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RP: YSS Senbu Ep 10 - Downtime: A leader for the Lion Knights

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On: YSS Senbu

The door opened up for Hiroko to enter into the hall, leaving Nicholas sitting in the office alone. His data pad came alive, orders were sent from the captain with a small attached note; 'Thanks -Shi <3'. His orders were to check over the Star Army Communications Network and continue the inflow of troops; it seemed Shizuka had plans to expand the ship's staff. Then the second order was to conduct the interview with, Santô Hei; Ushimo Sakaki.

As for Maya, she had been at the debriefing but hadn’t been listing too much of what was being said. All that she could remember at this time was that those guys they ran into had the same MO as the pirates they encountered that blew her up in that ship. She'd have to talk to Kuriko or Mizu to get the details.

Sakaki managed to find her room and fell on the bed. "Finally," she whispered to herself in relief, as she relaxed for the moment. After resting for a moment she remembered she still probably had an interview soon and sat up. She looked down at one of her pieces of luggage and moved to remove a few things from it, for a few minutes she would be preparing herself for the meeting.

Shin whistled, walking through the corridors of the Senbu, heading to wherever his feet took him. He didn’t really have anything to do at the moment, so he figured he would just wander and see if he would meet anyone else

"Arigatou MEGAMI-san," Kuriko replied telepathically to the MEGAMI as she stood up. I guess I should go work out now, Kuriko thought as she started the trek back to her room. Nekki Shin... hmm, he'll be interesting. Who was the other girl...? Kuriko wondered as she thought about her conversation between herself and the girl.

Maya was still going over the rescue in her head over and over again. It wasn’t bad for her second official mission aboard the Senbu but felt that she, as usual, was being kept out of the and would request a copy of the after action report on the mission and would try and find Kuriko or Mizu for more pertinent details.

Hiroko only barely noticed all of the random scuffling as she walked around post-interview. She still seemed a bit happy from the results of said interview, though.

Shin was wandering, somehow ending up in a lift. “MEGAMI, do I have access to the Powered Armor Hangars?”

"All personnel not required to be in the Power Armor Bays are restricted from access without an Ittô Hei clearance level or permission from a superior." MEGAMI answered Shin promptly.

Maya got out of the debriefing room as was standing in the adjacent hallway. "MEGAMI? Where is Kuriko at this very moment?"

Shin sighed, rubbing his temples. “MEGAMI, where can I find Shifuda-Hei?” he asked.

"Nitô-Hei Shifuda Kuriko has just exited the lift on deck 19, and is heading toward the enlisted room accommodations," MEGAMI replied in a cold voice to both Maya and Shin simultaneously.

“Arigatou, MEGAMI.” Shin gained focus, heading up Deck 19.

After hearing MEGAMI's answer, Maya proceeded to the turbolift and headed for Deck 19. "Probably went back to her quarters to sleep in again! I'm going to string her up one of these days!" Maya got off the lift and headed for Kuriko's quarters and gave the buzzer a few too many impatient rings.

Shin exited the lift, beginning to walk around and look for Kuriko. Seeing Maya, he approached her. "Uh, ma’am, you wouldn't happen to know where Shifuda-Hei is?"

Maya was impatiently tapping her foot and kept ringing the buzzer when all of a sudden a young Yamataian addressed her. She turned around and looked up at the tall man. "No, I haven’t and I was looking for her myself and I would have if she would JUST STOP SLEEPING AND OPEN UP!!!" Maya then began banging her fist and kicking so loudly on the door that you could hear the echoes a mile away.

Shin stepped back a bit, smiling unsurely. "You know, it's unbecoming for a woman as good looking as yourself to be so loud. I don't think Shifuda-Hei would appreciate it."

At that exact moment Kuriko opened the door dressed in her exercise outfit. "Ah! Maya, sumimasen. Did I keep you waiting long?" Kuriko asked. "Ah, Nekki-Hei." Kuriko bowed as she addressed Shin, "Do you know Yoshihara-Hei?" Kuriko asked curiously.

As Maya was ready to tear the door apart with bear hands, that last bit about acting all prim, proper and lady like got to her... HARD. Maya slowly turned her head at the Yamataian. "Just who the hell do you think you are telling ME what to do!?!? Unbecoming of a woman!?! I don't go around telling you how to act!" Just as Maya was about to give the Yamataian a piece of her mind the door finally opened with Kuriko inside. "It's about time! Sleeping in again as usual!" Maya grabbed Kuriko in headlock and gave her noogie she wouldn’t forget! "Anyway, I wanted to get the details about that last mission since I'm the last person on this ship that tells me anything.”

Shin glared at Maya. "Please ma'am, do not yell at me."

Maya turned back at the Yamataian "What's your problem? You think a woman like me should be at home taking care of children or something and not leave the fighting to big macho men like you?" Maya then raised an eyebrow at the Yamataian, waiting for a reply.

Shin sighed. "Ma’am, I did not mean to offend you. I apologize for angering you. I'm just a new recruit, and I've just been chewed because of my family background."

Kuriko felt suddenly like a squishy animal between two high speed rocks. "Anou....sumimasen, it must have just been a misunderstanding. What brings everyone down here anyway?" Kuriko wasn't quite sure exactly why Shin was here, she heard Maya mention something about discussing the briefing though. "Anou... could you let me out of the headlock?" Kuriko asked Maya silently through telepathy.

Maya let go of Kuriko and took another look at the Yamataian. "Well, rookie, I guess no harm done, then. I guess being blown up made me more cynical then usual."

Shin smiled, giving Maya a thumbs up. "Santo Hei Nekki Shin, assigned to the YSS Senbu's Infantry. Glad to meet you." Shin bowed to Maya, grinning.

"Incorrect, Santo Hei; Nikki Shin has yet to receive an assignment." MEGAMI chimed in, to correct Shin's introduction to the Pride Wing's lead pilots.

Maya gave Shin a short bow followed by a friendly slap on the back with a laugh. "Ha! I guess you and I can get along and you can start by buying me a drink after I'm through with Kuriko here. Ittô Hei Yoshihara Maya of the YSS Senbu’s Pride Wing Division."

Shin grinned, slapping Maya on her back. "I would buy you a drink, but I only buy for myself. Not to mention I’m still not assigned to a squadron."

Maya frowned after the ploy of getting a free drink failed. "Well rookie, can't say I didn’t try." Maya turned back to Kuriko and pulled her close to her and talked to Kuriko in a low enough voice so that the rookie couldn’t hear. "So? Give me the heads up!"

Kuriko stood up once Maya released her. "I'm about to head to the gym to do some working out on deck 28 if you guys want to join me," Kuriko offered. "I can brief you while we work out." Kuriko said telepathically to Maya.

Working out sounded like a great idea, Maya been wanting to do some strength training, anyway, to try and maximize her combat potential. "Kuriko-chan! That’s a great idea. I've been wanting to try some strength training exercises I got off the net."

Shin shrugged. "I might as well. I got nothing else to do until I get assigned to a squad. Until then I’m just an errant Daisy Pilot." Shin attempted to telepathically contact Sakaki. “Ushimo-Hei, this is Nekki. If you would like, we could spar in the gym soon.”

"Then I'll wait for the both of you to get changed and we can meet up on deck 28," Kuriko said happily as she felt the telepathic buzz that Shin sent out when he contacted Sakaki. I wonder who he's talking to... Kuriko wondered silently.

Hiroko quirked a brow slightly at mention of heading to the gym, and stepped a bit forward, moving closer to the people who were assembled and talking. "Well, I suppose heading down to deck 28 with all of you wouldn't be a bad idea per se."

Kuriko turned her head to face Hiroko when she spoke. "Ah! That would be great! Anou...what's your name again?" Kuriko asked respectfully as she bowed to the Yamataian.

Hiroko tilted her head at Kuriko again. "Hiroko. Ishida Hiroko. I'm sorry, I should have told it to you before my interview when we had met then."

"Alright, I'll meet you there!" Maya said, then headed for her quarters to change in her exercise uniform. She hadn’t worn this thing since basic training back at Ft. Ready before the attack there. Maya then grabbed a gym bag filled with gym stuff and headed for deck 28.

"Iie, Hiroko-hei. I didn't ask, so there was no need to have done so. It's nice to see you again, though," Kuriko replied before introducing herself. "Nitô-hei Shifuda Kuriko, it's nice to meet you."

Shin slapped himself upside his head. “Ah, Sakaki, you're probably meeting with the captain. You can talk to me when you get done,” he said through telepathy. "I'll meet you all there, okay?" he added aloud to the group assembled in front of Kuriko’s room.

Hiroko smiled, and nodded as well. "Pleasure is mine, too! Now then, if we're all headed to the recreation de- er, were you?"

"Un, Hiroko-Hei. I just decided to change into my exercise uniform so I could use the gym there. We're all going to meet on deck 28, will I see you there?" Kuriko played with her bangs a little bit as she asked Hiroko.

Shin had since wandered off to his room, changing into his exercise uniform and Yukata before heading to the gym on deck 28.

In Shizuka’s office, Nicholas tapped the data pad, closing the message from Shizuka. Ever since his promotion to full Shoi just hours before, it seemed like he had been given a new surge of responsibility. He didn’t really mind, of course, but he did expect that his tenure in the training billet would have lasted longer. The Geshrin’s musing on the matter didn’t last long, however, and he quickly went about doing as Shizuka had ordered. “MEGAMI, please send in this Ushimo Sakaki,” he said as he sent out orders for soldiers who had requested a position on the Senbu.

Within moments after Nicholas gave the word, the Senbu’s MEGAMI relayed the order to Sakaki. “Santô Hei Ushimo Sakaki, please report to the captain’s office,” it said in its empty, pleasant voice.

“Understood,” Sakaki responded to the AI, and made final adjustments to herself to be sure she was presentable. She then retrieved her katana short sword and adjusted it on her left hip then opened the door and began to head her way to the captain's office as ordered. She was a little nervous but felt the hardest part was all over, and wondered a little who the captain of the ship would be like.

Outside Shizuka's office door, Mizu's pacing silence was broken by the drawn out grumbling of her hungry stomach. She placed both hands overtop the figure of her tummy, rubbing in a counter clockwise motion. "Mrrr… I'm hungry, but... I'm not sure when I'll be called in..." Pacing some more, Mizu looked to the Shosa's door and then down the corridor in the direction of the mess hall before quickly taking an advancing step towards the Mess. "I'll come back after I grab a satisfying bite." Hurrying, Mizu made her way to the turbo lift.

Sakaki found the door labeled "Captain" and announced herself at the door, "Santô Hei, Ushimo Sakaki here as requested." She waited for a reply, she didn't want to rush herself and look like a fool.

The door opened before her, revealing the office portion of Shizuka’s suite. Inside, Nicholas stood up from his seat at the captain’s desk when he was alerted of Sakaki’s presence. “Enter,” he ordered, trying to sound as authoritarian as he could.

Sakaki opened the door and moved in quickly to a respectable distance and bowed. When her gaze rose, she was surprised that her gaze had to reach higher, otherwise she'd be staring right at the man's chest. She gave him a look that would be saying "here I am as requested."

“Santô Hei Ushimo Sakaki, I presume,” Nicholas said with an inspecting glare. “Please, have a seat,” he continued, motioning for her to sit down opposite him as he took his own seat again. “I am Nicholas Saiga-shoi, the Senbu’s First Officer. I will be asking you a few quick questions on behalf of our captain, Shizuka Endo-shosa,” the Geshrin said, looking from the data pad and back to Sakaki. “Firstly, how do you feel about working closely with other soldiers?” he asked, figuring that he could go with the same opening question everyone had been asked even though he knew the Neko’s answer.

Sakaki moved to sit in the given chair straight up posture while removing her blade and leaning on the chair. She then moved her hands on her lap and kept herself focused and replied, "I feel honored to serve alongside capable warriors of the 1st Expeditionary Fleet, is like a dream." She sat ready for the next question.

An acceptable answer, Nicholas concluded. The sword she carried interested him. “Ah, Ushimo-hei, I see you carry a blade. Are you a capable of using it in real combat?” he asked. His own daisho sat in a place of honor back at home because he knew that his skill with the blade would bring dishonor to his family, “or is it simply ornamental?”

"Hai," replied Sakaki, feeling honored. "It is a blade of my master's, once used during army service of his father." She felt a nagging voice coming from somewhere but ignored it for now; she wanted to stay focused on the interview.

“Then you will be a capable warrior, Ushimo-hei,” Nicholas commented with a hint of further interest in his voice. There was no time for that now, though, he wanted to perform as many of Shizuka’s tasks as possible in as little time as possible. “And that means you will make a fine addition to this crew. That being said, I only have one more question to ask you,” the Shoi said after a contemplative pause. “Endo-shosa is considering you for a special position on her ship, but this last query is her most important qualification. Answer as truthfully as you can. If you were on a mission and you had the choice to either save a fellow crewmember and forfeit successful completion of your duty or to let them suffer their final death and complete your task, which would you choose?”

"I would..." Sakaki began but trailed off and closed her eyes, I must make this answer from the soul, she thought. Her eyes opened and she finished her sentence, "I would... honestly save the crewman," she continued, now showing some emotion in her expression. "No one deserves to die that way, if it's possible to save them then I would." She finished looking down to her right; she wasn't conferrable in revealing her true self in this manner.

“I see,” Nicholas said in a low, gravelly tone, “You are exactly what Endo-shosa is looking for in a soldier.” He made a few taps on the data pad, changing Sakaki’s assignment to Shizuka’s special project. “This means that, pending her approval, you are part of the Pride Wing. Welcome, Ushimo Sakaki-hei,” Nicholas smiled. “Unless there is anything else, you are dismissed,” he continued, standing from his seat.

Shizuka was on the bridge, looking over what seemed to be traces of the Vampire vessel that had been eluding them and pulling the Senbu into the Ketsurui nebula, or at least along its edges. "ETA until we can catch up with them?" Shizuka asked one of the bridge operators.

"If we continue on like this ma'am, we'll route them within the next day," a young male bridge operator answered.

"That's if they don't lose us again..." Shizuka mentioned under her breath as she stared intently at the youth's display. "Alright, thank you for all your work. Keep working on holding their trail." Shizuka ordered then started towards the door, she still had much to do.

Back in the captain’s suite, Sakaki’s eyes grew wide and looked directly at the Geshrin with a bit of disbelief. The very fact this group had a name was enough to indicate that it was something to be honored about. She stood up quickly nearly knocking her sword to the ground and bowed deeply, "I… am deeply honored!" The words given didn't even explain her excitement. She attempted to slowly pick her sword up and place it back on her hip and slowly walk away instead of running. Sakaki stopped at the door and turned around, "I do have one humble question..." she began to ask, bowing again, "you can use the sword as well?”

The Geshrin Shoi raised an eyebrow when Sakaki asked her question. “Ahh… I suppose, yes,” he said, caught off guard by the Santô Hei’s question. “I have been taught how to wield a blade, as is tradition in my family, but my ability is not great enough to warrant carrying my daisho.”

Sakaki nodded a little, she felt pity that she wouldn't be able to spar with such an opponent that was even taller than the Yamataian from eerier. However, leaving without a response would be rude to her superior so she replied, "Again thank you," then bowed and took her leave.

Again, Nicholas' data pad came alive as he sat at Shizuka’s desk, working on reviewing and processing incoming assignment requests. Another message from the Captain came through with a subject line of: “Dinner?” It seemed innocent enough, but if he could only hear the tone she sent it in. The content, however, wasn't as alluring as the header. “Let's get this conference over with and maybe we can get a little break,” it read. It seemed Shizuka was also in need of a nice little breather, and with this day ahead of them to prepare to get the pirate ship, she might just get it.

“I would like that,” Nicholas replied, quickly typing the words into the data pad. He could use a rest, just as he knew Shizuka probably did. The Geshrin was far from being a lazy man, but he figured that it would be a good opportunity to relax, and maybe even talk business if there was enough time.

Waiting right outside the door, just out of sight, was a slender yet solid female with tanned skin, young facial features, a cute small nose and a pair of sharp, big, slanted amber eyes. She had unruly dark sandy blond hair that had to been just left as is after a shower. Her general appearance with her smaller Neko ears and almost primal like posture gave her a lion-like demeanor. She was in ship administration whites and had a Shosa pin fixed to her uniform. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she sized up Sakaki. "So, how'd it go?" she asked the Hei casually.

"Eh?" Sakaki replied upon seeing the smaller Neko and began to blush, She... she is really cute! she thought while in her mind was an image of a small stuffed lion she had stuffed in her luggage somewhere. She attempted to recover while answering the question making her answer a but bubbled, "It went fine..." she was seriously trying to put herself in her warrior self again, while resisting the urge to touch the girl's cute ears.

Shizuka was cute just as a real lion was face to face; she had those bestial eyes that looked like she could peer right into your soul, knowing your every thought. But still, if you were on her good side, she was as motherly and cute as an oversized kitty. "And what was your answer, to the last question?" she asked Sakaki, raising a questioning brow as she starred at every inch of the Hei, gauging her answer fully not only by her tones and words, but by her body language.

"Question?" Sakaki was still a bit awkward but was recovering. She shook her head to get rid of distracting thoughts and answered, still with a blush of red across her face, "I would save a crewmate over the mission; a slow death is not befitting death for anyone." She was bent back a bit due to the surprise but was regaining her composure. Who... is she? Sakaki wondered as to such a small creature of amazing cuteness was standing right in front of her.

"Good answer, I hope he put you on the Pride Wing." The Neko said with a tiny smirk. She, then bowed her head slightly, her eyes never leaving Sakaki's. "I'm Shosa; Endo Shizuka. I run this ship, glad to have you aboard," the Captain revealed her identity with a big lioness grin.

The grin was almost enough to render Sakaki unconscious, while her ears seemed to point up in surprise. "Hai!" she responded while backing into the now closed door and bowed. During this time she heard some message, but it was totally forgotten in all of the surprise. "It is an honor to meet you, Commander!" she replied putting all of her spirit back into that comment.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Hei, now I suggest you rest up and eat while you can. We're going to be seeing some action soon, I hope you’re excited." The blonde haired Neko then bowed her head once more. "If you'd excuse me though, I have a dinner date with the man in my office," Shizuka said, in a playful sort of way, though her tone never really dropped that professional feel. She then excused herself and slipped past Sakaki into her office.

"Ah, ah, of course!" Sakaki stated and moved out of the way and when the door closed she began to dash for the rec room. This entire interview was much more than she had expected and needed to use the energy on something, anything.

Kuriko stepped onto the lift toward the rec deck. After a few seconds Kuriko suddenly jumped a little bit. I forgot I was going to eat with Mizu! “Anou, Mizu. I forgot we were going to eat together, and Maya just asked for a debriefing. Would you like to join us for a workout on deck 28? We could debrief her together, I'm not sure I'll remember everything." Kuriko said telepathically to Mizu while hoping that the Yamataian wouldn't be angry at her.

Kuriko stepped off of the lift when it stopped onto deck 28. It didn't take the Neko long to pull up a map of the rec deck and find one of the gyms available as well as send messages to everyone else as to where specifically to meet. Once there the Neko stood outside, towel in hand waiting for the others to arrive.

Shin had somehow managed to get lost again. Wait, no, he was on the right deck. Getting the message for Kuriko, he headed for the gym

Maya was already waiting for the others to arrive and was leaning on the side of the bulkhead, arms crossed and tapping her foot impatiently then commented to Kuriko. "Took ya long enough..."

"Sumimasen," Kuriko responded to Maya. "I got distracted on the way up. Mizu might be joining us,” Kuriko said casually as she looked around for Shin and Mizu.

Shin waved to the two of them, walking down the corridor towards where they were standing. "You two managed to get here before me, even though I ran all the way here."

Kuriko smiled before speaking. "There are certain shortcuts that you can take that make the trip go a little faster," Kuriko said happily. "I'll have to show you them sometime," Kuriko said as she scanned the man's face for his glasses.

Shin had them on, of course. It seemed that he never took them off, apparently "Thanks for the tip. I'll have to explore the ship sometime. Hey, do you know if the Pride Wing is accepting Daisy Pilots?"

Maya looked at Shin when he finally arrived. "Wow rookie, you managed to settle in pretty quick I think. That has to be a new record!"

Shin saluted to Maya. "My Cousin was an officer."

Mizu arrived at the lift when she received Kuriko's telepathic message. "Etou.. I just need to grab something to munch on but I suppose it can wait. Deck 28 hmm? I'm at the lift on Deck 15 now. I'm on my way now," she answered. Her stomach gave a muffled growl as she stepped into the turbo lift and faced the door as it slid shut behind her. "Deck 28." As she ascended to her destination, Mizu carefully chose her question before asking telepathically, "Kuriko… About Maya, can we talk about what you mentioned before we received our debriefing? I'm feeling a bit unnerved about it now…" Once the lift stopped at Deck 28 and the doors opened, Mizu exited promptly and made her way down the corridor till she came in view of Maya, Kuriko and a male.

Shin glared at the newcomer, Maya, and Kuriko. "Your unit is all female, isn’t it?"

Maya raised an eyebrow confused and waved Shin off when he saluted to her. "Uhhh, this isn't Neplesilia rookie. We don't salute in the Star Army, and besides, you don't need to be all formal around me, titles make my skin crawl."

Shin tried to message Sakaki telepathically again. “Ushimo-Hei, Pride Wing and I are going to be exercising in a gym on deck 28. You should meet up with us.” Just after sending the message, he realized that he had forgotten something important to do back in his room. "Oh, I forgot..." he trailed off turning around sharply, then started briskly walking to his quarters.

Kuriko led the rest of the group into the gym and found an open mat before plopping herself down on the ground and stretching out herself. "What did you want to talk about?" Kuriko asked Mizu telepathically as she spread her legs apart and leaned her torso toward her left foot. The Neko inhaled as she felt her muscles and tendons remind her of how she didn't have to these things in the past, causing the Hei to inhale sharply when she went too far. "Maya, you wanted to go over the debriefing right?" Kuriko her other companion asked telepathically.

Maya followed Kuriko to the mats and sat down and began doing several yoga-style stretches, her natural agility making it easy for her. Maya then responded to Kuriko’s telepathic question. "That was the idea wasn’t it? So would you please tell me what the hell is going on?

Kuriko switched to encrypted telepathy before replying, "You remember how Gold Wing covered us while we escaped?" Kuriko switched to her right leg, leaning as far as she could without grimacing too much, "Well, they took some hard hits, there weren't any that were killed that I'm aware of. Though, Akira-shoi is in the medical bay right now. I think he's listed under critical, but I'm not sure. The enemy managed to get away as well; they had a Mindy 1H cover them." When Kuriko reached the part about Akira-shoi, she stopped stretching before continuing again. I should go see him... the Neko thought silently before she resumed her stretching.

Maya stopped stretching after hearing that bit about Akira. “Akira-shoi is in critical condition!?!? Is it serious?!?! Is he going to die!?!?!” she questioned over the telepathic link. Maya was starting feel a panic attack going on. She had only known Akira for a short while but had already had a liking for the guy.

Kuriko started to freak out a little, but her more logical side kicked in before she lost control of anything more than her breathing. “He'll be alright, the people in the medbay are good at what they do... I'm, I'm sure of it," Kuriko responded telepathically as she slid to the middle, trying to breathe slower. He'll be ok... the Neko told herself. "Did you have any other questions concerning the debriefing?" Kuriko asked.

Maya stopped and thought about anything else but the thought about Akira's condition was overwhelming her thoughts right now. “No... I don't think so...” Maya said telepathically as she saw the discomfort eking through on Kuriko’s face and put an arm around her shoulder in a effort to comfort her. “I'm worried about Akira-sensei. You want to get out of here and go visit him and check on his condition?”

This is when both Mizu and Kuriko would be getting orders from the Shosa herself. "Report to the upper officer's wardroom at once, there's a matter at hand that needs to be dealt with." Shizuka's voice seemed very curt and to the point, making things seem a lot worse than they were.

Kuriko's back muscles were tense when Maya placed her hand on Kuriko's back, and when Maya suggested that they visit Akira-shoi, Kuriko winced slightly. "Iie. He's in the best hands he can be in right now." Kuriko said telepathically as she thought about the medbay staff. “"Besides, if we were to go down there they would tell us to leave anyway." Kuriko remembered trying to stay with Maya when she had been almost killed. Before Kuriko could think of anything else however, the Shosa's orders came in causing Kuriko to inhale sharply again. "We should get going." Kuriko remarked telepathically and tried to slowly stand up as she 'spoke' to Maya, but wasn't quite sure if she would be able to stop herself from running all the way there. He'll be ok....he has to be. Kuriko hoped.

Mizu had been leaning against the wall, not quite in the mood, you could say, to be exercising at the moment. After receiving the order from the Shosa, Mizu moved from the wall and walked alongside Kuriko as both of them were headed in the same direction.

Maya got up and gave Kuriko a pat on the head. "You’re probably right. Anyway, you better head over and see the Shosa, it sounded pretty important. If you need me I'll be in my quarters a little later," Maya said then gave Kuriko a little nudge towards the direction of the turbolift to go see the Shosa and gave her little wave goodbye and then went to sit down on a nearby bench to collect her thoughts.

Through the depths of Yamataian space, one of the Senbu’s dispatch shuttles glided through the void. "So, what exactly has you striving to join the ranks of the First XF's Red Lion?" A busty middle-aged Yamataian woman asked the smaller and much younger Yamataian Santô Hei. Rin's journey seemed to be a quick one, only moments ago she was being picked up to be brought to the Senbu, and now here she was, on a shuttle with a red head who gave the name of Jennifer Stararcher, obvious that she may have some sort of Nepleslian background.

Rin had been relatively quiet and pensive for most of the shuttle ride. Though she had seen space many times and even piloted similar craft in her training, to know that they had actually arrived at the first duty station made it all the more important. Still, the excitement that she felt was well masked by the teal bang that hung over her eye. Turning to regard the woman who had brought her here, she nodded curtly in thanks and replied in a voice both cool and firm. "Striving? I'm merely following the orders given to me, as a soldier should. The Red Lion’s command certainly seems to be a suitable choice by command, however."

The older woman chuckled, and smiled pleasantly back at Rin. "Aren’t you a doll?" the pilot commented to the younger woman. "Well missy, I think this will be the best spot for ya. The cap'n has a big heart, and a sharp attitude which is just as sharp as your sparking eyes," Jennifer said with a whimsy tone, the massive warship sized repair vessel came into view. She went about getting the right clearances, and punching in her trajectory corrections.

The new recruit's blue eyes looked on with definite care as the more experienced pilot manipulated the nimble shuttle. They weren't so much sparkling as focused and driven. Hopefully she would have a chance to serve on the bridge before long, though the sheer scale of the Senbu was much larger than she expected. Leaning forward to get a slightly better view, the Santô Hei mumbled, "Hmm, Anri-Class. Deep Space Repair..." followed by a more vocal question. "He certainly can't be a pushover to manage a mammoth ship such as this. I look forward to meeting him."

"You think a man could multitask that whole darn thing?!" The redhead asked, making a joke more than anything to lighten the recruit’s mood. "The Red Lion isn't one of those lazy male lions, ‘ya hear. She's one helluva CO, so be on ya best behavior." The pilot gave the girl good warning before they came into dock. This is when she'd have to manipulate the controls, she slowly brought the small T4 shuttle into the bay and lowered it down onto the platform, a few moments later and the door opened up for Rin to exit into the busy Starboard multifunction bay.

Rin blinked, but then quickly bowed her head in deference at the slight mistake. "Forgive me; I had been contacted by a Shoi Saiga with the assignment, and simply assumed..." There seemed to be no need to be apologetic as the guide seemed to be laughing in contrast to her seriousness, though, and so the issue was then dropped. It seemed it was difficult to lighten this new recruit up by one simple jest, though, as the woman arose from her seat in the shuttle once they had docked in a businesslike manner, slightly nervous. Rin immediately began straightening out her uniform's wrinkles like they were the enemy as she awaited in deference for Stararcher to lead the way aboard.. "I will keep that advice in mind."

Having satisfied herself with her appearance, Rin exited the shuttle with a brave face, studying the bay with an eye for detail, memorizing where each duty station and function was for later reference. She would be seeing a lot of this place in the future no doubt – best to get started now. Tilting her gaze slightly towards the shuttle pilot, Rin spoke offhand, "Just the shuttle bay alone is vast." Within her mind's eye though she was already crafting a different comment for the ship's AI, broadcasting her thoughts to whatever receivers there were nearby, “Hoshitomo Rin, Santô Hei, arrival on station. Requesting OS access verification and mission briefing,” there was a short pause and then, “Please.”

“OS Access verification is confirmed, you have clearance of Santô Hei level, Hoshitomo-Hei. Your current orders are to report to the Shosa's office on deck 15 for an introduction and preliminary interview. Time has been made so that you may deposit your bags in your assigned room, Starboard Enlisted 19-4. Enlisted rooming accommodations are on deck 19,” the cold unfeeling voice of the MEGAMI replied to Rin's query.

Rin accepted the information with a neutral expression. In fact she was rather relieved at the speed and accuracy of the MEGAMI system upon the Senbu. "Understood. I will not keep the Shosa waiting," thought the soldier to the computer as her hand reached to grab her belongings. There wasn't much to speak of – it was largely standard military issue gear, though there was a small personal bag with a few articles from home. Certainly nothing like packing for a space hotel, as some other women would. Casting another glance to her guide, the now burdened Rin spoke. "It seems I have an interview to make. If you'd just point me to the lift, I would be grateful."

The shuttle pilot pointed with a long finger, devoid of any sort of nail polish or the like, towards the set of doors leading into a hallway. "Just head in there and turn left, the directions around here are usually clearly marked on the walls, if not, use MEGAMI." The Jotô Hei pilot then turned back to her shuttle and closed the door before heading over to talk with one of the bay’s engineering crew.

This time, however, there would be no audible response from the MEGAMI. Instead, a volumetric window appeared in front of the Yamataian with a complete map of the current floor that Rin was on, as well as a lit up path to the lift and marker indicating her current location and facing.

The maps proved helpful as Rin made a quick and efficient beeline for the enlisted quarters of 19-4 as indicated. They were certainly more than adequate for her purposes, though she had little time to settle in with the critical meeting with the commander of the Senbu looming large. The soldier merely dropped off her bags on the bed there to be sorted at a later time and freshened up from her shuttle ride. Soon it would be off to destiny on deck 15.

Meanwhile, as Kuriko and Mizu made their way to the wardroom, following the Shosa’s orders, Kuriko looked to Mizu as she got into the lift and started it toward deck 15. "What do you think this is about?" Kuriko asked Mizu telepathically, hoping that it wasn't about Akira-shoi.

Mizu looked to Kuriko after heading into the lift after her and letting her start it up. I'm not entirely sure. Might have something to do about those pirates we were pursuing. Then again.. I'm not entirely sure about that either." Mizu placed one hand in the other at her back just below her waist. She hummed a bit, moving her head from side to side, she was becoming a bit nervous about the situation.

It was a short trip; the two Pride Wing members were quickly at their destination. A small walk from the lifts was the entrance to the officer's ward room, the place the Captain could entertain foreign dignitaries, it was no less fancy and up class as the finer restaurants in Kyoto.

Wow... Kuriko thought as she walked into the officer's wardroom. "This looks amazing," Kuriko said as she looked around the room. I wonder why we're meeting here, Kuriko thought as she looked for the captain, or some other high ranking officer.

Mizu followed close behind Kuriko, marveling at the change in location as well, although she kept her comments and likes to herself

One of the last chibi-sized sprites to be made came out quickly from behind the entrance to the kitchen. She was eight-inches-tall and armed with a wok. "Welcome, I'm Aoi, the sprite in charge of the cooking up here. Can I get either of you something to drink?" the tiny voiced, blue haired, blue eyed Neko asked.

Kuriko looked down at the cute little sprite and had a soft smile on her face. "If I could get a water that would be nice," Kuriko asked quietly as she shifted her weight uncomfortably from foot to foot.

"Okay, one water and one..." the sprite trailed off as she stared at Mizu, waiting to take her drink order. The small sprite even floated towards the spaced out Hei's face as she looked intently at the Pride Wing pilot.

Mizu looked to the sprite, slightly tilting her head to the left as she answered. "Nothing for me, thank you,” she answered telepathically. Mizu looked around while she waited for a higher ranking officer or that of the Shosa herself.

"So, two waters then!" the sprite said, seemingly not wanting to take an empty order. She then pointed out to a table set off to the side in a more private corner of the ward room. "The Captain will be here soon, please take a seat." Aoi then zipped into the doors and disappeared back into the kitchen, which a wonderful aroma was wavering out from.

Kuriko looked uncomfortably to Mizu before shrugging, "Might as well?" Kuriko said questioningly before she walked over to the table to sit down.

Mizu followed suit as well, taking note of Kuriko's uncomfortable observation as well as taking her own seat across from Kuriko so as she could look at her directly and still address either her or the Shosa should either require a response from her. "Of course," was all she seemed to say after Kuriko spoke.

In Shizuka’s office, a few seconds after the door closed behind Shizuka, she sighed deeply, leaning her back up against the door, letting her muscles relax a bit. "Long day…" Shizuka said, on another small sigh, she slowly approached the Geshrin man she appointed XO and sized him up, admiring his form in the administrative whites. "I still think you look good in that uniform," Shizuka said, smiling happily.

Nicholas smiled as Shizuka approached him, “Not nearly as good as you do, Shosa,” he said, momentarily forgetting his normally strict demeanor; it had indeed been a long day. “Ah… what I meant is the uniform is… ahh… designed to make you look good,” the Shoi stumbled, “Not you specifically. Although that’s not to say that you specifically don’t look amazingly good in the uniform.” Figuring that now would be a good time to shut up, Nicholas crossed his arms and simply said, “Thank you for the compliment, Shizuka.”

Shizuka giggled, almost like that of a school girl, only much more style. She got lost up in his cute ruffled demeanor, but only for so long. They had one last thing to do, and without words it showed that she wanted to just get it done and over with so she could sleep. "At least I hope dinner is good..." Shizuka said, with a half smile up at Nicholas as she gestured with her head towards the door. "We shouldn't make them wait..." she said, with one last sorry sounding sigh.

“They’re soldiers, they don’t mind waiting. It’s part of their job,” Nicholas replied, half-joking, allowing his normally very professional mask to stay lax for the time being, partly out of his own tiredness and partly because he’d become a little more comfortable being around the Shosa. “But I suppose that you’re right and we should get going. If nothing else, we shouldn’t keep us waiting any longer,” he said, grinning widely.

"Oh Nick, if I was only I was a Heisho and you a Hei, I'd take advantage of you right now," Shizuka said, with her all-too-playful smirk showing, no less without her exhaustion. She then lead him out of her office and up a deck, it wasn't that far at all. When they got there it was full of the wonderful smells of Aoi's cooking. By this time, Aoi had quickly and stealthily set down Kuriko and Mizu's drinks.

Kuriko stood up and bowed when Shizuka and Nick entered the room. "Endo-shosa, Saiga-shoi," Kuriko said respectfully.

Mizu stood up and bowed as well. "Endo-shosa, Saiga-shoi," Mizu said respectively as she followed suit.

Nicholas nodded in recognition of the two enlisted soldiers. He remained standing as he waited for Shizuka to take a seat, making sure to respect proper etiquette when in the presence of subordinates.

Shizuka bowed her head professionally in return. "Please be seated," Shizuka said, gesturing to their seats as she made her way over to a chair where she could sit comfortably and see the both of them, and have Nicholas beside her. Luckily though, they were at a circular table. "Alright, I don't want to make this any longer then it has to be. As you both must have noticed by now, we're getting a lot more crew, and that means a lot more pilots to assign to various wings. Just over the last day we've added quite a number to the Pride Wing, and now to make sure the chain of command as well as the smooth growth continues, we need to put a member of the Pride Wing in a leadership position. You are both candidates for this position," Shizuka explained the situation as clearly as she could

Mizu promptly took her seat as instructed by the Shosa.

Kuriko was a little bit shocked, but managed to sit down. That's not possible though… I'm a horrible pilot. Almost any other Neko can out-pilot me... Kuriko thought as she sat at the round table, unsure of how to handle the news.

"Thoughts, comments, questions, queries?" Shizuka asked, taking a sip from a glass of water that just seemed to have appeared at her spot, no doubt at the hands of the very sneaky blue sprite.

"Anou, I don't mean to second guess you or anything Endo-shosa, but I'm not sure I'm qualified for this. I know less about piloting than most of the newer pilots that we're getting in," Kuriko said softly as she fidgeted in her seat.

“The Shosa wouldn’t have chosen you if you weren’t qualified, Shifuda-hei,” the Geshrin First Officer cut in from his seat beside Shizuka. “Your skills have improved greatly since the first combat sortie that you were a part of with us, and the fact that you’ve been here since the Senbu’s baptism of fire makes you a perfect candidate for this position. The same goes for you, Kisaragi-hei.”

"The intel officer who's been going through your AIES records, Ittô Heisho; Mitsuhime Yuki also told me you were the one who took control of the situation when you came across the wounded. If it wasn't for you, I'm sure both of those men could have died," Shizuka added to Shoi's comment, as she looked directly at Kuriko.

Kuriko sat in silence after Nicholas had spoken. It was true, her skills had greatly increased, her scores in the power armor classes from Ft. Ready were acceptable for a Caretaker, but not for an Infantryman. Now, though, she at least had a clue what to do in combat, though she was still adjusting. It didn't even take longer than three seconds for the silence to start grating on the Neko’s nerves though, and within milliseconds she found herself talking again, if only to eliminate the awkward silence. "Anou... Endo-shosa, Saiga-shoi... Akira-shoi, how is he?" Kuriko felt that maybe changing the topic might get her out of this, at least for now.

Mizu retained her shock, turning it more into confidence after hearing and realizing what the purpose of this meeting was about. "As you have stated, any one of us would be a perfect candidate for the position. However, my only concern would be that the one chosen as leader of the wing should be one with collected thoughts, careful organization and tactics. This candidate must also keep into consideration the safety of the Pride Wing while on a mission as well as giving reliance upon those members, optimizing morale and performance as they ascend through the ranks. These are my questions, my only concerns." Mizu paused no longer then a few moments, finishing with, "Endo-shosa, Saiga-shoi…"

"Akira has recovered, but in his new body, his pride is more wounded than his physical form is. He'd opted to take a short amount of recovery time while his Lieutenant takes over, but that still leaves the Gold Wing out of commission for the time being. Which means the Pride Wing will need to be ready, they need a leader," Shizuka said with a sense of urgency. She carefully laid out her words in front of Kuriko and waited her answer. Mizu's words only farther supported Shizuka's ideals in Kuriko leading her wing.

Kuriko's ear twitched when Shizuka mentioned the words 'new body'. That's something I'll need to ask about later, Kuriko thought as she listened to Shizuka speak. Once Shizuka had finished talking, Kuriko thought about just exactly what being the leader of Pride Wing would involve. After what felt like an eternity, Kuriko's mind settled on one last thought and question for herself, Can I lead these people? Knowing that my decisions could cause their deaths? Kuriko remembered how Maya and Kail had almost died. If she did this, then she would have to lead others into a fight where they could die the same way.Akira-Shoi almost died too... the Neko reasoned as she thought about just how much better he was at all of that. "Endo-shosa..." Kuriko paused before continuing, "I'm not sure I can lead people into what might be their deaths. I don't know if I could do that, knowing that my orders could cause them to die." Kuriko was slightly shaken as she spoke, the memories from before still painfully fresh in her mind.

Re: Downtime: A leader for the Lion Knights


The Shosa placed her elbows on the table and interlaced her fingers in front of her, and for a moment she was silent as she collected her words, drawing from her personal experiences and history now. "Kuriko, do you mind if I tell you a story?" Shizuka asked, her voice sounding a little softer now and endearing. Her folded hands lowered down to the table, to make her posture a little more relaxed and open.

Kuriko nodded to the Shosa. Her shoulders were tense and her body was almost locked into its rigid position.

Shizuka then began her story. "Once, there was a young Nekovalkyrja, like yourself, who was created and trained to do something besides fighting. She was a mechanic, and a good one at that. Once, during a Mishhuvurthyar raid, that Neko saw her CO die, and many of her allies. She had to take command in her stead, and somehow fight back the invasion or else, they would have lost their hold on the defense. That young Neko took up what knowledge she had and rallied the rest of the crew. Because of her they didn't lose a single man, because she refused to give up on anyone. They fought for hours, until a whole day and night had been gone. The only reason they got through is because that young Neko didn't give the enemy an inch, nor did she order any of her men to their deaths, she worked out plans that would keep their people alive. I believe with your want to not leave or lead someone to their death that you would be a candidate like that I'd prefer as a leader." She then finished with a confidant nod, and waited her next answer.

“Yes, as Shizuka said, you would make a fine leader,” Nicholas said, speaking as if he were some kind of expert on making promotions. “What you were created to be doesn’t factor into how well you will lead a unit in combat. You are a Nekovalkyrja, and you were created and programmed for battle. It is in your nature to perform well,” he finished without a hint of malice or prejudice in his voice.

Kuriko sat silently until Nick spoke, and when he did so he had Kuriko's undivided attention. That last sentence from Nicholas triggered a memory that Kuriko had when she slid into the MINDY for her first time. I didn't know what I was doing then... but my body knew how to do it. Kuriko remembered the feeling that she had when her body reacted to the enemies movements, how reflexively she instructed the AIES to shoot the gauss cannon. Kuriko nodded slowly. "Is it so easy Saiga-shoi? Is it just like piloting a Mindy?" Kuriko asked quietly.

“I wouldn’t know, to tell you the truth, but from what I have read about your model in the latest Nekovalkyrja technical manuals, it should be,” the Shoi responded, speaking of the Neko race with the same nonchalant innocence that he would if he were talking about an NSP or Fox-class shuttle. “If Endo-shosa’s story is any indication as to the truth, as I’m sure it is, then perhaps leading a unit in combat really is that easy for your production line.”

Shizuka eyed the Shoi for a moment as he spoke, and as he continued on, her gaze fell down to her interlaced hands for a moment. There was a small internal struggle, trying to fight off her pang of pain that just struck her artificial heart. She didn't speak, it seemed like she was spaced out on something else on her mind.

Kuriko looked to Shizuka before nervously speaking again. "Well... then, given that... I accept," the Neko said almost questioningly, still unsure about the 'natural leadership' that supposedly existed within her.

Shizuka snapped to her senses, shaking her head slightly and taking a deep recollecting breath to subside her personal feelings at the time. "I'm glad you've decided to take the position," Shizuka said, a small smile on her lioness features. "With that, I'd like to present you both with these." Shizuka then produced two new rank pins from her pocket. Both were Nitô Heisho icons, making Kuriko and Mizu both now official non-commissioned officers. "This means that you, Mizu, will be acting as the Pride Wing Squadron’s second in command in the field. You'll be both refreshed on the duties of an officer and go through a short training process when we have the leisure of the free time. For now, though, I suggest you both rest, we'll be seeing combat very soon." Shizuka then began getting up.

Nicholas stood up himself, just a tic behind the Shosa. “Congratulations, both of you,” he said, bowing to the two new Heisho slightly more than he had when the meeting began.

"Was it really that easy, Endo-shosa?" Kuriko felt the rank pin idly as the superior officers stood to leave.

"I believe you have the talent for it," Shizuka said, with the same half smile she had been wearing ever since Nicholas' comment. "You'll be receiving a new set of orders soon, and your accesses have been moved up to your rank. Now if you'd excuse me... I have some work to get to. You know, us Neko, we are what we are," Shizuka said the last bit with a final glance at her XO, before bowing her head once and quickly exiting the bay.

Which left Mizu quickly making her exit as well; meaning Kuriko and Nicholas were alone, with the small sprite now coming out with dinner in hand. "Hey, what about my cooking!" Aoi yelled out to the door, as she just caught the captain leaving.

Kuriko stood and bowed to Nicholas and the departing Shosa, still not completely satisfied with the answer. We are what we are? Kuriko wondered silently before deciding to think about it later. "Sumimasen, Aoi-san," Kuriko said, bowing to the short Neko, "I'll eat it some other time, I promise. I'm just feeling kind of... overwhelmed right now," Kuriko said before she started off as well.

Nicholas frowned as Shizuka made her quick exit, but figured it was because she was tired, not realizing that what he’d said to Kuriko could be taken in a negative manner. “Sprite, please have what was prepared for me delivered to my quarters,” he said with no actual intention to eat the meal as Kuriko exited the wardroom. The matter in which his Shosa had run off, not to mention the odd glance that she had given him, didn’t leave him with much of an appetite. “Perhaps we will have time to enjoy your cuisine on another occasion,” the Geshrin mentioned as he himself made his way out of the room.

The unimpressed, eight-inch tall sprite floating with two dishes of what seemed to be Yamataian yakisoba and rice looked up to the Geshrin. "Yes sir," she said flatly with a sour expression on her face as she floated back to her kitchen to do as he ordered.

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