Star Army

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RP: OIF Halberdine [Episode 1] Break in those Boots!


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Two weeks of space trials, for all it was worth, was really just as boring as Dyna had predicted. Not even the crew conducting the actual trials were excited, as the ship passed everything easily, there were no problems, nothing was damaged, everything came back normal, all the sensors worked, there wasn't even dust in the ship. The Auditorium had been somewhat lively, as many of the crew who weren't on duty could be found lounging there, either watching videos or attending the occasional video game session (Galaxy Adventure 2 was a hit) Or even the live action play (It was horrible, the actors are embarrassed and locked in their rooms now).

In any case, Dyna Shevi and the Security team were now located in the Auditorium again, this time emptied of anyone else. Dyna was once again on top of her box, speaking to the dozen or so people whom were gathered.

"So, about fifteen minutes after we exit FTL, we are going to be landing on a planet in the system known as 'UX-13'. There has been report of sporadic mishhu activity around here, so we'll have to be alert. and remember, unless we or the scientists are directly in danger, I don't want you to kill any of the mishhu, got it? they need samples, not steaming piles of mush." The tiny lieutenant commander explained, a slide showing the types of mishhu they were going to try to find, and which kinds they were allowed to shoot on sight. it seemed that Brainslaves, parasites, and standard mishhu were on the menu for samples, and anything bigger was definitely 'KOS'.

"As for who's going where and what you need, The Away team protecting the scientists, under my command, will consist of Fieke, Rud, and Evelyn, with Autodriver Bit and Isaac as our drivers. we'll slave the scientists' car to ours so that we can keep in a good safe formation. Stromm will lead the stay team, which includes everyone else. All of you, I want you wearing the Muur armors you've been provided, and you need to carry both your main arm and your sidearm.

Hopefully, we'll be in and out in less than an hour, so you guys don't have to worry about bringing too much gear. Beyond that, Let's get ready, get suited up in your rooms and then meet me in the hangar in half an hour, we'll meet the scientists there." After finishing her speech, Dyna stepped down from the box and waited for the others to leave before she would do so as well.
For this meeting, Rüd was in proper attire. All four sleeves were rolled to the elbow, as was the preferred style of wear for this particular Abwehran. He was nearest the door and thus the first one out and on the way to the hangar.

When it came to suiting up, the Nightwalker had fewer problems than he'd anticipated: which is to say, none at all. They had really thought of everything it seemed. Even the helmet fit his large skull. Once he'd properly armed and equipped himself, he awaited further word.
Bitt was watching the briefing from the back of the auditorium.
"Well seems that i finally get to do what i do better then fix" he said aloud more to himself then anyone else. He knew people would respond none the less but he didn't care. He got up and went straight to the vehicle they would be using and smiled as he climbed in.

"all right lets move this tub" he said crawling in as he moved the vehicle from its resting spot to where it would easily be loaded up. He sat in the drivers seat, his pistol in its holster as always as he turned it off to wait. "Hey make sure you top off the supplies" he said to some other mechanics who were doing nothing.
Stromm laid back in silence for most of the speech. He grunted in a disapproving fashion when he heard that he was leading the stay team. While there was some good fighting stock on-board, he wasn't sure why he couldn't just go in the away team like the rest of them, and just leave a small contingent for the ship. The Sergeant stood, and caught Dyna before everyone left the room.

"Ma'am, I'm a former Marine and experienced security personnel, I'd like to know why I'm being left behind." asked Stromm, towering over the girlish Lieutenant Commander as he stood in attention.
Isaac gave a lazy, two-fingered salute and departed, smiling at the chance to finally step off the ship. Being cooped up inside the big metal monstrosity was starting to drive him a little stir-crazy, though he'd managed to scavenge some enjoyment here and there. He'd been coming up with a constant stream of jokes about amateur theater.

He headed back to Cabin #5 and slumped down on the bed, looking around his quarters. They were in as much of an artistic clutter as he could manage to create, given the materials on hand. He retrieved the surprisingly light body armor from atop his dresser and began suiting up. Within a few minutes of struggling and muttering profanities, he was fully clad and admiring the feel of being armored and armed with a SmAR/Fatboy in his hands.

The novelty wore off after a moment and Isaac realized that there was a considerable amount of time before the meeting in the hangar. He again slumped down, sitting in front of his desk, idly skimming through The Practical Guide to Airbike Maintenance.
The speech from the Commander was once again short and to the point, and while it was not much of a briefing of what exactly was to be expected, they had their perimeters; scientists must live, and don't shoot the little ones. Fieke wasn't exactly comfortable with trying to take the smaller Mishhu in alive after seeing just how dangerous they could be, but it was part of the job and to be expected.

Dyna seemed to expect everything to be taken care of, and it was - assignments had been doled out and orders given, except for Stromm's question concerning his duties. Seeing that the Sergeant's question was still unanswered, Fieke also found one of her own. “Ma'am, I know we're responsible for looking after our amour, but aren't all weapons in the armoury? I was under the impression that they required an officer present to access.”
"When an officer gives you permission," Evelyn began "It's best to take it and as much wiggle room as you possibly can. Ja?"

She approached closer to the Nightwalker. "My name is Evelyn Fritz. I'm a Surfacer from Großartige Festung. Are there any others like us?"*

((Taking a note from the Land of Dreamers. Bold words are in Abwehran.))
Dyna turned and tried to answer Stromm, before being interrupted several times, but waited patiently before finally answering. "Simple. Our ship is our life, and without it, we are all dead. Therefore, I put you in charge of keeping it safe so that we can all come home."

She then turned to Fieke, and wondered how much the Abwehran had been paying attention. "Your own weapons should be in your quarters, you only need to go to the armory if you are being issued special weapons for a mission, which you are not. If you have lost your standard issue weapons, then that's another story, but we will issue you a new set- though it'll come out of your paycheck." Dyna seemed satisfied with her answer, before she herself began to make her way out of the auditorium; as the leader of the mission, she had to be ready as well.

There was only twenty minutes left before they had to be in the hangar; the Halberdine would be exiting FTL soon.
Stromm sighed, seeing reason behind Dyna's words. The little commander had entrusted the safety of her ship to him, which could be considered an honor if not for the fact that the chance of an attack on the ship was minor. At any rate, he needed to move out and get equipped for a battle. That is, he was until he noticed Fieke and Evelyn, the two Abwehran women, still in the briefing room. The Sergeant's face scrunched up in anger.

"You two!" Stromm roared, thrusting a finger in their direction, the snarl in his tone threatening enough to intimidate an ID-SOL, "You've been given order, now get a fucking move on, before I move you myself."

The Sergeant stood, waiting for the subordinates to respond and move, his dune-spice blue eyes judging them like god judging it's disciples. Apparently, Stromm had little patience for slow people.
Sounds like he's compensating for something. Evelyn thought, moving quickly to obey the man with the loud voice and pouting all the way.

With her head down, she prepared for the mission. Weapons, armor, and especially her medical equipment. What use was a Medic without some bandages?

Once she was ready, she presented herself where she needed to be with the Away Team.

"Ready." She mumbled sulkily.
"Well if your ready load up" said Bitt as he finished helping the other mechanichs supply the transport. He moved right past Evelyn to check out other parts of the vehicle to make sure it was mission ready. His pistol was strapped securly in its holster and settled neatly on his person as he worked.
As Bitt checked over the Ocelot hovercar, a small figure wearing her Muur armor walked into the room, Carrying with her a Fatboy and a Little Killer pistol, which was strapped to her leg. The Diminutive commander looked around at all who were there,and took in a breath of air.

"ATTENTION!" She called out, hoping everyone would hear and form up quickly so she could give a final briefing, call in the scientists, and get everybody ready to go the moment the Halberdine landed on the planet's surface; which was only going to be a few minutes away.
As the commander's voice washed over Evelyn's ears, she snapped to attention in Weltraumflotte Marine style: feet fanned, left arm down at her side and her right cradling her weapon against her shoulder in parade-like fashion.

A Male would have done it differently, but Evelyn wasn't a male and didn't form to attention like one.
Fieke attempted to take her fellow Abwehran's advice and in turn inform Evelyn that she knew of at least one more Nightwalker serving with them. But, the Commander was very thorough and after chewing out the Sergeant for questioning her orders Dyna gave her attention to Fieke's question.

The Abwehran girl took the Commander's reprimanding statement of the obvious in stride, not really embarrassed by it, but also disappointed in herself for asking something of such a stupid nature. She had just assumed that they would be transferring any of their heavier weapons to the armoury, but as they had been instructed to store everything in their cabins she might have worked out that they would remain her own responsibility.

Following that line of though, Stromm's booming voice reminded the Private rather pointedly that she had quite a few other responsibilities that she needed to attend to – quickly.

Fieke came running in, her Muur armour on and her small arsenal of weapons each arranged in their proper place and comfortably available. As soon as the Nightwalker arrived the Commander was calling for them to come to attention and she rushed to form up. Waiting for Dyna to say what she needed to the OriSec Private smiled, the weight of her sword settling on one hip as the standard issue 10mm pistol did the same on the other. In her arms Fieke cradled the clumsily named Standard General Assault Rifle or “Sugar” as its user had more kindly dubbed it, the light weight rifle felt good and should perform just as nice in the upcoming mission.
A late arrival came racing through the Auditorium, sliding to a stop before Stromm. The smallish woman snapped into a solid military salute once she came to a stop in front of the Ensign. She was wearing the Origin Industry standard male service uniform complete with the beret, and had long silvery white bangs dangling over the left side of her face, though it shifted enough when she arrived that it showed she had Devil eyes.

"Master Sergent Camellia Sarri reporting, Ensign Dekomir sir. Sorry I am late, sir." She said, dropping her salute, standing at attention. "I am unfamiliar with this ship, sir. I know it is not an excuse one needs to hear, sir." She saluted again. "I am ready for any proper punishment for dereliction of duty, sir." She finished, dropping her salute and spacing her feet shoulder length apart, settled into a ready standing.
Just as Stromm was ready to go to prep for the mission, he caught wind of the sound of rushing feet. He turned, and the next thing he knew, he had the silver-haired Sarri standing in front of him. First thing she received from him was a rather mean looking scowl. Not only had she been late, but she missed the entire briefing! As she finished, the taller Nepleslian gave a judging glare of the shorter Geshrin.

"It does not, Master Sergeant Sarri." growled Stromm, "As one of the more ranking individuals here, along with being one of our only Zero-G specialist, you serve as an example to all the other soldiers here. Something as disgraceful as missing an entire briefing is bad example."

The Ensign paused for a moment, looking Camellia up and down before gaining a more wistful look.

"However, your respect and willingness to face judgment is refreshing. You look like one who recovers from their mistakes, so I will only punish with a warning, Master Sergeant. I'm sure someone with your reputed military record will ensure that this doesn't happen again. Have I made myself clear?"
Camellia saluted Stromm again. "Sir. Yes, sir." Camellia said. "Experiences in the Yamataian space navy has taught me that second chances are once only." She stated. "I will not disappoint you again, sir." She said, returning to at ease. She remained like that in front of Stromm. She was waiting to be dismissed.
"That is good to hear, Master Sergeant." Stromm saluted in return for the first time, giving a slight approving nod. "At any rate, you are in my unit for the duration of the mission. Your weapons and equipment are located within your quarters, retrieve them, and rendezvous with the rest of the security team at the take-off area."

The metal-jawed soldier looked off down the corridor, and then back at her.

"You will be my second-in-command for the defending squad, Master Sergeant, so I expect you to be on time." a very short chuckle escaped his lips before continuing. "You are dismissed." With that he turned and walked off towards his quarters.
"Rude" was one of the last to respond to the call to attention, but he had an excuse this time; he was helping the smaller folks load up the ocelot. Once at attention, he realized several others had filed in and more than one of them was a female Abwehran; he found this unusual, but not disconcerting. It would be nice to speak in his native tongue with those that spoke it as naturally as he for a time... whenever that would be.

Still, he was at attention. Probably a final statement to get things moving off the ship.
"At ease." Dyna called. stopping in place. She pressed something on her hip, and four people came in, all wearing labcoats- these were the science team.

"These are Jake, Bob, Cindy, and Gina. they are your charges" A balding man with glasses, an old looking man with darting eyes, a too-happy woman with a backpack full of gear, and a woman who looked like she wanted to leave all waved boredly at the security team, before piling into an Ocelot that had some of their other gear in it.

"Once we're on the ground, they will direct us to places they'd like to research, and we will take them there, got it? There's both native wildlife and mishhu out there, so be on your toes." the tiny commander explained. the Halberdine lightly shuddered as it smashed its way through the planet's atmosphere, and, by the time Dyna had finished speaking, the ship had landed on the planet.

the Hangar bay doors opened to show a view of a wild, jungled world, at what might have been noon. It was fairly bright, but even this clearing that was large enough for the Halberdine was quite overhung, hiding the star itself from view.

"Well, Mount up, away team!" Dyna ordered, hopping up into the lead Ocelot and getting herself ready to move out.