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RP: OIF Halberdine [Episode 0] The Halberdine


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Inactive Member
Normally, a new ship would have some amount of Pomp and circumstance to its launch, but with the sheer number of Koukens Origin made for the launching of Origin Security, they decided to save money by only having a party for the first ship of the class. So, For glamorous Ship number Six, the fancy sendoff would be a volumetric fireworks show when it left the hangar for the first time for space trials.

Before that, However, it would need a crew. Captain Toyomo, the man in charge of the vessel, stood next to a very small girl, Dyna Shevi, who was in charge of the Security officers on the vessel. As they watched, members filed onto the craft, being assigned rooms and told their initial postings for the trials. Altogether, it was a rather ho-hum 'ceremony' more of a boring sendoff, if anything.
Stromm Kumorok Dekomir stood at the mouth of the Hangar bay, a large duffel bag slung over his massive shoulders. His left arm carefully held the ragged container, while the right straightened his blue tie. Several crew mates bumped into one another as they shuffled off the gangway into the bay, and Stromm seemed to force his way forward through the tightly sewn group of personnel. Some of the people around him didn't seem to approve, but with a belligerent look in his eyes, and flash of his silver incisors seemed to put off anyone who'd say something about it. His aggressive nature, now shown, seemed to give him enough breathing room to push forward into wider spaces. The former Marine, turn OriSec employee gave his new home a considerate look before trying to find his superior officer.

After some difficult searching, he decided to just approach the Captain and ask him where the Security Officer was. When he got close enough to speak to the ship's commanding officer, he caught sight of Dyna.

Good god damn, they weren't kidding... said Stromm as he seemed to be taken aback by the girl's stature. Though, despite her childish appearance, he respected her rank, as he was taught as a boy. He chomped his teeth, giving a loud metal clank, and as if it were a signal for attention, he saluted both the Captain and the little Security Officer.

"Stromm Kumorok Dekomir, reporting for duty, sir, and ma'am." said Stromm with his Marine voice.
Fieke jogged towards the opening to the Halberdine's hangar, her duffel bouncing against her back and the scabbard of her sword swinging into her leg with each step. Slipping past someone and throwing them an apologetic gesture the Abwehran slowed down and entered the ship's hangar. Inside the path was clear – or cleared to be more exact as it not only lead to what looked to be the ship's Captain but also the giant that was Stromm.
Quickly deciding that the huge man had to be part of OriSec – if not he had missed his calling in life and would make one unwieldy engineer – Fieke came up behind him and was reassured by the giant's no nonsense tone and pairing that with what he was saying, the nightwalker was pretty sure she had found were she needed to report to.
Stepping up next to Stromm, Fieke looked up at him first, giving him a polite smile even though she doubted he would take the time to look her way. Then, in a quick turn around she came to attention, left hand resting on the hilt of her sword and her right forming a salute just above her goggles. Her stride was almost broken when she saw that beside the Captain was a small child, but taking in that Dyna was both wearing a uniform and receiving the respect of a giant, the pause between her salute and her first word was minimal.
“Private Fieke Amsel, also reporting for duty aboard the Halberdine.” Her voice was clear and didn't even show a hint of the nervousness that was currently gripping her being. Thankful for all the practice and training she had gotten from her family, Fieke held position and waited; hoping for a positive response to her decision.
The captain idly saluted back to the two security officers, more focused was he on the ship's crew, telling them of their assignments and room numbers. Instead, the tiny chocolate-skinned girl returned their salute with a bright smile. "Ah, Stromm-kun, You've made it!" she answered the large Nepleslian, before turning to the Abwehran woman, looking her over for a moment before checking over a list on her datapad. "Private Amsel, good to see you, I heard about what happened and am glad to have such sharp people on my crew!" the little girl giggled, realizing the pun she had made concerning the nightwalker's swordsmanship.

"Well, Stromm-kun, it seems you're bunking next to me, in Officer Cabin number two. Miss Amsel, you're in Crew cabin number two. Once you've put your stuff away, head to the auditorium, 'kay? We'll go over what we'll be doing for the space trials there!" With that, it seemed the girl's attention was moved elsewhere as another Security officer came and greeted her, and the process started again, the little girl acting bright and lively as anyone would expect from a Nine-year old.
"Stromm... kun?" questioned Stromm, before looking at the nightwalker female next to him. He gave her the same questioning glance, as if to ask her the same thing, before looking back at Dyna. "Is that some sort of rank?"
Bit walked into the hanger and he looked at the ship through the plastic faceplate of his voidsuit. He was pretty impressed by the ship but he knew when he was done with it he would be leaving it better. He looked at the patch he had been given for his suit and picked at it as he prepared to report in. He had his holster and tool belt on a few wrenches hanging with the pistol he was carrying. He shuffled up to a greeter to get some direction as he readjusted his pack straps.

Bit was suprised when he saw a giant of a man, a little girl who he recognized as the security officer and another female standing around with the captain. “I am Autodriver sixty-six. Where is my room, oh um mam” he asked both nervously and respectfully as he came to a stop in front of Dyne, but to the side of the two who were ther first. He had heard the two report ot her and wondered if he would be chewed out because he didn't know what to do.
"It's a term of endearment, Stromm-kun." Dyna explained quickly, looking concerned for a moment. "Would you rather I not..?" she asked, before having her attention taken away for her duties.

"Ah, Private Autodriver... You're room is Crew Cabin number four, for now. It looks like you haven't been assigned a roommate yet. Would you like me to adjust that?" the tiny girl asked the freespacer, trying to look into his faceplate, but not seeing much more than the glowing eyes.
"Endearment? Hrmph." Stromm grunted, in all honesty, he didn't care for titles or terms, especially those of the Yamataian kind. Since she seemed to name everyone else by rank, it was apparent that it was only Stromm who was being 'endeared' by the commander. He shook his head and picked up his duffel bag, heaving it over his shoulder. The large man gave the two a short salute, spoke in his razzled tone, "Call me what you wish, ma'am, you're the commander, and I follow orders, that is all." and with that he stepped off to deposit his things in his quarters.
He looked at Dyna and shook his head. “It would be nice but I must decline seeing as how I would like my room to have the same conditions as the Home ships” he said respectfully but sadly. “Speaking of which is my room set up like that or not? If not I would not mind a roommate” he said thinking. He wondered what life would be like. He had seen Dyna trying to look into his suit and he frowned knowing she couldn’t see him. “If you’re curious I don’t mind taking off my helmet for a little while or sometime later if you want” he said to her.
Fieke watching with an amused grin as the Commander turned into a whirlwind of activity, skipping from one subject or person to another with a speed only allowed by the deep wells of energy contained in the body of a child. While this was not what the Nightwalker had expected her officer to be, it was a pleasant surprise and would definitely add to the retelling of any of their exploits.
Throwing the newcomer a friendly wave as he and Dyna discussed the freespacer's room, Fieke attempted to catch the girl's attention.
When she was satisfied that she had a sliver of it, she gave the Commander a formal nod and stepped back towards the exit. “I'll be heading down to the next level too, Ma'am. After everything is stored and taken care of we head to the auditorium, correct?” The question was spoken as more of a reminder to Fieke herself than something she actually expected an answer too, and therefore she was already turning towards the exit Stromm had used. Pausing mid-step, the Nightwalker turned her head this time a more genuine question forming. “Commander my sword – it isn't a problem if I wear it on deck, is it?”
"The room is sterile for now, but not irradiated; unfortunately, that would permeate to other rooms, so you'll have to rely on other means for now. And sure, it'd be a good idea to know what all the crew really looks like!" Dyna responded to the Freespacer, first looking as if she was concentrating on details before finishing so enthusiastically.

then her attention was caught by the Abwehran woman, asking about her sword. "Yup! just make your way down there when you're ready. The swords are allowed so long as you don't hit anyone with them, Private Amsel!" she answered, as quickly as she could. it seemed the the commander was nigh on being overwhelmed by requests, but, as Fieke noticed, her nearly bottomless level of energy was easily helping her ride out the 'storm' as it were.
“Maybe after the orientation” Bit said to her in a friendly tone. He saw she had work to attend to still so he turned and took a few steps to give her room to work. He looked up and his shoulders dropped a little as he relaxed his mind pulling up the saved data on the ship he had. He pulled up a full three dimensional image of the ship and found his room quickly. On a whim he also pulled up the crew roster and found Dyna on the list and smiled. “See you after the briefing hopefully…Dyna” he said before he walked off to go settle in his room.

He stood up straight again and walked off to the end of the hanger with the elevators weaving through the crowds with ease. When he reached the elevator he waited for it to open up and looked at his patch picking at it again.
The next real attention getter up the boarding plank was another Abwehran Nightwalker. He was grinning, a cigar clamped between his teeth and lilting off to the left. Like Stromm he was large, and where the Nepleslian was taller by several inches, Rüd Grülik was much bulkier. But there was more than just size that drew the eyes: his sleeveless shirt left all four arms bare, displaying his heavily tattooed arms.

Once aboard, he easily spotted the Captain and Dyna. He approached at an easy saunter; there was no rush in his gait. Standing before them he offered a weak but properly executed salute. "Rüd Grülik reporting," he said in his deep and mellow voice. Staring down at the Captain of Security, he realized their difference in stature was a little awkward. Dyna was so short were she to stare straight ahead, she'd be eying his crotch. No matter. She was an officer, after all. Little chance she'd be checking him out.
Dyna nodded to Bit's brief farewell before once again having her attention taken away, this time by another enormous man, but this one was an Abwerhan nightwalker, like Fieke. But, he had managed to break dress code for the first day: he was wearing a sleeveless shirt instead of his uniform. "Well, Private Grulik, I hope you have your uniform in that bag, It's kind f bad form to show up for your first day of work out-of-dress." the small girl warned, in an almost playful tone, looking up to the nightwalker's cigar and goggles. Her face looked a little on the stern side, despite the childish features. It might have been cute, but the thing making her tone 'almost' playful was an authoritative bite that showed the tiny ex-neko meant business. "You've been assigned Crew cabin three. Report to the Auditorium on the same floor once you've dropped your things off and gotten into your full uniform, thank you very much."
He nodded and gave a two-fingered salute. "Yes and yes, ma'am. The auditorium; I'll see you there." His smile never wavered. He made off for crew cabin three at that same casual pace, but his large strides easily made up for that. Getting there was no problem; he'd taken the time to get to know the ship's basic layout before signing on.

At the elevator he met his first co-worker: Autodriver Bit. He glanced at the Freespacer with some curiosity, knowing full well the fate of most their kind. "How are you, Freespacer?" He would have also asked what brought the wo/man here, but figured it was like most of the other answers he'd received: nowhere else to go, really.

Then Rüd turned toward Bit and offered his lower right arm. "Well met. I'm Rüd Grülik, also a member of the security personnel." His accent thickened then; it always did when he pronounced his own name.
“Huh…oh hello you broke my walkthrough of the ship’s systems and their current status” he said. He saw the giant Abwerhan nightwalker and immediately noticed the cigar and his uniform, or lack thereof. “Call me Autodriver Sixty-six. I am actually the vehicle mechanic and also part of the ship’s maintenance personal” he said. When Rüd offered his hand Bit took it and shook it quickly to be polite. He knew his red eyes were not so different from the Nightwalker’s own blue ones and he smiled inside his helmet. “Nice to see someone else who has to hide a little bit of themselves, even if you are freer then me” he said as the elevator opened up.

“Oh here it is” he said as he stepped into the elevator car. “Let’s see…Rüd Grülik, Abwerhan Nightwalker, private, security detail….room four yes” he asked looking as he stared at the man. Bit had little to pull up as far as a record went but he knew it would be enough to know that much. “I am right next door to you then” he said in a jovial tone.
The small crew of the Destroyer quickly shuffled their way on board, each finding their way into a room, and putting their stuff down. While the Ship was intended for a 15-person crew, the security team boosted that number a bit, but still, Origin engineers had found a way to fit enough room for 50 people on board, and nobody was doubled up in a cabin, making it seem like there was a bit more room in each. Once each person had been introduced to their rooms, they would need to head towards the bow of the ship- Somehowm a 50-seat auditorium had been shoved into the deck plans (Aerin Tatst was a sly one) and so room was plenty for the crew to be oriented to the ship, its mission, and their current objective.

A sign by the door to the Auditorium listed events that would be happening on certain days, nights, and shifts, everything from it being a temporary karaoke bar, to movie nights, to large multiplayer videogaming sessions, and even a live action play (Volunteers needed!). However, all of that was unnecessary at the moment, and the upper section was taken up with "CAPTAIN'S INTRODUCTION, WELCOME TO THE HALBERDINE" in bold letters, with today's date next to it.
Stromm filed all of his things away in his officer's quarters. The room he had much more personal space than the bunk space he used to have on Nepleslian ships. In fact, he wasn't even sure if Officer's rooms were even this large by DIoN standards. At any rate, he settled in a spent only a few seconds on his new bed, noting the amount of comfort that he had been given just by attaining his position. All this luxury was enough to make a man ambitious.

Later, the Sergeant stepped in to the auditorium and started his way down to the front row. As he walked, he took note of the recreational size and capacity of the room.

"Mmm, for a combat vessel, there are quite the amount of civilian luxuries here..." thought Stromm as he settled in a seat at the front row.
Fieke entered her room and placed the duffel against one of the walls. Walking around the room the nightwalker inspected everything, familiarizing herself with her new abode and planning where it would be best to store all her meager possessions. Satisfied that unpacking would be a quick and easy process when she got back she turned around and checked the deck plans for the location of the auditorium.

Upon entering the auditorium, which was surprisingly large for a military vessel, the first thing the OriSec Private noticed was the huge bulk that was Stromm sitting in the first row. Deciding to let rank decide where she should position herself, Fieke quickly made her way to the second row and took a seat right behind the Nepleslian Sergeant.

Leaning forward and keeping her voice low the nighwalker spoke to Stromm, “Right behind you, Sir. If anything happens I'll be ready for order.” While Fieke didn't exactly expect any trouble they were security officers and it was their job to be prepared. Besides, the incident with the tailor shop had shaken her views of safety a bit.
The Abwehran grinned even wider, watching Autodriver. The fellow was awkward, even moreso than most Freespacers he'd encountered- socially speaking, of course. Bit seemed edgy, and Rüd couldn't help but be amused by people so... nervous about life. He was once like that, unsure of himself, uncertain of the world around him. That had been resolved by his culture- the trials of adulthood had instilled a patient resolve in him, a resilience as stolid (if not more so) as his physique.

"What about just Sixty-Six? Autodriver Sixty-Six is a bit long for conversation and in case of trouble." He spoke these words as the red-eyed mechanic boarded the elevator. "I'll see you around, then, and apologies for interrupting you." He gave another two-fingered salute and strode off for his room.

Next stop was the auditorium. He looked around and knew he would not fit these seats. Instead he stood beside the back row with both pairs of arms crossed, uniform tight despite it being made for his large Abwehran frame. He looked every bit a security officer there, a sort of elephant in the room, sticking out like a sore thumb. He could tell some were intimidated, but most had a silent respect; Grülik preferred the latter.