as she adjusted and relaced one of her boots up before sweeping her hair into a ponytail. From her back pocket she produced another toothpick and bit down on it as she eyeballed the makeshift defences. If it hadn't been for the fact she'd been waiting here for that same Frigate in the first place, she wouldn't have still been here. But if they were picking up the body, that meant she'd have to play nice and help these people. Eye's narrowed as she took stock of everything on hand, "And to think I just broke it off with my boyfriend. Better be some good pay at the end of this." She was whistling on her way over to the nearby cafeteria, "They'll prolly be through those doors after a bit... hmn." She'd glance upwards and hold her hands up as if framing the door, "Do we got any flammables on hand? We're gonna have to slow them down somehow, fire's a great way to do that."
Stroud - Waiting Area

To anyone bothering to watch, it would've been quite a sight to see the bounty hunter Desmond Stroud squatting next to a power outlet wearing full armor, which contrasted comically with the way he looked shrunk on his position. He didn't seem to mind the banging on the doors, and instead continued to watch the small object in front of him intently. At least until one of the last occupants of the facility spoke up.

With that happening, the Nepleslian removed the carging cable from the power pack and checked the overall power level of all the 20 magazine-sized batteries daisy-chained inside of it.The digital dial on the side of the pack showed a solid 80% charge, wich the bounty hunter decided it would be as good as he would get. After making sure the powerpack was secured on his back, he reattached the power plug to the actual thing that would be doing the killing. The connector went in as neatly as a magazine would've connecting the particle gun to the pack on his back. Leaving the thing hanging in front of him by its strap as he got up, he felt that he was as ready as he was ever going to be in that situation.

He was ready, and the way he looked only furthered that. If the Partizan wasn't enough, maybe the machete on his back was, and if somehow failing that, the pistol on his thigh for making the thing that the last two tools weren't enough for even angrier. Despite that all, he still felt that something was missing, as if he wasn't ready enough. This feeling prompted him to search for something on his back pouch, only getting up when he had removed the small white box and the silver lighter that seemed to be strapped to it.

The bounty hunter spared another glance to the entrance as he started to remove the contents from the small white pack and insert them one by one on one of the empty intakes one of the empty sockets of his helmet, where the air filters were supposed to go in. Once he had about three of them firmly inserted there, Desmond flicked open the lighter and brought the small flame closer to the cigarettes. He quickly stuffed the lighter and packet combo back into his back pouch as the three cherries flared brighter for a moment, and walked towards the Neko who had just spoken, standing at a reasonable distance.

"I've got frags," he said to the Neko through his helmet, tapping the three NAM-made grenades over his left shoulder.

Things had never been this life or death before for the little robot known affectionately in the medical facility as, Bot. Sure, previously he had been your standard run of the mill throw away soldier robot as all Ernies were. However, since passing that threshold of automaton to sentient Bot had had an easy life.

He "retired" from the security field and found his own passion for medical studies. He was quite lucky to find a medical examiner job on this starport above Oni. It wasn't glamorous or busy but he enjoyed it. Things became really exciting when he was brought an unknown alien corpse to inspect.

The excitement in the medical bay was electric as the team began its work. Bot had stepped out to retrieve extra supplies as the alien, apparently not fully deceased, began its screeching and killing spree. Bot had just made it back to see the alien put down for good. The room was in chaos and Bots colleagues were dead.

As one of the last medical examiners left, Bot had taken over both guard duties over the corpse and medical watch to preserve the remains. In a way he lamented over the deaths of his coworkers but these types of feelings were still fairly new to him. He had not encountered loss as a sentient until then.

All the ensuing mess with the evacuation left Bot with a most peculiar new feeling, uneasiness. His day to day was very structured and this situation was anything but. However, he was ready to adapt and move on and this meant aiding in the defense of the station.

Although Bot needed very little in the way of personal belongings he always kept his chest compartments full of medical supplies and a pistol variant of the M3. With the banging becoming more and more problematic Bot decided that he would resort to his original functions and serve as best he could.

He moved about the waiting area dispensing light medical aid as he kept alert to the doors. He had made note of the two armed station guards and also the two obvious mercenaries. He had encountered Nekovalkyrja before and made a mental note of the proper treatments. The other heavily armored individual was unknown though its apparent heavy addiction to cigarettes made it a ninety percent chance of being a Nepleslian.

The question posed by Illiana brought Bot into the conversation. "Though this section of the station lacks any storage of flammables per se, I am sure that both the Medical Bay or the Cafeteria may have sufficient stocks to 'Jury rig' such items," Bot said in a flat monotone voice with accompanying metallic fingered air quotes. "I am fully versed in chemical reactions should you find need of a guide or assitant."
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Oni, Starport - Waiting Area

The taller of the two armor-clad guards (an ebony-haired, hazel-eyed Jiyuuian named Nishino Naoki) merely glanced at the other guard in the cavernous room, shrugging at the less-then-optimistic voice of the port's Chief Medical Officer - then chuckled, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head as a rather cute-looking Nekovalkyrja addressed him. Yeah, looks like I'm on the clock too, unfortunately...wait. "Lankyman?" Now that's what I call original......and it sounds good! I approve! "This?" - a pause as the guard pushed off from the wall he'd been leaning on; then, after indicating the rifle he was holding, continued - "...Yeah, I've used it a few times. Never outside of the range, though."

A particularly loud CLANG! - clearly audible despite the distance that lay between the Jiyuuian's current location and the facility's main entrance - served at that moment to remind Naoki of the situation that he, along with the place's remaining residents, was in. Oh, lovely. Man, what I'd give for a Tenshi right about now......I mean, Frank's a decent shot and all, but he's definitely no soldier, so we'll......be...... The guard's thoughts trailed off as the armored form (Nepleslian, given his fondness of cigarettes) nearby stood up and revealed a breathtakingly vast arsenal of destruction. Well, that oughta help things.......means I have less work to do, which is always good!

The Jiyuuian opened his mouth to comment on the utility of fragmentation grenades (being very familiar with their usage and utility) - then closed it; the installation's Medical-somethingsomethingwhateversomething Bot had for whatever reason chosen to enter the room and promptly interject its mechanical-sounding voice into the conversation. Once it'd finished, Naoki chuckled - Looks like somebody downloaded a thesaurus or three... - then turned to the grizzled, chain-smoking guard that went by the name of Frank. "Yo, Frank...would you mind contacting whats-his-name......Mark for the Armory codes? If we're going to hold those...things off, we'll either need more ammo or more boom..."
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'Bot' was correct insofar as the kitchen was home to many flammable cooking oils. Upon finishing putting up the table against the barricade the janitor woman wiped the sweat from her brow. She didn't decide to stay behind for some noble reason or pay. To be honest, she had out cold from taking sleeping chems after a long shift that she missed the initial chaos until a customs staff shook her awake. But, she was here now and like it or not, she had to help in order to last long enough to leave. She cleared her throat, speaking up. "My cleaning cart's got a bunch of chemicals you normally wouldn't want on fire. Help yourself if it keeps us alive." She gestures to the bright yellow cart sitting outside the eating area. Her voice was deeper than one would normally think, clearly a smoker.

Frank was leering a bit at the man putting on a suit of armor. He'd been at this job long enough to know mercs and other hired muscle were the types to be in the center of problems on the station. He was shaken out of his musings when his newest co-worker spoke up to him. "Huh? Oh yeah, Hank was grabbing them from the security office, remember? Lemme see how that's going." Giving the neko a brief dirty look for asking about their weapons he tapped the headpiece they both wore twice for the right frequency. "Hey boss, you find those codes yet? We could use the stuff in there." He paused, waiting for a reply.

And waited.

"Uh. Hank? You hear me? We're waiting on those codes." Frank frowned, glancing up at the security camera that panned back and forth. Again, nothing on either man's headset. He glanced to the Jiyuuian. "You give him those laxatives we left on his desk this morning or something, Nish?" His comment wasn't serious, but his demeanor was. Their security chief had only been gone less than 5 minutes.
Illiana treated those present to a nice view of her ass going over the counter as she mantled it with the skill of someone use'd to taking cover or going over obstacles in her path. The loud thumps of flammables hitting the counter top soon followed. Cooking oils, aerosol can's, cleaning products and the like used to keep the cafeteria area cleaned. She has a sizeable pile as she perched atop the counter and glanced at everyone when they spoke up in turn, The leering looks from the nearby guard didn't faze her. At nearly five foot five she had no illusions of what could happen. Her lips twitched, "Save the frags - We're gonna need those later. Grab the flammables from the janitor lady's cart, yeah? when they come through that barricade I wanna turn this whole area into a bug-b-que. Spraying this stuff over the barricade, the floors and around the walls should do it." She'd glance towards Bot and nod since noone else seemed to be taking charge, "Awesome... We'll make medical the rally point after this, we'll try and slow them down room by room until help arrives, some of you should head to corridor and get some barricades ready there. We'll use the janitors flammables in the corridor along with the barricades... " She paused when the guards spoke up and started talking, and then their partner refused to check in, "... I'm sure we can crack the door with the frags on the hinges... or I can try slicing the security.."

She'd grab two of the large jugs and head for the door where the booming noise of impending doom seemed to be getting more persistant, upending the contents she'd wrinkle her nose as the smells assaulted her good sense, "I'd suggest - since you both have guns - might wanna go find you friend, and be quick? If you run into trouble - double back here, if not here, meet in the corridor. You two know this place better than anyone else...save the robot, because robot." The whole time she was splashing jugs of some of the most toxic and flammable materials she could find, the barricad, the walls and even in a line towards the exit into the nearby corridor and to the large massive puddle in the caffeteria.
Oni, Starport - Waiting Area

Naoki frowned ever-so-slightly as Frank's queries went unanswered - Guess they've found another way in...maybe through the ventilation ducts or something? - then chuckled at the other security guard's remark. Yeah, those 'nades definitely will see some usage, the way things have been going. "Oh, that's what those were? Thought they were the sweeteners for your coffee, so I put 'em in your drink."

A pause.

"Kidding, kidding...but Pyro-san here does have a couple of well-proportioned points. Frank, up for a quick run with me to Security? Knowing Hank...he probably wrote the codes down somewhere." The Jiyuuian nodded at Illiana - "Meet in the corridor? Sure thing." - and proceeded in the direction of the Security Office; he, for the first time in the month he'd been employed as a guard, was actually taking the initiative in something - an occurrence that would've probably left Hank (probably even Frank) speechless, due to just how much it contrasted with Naoki's usual "keeping it chill" approach to life in general.
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Bot swung his red monoeye "head" back and forth as he listened. When Illiana asked for the janitors chemicals Bot, being the helpful little robot he was, began collecting and transporting the various useful items towards the mercenary. It would take several trips as Bot was small and could only reliably carry a few of them at a time.

"I agree, it is best to further investigate on the location of the Security Chief. His absence could mean further problems. Also, perhaps, we should be creating a," Bot use his whole hand to quote, "kill box. That is the correct term I believe.

"Explosives and flammables should be a last resort on a station that does not provide unlimited oxygen. While exciting and colorful it may have more long term ramifications if the invaders were to disable the filters. Well... ramifications for those who breath... unlike me... cause I'm a robot... unlike you all... who are not... robots..." Bot trailed of as he looked at the gathered beings tilting his "head" pensively.
Stroud - Waiting area

The bounty hunter idly listened to the other people - and robot- assembled in the area talk, uncounsciously gripping the silver-matted receiver of his the partizan hanging in front of him with a gloved hand. The plan was as good as any, but there was always the feeling that, despite their best efforts, it wouldn't be enough when the force trying to break in seemed to be inexorable. He continued to listen to the conversation unfolding without interrupting it until something really worrying caught his ear. Someone not showing up or answering in a situation like that rose up some pretty red flags, no matter the reason, and the familiar way that his gut felt like it knotted up at that was something he had learned not to ignore. He should've said something about it but it was already too late as one of the security guards left.

"Great" he said, still in the same matter-of-fact manner as his helmet swung from looking at the door towards where the security officer went to. That would be two less guns where they needed it; if they had taken the janitor with them that meant that at least they could give her a gun from the armory. Instead, the bounty hunter removed the TSP from its holster on his right thigh plate and walked up towards the janitor in question, holding it by the barrel and offering it to the woman, grip first. "You got a gun already?" He asked.
Illiana's lips parted into a smirk, "This isn't the first line of defense. This is cover for when we fall back." She'd crack her knuckles as she tossed the accelerants off to the side when she was done and quickly checked her own equipment. the LASR/SLAG combo was pretty standard and easy enough to pickup with how many were pumped out and then of course anyone who had a nose for the right markets... her eyes were roving around the room as she hmmn'd softly, it could have been mistaken for purring, almost, "Is there any way to seal the vents into this room? That'll keep any fire that burns in here from soaking air outta the rest of the station." Slinging the rifle again she'd head for the next corridor after grabbing one of the few remaining tables, "They'll be through sooner than later -lets get another barricade setup in the next room so we won't have to dick around too much finding materials." The Bounty hunter arming the Janitor made her grin, "I'm hoping we can sell ourselves dearly, to the point they actually slow down enough to give us breathing room. I'm pretty sure they're into the other sections and we'll have to handle that when we run across it... for now.." she'd motion to the barricade, and offer Bot her NSP, "Make each shot count." she'd fish two more clips out and offer them to the robot as well, "thats all I have, plus five mags for the LASR. And no grenades for the SLAG. I was told thsi was a milk run." They were always 'milk runs. Never 'hey, take your PA suit with you, it might get crazy.'
Bot tilted his "head" again as Illiana offered him the NSP. He held up his left hand to ward off the offered weapon as he open one of his chest cavity with his right.

"I do not require further armament Miss. Though I may currently be a medical examiner and before my rise to sentience I, like most Ernie class robots, was a soldier. I come fully equipped for aggressive actions," Bot said flatly as he presented a pistol variant M3 within the open chest compartment.

"As for a second barricade I believe it is a good idea. I will gather some extra medical supplies for that location to use as a triage area. Please inquire about that armory and everyone, be safe," he said as he turned and started off to the medical area. He knew they immediate supplies he would need. He had never had to provide mass or emergency care in his short medical career but he had the knowledge. He prepared pain killers, burn and toxin neutralizers along with both physical and liquid bandages.
Frank blinked at Naoki, a bit taken aback by him suggesting anything. But the others echoing the sentiment to find their boss leaves him with a sigh and a nod. "Alright, alright. Lets make sure he didn't take a piss and fall in. If only so he'll chew your ass for 'yammie speak' again." He glanced between the mercs and the bot, the thought of letting them through the 'authorized personnel only door' only taking a moment to realize it really didn't matter. "Eh. Shouldn't take long. You can stay and watch the kids so they don't blow up the station if you want. I'ma go." Frank opens the door and steps through, the corridor making a turn into the next hallway a little ways in.

The janitor blinks a bit, before taking the pistol with a cough. "Eh. I'd have preferred a cigarette at this point, but thanks hon." She didn't sound serious, but the look on her face told the story of a woman that was very tired of her lot in life. Impending doom and all not fazing her that much.

A rather dishelved looking lab tech scurries up from the north and stops Bot halfway, carrying some of the supplies he was looking for. The man looked like he wanted to just crawl under a desk and curl up, but he was doing his job. "H-h-here, bot. Uh. The doc says you should do the m-medicating. Y-y-you know... said he didn't t-trust me..." He looks down a bit, the mousy brown haired assistant looking disheartened at the rather blunt dismissal he was given. "But uh. you know. Good luck a-and all that!"
Oni, Starport - Waiting Area

The security guard's mood was seemingly jovial chuckled as he entered the door marked "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY" behind Frank. "Right behind you."

His thoughts, however, were the complete opposite.

Believe me, Frank-san......at this point, blowing up the station would probably be a good thing, as, well, "holding the line" didn't really work out for me the last time I tried it - and we had powered armor back then......
"Shit you lot are all quiet now, don't tell me you all gave up?" Frank grumbles as he flashes his id to the door, it hissing and releasing the door to open.

Just as he does though, their comm crackles. "Att... Attention..." A fit of violent coughing fills their ears before they realize the speaker over the entire area is broadcasting the voice. "Anyone who's still here. This is Security Chief Hank... The first security station and its living areas are breached. I've managed to seal off the quarters where they came in, but at least half a dozen are still active in the hallways..." The coughing fit returns. "I'm sealing off the whole area, but it'll take a minute or two to depressurize... Half assed failsafes. If those two lazy shits are still standing guard in the lobby... If you've got enough firepower, come to this security nexus. I need two security ID's to raise the alert level so the automated defenses don't use riot tactics... One of the things got me, and I'm not gonna make it, but if at least one of you can get here, take my ID and finish the job. If there aint enough of you... well, good fucking luck."

The speakers fall silent. Due to how the old protocol works, it means all doors in the security station would be unlocked, including the armory. But they would be pressed for time, hardly enough to perform both tasks, especially with hostiles in the area. Lest they risk being stuck in the wing with no real way out.
In a totally rbotic apathetic gesture Bot reaches out and slowly pats the lab texh twice on the shoulder. "There, there sir. The Doctor just knows that you are more proficient at paperwork and unintentionally misdiagnosing and subsequently killing patients. It has nothing really to do with trust," Bot said with a cold matter of fact tone. He took the supples and began setting up a triage center in preparation. Most of the medical necessities he kept handy so they could easily be moved and used.

As the intercom quieted down and turned to the defenders. "I believe that assisting Security Chief Hank post haste is a wise course.

Although the timing is unfortunate I believe I have a faitly acceptable solution. If I were given a list I could head directly to the armory and acquire equipment in a non biased priority while others head to seal the level. The advantage is that if I were to take too long and got sealed inside I would merely be stuck until I lost a power source and none of you living ones would expire. What is your input?"
Oni, Starport - Waiting Area

The Jiyuuian's light-hearted expression vanished as the voice of his boss could be heard over the PA system - for the former knew all too well what the latter's coughing fit meant. Only a few minutes left......gomen'nasai, Hank...

"Anyone who's still here. This is Security Chief Hank... The first security station and its living areas are breached. I've managed to seal off the quarters where they came in, but at least half a dozen are still active in the hallways..."

In the hallwa-oh, kuso! With exponentially-increasing amounts of dread, Naoki sidestepped his fellow security guard, entering the hallway itself as he switched his FEAR to 'Automatic,' assumed a half-crouched firing position, and scanned the hallway.

No rent-a-cop, regardless of training and/or prior experience, should have been able to accomplish that many tasks within two seconds - yet Nishino Naoki somehow had.

Fortunately for the welfare of the aforementioned "rent-a-cop" (and the others), the well-lit corridor was empty; the armored bulkhead a little under twenty meters away was still sealed shut. "Clear."

The Jiyuuian - despite enemies (potentially) being in such close proximity, despite there being a very good chance he'd never see his beloved (well, legally seperated, but beloved regardless) wife and daughter - smiled for a moment as he maintained his vigil over the previously-mentioned corridor. Anata no ken to seishin wa eien no subete ni iku koto ga arimasu, Chief.

Hmmmmmm... Naoki frowned as he considered what to do next; a fee seconds later, he sighed. What he'd thought up was dicey (and required him to actually do something), but given how scarce their available man/woman/botpower was......the guard didn't see much in the way of alternatives.

After retreating back through the doorway into the Waiting Area (while still keeping watch through it, of course), the Jiyuuian replied "How about this? Frank, myself, and either Pyro-san or..." - a gesture towards Desmond - "...Armor-san storm the East Wing, while the rest stay and watch the door to the lobby. That way, we can activate the turrets..." - a pause, then - "It's...<sigh>...risky, but if no one has a better idea, let's go."

Sure, Naoki's words and actions were destroying his painstakingly-crafted facade of an easy-going, extremely laid-back rent-a-cop.

Sure, he was going to have to reveal his true colors very, very soon.

In the end, though.........it didn't matter.

Nishino Naoki wasn't going to let himself die. Not here. Not now.

Not when he still had to make things right again.
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Illiana - Decisions, Decisions...
Illiana's eyes narrowed as she looked up at the P.A system, 'Well. That clears up That particular detail.' As the list of options started to make themselves pretty damned short she'd growl slightly as she looked down at her LASR and then at her NSP she'd set down on the counter top along with all of her gear. She was, for lack of a better term, not a happy kitty, PRoffered options, suggested courses of actions and of course, impending violent and not at all sexy doom seemed to be vying to win the prize. Glancing around she'd rub her face, "I'd say 'Everything' from the armory would be required, but - IF it comes down to it - We're going to need ammo, Spread fire weapons - shotguns, grenades, I'll even be happy with molotov cocktails - Anything to keep their numbers thin as we make a fighting retreat."

She wasn't a fan of splitting up too much, though losing the robot if the armory was locked down wouldn't be felt half as bad as losing the armory itself would be. Then again...sealing the damned place up... She'd growl, "Ammo, Bot, Ammo. As much as you can carry - top priority. Everything else'll be secondary - toss can's out the door if you gotta in case you get locked in." She'd glance towards the armored Nep-head then towards the rent-a-cops, "Speed'll be more important than tanking hits, I'll go with you guys - His firepower'll be of more use here incase they breach the doors." She slid her equipment back into their respective pouches as she vaulted the counter and headed towards Naoki, checked the chamber on her rifle, and stepped upto the man, "Pyro-san has a name, It's Illiana. Let's go - You're boss is bleeding out and I'd rather we do this as fast as possible so we have a chance at getting turrets up, lockdowns in place and hopefully some extra ammo."

If I live through this, I'm taking a vacation...
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