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RP: YSS Senbu Ep 18.5 - A meeting with a future Senbu pixie |Mini-JP|

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Active Member
ON: YSS Senbu

Following the debriefing aboard Aries star fortress, the Senbu’s crew was released back to their duties, their spirits lifted after the events that had transpired in the auditorium on the station. Nicholas Saiga was in Shizuka’s office, where he could usually be found if he weren’t on the bridge, going over the list of new arrivals. He would have to get them situated before the upcoming downtime, but he didn’t see the duty as a burden; the Geshrin was excited. The Senbu’s future would be glorious and everything he could do as a member of its crew was worth enjoying. At least it seemed that way right now. Among the roster of newly-assigned personnel was one Nanjo Ageha, a Santô Hei on her first assignment. She had been sent to the star fortress that the Senbu was docked with, and had been waiting for several hours after her arrival before a summons was sent, ordering her to report to Taisa Endo Shizuka’s office aboard the ship.

Ageha was suitably nervous. The YSS Senbu had arrived at the station hours ago and she had still not heard a word from the first officer. She had tried to calm her nerves by walking around the station, but that didn't really help. She had remembered what she had heard about the captain from some of her bunkmates when she had received her orders. The fact that the ship had arrived at the station looking like it need its own repair vessel to come help it didn't help matters. When the summons finally came, Ageha took a deep breath and headed for the ship. This is it. Don't blow it, she told herself.

Aboard the Senbu, Ageha quickly headed toward the Captain's office. Step quickly, don't trip. At the door, she gave herself a once over before touching the buzzer. Always present yourself in a clear, concise matter. "Santô Hei Nanjo Ageha reporting as ordered," she said, standing at the threshold.

“Enter,” came a man’s voice from within the office as the door opened before Ageha. Nicholas stood from his seat in preparation for the soldier to enter. His ribbons were still displayed on his uniform, having not taken them off since the debriefing. The Shosa tapped some commands on his data pad, bringing up the Hei’s file as well as questions that he’d prepared for her interview.

The Santô Hei stepped into the office and briefly looked around before walking over to the desk where the First Officer was seated. She didn't quite meet his eyes at first as she stood before him, instead focusing on his prominently displayed awards which were closer to her eye level anyway.

“Welcome, Nanjo-hei,” Nicholas said in his most militaristic-sounding voice, but not so harshly as to frighten or put off the young Yamataian girl. “Please, have a seat,” he continued, indicating where she should sit with an offering gesture. “I am Shosa Nicholas Saiga, this vessel’s first officer. I will be interviewing you on behalf of the Taisa. She generally does this herself, or is at least present – she likes to meet everyone that serves on her ship – but I’m sure that you will make her acquaintance at some point.”

"Thank you, sir," Ageha replied, mirroring the Geshrin's attitude even though she couldn't hope to match his tone. She nodded once and took her seat, which made her feel even smaller sitting across from the giant man.

“Alright then, let us begin,” Nicholas said, taking his own seat. Picking up his data pad, he scrolled through the various questions that he’d always used for these things as well as some more specific ones that he’d thought up after a quick glance at Ageha’s file. “It’s noted here that you survived a Mishhuvurthyar attack when you were younger. My question is this: how does that experience prepare you for what you may face in your service to our glorious Empire in the Star Army?” he asked officiously, oblivious to the fact that the query may be a touchy subject for the girl.

The girl's eyes went wide as saucers and she quickly averted her gaze from the man in front of her. "Ara... that is, sir," she said, shakily, her palms pressed firmly into her thighs, her fingers grasping the bottom of her skirt. She squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. "Excuse me, sir," she said slowly before bringing her head back and looking straight at the Shosa. "Sir, that is the reason I joined." Well, she wasn't looking into his eyes, more like right at his nose, actually. Ageha wanted to look him straight on, but just couldn't manage it. The memories were painful, but if she couldn't get over it in a situation like this, how was she going to operate when things started to get rough?

“I figured as much, Nanjo-hei,” the Geshrin told her with a hint of obviousness in his tone, not satisfied with her answer. “But how does that prepare you for what new horrors you may see in the future?” he asked. “Do you believe that your trauma makes more or less prepared to see front-line duty? You may be surprised at the fact, but the Senbu is a front-line vessel and the chances of us encountering direct enemy action are high.”

Ageha's gaze drifted down a bit. All those ribbons... but what he was saying made her realize something. "Sir, I believe that's why I was assigned to this ship." She looked back up at him with what looked like what might actually have been a little bit of resolve in her eyes, "This is my first assignment, sir, but I've already had that sort of experience and so, in some ways, that makes me more qualified to serve aboard the Senbu than someone who hasn't."

Nicholas nodded. “A fine answer, Nanjo-hei. Thank you,” he said, looking back to his data pad. He already knew what he would ask and was scrolling through her file more to let the young Santô Hei time to process the situation than anything else. After a few long moments, he would speak again. “How do you feel about working closely with others?” he asked, falling back on the tired-and-true question that virtually everybody on the Senbu had been asked. All of the questions before the last didn’t really matter anyway, they simply were used to ease a new crewmember what would be finally asked.

Feeling a little more relaxed by Nicholas' reaction, Ageha shifted in her seat a little bit to make sure she was sitting up straight. Working with others? What an odd question. "I enjoy working with others, sir," she replied. Short and straightforward.

“Wonderful,” the Geshrin chuckled half-sarcastically. He liked the answer, short and straightforward indeed. Where most he’d seen related working with others to their duty in the Star Army, this Yamataian answered simply and concisely. After he got over the amusement that she’d provided him with, he would ask the final, most important question. “I’ve only got one more question, Nanjo-hei,” Nicholas said. “It is of the utmost importance to Endo-taisa, so please answer as honestly as you can. If you were given the choice would you save the life of a comrade at the cost of failing the mission or allow them to die their last death and complete your duty?” he asked.

The Yamataian girl blinked at the question. Of the utmost importance? The butterflies in her stomach that had begun settling leaped gloriously back into flight. "Sir, I know it would be hard," she started, playing with the hem of her skirt with one hand, "but I would try and finish the mission to the best of my ability."

Nicholas grinned widely after hearing what Ageha had to say. Perhaps it was because the Red Lion was not present, but the girl had answered honestly – more so than he had been when Shizuka had asked him the same question. “Most excellent, Nanjo-hei,” he said happily. “I know exactly where to place you.” The Shosa input several orders into his data pad, placing the Yamataian in a billet. “It is my belief that it requires a soldier with a unique sense of duty to serve on the command deck, and you have demonstrated having that quality,” he told her, “thusly, you are assigned as a communications technician and combat relay coordinator on the bridge. Congratulations, Santô Hei, and welcome to the crew of the YSS Senbu.”

"Thank you, sir," she responded, standing and bowing to her superior officer. This was the moment. Now she was officially on her first assignment. She smiled, happy to have started off on the right foot.

“If there’s nothing else you need, then you are dismissed, Nanjo-hei,” Nicholas ordered. “The Senbu’s MEGAMI can show you to your room. I don’t believe that we will be leaving port in the immediate future, so relax. Any updates on the duty status will be issued as needed,” he told her. She would make a good addition to the bridge staff, especially after many of them had been killed off during the last battle, some without memory backups.

"Thank you, sir," she repeated, then turned to leave. Telepathically she asked MEGAMI to show her to her room assignment as she left the Captain's office. Ageha was glad that she had met with Saiga-shosa instead of the Captain, thinking back on what she had heard. Self-consciously, she rubbed her eyebrow as she received the directions and headed off to her room.

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