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RP: YSS Senbu Ep 18 - Imperial Promotion Ceremony

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Inactive Member
ON: Aries Station

The massive auditorium was now packed for seating as the whole of the Senbu was completed when the revived crew arrived to join in on the ceremony. All of the high ranking officials were seated in the front row and the various sections of the ship were closely sat together. The Shosa took center stage with the Taii right behind her; the large holographic icons of the SA as well as the Senbu were proudly displayed, making it a glorious setting on the proscenium. The small chatter throughout the large section of the station lowered sharply as the blonde haired Neko captain stepped forward into the spotlight to arrange her things on the podium.

Nicholas stood solicitously behind Shizuka, at attention to her left side. He was eager for the ceremony to get underway. The Geshrin Taii always loved these ceremonious occasions, and the costly battle they’d just had would surely be something to celebrate with glorious words and resplendent accolades.

And so, Hiroko sat at the auditorium, gazing upward. There was at least some part of her that... somewhat didn't know what to say about it. But the other part slowly muttered under her breath... "That's a... production."

Rin was thankful to be relieved of her stay in the less accommodating areas of the Senbu after recent events, glad to have something positive to focus on and to push the thoughts of what occurred between her and Shin out of mind in the hopes it would be quietly swept under the rug. This was, after all, no time for such things, as the VIPs were about to descend on the ship in force. However, she still was more quiet and reserved than usual, keeping a wide berth from Nekki-hei as she found a seat with the fellow Pride Wing members. Her Class B uniform with a thigh-length blue skirt was immaculate and perfect as usual – a clear indication she was still the same old Hoshitomo.

Shin was on the other side of Kuriko, fighting the urge to take a short nap before the ceremony started. He sighed, knowing that after this was over, that it was back to the cell with him. "So much for just rewards."

"Looks like it hasn't started yet." Though Kuriko spoke aloud as she took a seat, she chose to ignore Shin's comment. Although it was her fault for creating the situation, it was to a small extent Shin's fault for his actions in that situation, much to her dismay. Kuriko could tell that Rin was not happy to be around Shin, understandably so. Now she'd have to be careful not to put the pair together in combat or any other situation that would create tension. ”It looks like almost everyone has been revived... but they aren't the same...” Kuriko said before realizing something. "Ano, everyone... I haven't said this before, but I'd like to say it now," Kuriko paused a little before she continued, she was speaking both verbally and telepathically to all the members of Pride Wing, though the telepathy was just in case they couldn't hear her. "You did a great job out there....thank you."

Sakaki sat in her straight-up not-touching-the-back-of-her-chair kind of posture with her sword tucked between her legs, her hands resting on the hilt. She kept her attention on the events transpiring, while feeling a little deja vu. The Neko kept an eye on Kuriko, wondering if her commander had grown stronger since the last great meeting on board the Senbu. She nodded toward her squad leader and replied, “We are strong as you are strong.”

Rin checked the placement of the ribbons on her uniform to make sure they were in order, running a finger across them for a moment. "I was only doing my duty to this wing and my Shosa, Shifuda-heisho... but thank you for your praise all the same." The Hei added a small note telepathically to her squad mates, however. "We all still have many lessons to learn... and too often it has been the hard way."

Shin grinned slightly. "I don't deserve praise until I can make it back at 100% condition after a battle."

Hiroko just listened to the chatter, looking at her chest, the uniform lines, what few awards she had... and then back at the Pride Wing. "We survive. That's enough."

Shizuka cleared her throat and then glanced up to the crowd with her large amber orbs. "Members of the Anri-class Deep-Space Repair Vessel; NR-X1-10. My beloved crew, who are the very soul of our mighty Senbu – we have stood against insurmountable odds, time and time again. But no one expected the overwhelming battle we faced, not even I. Each day, I find myself more and more proud of this crew and its accomplishments and look forward to serving as your commanding officer for many more glorious missions." Shizuka's loud voice carried into all the corners of the auditorium, with the help of the sound system installed. But never the less, for her tiny stature the Neko had a voice like a lion.

"Before I begin the ceremonies, I’d like to introduce a special guest this evening. She is a woman who needs no fanfare in her entrance, and I could never provide the words too truly adorn her glory nor do her justice. May I present former Empress Ketsurui Yui-taisho." Shizuka turned now to where the Taisho would be entering and bowed low at her hips to show utmost respect.

Taisho Yui, commander of the Star Army, walked quickly up the center aisle, preceded by two Ketsurui Samurai and followed by a small entourage of assistants and escorts.

Nicholas was taken aback as he listened to Shizuka’s introduction. The Taisho of the Star Army herself has graced us with her presence? he thought, feeling more shocked than he’d ever been during a non-combat situation. Upon seeing what the Shosa said was true, he bowed deeply in the direction of Yui and her entourage; if he could bow any lower, he would have fallen over. This was almost too much for the Geshrin Taii, as if having to stand before the entire ship’s crew wasn’t already enough.

Shin quickly stood up and bowed as low as he could, trying not to screw things up this time. He spoke with Kuriko, telepathically. "The Taisho? Here? We're just a repair vessel, and all we did was stop some pirates."

Kuriko's eyes widened in surprise, she hadn't expected Yui herself to show up at the event. The Neko sat in silent surprise as Yui approached the stage. There are so many people with her, Kuriko thought. Of course there are... she's a Taisho as well as the former Empress of Yamatai, Kuriko scolded herself silently. It would be clear to anyone else that Kuriko was more than impressed. "Maybe so, and yet here she is before us," Kuriko replied to Shin.

Hiroko naturally stood and bowed – it was the only correct response – but... if anyone was on the floor they'd see a raised eyebrow coming from her direction. More than just a production, this was a downright best-selling show. She'd be more shocked, but she was still busy wondering about just how big this was...

Taisho Yui reached the stage and went to the podium. One of her assistants handed her a scroll, which she read aloud to the microphone. "The Commander of the Star Army has placed special trust and confidence in the valor, loyalty, and professional excellence of Shizuka Endo. In view of these qualities and Endo's enduring demonstrated leadership ability and dedicated service to the Star Army of Yamatai, she is therefore promoted from rank of Shosa to Taisa." Yui then signed the order so all could see. "Signed, Ketsurui Yui."

"It is my honor to be here tonight," Yui announced, her voice echoing through the auditorium, "To not only promote your captain, but to congratulate the crew that performed an impossible feat of immense bravery. One repair ship, somehow unbelievably took on two battleships and came back home to tell the tale. I want you all to know how proud... and how thankful I am to have soldiers and officers like you in my fleet and my Star Army." After the applause, Yui gave the podium back to Taisa Endo.

Nicholas had little time before he was bowing again as Yui finished her congratulations to the captain and crew of the Senbu. He was one of their number and felt immensely proud that Yui was there in person to thank them for their service. As the Taisho stepped aside to let Shizuka take back her place before the assembled, the Geshrin used all of the willpower he could to maintain decorum and not embrace his Taisa in celebration of her accomplishment.

Shizuka stepped forward, her head still bowed. She was at a loss of what was ceremoniously next. Do I stand up and bow to her, do I thank her, do I wait to be spoken to, or was that her talking to me? The Shosa-turned-Taisa remained frozen in her spot a moment, then with a deep breath she stood back straight and bowed her head to the Taisho before taking the podium back with a renewed composure and a swelling pride in her chest. She opened her mouth to speak, but had to pause a moment before speaking directly without thought. That’s when the applause picked back up and erupted for the Lioness, the Senbu’s beloved commanding officer.

She fought back a massive blush as she smiled happily up at her crew’s gratitude. It was a long few minutes before it calmed down, and after a few bows of her messy haired head to the crew in thanks. "I'd like to thank Ketsurui Yui-taisho once again for gracing us with her presence. I personally promise that I will continue to bring glory to the Star Army and do so beyond any expatiations you have for me and my crew."

Yui nodded, smiling, and took a seat at the back of the stage to watch the ceremonies.

Rin certainly did not hesitate to add her own two hands to the chorus of clapping crewmen for the promotion of their Shosa to Taisa. Though she was always leery of Nekovalkyrja getting too much glory and it going to their head later, Shizuka had proven that such respect and accolades had been earned and the Yamataian's wishes for her successful career were genuine. After all, the Senbu would be lifted up together to glory as their commander's fame grew only greater before the fleet's admiral.

Shin joined in the applause, just after Hoshitomo-hei. Sure, he was likely to be demoted or executed soon, but what the hell; Endo-taisa deserved this promotion.

Sakaki didn't applaud but stood up in silence and grinned a little. With this would mean fantastic events awaited them with high expectations. A greater challenge was all that a warrior could ask for, and with this a greater task as well as greater glory can now be had. I have come a long way since the short time on the Senbu, I look forward to the future this announcement will bring, the Neko had thought to herself.

Hiroko stood as well, and only applauded lightly, as she at least somewhat smiled...

Shizuka arranged her data pad information and went forward with the ceremonies. "First, I would like to call upon the armor commanders to represent each of their wings respectably. Starting with Shoi Kanno Akira of the Gold Wing." The newly promoted Taisa awaited the blonde haired, good looking leader of the Senbu's most prominent combat wing approached. He made his way down, dressed in a crisp uniform and his own arrangement of ribbons on his chest that outnumbered the Lioness’ as well.

Kuriko watched intently as Akira moved toward the podium. She remembered what Jack had said about the Shoi, how he had served for a long time. "Akira-shoi sure has a lot of experience doesn't he?" Kuriko asked either of the Hei beside her as she continued to stare at the Shoi.

Rin raised an eyebrow for a moment as it set in just how decorated the senior wing leader was before commenting back to Kuriko. "I did not realize how much experience he had on his side; it is no wonder that Akira-shoi performed so well against the second Chiharu." Inwardly, however, this fact pleased the Hei greatly, as a Yamataian could even show up their commander on the merits of his battle ability. Hopefully one day she could stand in a similar place.

Shin, on the other hand, compared to his comrades fawning over Akira, was feeling a tad bit jealous. "Hmph. Not like I can't do what he can."

Hiroko just... raised an eyebrow again and smirked slightly, glancing over at the other members of her wing. "Hmm... So it works that way, hm?" Then a further glance over to Shin, with a more... strange smirk.

Shizuka smiled at the Shoi as he approached where she stood. "Your leadership has always been the key to your unit's strength; your members follow you into any battle and never question your decisions. But as you've mentioned that you want to move on to higher reaches of the glorious Star Army, I hereby accept your request ceremoniously and will accept you as a member of my bridge administration. As such, I hereby promote you to Taii." The Lioness then offered him a rank pin along with a box with his awards for the mission. "All members of your wing are also here by promoted one rank and given appropriate awards for your valiancy in this operation. Thank you on behalf of the Senbu and the Star Army." The Yamataian male thanked the Captain and bowed before returning to his seat.

Rin ignored Shin's bravado and posturing. He was still light years away from the elder pilot's level. While Hoshitomo was, of course, happy for the Gold Wing leader, who was a sempai of sorts to all of the junior enlisted pilots from her experiences so far, still there was, naturally, a sort of regret that she expressed silently in message to Shifuda-heisho. "The battle space will not be quite the same without his leadership in the field... but we've been leaning on him so much up until now, and need to try harder to live up to his example."

Shizuka adjusted the medals and awards then her eyes glanced back up over the crowd. "Next, I would like to call upon the leader of the Vermillion Wing Squadron, Ittô Heisho Sokudo Ichigo." The Taisa waited for the strawberry-pink haired Neko to join her on the stage. "You fought bravely and never thought twice as you gave your lives to the Star Army. I humbly thank you for your efforts. For the price your members paid, I award you each a Tomoyo's Kikyô, and offer my grievances for the members who chose not to revive; may their sprits rest in peace." Then after a thank you and a few bows, the newly revived CO returned to her seating.

Kuriko thumbed the Ittô Heisho rank pin that Akira had given her while trying to think of a response to Rin. Before she could do so however, Ichigo-heisho was brought up to the stage. Kuriko listened and her belief was confirmed that some of the members were not going to be returning. I've already cried for them...There's nothing more I can do for them now, other than respect them, Kuriko told herself, managing to hold off on the imminent onslaught of tears.

Hoshitomo-hei, of course, spared a moment in her musings to bow her head briefly in acknowledgment of the Vermillion Wing and its Heisho's admirable courage. Whether it was simply an arm or the ultimate sacrifice, such moments only made the young woman reaffirm her vow to give her all for her beloved Empire every day, no matter the place or the overwhelming odds the Senbu faced. "Such is the best any soldier can ask for, Heisho," offered Rin to her wing commander with that same reserved tone she used on the shuttle back to safety.

"Will the newly appointed representative of the Obsidian Wing please come to the stage," Shizuka called upon the newly appointed leader of the squadron, as its last leader was punished with dishonorable discharge and handed over to the station's military police to bring to court-martialing for her actions. A Yamataian Heisho with long black hair done into a professional bun with two chopsticks placed through it came down to the stage wearing a serious expression on her pale face. She knew the honor she had to bring back to her wing, and knew what she had ahead of her.

"Your wing will receive a service award for the mission for participating in holding off the boarders. But because of the actions carried out by the Obsidian Wing squadron I cannot grant any promotions other than yours. Ittô Heisho Haruka Emi, I hope you can restore the honor of your wing and make up for your previous commanding officer’s dishonorable actions in the name of your station. You are now promoted to the rank of Jôtô Heisho and are appointed command of the Obsidian Wing. May you restore it to its former glory." Shizuka said every bit of her speech to the new CO firmly and then allowed the Heisho to return to her seat after she got to mention to the Taisa that she would raise to her every expatiation.

Nicholas grinned inwardly at Obsidian Wing’s punishment. Their former commander’s selfish actions had endangered the Senbu’s success during the engagement. He was glad that what the disgraced leader had done was made an example of, and greatly enjoyed that the matter was shown before the entire crew. Perhaps this would encourage them all to follow orders precisely and expeditiously.

Shizuka turned a much kinder smile up to the crowd as she prepared to call upon the next group. "Next I would like to ask that Ittô Heisho Shifuda Kuriko come down to represent the Pride Wing Squadron." Her bright amber eyes locked on to the Heisho immediately and waited her to come down. There weren’t too many promotions left after this, but the Taisa was feeling the drain of such large ceremonies, though you would never guess it.

Kuriko's body tensed up like it normally did when these situations occurred, though it took her considerably less time to coerce herself to stand than it had previously. The Heisho walked steadily down to the platform, the combat as well as the incident that had occurred afterward were both flying through her head. Kuriko smiled, proud of what her unit had accomplished; assisting and protecting Shizuka through the fight wasn't exactly a cakewalk. It wasn't the madhouse that Vermillion had experienced either. Once down at the platform Kuriko bowed deeply to Shizuka.

Rin made way for the Heisho to step out of the row and into the aisle to act as their representative before the crew. She did not let it show too much, but her personal failings in handling the previous situation with Shin still worried the Nitô Hei, and the fact she had added more weight to the already significant burden the diminutive wing commander bore was not something she took pride in.

The Taii would bow slightly to Kuriko, just as he had with all of the others who’d been up to receive their awards. Despite Nicholas’ continued disappointment in the Heisho, Pride Wing’s service shouldn’t be overshadowed by the failings of a few in their wing, and they all still deserved what was theirs for what they’d done. He knew what Kuriko and her team would be receiving and hadn’t been able to disagree the awards and promotions when he and Shizuka had made the decisions.

The newly promoted Taisa turned to face Kuriko and bowed her head in return. "Ittô Heisho Shifuda, you did well in leading your Wing who was responsible for the downing of one of the two enemy flagships. This is no mere task, and it was done with a high chance of failure, yet you still followed orders and executed the mission excellently. For this I promote you and your wing by one rank, with the exception of the parties involved with the security incident, they will be promoted at the resolution of that issue. You will all receive your respective awards for the mission as well as a service award. Thank you for your continued service." Shizuka bowed her head and then offered the newly promoted Jôtô Heisho a container with the award accessories for her squad.

"Arigatou," Kuriko said, bowing again to the Taisa. Kuriko wanted nothing more than to resolve the said issue anyway, as she felt it was still her own fault. Nevertheless, the Heisho returned to her Wing, unsure of how to distribute the awards and rank insignia. As she sat down, Kuriko had already decided how to handle her own, and that she would distribute the insignia and ribbons as soon as the ceremony was over with so that she wouldn't interrupt anybody else. "After the ceremony is done I'll pass out your rank insignia as well as your ribbons," Kuriko sent to the members of the Pride Wing.

Rin acknowledged her commander's orders, sliding a glance over in Nekki-hei's direction for a brief moment. She still was not sure whether to hate him or pity him after the violent end to their encounter in the hallway, only that it had, in one way or the other, cast a bit of a pall over an otherwise happy event for the wing – perhaps that was really the only thing to truly feel sorry for in the end. The soldier kept her thoughts, however, guarded from him behind steep mental walls and had not spoken a word of forgiveness or anger since the shooting, preferring to save that for the proper moment.

Shin remained sitting at attention, his mind withdrawn into hazy memories of when he was a child, and was still with his parents.

Shizuka then went on into a few more promotions and awards, handing them out all throughout the ship through section commanders. As well as Stararcher, who didn't seem all too happy with becoming an Ittô Heisho. But then as Shizuka But then as she placed another box on the podium she glanced over its contents a few moments, trying to gather the right words to award the next members of the crew with. "I would now like to call upon three members of our crew who went far beyond their duty and battled a tremendous foe in the very heart of our ship. If not for these three, I'm not to sure we would have a ship with crew to return to once the operations were over." Or, Nick left alive... Shizuka sounded quite emotional over this, but not enough to cause much of a disturbance in her visage. "Shoi Inoue Rina, Jôtô Hei Hirado Fusae and Nitô Hei Yamada Chiyoko – please come down to the stage."

Without these three, Nicholas felt that he would defiantly be dead. He remained silent, but showed his thanks with a grateful smile, bowing more deeply than he had for the others that had come up thus far. Why they weren’t in Pride Wing he didn't know, but was glad that they were stationed on the ship in the event that future boarding actions occurred. Their combat prowess, despite being engineers, only bolstered the opinion that he’d expressed to Kuriko in front of Shizuka.

Fusae rigidly marched down to the presentation platform, staying right on Rina’s heels until they arrived. She would bow crisply to the Taisa and Taii before standing aside, in line with her two friends from the Third Engineering Unit, before their peers. The Neko felt proud for being recognized – she deserved it, for sure. After this, she would have more even ammunition to assert her superiority back in Main Repair Bay.

Chiyoko walked behind Fusae, glancing from side to side as the crew watched them descend to the stage. In an effort not to look too out of place, she glanced at her Jôtô Hei friend and copied her attitude and posture in an attempt to look more intimidating. But her efforts only made her appear to be almost mocking her icy superior and did the opposite of making her daunting, instead she looked rather incredibly cute.

"To each of you, I award a maximum two promotions and not only give you a service award, but I here by award you with the newly created Red Tessen award, for going far above your duties to the ship and thusly saving the members of our crew if not the whole ship." The Taisa stepped forward and affixed the ribbon on each of the three in humble ceremony to their great deeds, as well as handed them each a red war fan which was the award's true form. Then, after that, she stepped back and bowed deeply to them and another round of applause erupted from the Senbu crowd.

Kuriko joined in the round of applause, she had heard about what the 3 engineers had accomplished. They had downed an NH-17 single-handedly, which had resulted in not only Nick's, but the remaining bridge crew’s survival.

Thankfully, a new tale of heroism aboard the ship pulled Rin's thoughts away from the issues that awaited her on the other side of the briefing, and she gave the trio a respectful nod and a hearty joining of hands together for the unlikely group of saviors. It warmed her sometimes cold heart to know that there were others who gave their all like she did and was honored to have such brave support staff among the Senbu's crew. Without them and their hard work, this celebration might have never have occurred. Rin made a mental note to offer to aid them sometime in their day to day duties as a show of thanks for protecting the ship when she and the Pride Wing could not.

The three thanked the Taisa, and then started to their seats. On the way back though, with Chiyoko in the back, she decided to flaunt her new award and fanned herself as she strut along, making mock snobbish gestures as she continued along to her seat. Then, Shizuka's attention was drawn to the Taisho as she was notified of another announcement. Shizuka quickly moved aside from the podium as the former Empress made her way up.

Taking the podium once more, Yui looked over the crowd before starting. "Every good captain has a good crew behind her and if she's luckily, at the head of that crew will be a fine first officer. Taisa Endo is very lucky. That's why before I go; I am hereby promoting Nicholas Saiga from Taii to Shosa. Saiga's dedication, bravery, and service reflect great credit upon himself, his ship, and the Star Army of Yamatai." After giving Nick and Shizuka their shiny new pins, Yui waved to the crew and her small group exited the stage through a side door. "Good luck on your next mission!"

Sakaki smiled at this announcement and joined in the coming applause. Fitting titles to our leaders, Nick especially so it seems, the Neko thought while basking in the good feelings of being on in a crowd. With the great commander making her exit, leaving the future of Yamatai in the hands of Senbu and their crew she thought, however, this mission is far from over, and we are just a repair ship. The Taisa doesn't expect us to fight greater odds than now does she? were the doubts of Sakaki as the feeling died down after a while.

Like a pebble that created ripples as it broke the surface of a pond, it seems the ramifications of this battle spread far and wide throughout the command structure as titles and positions were gained and lost in an instant. Rin could not help but echo the thoughts of Sakaki, as it felt something on the Senbu had irrevocably changed as of this point forward for everyone. Hopefully it was for the better...

The Geshrin bowed deeply to the Taisho once again, accepting the promotion with a sense of great gratitude and humility. “Thank you for this honor, Ketsurui-taisho,” Nicholas said as properly as he could, remaining bowed until Yui turned away from him. The excitement he felt for Yui’s mere presence grew into conceit, the new Shosa’s unsolicited pride in his own ability confirmed to him. A fine first officer, he thought to himself as the former Empress exited the chamber. Yes, there is no doubt of that.

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