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RP: YSS Senbu Ep 12 - Mission 3: Epilogue

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ON: YSS Senbu

Back on Yamatai, the sun would be breaking brilliantly over the horizon, brightening the Empire's core world to another day of peace. Their civilians free to live another day in freedom and safety thanks to the efforts of the glorious Star Army and in some small part the Senbu and her young crew.

This meant that on the large Anri DSR it was morning; all of the ships in the Star Army were set to the same clock as their home world. Not many of the crew were milling about, only the ones needed to maintain the ship’s posts were there. The rest of the men and women who bravely served the day previously in the Senbu’s first true conflict were enjoying a much deserved rest.

Shin was one of the few crew members who were involved in the battle yesterday to be awake. At the moment, he was merely making his morning jog around the Senbu. Five full laps, to be exact, followed by a thirty minute workout session.

After the long battle from the previous day and finishing her report on her version of events, Maya was still in her quarters, dead asleep as usual, snoring loudly and dreaming about whatever it was that someone like Maya was only capable of – dreaming and purring at it gleefully in between snores.

Kuriko was up late that night, busily reading through the technical readouts for the Mindy and Daisy while she filled out the paperwork required to order the parts that Shin had requested. Suddenly, the Heicho slammed down her stylus in frustration. "GAH!" Kuriko was at wits’ end with all of the new technical jargon she needed to learn. Psychology seemed so much easier compared to this; she felt like learning an entire field in one night. After resting her head in her hands and rubbing her temples, she picked up her stylus again and set about reading more about the armors.

Nicholas had only slept for three hours as the ship began stirring with the sounds and actions of the “morning” shifts coming to life. Now, he sat at Shizuka’s desk in the lower part of her suite, finishing up the action reports that he hadn’t been able to complete before fatigue had called him to sleep. The Captain was still in bed, and he expected her to remain there for quite a while longer, so he took the time to review the reports of his subordinates and made notes on who would be deserving of accolades and commendations during the debriefing that would take place later in the day.

Shizuka had slept for hours already; the combat had ended and after the Neko had shared her rush of feelings with her executive officer, she had taken him away to her quarters, but before anything really happened... she had passed out from the combat. The adrenaline and other various natural stimulants in her system dying out put her into a hard and deep sleep before she could even properly thank Nicholas for taking control of the bridge for her in her absence. Small noises murmured from her lips as her peaceful sleeping figure lay upstairs in bed, everything vague and inaudible, all except for the last words. It was quiet but clear and carried an obvious sorrow. "Onee-chan..." in her sleep, the lioness seemed to be calling out for a sister, caught up in some sort of bad dream.

Masako was awake early and sitting in the wardroom having a healthy breakfast of grits, pancakes, eggs, bacon, and a big frosty glass of orange juice. She seemed happy for the time being, just enjoying the silence of the room around her. Presently, she was just wearing her uniform, but had a soft blanket wrapped around her as she sat alone.

The enlisted mess bay was a large cafeteria, which looked like on a busy day it could house four-fifths of the crew. It was just half filled at the moment; there was a wide variety of people eating various meals. Some with breakfasts, others with lunch, and a few with suppers, mostly because some of the crew were waking up for breakfast and some were getting in their meals before bed, plus some just eating on their breaks. The ship's sections never slept, and thus neither did the mess facilities.

Sakaki had dressed in her uniform and had her saber at her side as she left her cabin. She began to wander the unrestricted areas to get a feeling of the ship and organize thoughts. Her thoughts were on the name she had given her armor, Tsukihime, as it was from some legend she had read a couple of years ago.

Shin jogged past Sakaki, still on his run. Realizing that is was Sakaki, he stopped, turned around, and jogged back to her. "Ah, Sakaki-Hei. I was wondering if you would like to spar with me?"

Sakaki turned to Shin and shook her head; she still had other things to do, like eat breakfast. She turned toward the lifts and proceeded to go to the mess deck, still contemplating on other manners.

Shin shrugged, following her. "So, you named your armor Tsukihime, right? Isn’t that from an old myth or something?"

Sakaki just plainly nodded as the lift moved to the selected deck. Her thoughts were more elsewhere than in the lift itself.

Shin thought, trying to break the ice. She doesn’t talk much, at all.. "So, are you gonna tell me how you became a samurai, and why you got assigned to a ship like this instead of a high profile assignment?"

That got her attention, however. She answered while not facing Shin, "Sakaki-hei is not a samurai. Sakaki-Hei is a warrior of the Star Army." She then looked at Shin, still with her cold-faced look, "I was not born for war, Nekki-hei." Then the lift reached its destination and she walked out of the lift. She noted how empty the room was, and noticed Masako already enjoying breakfast.

Shin tried to run that through his mind. "But, I thought that Neko's were created to be tools for the Star Army? Not that I think of you as a tool, no, you're much too cute to be a tool. Not tha- Oh just forget it," he grumbled, managing to just make himself sound like an idiot.

Masako looked up when the two walked in and waved happily to them, sipping her juice through a straw.

I need a break from this, Kuriko thought as she set her data pad down in defeat. The Neko put her boots back on before sliding out the door. Kuriko found herself in the mess hall as well, deciding that maybe she should get some ice cream when she heard Shin talking about Nekovalkyrja.

Kuriko looked from Shin to the now departing Sakiko, before messaging Sakaki privately.
"Ushimo-hei, are you ok?" Kuriko asked as she approached the Hei from behind.

"I am fine," Sakaki responded telepathically to Kuriko and headed in to get some food. She picked up some rice and miso soup and green tea then headed to where Masako was sitting. After bowing slightly, she sat down in a seat across from Masako.

Maya was starting to wake up as the sounds of the other shifts were beginning to move just outside her door and got up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and yawning loudly and griping at having to get up. Maya decided to get out and see what she could find in the mess to snack on and so put on nothing but an XXL T-shirt and left her messy quarters for the mess hall.

In the mess, Shin looked at Sakaki, then at Kuriko, then at Masako, and then he sneezed. "Why do I get the feeling that someone is talking about me? I think this ship is making me paranoid." Sighing, he headed to get him some food.

Masako bowed slightly back to Sakaki and smiled. "Good morning," she said and pulled her small blanket around her a bit more and continued eating delicately. "Hi, Kuri-chan. Morning" she said to her friend brightly in a telepathic voice that was heard only to Kuriko.

Kuriko decided to let the conversation with Sakaki drop there; she would look into it later. Kuriko walked over to the serving area where she could see whoever was on duty for serving food. "Anou... do you have any of that chocolate ice cream available?" Kuriko asked timidly. She was pretty sure ice cream was a dessert, and breakfast was usually not something one ate dessert with, but she'd at least try. "Ohayo Masako-san." Kuriko replied telepathically to the Neko as she waited for an answer from the caretaker.

The rather curvy lunch lady currently standing in front of Kuriko met the girl's request with a chuckle and nod. "You’re the second one to ask for a high sugar breakfast such as that, just gimme a sec!" The Santô Juni food supply officer went into the back where there was a small crew of cooks working to keep up with the morning orders. It was a few seconds, but the black haired Yamataian woman with a motherly figure returned with Kuriko's ice-cream all done up nice in a sundae cup with drizzle and a nice chocolate stick with the YSS Senbu written on it sticking out of the top. "Here ya are darling, I hope it helps." She gave her a small little knowing wink, though her assumptions were probably way off.

Shin returned to the gathering of Pride Wing and Masako, a bowl of noodles with fish in his hand, eating the meal gingerly after sitting down. “So, have any of you got promoted yet?"

Sakaki, at this point, had announced calmly, "Ittadakimasu," then began to eat. She was silent afterwards and was soaking in the conversation everyone was having. Her sword was removed and was leaning on her seat while she ate.

Maya slowly walked into the mess, yawning constantly and griping to herself at the grouchy mood she was in that morning, and was probably paying more attention to herself then normal. Maya then slowly walked up to one of the serving counters and looked at all the food that was being served and gave up in disgust. Damn, I don't know what I want this morning! Maya then turned to the server with a glare. "Just give me a cold glass of milk... AND MAKE IT SNAPPY!!!" After Maya got her drink, she again slowly walked over to a nearby table, other crew members seemed to make way for her as she approached and others left the table she was approaching for. She sat down and quietly began sucking at the glass in small sips and trying to figure out what to do with the rest of her day.

The poor young Neko caretaker of low enlisted rank who had to serve Maya timidly made sure the milk was right to order to avoid any conflict with the woman, who didn't seem all that much of a morning person, at least not to the young Neko’s eyes, anyway.

Masako looked up at the shout and looked at Maya, startled a bit at her demeanor for just waking up in the morning and sighed, going back to her own breakfast, finishing her grits and eggs, starting in seriously on the pancakes. She stretched for a moment and blew her hair out of her eyes and arched back some making the blanket fall off her shoulders and her boobs bounce a bit. "Mmmmm," she purred until her back popped somewhere down low. "Ahhh, better,” Masako said and dipped down to recover her covering.

Shin was eating his fish, focused intently on one thing: His comrade's breasts. Running a quick tally, he assumed that Masako was at least a D-cup, with Kuriko being an A-cup, and Sakaki being a C-cup. He was obviously glaring at Masako's chest the most intently Sugoi!

Kuriko looked at the group and saw Maya sitting off to the side by herself. Kuriko breathed deeply before going to sit with Maya, hoping that she wasn't still mad at her. "Ohayo, Maya," Kuriko said as sat down across from Maya, her voice was quiet and suppressed when she spoke.

Maya stopped her sipping and slowly turned to Kuriko and glared at her. "Oh... it’s you..." Maya then slowly turned back at her glass and went back to sipping again. "What do you want?"

Kuriko felt like Maya had just punched her in the face and half wished that Maya had. "What's wrong Maya?" Kuriko asked, ignoring her delicious looking dessert. "Why are you angry at me?"

Maya slammed the glass on the table, milk slipping out everywhere from the impact. "Angry!? Who says I'm angry! Other then the fact that somehow your brownnosing got you promoted to squad leader to the skipper’s personal squad, I'm just not having a good morning as usual but don’t worry, I'll get over it... eventually."

The crowd in the mess hall went silent as all eyes turned to Maya, it seemed like she had created quite a scene and a few hushed whispers passing back and forth made it known that her attitude probably wasn't helping her notoriety much.

Tears welled up in Kuriko's eyes and the Neko sniffled a little before she spoke. "I didn't ask for the promotion," Kuriko said defensively. "I didn't ask for it. I'm sorry." Maya's accusation hit Kuriko hard, she hadn't met with the Shosa too many times, but the few she had she thought were good conversations. She never thought she was brownnosing, though.

Maya gave up after seeing Kuriko starting getting all emotional. "Look, I'm sorry OK. And just forget about, I'll get over it. Besides, you did good during that battle anyway, or so I’ve been told, so the Shosa must have made the right choice."

And now, as the Pride Wing's drama played out in front of the crew, it seemed like there'd be tons to gossip about the ever so proud lead wing.

Shin was still glaring at Masako's chest. Running through list of options, he came to the best one. He opened a telepathic channel with her. "Ma’am, I believe that you should tie down your breasts before entering an armor. With your current size, which I assume is fake, it would lead to problems with your chest in combat, and possibly long term health problems. Not to say they aren’t nice, they are. But please don't show them off, it will make you seem like a tease or a slut."

Masako did notice Shin's glance at her and blushed a bit and just returned to her breakfast, still seeming just content to do that this morning. She'd already done her part in exercise for the day, but in private in a special atmosphere condition aided by the Senbu's AI. "If you don't like them, then don't look. And of course they're fake, this is my second body. But I do appreciate the fact you like them, nobody's really told me that before." she replied to him telepathically without even so much as looking at him. When he mentioned looking like a tease or a slut, Masako looked at him a truly hurt gleam in her pretty blue eyes before she looked away. "...You're just like everyone else... leave me alone..."

Shin might not be the smartest, smoothest guy, but he could tell when he’d fucked up. A True man would fix this! "Wait, damn it. I didn’t mean to insult you, I just meant that it would be easier for you if you binded them down. I know it must feel bad being told you're too large. I personally got into an argument with the captain over being too tall to pilot a Mindy. I deeply apologize for any slight," Shin said telepathically before he bowed to the blonde Neko, going almost parallel to the ground.

"Please, just go away... " Masako responded telepathically and tilted her head down moodily, her hair hooding her eyes for a moment as she quietly sipped her drink. Her fingers back to playing with the pendant around her neck subconsciously again, reminding herself that things weren't as bad as they were. "You're forgiven, just be more careful with your words, you really hurt my feelings saying I'm a tease or looking like a slut..."

Shin's eyebrow twitched, trying to smile. "Look, You aren’t a slut or a tease! Fine! In the name of all that is sacred, will you at least try to listen to me when I try to apologize? I grew up with almost not contact with the opposite sex." He banged hard on the table, continuing the telepathic conversation, "So I'm not the most tact person, I'm fucking sorry!”

Masako looked up at him and blinked a few times. "You didn't hear me did you...?" she asked quietly and giggled some. "Relax, I already said I forgave you for it," she said and glanced over, hearing the conflict between Maya and Kuriko. The blonde would get up slowly and walked over to Kuriko and gently hug her, trying to comfort her friend.

Shin shrugged, following Masako, sighing. He had calmed down a bit, then saw the hug. With the smaller girl's face probably getting marshmallow hell'd. "SUGOI!" he exclaimed.

Sakaki by this time was about 80% finished with her meal as she slowly but steadily ate, taking in all the noise going about in the room. She could stop some events transpiring, but felt that they would eventually find their own good end.

Kuriko ignored Masako's hug and continued to stare at Maya. Her ice cream dripped a little onto her hand. She just now realized how much attention that their conversation had gathered. Kuriko opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. "Sumimasen," Kuriko said telepathically to Maya as she shrugged off Masako's hug and began to leave the mess hall.

Masako stepped back and blinked for a moment, watching her go, and sighed and went to sit back down.

Shin sighed, going back to talking to Masako. "You're assigned to Pride Wing now, aren't you?"

"I don't know," Masako said, glancing over at him as she wrapped herself back up and went to finish her breakfast. "The station to Vermillion was said to be temporary, I won't know until I get official orders."

Sakaki finished and moved to leave as well, asking in public telepath, “Is there any pending orders Shifuda-heisho? She also wanted to know more about the pirate they had fought earlier but figured that was for another time.

Shin bowed to Masako again, trying to go lower this time. "Santô-hei Nekki Shin, Daisy Pilot of Pride Wing, at your service."

"You keep that up you're going to break yourself in half boyo," Masako said and sighed some. "Santô-hei Sakiyurai Masako," she said in the same introduction. "And if you want to be in my service... get me some more orange juice," She said and gave him a pretty look, batting her eyelashes. “Please?~"

Shin just glared at Masako through half-closed eyes for a good 10 seconds. "Fine, Masako, I'll be happy to." His expression of confusion was quickly replaced by a jolly smile as he went off to get Masako her orange juice.

Maya just sat there and watched as Kuriko left the mess hall and placed a palm on her face and sighed. Great... just great... What am I going to do about her now? Maya then decided that a milk just wasn’t enough for her anymore and got up and walked back to the serving counter. "HEY!!! Give me something REALLY hard!"

Kuriko had almost reached the door when she received Sakaki's message. "No, no pending orders." Kuriko responded telepathically, still almost in tears. "Relax, enjoy breakfast, we'll know more later on." Once she was out of the mess hall, Kuriko found the nearest corner she could and stepped around it before leaning her head against wall and began softly sobbing.

In the mess hall, Masako giggled to herself and grinned triumphantly. Yes, she was an evil manipulator, but it did get her what she wanted most of the time. She blinked and looked over at Maya's outburst and sighed a bit, she wasn't afraid of the Neko, but was confused on why she was lashing out.

Shin sighed, heading up to the counter. Thing. Whatever. "Um, Can I get some orange juice?"

Shin's order was quickly filled by the timid Neko from before; she didn't seem to talk back, but mostly because after watching the Pride Wing's actions, she was pretty cautious over them for good reason.

Sakaki moved a glass of green tea over to Maya. "It helps calm the storm," she stated. In reality she didn't care for alcohol as she had seen its horrible effects before, and in a sense was a reaction to that. She didn't want for the room to be in for a kind of bar fight thing like in the movies, namely since Shin had a way to spark things.

Maya looked at the samurai woman for moment after she offered her the green tea and decided to drink down, if only to pass the time it was taking for one of those damn sprites to get a drink with a little more kick to it that Maya was looking for. Maya then raised the cup to Sakaki. "Here's to your honor then!" She then drank the tea in one gulp.

"And to yours," replied Sakaki and sipped her tea rather than gulp it down. She waited until for a second and was curious to ask, "What troubles Yoshihara-hei?" While she did not want to become part of the emotional whirlpool, she thought she could at least help dilute it by giving an ear. It also beat listening to Shin all the time for once.

Shin returned to Masako, carrying a glass of orange juice and smiling. "Here you go, Masako-san."

"Thank you," Masako said and accepted it from Shin and switched her straw to that glass and sipped it and purred happily. She was finished with breakfast, but liked the flavor and rush of vitamin C from the juice. "Nyaaaaah! Its good," she said and gave him a cute little kitty smile.

Shin smiled at Masako, and then went back to his own matters. Namely, grabbing his bowl and finishing those noodles and fish that he was craving.

Even though she had a relatively dreamless sleep for several hours in the hemosynth tank before, Rin had spent a few more resting in her quarters after being officially released. It was probably going to be a big day, and Hoshitomo-hei had to make sure that when seeing everyone again that she did not look so exhausted. While all of their concerns were comforting, she still had to make sure not to encourage more worrying by commander Kuriko and her wingmen. When the time was right, she finally arose from the bed a bit stiffly. Shin's faux flower bouquet was actually sitting by her bedside in a small vase.

Rin looked at it a moment before going through a series of stretches like she would every morning. Yep, the arm still seemed to be working and hadn't run away on her while she was slumbering... in fact she probably should stop worrying so much about it. Slipping into her blue-paneled bodysuit, she finished the morning routine and headed out into the corridor briskly as her stomach now reminded her she hadn't eaten for quite awhile. Time to see how the Senbu's cooks measured up...

Masako would sit quietly and sip her drink for a moment, watching Maya and Sakaki every so often by turning to glance over in that way. She was still very curious about the situation they were dealing with, but was thinking about a few things of own plans for the day.

Maya put the tea back down on the counter and yelled at one of the cooks to hurry up with her drink and turned back to Sakaki. "Well, not that it’s any of your business, but Kuri and I are just having a difference of opinion over the recent squad promotions even though I told her I'll get over it and to forget about it. It's a personal thing between me and her so don't worry about it." Maya then turned back to the cooking crew and began to yell at them again. "Man! The service here sucks!!!"

"If you don't like it, then you can starve, Hei!" the black haired Yamataian lunch lady responded to Maya, who was out bursting at the crew behind the serving food to the enlisted members. "If you keep it up, I've got the right mind to report you all the way up to the Shosa!" The motherly Santô Juni food provisions officer didn't seem all too impressed.

Maya looked at the santô juni officer with scorn at the interruption despite her rank. "Well there wouldn’t be a problem if your so called "help" would just hurry up with my order! I've been waiting for almost 20 minutes now!" Maya shot back and was starting to get irritated and clenched her fists.

"If you wanna drink, take it up to the lounge on the recreation deck," the Santô Juni told Maya, returning her same look with a calm sort of fury in her own eyes that said she wasn't afraid to pull rank on the Hei.

Shin was still eating his breakfast. "So, does anyone think we'll get promoted?"

Sakaki just continued to sip her tea, wondering if she should continue to converse as it wasn't something she’d normally do. She remained content to watch her comrade in case she became unstable due to the drink Maya was ordering, as there wasn't much more to talk about, or if the current situation was to worsen.

Kuriko wiped the tears out of her eyes and off her cheeks before deciding that she would have to go back in, as embarrassing as it would be for her. Kuriko peaked around the corner before stepping back out and heading toward the mess hall. Kuriko made an effort to avoid Maya as she entered instead, deciding to sit on the opposite side of Sakaki as Mizu was.

Rin walked past several of the enlisted quarters on her way to the mess, her boots clacking methodically on the starship floor. It was worth taking the time to note some of the familiar nameplates of her teammates and where they resided. Eventually, she made it to the mess hall proper, noticing the figure of Kuriko darting inside.

It was at about this point a very old and ornate clock on Shizuka's night table came alive in a very annoying high pitched ringing. The analog clockwork alarm kept going until a few seconds later where a loud thud and a faint smashing sound came from the room portion of the Shosa's quarters. A bestial groan came from the small Captain and then another thud, of her boding hitting the floor came from above.

Nicholas made his way up to he sleeping quarters in Shizuka’s suite with a quick step and a curious expression on his face after hearing the commotion elicited by her awakening. “Shosa?” he asked warily as approached the scene. “Are you alright?” he continued, knowing that she was, but feeling it was appropriate to ask anyway.

When Nicholas arrived on the scene, it seemed the Shosa was still naked from when she passed out after stripping away the Mindy, which was still in pieces on her floor, joined now by a smashed antique alarm clock. The only thing saving her vanity would be the sheets wrapped around her slender form. Nick's answer came in a groan; Shizuka didn't say anything for a little while, still trying to orient herself from her spot on the floor.

The Geshrin Shoi turned on a heel when he was able to see that Shizuka was still somewhat indisposed. “Ah… I see, Shosa,” he said awkwardly, even though she was covered up. “Inform me if you need anything, Shosa,” he muttered as he began to walk back out of the room and to where he’d been working.

Shizuka lifted her head and turned around where she was on the floor, sitting up in her blanket toga. "Ah, well... I'd like you to get some medals and a box of rank pins for me. Then call everyone for a debriefing and awards ceremony. I'll be just a few more minutes; I need to get cleaned up," Shizuka said, her voice obviously tired but always ready to get to work. She waited a few seconds, her eyes turning up to the drinks placed on her bedside, the ones she had asked him to get when they arrived. But she had passed out before she got to express her other feelings, she decided it was left alone for the better at this moment. However, she did call out to him, in that softer vulnerable tone that she didn't share with many people, but he'd know it by now. "And um... Nick, thank you..."

“For what, Shizuka?” he asked, almost rhetorically as he glanced over his shoulder, pausing his step, and sounding totally oblivious to what she was referring to. After a few moments, he continued walking back towards the suite’s office. “I’ll have those medals and rank insignia ready for you, Shosa,” he said as he moved out of her bedroom. “The debriefing will be scheduled for thirty minutes from now in the amphitheater, I trust that will be enough time for you to prepare.”

Shizuka, perhaps reading too deeply into his answer, turned her eyes down to the floor as Nick left for the office. She signed rather deeply before quietly going about getting her things together and disappearing into her personal washroom. She carried herself rather quietly after the early morning noise. Getting washed up and dressed she was quiet, efficient, silently going over her actions with a small bit of regret. Mostly because she didn't really bother with doing anything to her hair, she simply dried it with a towel and allowed the messy lion mane fluff out on its own.

Nicholas quickly went about preparing what Shizuka had ordered him to prepare. He scurried about the office, neatly placing the awards that would be presented and the rank pins for the promotions that would be granted into a standard issue Star Army awards case. When he’d completed that task, he tapped a written order for all personnel involved with the battle to report to the amphitheater on deck 14. “MEGAMI, please relay this order both digitally and verbally to those concerned with its contents,” he said. Not moments later, the Senbu’s MEGAMI would carry out the Shoi’s request, informing the Pride Wing, as well as a large part of the crew, to report for debriefing in fifteen minutes.

Pausing at the door of the mess hall, the digital broadcast of Saiga-shoi hit the mental 'inbox' of Rin. It seemed her little bit of sustenance would have to wait, as there was more pressing matters to attend to. However, instead of immediately running off, she waited patiently for the other members of the Pride Wing that were in the dining facilities to exit, that they could all go together as a unit.

Masako would eventually get up at the notice of the debriefing and would put her dishes in to get washed and picked up her blanket and shuffled out, yawning a bit. "Mmm... Need shower..." she said and headed back to her quarters to drop off her little bit of comfort, and to get a clean change. Once it was put away and gathered, the busty Neko would head on down toward the showers. Masako wanted to look good for the meeting and that meant not going looking like she just rolled out of bed.

Kuriko got the message along with everyone else. Sighing, Kuriko stood and started to walk toward the lift, half-hoping that Maya wouldn't be close to her once they were inside.

Shin finished his meal, smiling. "So, Pride Wing has to go get our promotions, right?"

Sakaki calmly put down her tea glass and moved for the lift. She wanted to arrive promptly at the destination she was ordered, and with her walking speed she would be there a little early.

Shin followed Sakaki, waving to Rin on the way out.

Rin nodded once at Shin's wave. "Good morning, Nekki-hei. It seems it's time." Her meaning was quite clear, as she knew very well where this was likely leading for the team. The Yamataian thus fell into step with him and Sakaki.

Maya, giving up on the drink, stomped out of the mess hall in a fury after receiving the notice to report to debriefing, but gave the food officer one last remark. "Maybe I should be the one to report YOU to the Shosa on what a lousy kitchen you run!" Maya then quickly left to quickly change into her uniform for the debriefing.

Shin grimaced upon hearing Maya's comment, sighing and holding his face in his palm. "Kuriko-heisho, does she always do that?"

Kuriko just remained silent, choosing not to answer Shin's question.

Rin glanced once at the foul-tempered Neko storming off and sighed a little bit, hoping Yoshihara-hei wasn't always like that. No reason to start a fight, especially with the honorable kitchen staff of the Star Army. She decided not to bring it up, as Kuriko brushed it off, instead focusing a moment to make sure her mid-length blue skirt was wrinkle free with a free hand.

Eventually after a good, hot relaxing shower, Masako would file out and head for the amphitheater wearing the Type-30A uniform with a midnight panel on it with a pair of male duty pants and the accessories belted where they should be. She walked along, combing her almost-knee-length blonde hair out as she continued on using holographic displays to find her way. "Mmm... hate how huge this ship really is..." Masako groaned.

Kuriko and the rest of Pride Wing shuffled onto the lift; minutes later they would arrive on the amphitheater’s main deck and unload there.

The Pride Wing walked a short distance aft of the bridge. The main briefing theatre was a cavernous room that crossed three decks and sat a significant portion of the crew. At the fore of the room was a huge flat wall overlooking a large stage, holographic images displayed the Star Army and YSS Senbu rotating insignias. Tiered seating spread out in a semi-circle from the stage, with the large, comfortable seats in the front row for the highest ranking officers, who were mostly all there, and smaller, less comfortable seating at the back for the lowest ranking enlisted, which was actually getting quite full with various members of the crew who were involved.

Shin looked around for a seat, half sighing, half laughing. "We're in the nosebleed section then?"

Masako would meander her way into the giant theatre and would end up sitting in one of the higher tiers, being one of the grunts of the ship's crew. She'd get a seat off to herself, away from the others for the time being, and continued to straighten and brush her hair out, being fussy over it. Long hair was such a pain in the ass to maintain, but she still enjoyed how it made her look.

Rin pointed a white gloved finger towards the front, where it appeared there were some much more prominent seats with the team's names on them in the mid-tier, inscribed upon small plates.

When Sakaki sat down, she noticed the name on the seat next to hers was Shin's, it was almost like she was destined to group up with him somehow. Either way, it was best she wasn't between Maya and Kuriko, the aura between them wasn't all too pleasing on the trip here.

Shin sighed, thinking the exact same thing as Sakaki. As he sat down, he put his hands behind his head and leaned back and yawned.

"Confidence, Nekki-hei," reminded Rin to her comrade as she found her own seat near the end of the row. "We are the Pride Wing, after all." However, her blue eyes squinted a bit and then found a little surprise waiting for the commander. "Though... I believe I see Shifuda-heisho's name at the very front."

Shin squinted his eyes and sneered. "Good to see the Heisho is getting most of the credit." He closed his eyes, "Hey, wake me up if any of us get promoted or get awarded a medal, okay?"

An older pilot of Jôtô Hei rank reached down a tier and knocked Shin over the head. "Show some respect boy, keep your eyes open." The older more veteran Yamataian man didn't seem all too pleased with the attitude of the young Santô Hei

"Alright, alright, fine!" Shin opened his eyes, sitting up straight in his seat. "I'm probably just gonna get reassigned somewhere else anyway."

"It's a little tough to see from all the way up here..." Masako said and sighed, leaning back in her chair and just settled in for a possibly long ceremony. And I don't really know anyone here that well either... this is really awkward.

Hara frowned as he waited for everything to get underway. He hated how all these official things were so tedious.

Rin adopted a stern expression, seeming to take no offense to the disciplinary action. "Respect your superiors and be attentive to their words," chided the Santô Hei to her fellow Yamataian. "Or else you very well may get your wish." The tone she used suggested she was concerned for his career, even if it came across as harsh.

Maya rushed into the hall, still trying to adjust her uniform correctly for the debriefing and nearly tripped on her own feet rushing to find a seat and trying not to be late. Maya then sat down in one of the seats closest to the stage.

Kuriko hadn't heard any of the conversations between the rest of her wing, she was too busy taking in just how many people were filling up the amphitheater. Amazing, Kuriko thought as she looked over the area. Her eyes did stumble upon the name plate that bore her name, though. Kuriko looked at the people around that area, noting that they were all upper ranked officers, and felt slightly guilty. Kuriko stood indecisively for a while, unsure of whether or not she could get away sitting with those she knew or if it was mandatory for her to sit where it was marked. "MEGAMI, is it mandatory for me to sit in the assigned seat, or am I allowed to sit elsewhere." Kuriko asked the ship's computer telepathically.

"It isn't, but it is highly suggested," MEGAMI responded to Kuriko promptly.

Kuriko wasn't quite sure what to do; the Neko wavered for a few seconds more before finally deciding to sit in the chair assigned for her, if only to show her thanks for whoever went through the effort of making a nameplate for such a low ranked officer. This didn't stop Kuriko from staring both apologetically and longingly toward where the rest of her wing was sitting, though.

Shin looked over at Rin, smiling at her slightly. "I'm sorry, Hoshitomo-hei. I'm just used to a planetary assignment, I guess. I promise to be better behaved."

Rin nodded once to Shin, hoping he got the message clearly. She really was only repaying his previous concerns over her health with some of her own brand of such feelings. "I do hope you are recognized for your efforts despite such limitations, Nekki-hei." As she said this, her gaze turned to watch Kuriko moving towards her place of honor, wondering silently to herself how it felt to be placed among the officers. One day she would be walking the same path, if all went well. But first, small steps.

Back in the captain’s suite, Shizuka came out changed into a Type 30A Female Duty Uniform. The short skirt seemed rather awkward on the Shosa, but defiantly flattering. Both of her Type 30 Service Pistols were cross holstered to hang tightly to each side of her hips. She pulled down at the hem a few times, fidgeting with her uniform as she walked into the office area of her section of the ship. "I ran out of clean uniforms..." Shizuka said with her eyes avoiding Nick’s in embarrassment.

Seeing the embarrassment on Shizuka’s face and in her words, Nicholas couldn’t help but crack a smile. “What’s wrong with that one, Shizuka-hime?” he asked, chuckling a bit as he tried to make eye contact with the particularly abashed-looking officer. “It looks very nice on you,” he continued, almost laughing at this point. His words weren’t insincere, he quite liked the way the uniform looked on his Shosa, but it was the first time he’d seen her really truly red-faced, and was unable to resist.

In a huff, Shizuka turned a cutely frustrated gaze to Nicholas. "Then why are you laughing at me!?" She then ‘hmph'd’ and pouted as she seemed rather upset with his laughing, already self-conscious as is being a skirt. She crossed her arms and looked to the stuff he prepared, for her. "Let's just get this done with..." she said as she walked past him for the door, then she suddenly stopped and quickly ran over to the shrine set up in the corner of her office. "Oh, Onee-chan, I almost forgot you!" she said to herself as she paused over in front of the small wooden shrine, the picture of a Neko officer with various awards set by and a spot for incense. Shizuka quickly went about placing another incense stick and started it up, taking a few moments of silence to honor the Neko in the picture.

That must be who she was dreaming about, Nicholas thought, Shizuka’s actions answering two questions for him – the meaning of the shrine and who this “Onee-chan” she referred to was. He stood a few more steps behind her than he usually did as she added the offerings to the shrine, ready to follow her to the amphitheater when she was prepared to do so – the new questions he had about the Shosa’s past would have to wait for now.

She finished up and bowed her head to the shrine deeply. Shizuka seemed a little better now, a small smile on her face showed a much brighter look about her, she looked to Nick and nodded happily. "Alright, let's get going," she said with a sort of renewed confidence. Then with the items needed, she walked with her chin held high and with Nick at her side towards the entrance. "Well, here we go again..." Shizuka said to Nick, her eyes down as she went to collect her composure.

The side door opened up and Shizuka and Nicholas walked into the room. This is when everyone stood to their feet in ceremony to the Captain entering the room, including Akira, who was revealed once Kuriko came to her seat. She was placed right beside him and beside where Nicholas would sit. The Shosa, who was dressed in the most elegant piece of clothing she had ever worn, stepped briskly to the podium and placed her prepared data pad and boxes down. She seemed to have a rather brighter look about her, which was hard to place. "Thank you all for coming, you may be seated," the Lioness said as she smiled formally up to the crowd.

Shin fought back the urge to yawn, and close his eyes again. However, he paid attention, not wanting to get whapped on the head again

Sakaki was taken aback by the appearance of the supreme commander. This was only her second time meeting her face to face... sorta… but still, even at this distance, had an effect on the wannabe Neko samurai. She began to blush and hid her face in her hands, hoping to recover before anyone noticed. She's... so cute in a skirt... so adorable... Already images of her commander came of her in cute clothing and she couldn't stop it. Though it seemed to slow down whenever she imagined herself in same clothing, and looked scarier than she already imagined herself to be.

Masako stood with the rest but couldn't really see the CO that well, but could get the idea of what she was doing and how she looked. The blonde Neko didn't think much of the woman in question other than that she was just another run-of-the-mill ship commander. After all, most ground forces didn't think too highly of the ship crews, or at the very least, her unit didn't. You wouldn't catch me dead wearing something so trashy... she thought after noting the skirt.

Kuriko sat down and glanced at the officers around her before glancing again at the Pride Wing, then back at Shizuka.

Shin looked over at Sakaki and tried to hold back the laughter. Key word: tried. "Snerk" The floodgates were broken, and the laughter flowed out.

Suddenly a flash of steel and a sword appeared at Shin's throat. Though, Sakaki placed the blade back to its sheath and said, "thank you," as the sudden anger allowed her to recover her focus.

Shin smiled at Sakaki as she withdrew her sword. "You're pretty fast on that draw right there. Just redirect it against the enemy, please?"

Sakaki gave no hint of her thoughts as she gave her attention back to the Shosa. She was in control of her thoughts now, though a little embarrassed someone saw her weakness.

Rin's eyebrows raised a bit before she took her seat, not quite expecting to see the Shosa in a skirt. Though upon a deeper glance, it seemed her expression and presence had changed a bit as well. Perhaps it was relieving some stress in frontline combat after being stuck on the bridge for a while? Or maybe those rumors she heard floating around were true? ...Still, how she dressed was her prerogative, and she seemed just as much the leader of the Senbu in either raiment.

"Well I think it's obvious what's been going on there..." Masako chortled softly to herself, taking note of the CO's outfit and the male XO.

Hoshitomo-hei tried to tune out the antics of her teammates for the most part, focusing now on Shizuka and her presentation. Though her gaze did shift again to the distant Kuriko, when she felt their eyes meet for a moment, a mildly encrypted thought drifted the team leader's way. "Heisho, we're with you."

Shin smiled, telepathically communicating with the Heisho. "Kuriko, I'm behind you 150%."

Kuriko smiled warmly, thankful for the support that she was receiving. "Arigatou," Kuriko replied telepathically to the wing.

"Firstly, I'd personally like to thank each and every one of you for your brave actions during our last battle. Without the brave men and women aboard this ship, there would be no way that we could have done so gloriously in combat," Shizuka opened up with a very inspiring speech, which followed a small applause. Then, she cleared her throat and changed the large displays on the screens in behind her to display the battle situation.

"The battle was a fierce one, which pitted our forces against a larger force which we believe to not be a part of the pirate crew we had chased out to this region. They seem to be a client of which the Pirates were delivering cargo to. The cargo includes the pieces to a large industrial aether generator and what seemed to be a new IES system which has no previous use. With access to this sort of restricted equipment, we believe that the Vampire’s crew shouldn’t go left alone. But because of the unknown client, seen in the Chiharu flagships, which have been identified to be a pair of the six which were acquired from our military a few years ago, we will be going about this cautiously. I have put a report into central command which will be request support in our chase. At this time, I’d like all of you to be ready for out next battle, as we still are in pursuit of the crafts. A threat like this should not be left unchecked, especially with that firepower this close to our home world." Shizuka then shifted the screens, which now returned to the insignias of the ship and the military.

"That concludes the debrief section of this meeting, a more detailed report of the situation is being composed by our intelligence analysts and will be sent to each of you within the next twenty-four hours." The Shosa started shuffling the stuff on her podium a second before moving on.

Kuriko reviewed the information that had just been presented to the crew, it sounded like they were going after the pair of Chiharu, which meant that it was likely that the Pride Wing would be deployed again. Kuriko made another mental note to finish up the paperwork for the parts that Shin had requested so that the Daisy pilots would have a wider array of weaponry and add-ons to choose from if the situation called for it.

Rin listened intently. There was definitely something going on, and these were no ordinary pirates to have such technology at their disposal. The mere thought of having two of the Empress' pride and joy Chiharu flagships as a potential enemy in the near-term future filled the loyal soldier with both a sense of dread and also great disgust. But these things would be for a later time, as she hoped the analysts' report would clear up all the unknowns. For now, it was best to focus on the positive things the wing had done.

"Yeah. We're screwed," Masako grumbled to herself, trying to keep it low. "I've read the information on the Chiharu, and unless this ship has its own weaponry of equal power, it's going down. A few armor wings are good, yes, but if they were to go two on one? They'd wipe the floor with us..." Masako said to herself as she listened.

Shin opened up a Telepathic channel with Rin. "Rin, what can you tell me about the Chiharu-class flagships?"

Rin's reply was a bit slow, considering admitting its power was not helping matters, but he had a right to know. "A floating command center of the highest order, built more like a palace than simply a line warship. It can carry approximately 20,000 power armors, for one thing. Not to mention it's positron Striker array which can tear through mecha formations in seconds," she replied telepathically.

Shin thought, thinking of wait to do. "Rin, a small team of armors might be able to sneak aboard and set off an anti-matter charge," he said over the mental link.

Rin shook her head slightly. "Such an idea is suicidal, Nekki-Hei, until we have more information. You must practice patience at this time. From what we have seen, there is a remote chance these may not be standard but somehow modified Chiharu's, if they were intending to replace their IES system with the parts that we acquired is any indication."

"Next I would like to begin the awards ceremony for the parties involved in our last mission. Firstly I’d like to call up my executive officer who will be helping me with this part of the ceremony, and as well will be receiving his own awards for the valiant and tactical genius who led us into our glorious victory," Shizuka said, with a small smirk while looking towards Nicholas. She had not told him about it yet, even if he was already suspecting it, she felt like she was surprising him.

Nicholas stood, quickly moving from his seat amongst the officers to take his place beside the Shosa. As he approached her, he bowed deeply, and then stepped next to her, nodding to the massive amount of crew assembled in the amphitheatre. He knew that many on the ship had to have participated in the battle effort, but seeing how many were actually there from the podium, he figured that most of the crew had to be sitting here now.

Shizuka turned to face Nick and gave him a sort of reassuring smile, maybe not because he needed it, but perhaps because she expected one in return. Then she stood straighter and that formal look came back to her face and tone. "Shoi Nicholas Saiga, because of your outstanding command of the YSS Senbu during our third mission, I hereby promote you to rank of Taii. This is a substantial leap in your career, I believe you deserve it. Also, I'd like to present you with a Service Award for being involved in the completion of our third mission. Then also, to reflect your excellent commanding in the Senbu's battle, I also present to you a Command Award. On behalf of the YSS Senbu I'd like to thank you for all of your hard work." Shizuka then bowed her head and offered him a hand to shake alongside his award box.

The Geshrin first officer looked bewildered for a few long moments before taking the Shosa’s hand and then bowing more deeply than he’d ever had before. Privately, he had his doubts as to if Shizuka was making the right decision. He’d voiced his concerns to her that he was not prepared for such duties in the past and always accepted her explanations, but this time, he would not be able to accept anything she would have to say on the matter. The War College had denied his admission twice in the past; he was certain that her judgment was incorrect and believed that it was for reasons that he detested. Unfortunately, Nicholas could never disrespect Shizuka by questioning her in front of this many of the crew, much less one of them. He didn’t even want to think about the fact that he had grown close with the Neko captain. “Thank you, Endo-shosa,” he said at last, still bowing as he spoke.

Kuriko's eyebrows rose when she heard Nicholas's promotion. The Neko was slightly blown away, Congratulations, Sho-errr...Taii, Kuriko thought warmly toward Nick. Though she had only met him once, she was still happy for the man, after all he did do quite a good job during the mission.

Almost getting distracted from the festivities, Rin heard the name of Saiga-shoi and his new promotion. So this was the man who had sent her, her orders... Perhaps one day they would be working closer together on the bridge when she received her commission, but for now she merely smiled in the XO's direction. Which was pretty surprising in itself, considering that's about the widest smile anyone on the Senbu had yet to see her give to someone, even if he was far away on stage to see it.

"Heh, I bet he jus got p-" Shin opens his mouth, but decides to not say anything about he Taii that would get himself killed.

Sakaki had a flash in her eye that seemed to be death if Shin had finished his statement. That was the kind of disrespect to the higher command that she would not tolerate to hear from anyone.

"Next I would like to call upon the members of the Obsidian wing, first with their leader Jôtô Heisho Sakurada Hisuiko." Shizuka turned to her boxes and presented the long jade haired, slender, and tough looking Yamataian woman who led her entire wing in behind her and took her promotion to Shoi rather formally. No needless emotions were on her face. Then it took a while as the Captain and XO went about giving the entire Obsidian wing their awards for the mission.

Once they were finished, smiles and nods given to all, the Captain then moved her items and situated her next set of awards. "Next I would like to ask the members of the Vermillion wing to come to the stage, starting with their leader: Ittô Heisho Sokudo Ichigo!" Shizuka then followed through with the same procedure, awarding the bright strawberry-pink haired Neko her rank up and various awards for her duties on the mission. To which Ichigo was very bright and happy to receive, giving the Shosa a quick hand shake then the Taii. Then, the next group of pilots came up and went through getting their awards and thanks from the Captain and the XO.

Masako reclined in her seat and watched the wing she'd been on the battlefield with, but since she wasn't officially part of that wing, she wouldn't get up and go down there. Besides, some newbie Santô Hei wouldn't be called up for shooting down a LAMIA or two, so there was no point in getting worked up about it. But the blonde was glad for everyone who got an award for their performance on the field.

"Now, I would like to call upon the members of the Pride Wing to come up to the stage and their leader Nitô Heisho Shifuda Kuriko." Shizuka then arranged the new set of boxes and awaited her project wing to come to the stage, a bright smile meeting them as they came down the stairs. She had one last set of boxes, set up for the command staff as well as the personnel that weren’t included in the main promotion sections.

"Well, looks like it's our turn," Shin smiled, standing up and stretching. He let his teammates lead the way, preferring to take the rear in situations like this.

Kuriko glanced over to the rest of the wing as she stood. I guess this is it, Kuriko thought as she waited for her wing to get closer before she moved to the podium as well.

"Shifuda-san... congratulations," Masako said to her new friend telepathically, encrypted so it was just between them.

Hara rose up along with the others and made his way towards the stage. "I wonder what all of you are going to get," he said, his eyes sweeping across the room.

Sakaki stood and followed the others somewhere behind Kuriko. Her chest began to swell in the honor it was to fight along side such warriors of the 1st Expeditionary Fleet, and soon to be honored as part of this force.

Maya got up with the rest of the wing and followed them up to the stage. Maya was starting to get incredibly anxious, wondering if her combat performance has in any way improved over the last few conflicts she had been involved with already.

Rin had been waiting patiently for this moment and now it had finally come. She arose from her seat and walked forward with her companions, holding her head high and displaying a pride and noble bearing worthy of a soldier of the Star Army of Yamatai. It seemed in many ways that she gave off the impression of one with experience and dedication beyond her mere months in the service thanks to an upbringing from two disciplinarian officer parents.

Shizuka nodded to Kuriko, gesturing to her that it was okay for her to approach. Then when she did, the Captain held out a hand and a box. "Nitô Heisho Shifuda. I hereby promote you to the rank of Ittô Heisho. You've done well as the leader to the Pride Wing and I still see no other more capable than you to lead this wing. You carry the insight and values of a true leader. I also present you with a Service as well as a Command Award for your rise to duty and admirable leadership. On behalf of the YSS Senbu, I thank you for all of your hard work." Shizuka then shook Kuriko's hand and gave her a very confidant smile, reassuring the Neko that she did a good job.

Shin smiled, telepathically congratulating Kuriko on her promotion.

Maya couldn’t help but smile a little at Kuriko's promotion, despite everything else that had happened...

Nicholas bowed curtly to Kuriko in congratulations of her promotion and accolades. He fought the urge to say “I told you so” to the Neko, but slowly cracked a sly, wide grin and nodded to her as she moved on that suggested that his beliefs were affirmed by her performance.

Kuriko reached out and shook Shizuka's hand. The previous mission had built Kuriko's confidence a little, but the Neko was still a bit unsure. Of course, Kuriko also was quaking a little, afraid of how Maya might take the promotion as well, and afraid that it might make the Neko even more upset than she was already. "Arigatou, Shizuka-shosa, Saiga-taii," Kuriko said before bowing to each of them and walking off to the side.

Rin's well-wishes for her commander were also quick to be expressed in a general sense away from prying ears, along with a respectful nod.

Sakaki nodded in Kuriko's direction as a silent gesture, there was nothing needed to be said or done at this point. She would have to say something to her superior later perhaps, but not at this very moment, as there is a time and place for most things.

"Next, I would like to call upon Santô Hei Ushimo Sakaki." Shizuka then picked up the next small metal box and waited for the Hei, offering her a hand to shake and, just like the many before, a small box with her new rank pin and awards. "For your brave actions in the face of grave danger and putting the lives of your wing mates in high regard; I hereby promote you to the rank of Nitô Hei, and award you with a service metal for your participation in the completion of the Senbu's third mission. I look forward to seeing your growth," Shizuka said this with a kind, but rather professional smile.

Sakaki came up to accept the reward, and even though she was blushing all the while to accept the award, she stated, "I am honored," and bowed to both commanders, while bowing deeper towards Shizuka. Then after doing the rest of the formal things needed, she bowed again and left the stage.

"Now if Santô Hei Hara Saruwatari could come up," Shizuka called the next name, getting his awards ready. Then once he got to the Captain, she'd do just the same as before and offer him a hand and his box. "I'd like to thank you for your hard work, you did everything you were asked. A prime example of a good soldier, because of that I'd like to promote you to the rank of Nitô Hei and look forward to watching you progress here on the Senbu. You'll also be receiving a service award for your participation on the mission." Shizuka give him a curt but professional head bow.

Hara beamed once he heard of his promotion "Thank you, Shizuka-Shosa!" he said, bowing deeply before shaking her hand. He turned next to Nicholas and bowed just as low, before turning and walking off stage.

"Santô Hei Nekki Shin, approach," Shizuka said the next name with distain laced in her tone. She turned to face him, with a professional and firm posture. "You're receiving this promotion for your efforts in the third mission, not because of your stature or your outstanding behavior. You here by are promoted to the rank of Nitô Hei by the Star Army; you are also awarded this service metal." Shizuka's words were without compassion for the Hei who sparked her fury during his first interview with her. She did now bow, and only offered him his box, not a hand to shake.

Shin responded to the Shosa by bowing as deep as he could to her, then taking the box and saluting the Shosa, before returning to his place.

"Next is Ittô Hei Yoshihara Maya." Shizuka seemed less upset about this name as she did the previous one. "Though I will not offer you a promotion, I will now here by ceremoniously remove your administrative demotion. You are hereby to be considered an Ittô Hei during all of your operations and duties while on the Pride Wing. Your previous permissions that were revoked are now reinstated. Yoshihara-hei, though I was angry at you, I believe that with your hard work and path on the right direction, you'll have your chance to shine and prove to me my belief in you. I never revoked your place on my Wing because you are in fact an integral part of it. Please accept this service award on behalf of the YSS Senbu." Shizuka then bowed her head once and then offered her a box and a firm handshake.

Maya felt better now that her performance was at least improving in the eyes of the Shosa, and accepted the award and gave her a long bow and a handshake before moving back to her seat. "Thank you Shizuka-Shosa! I won't let you down!"

"Santô Hei Hoshitomo Rin. Please come up to receive your first awards," Shizuka said, offering a smile to the Hei who she had seen a lot of development in from the moment she walked into her door. "From the moment you entered my office I knew you were destined for greatness; I have a lot of confidence in you that you'll grow into a fine officer of the glorious Star Army. I have always believed that great officers are the ones who can understand the men and women they are in charge of, so that they can value their lives and the tasks they accomplish. I hereby promote your first step on your road to your goals, congratulations Nitô Hei. Please also accept this service award for your participation in the Senbu's third mission. Also, I have a Tomoyo's Kikyô for you, in honor of your personal sacrifice in order to overcome a great enemy. On behalf of the Senbu and the Star Army, I thank you." Shizuka then bowed her head for a moment, and then offered Rin a hand to shake and a box containing her awards.

Rin stepped up with great respect to her commander and her executive officer, offering the lowest bow that one was able before the weight of her words. The first of hopefully many more awards of a distinguished career slipped into the grasp of her restored arm as a symbolic gesture, while the right one grasped the one offered in a strong handshake. "Shizuka-shosa... Saiga-taii... thank you. I will wear them with pride in all that I do."

However, as the Lioness and Hoshitomo-hei's eyes and hands met, there was a message transferred across the distance meant only for her. "Shizuka-san... you spoke of painful choices. But… perhaps the greatest choice one can make is to ensure that others will not have to be forced to make them instead." This allusion to her near use as a hostage in the battle records... it now made sense why she took the injury for the sake of her team's success. With that done she, smiled professionally and returned to her place.

"Now for Santô Hei Ishida Hiroko. Please come and get your awards," Shizuka said, shifting through the boxes and picking up the appropriate one. She waited and then offered her Neko hand to shake, and of course the box containing the new items for the Hei. "For your service in the Senbu's third mission, I award you a promotion to Nitô Hei, as well as a Service award to mark your first completed mission in the Star Army. On behalf of the ship, I thank you for your hard work." Shizuka then bowed her head slightly and her voice was heard again by the Hei, only telepathically. "I also would like to get to know you better, so I look forward to meeting with you in the near future." Shizuka’s personal goal to interview every single person on her ship was never a dream, it was a must.

Hiroko stood up and walked over to Shizuka, bowing deeply, and shaking her hand before accepting the awards. She made sure to deliver a bow to Nicholas as well... and then sent a telepathic reply, "It will be interesting." And then Hiroko sat back down.

"Now, if Santô Hei Masako Sakiyurai could come down to the stage. I would like to offer her, her awards," Shizuka called out, looking up to the crowd gathered in the Briefing Room. At this time Shizuka picked out the next box and review a section of her data pad with a small soft of smile, and a tiny laugh, nothing that could easily be noted, but something someone closer to the stage could catch.

"HUH?!" Masako jolted in surprise and stood up from where she was and began to numbly make her way down to the dais, still disbelieving it. Nervously, she fondled the golden pendant around her neck as she swept down, trying to carry herself with some form of dignity. "Uhm..." she blushed when she stepped up to the Shosa. "This is unexpected..." she said quietly.

"Well, I had to include you in with your new wing," Shizuka said with a small smile. "After reviewing the reports from various commanders, I find you better suited to serve on my Pride Wing. This is pending the result of your interview, which will happen at a later time. But for now, I'd like to offer you these small tokens of gratitude from the Senbu and the Star Army. Firstly, a Service Award for your part in the completion of the YSS Senbu's third mission, no part is too small; every little bit makes a difference. Then, after reading the suggestions by the wing you were stationed too, as well as the CO and the team leader, I would like to offer you a Morale Award for your presence and actions that made the team more dedicated to their task, whatever those actions may be." Shizuka apparently was left in the dark as to what she did, but was told that Masako did a wonderful job of boosting morale. The Shosa offered the Hei a box and a hand to shake. "Also, congratulations on your promotion. You are here by a Nitô Hei, as I’m sure this battle has given you much more experience then any amount of training could do."

The guys grouped up in the back of the room from Vermillion 05 didn't seem to be all too happy with the announcement; a few groans and disappointed looks fell down from the young Yamataian males.

Hoshitomo-Hei was still somewhat enrapt in her own medals still when this newcomer appeared. Apparently she was to be the newest member of the Shosa’s Pride Wing for her performance. Rin therefore spared her a respectful nod at the very least, as she wondered as well just what this morale award was for. But the distant 'fan club' seemed to be a pretty good indicator...

Masako blushed a bit in surprise and nodded to Shizuka and gracefully accepted the awards, still a little thunderstruck. She gently took the Shosa's hand with her own, her skin soft and surprisingly delicate for a soldier, and shook it with a decent grip. "I'm still surprised and not entirely sure, but I'll gladly accept the awards, and I thank you for the promotion," she said. "Truth be told, I was really nervous as it was the first time I've ever really used a Mindy in spatial combat," the blonde Neko said telepathically.

"There's plenty more to come, the nervousness eventually goes away," Shizuka reassured her telepathically, then bowed her head to the Hei and allowed her to move along before turning back to the podium to continue the ceremonies. A few more people received promotions, which included the three bridge operators: the Yamataian black haired female who was announced as Shoi Kameko Izuki. She was permuted to Chui, along with the Chouko twins Ayano and Ayane. A few other, smaller awards were handed out and then the ceremony was over. Those who didn't get to make it had their boxes set aside for another time when the Shosa could handle those ones.

"That concludes the ceremonies, you may all now return to duty. Thank you again, on behalf of the Star Army, for all of your deeds and bravery. I am so very proud to command and serve such an amazing crew!" The Shosa then clapped her hands together, which erupted into a calm applause. She then turned her face to Nick and looked at him with one of those, ‘I’m glad it’s over’ looks.

Nicholas nodded in agreement with the Shosa’s relieved expression, even though the subject of his promotion was far from over. It was best kept for another time, though. He smiled at Shizuka, leaning in as the crewmembers present in the amphitheater filed out. “You did wonderfully, as usual,” he said privately into her ear, not bringing up the issue that he so desperately wanted to discuss. “And you did it in that outfit. Quite a feat for you, I must say. Congratulations, Shizuka,” he whispered, using every effort to not even crack so much as a smile, despite his desire to laugh at the Shosa over her embarrassment again.

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