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RP: OIF Halberdine [Episode 1] Break in those Boots!

Evelyn set to it.

She boarded an Ocelot and put her medical pack on her lap. Her rifle was propped up uncomfortably across her chest, but she preferred to have it close. She placed one hand in the space where the sights curved in and the other on the stock where the battery was slapped in.

In traditional Abwehran Marine style, the safeties were 'off' for the oncoming operation.
Locked and loaded, Rüd Grülik climbed aboard beside Evelyn. The hovercar dipped rather deeply beneath his great weight. With a grin- he was glad to see another from home, Surfacer or not- he introduced himself in their native tongue. "Rüd Grülik. You are?"

Then he double-checked his equipment: everything was ready to be utilized at the drop of a hat.
"now how am i supposed to squeeze in" sighed Bit under his breath before he slipped into the drivers seat. "large load" he joked to himself as he let himself slip away so he could plug into the processer. Adjusting for the weight he made the car return to normal and smiled behind his helmet as he waited to go.
As everyone piled into their assigned Ocelot, the home team, minus Stromm and Sarri for some reason, made their way to the hangar door, rifles pointed outside, watching the surrounding jungle for any hint of motion. So far, it seemed like their landing had scared away anything that might have been there before.

"Move us out Bitt" Dyna ordered, looking at the area in front of them. it seemed to be a fairly wide path, though the ground was covered in all kinds of grasses and small shrubberies. this would not be a problem for the hovercars, though, as they could adjust the ride height on the fly, literally. "Oh, could you also slave the scientists' car to yours?" She asked the freespacer, trying to get a reading from the ship's sensors to display on her datapad, so they could tell which direction they needed to go for the highest likelihood of getting the samples the scientists needed.
"Already done" he said blankly before both cars moved in unison out of the xhip hold down the ramp and into the jungle. "plug your data pad in so i can access it and pull up geographic and cordanits" he asked monotone as he focused on moving the cars to rest just outside of the landing ramp. He mumbled a few calculations to himself as his eyes stared ahead blankly and he waited.
Dyna did as Bitt asked, and soon he had uploaded the coordinates as well as a topographical map to help him navigate by. These were also sent to the vehicle's computer so it could adjust its ride height accordingly for the smoothest possible ride out.

Within moments, the three vehicles were off, speeding towards the distant research point, where there seemed to be some Mishhu activity. Dyna warned everyone to be on their guard, as they were going into enemy territory uninvited and looking to 'borrow' a few of the 'locals'.


As the three Ocelot Hovercars disappeared into the forest surrounding the Halberdine, the home team would notice a change in the way the forest moved and went about its business. Small creatures began to flutter about, and noises began to fill the air once more. it seemed that they had gotten over the disturbance and taken the presence of the OriSec ship in stride. However, their casual demeanor proved just as unsettling as the previous silence. as Wind rustled the leaves, shadows played across the Halberdine's open, but thankfully raised, hangar.

A cautious tech flipped on the containment field, hoping that it would help to keep out bugs, and possibly some larger things as well.
"Evelyn Fritz. I'm the medic, as you can see." She said in Abwehran. "What part of Her Majesty's Empire do you hail from?"

She then shifted conversational gears, feeling she was leaving non-abwehran speakers out.

"You know," Evelyn said, squirming in her seat to manage her rifle. "I hear that on Khorsovarolor, marine convoys make nice targets. Almost all of them are attacked -- makes you wonder if the same thing will happen with us, huh?"

It was a rather morbid question, but it would help break the monotony with the others.

Bitt had heard her and said in a monotone. “If they can catch us, however please keep conversation tone down it is distracting” he explained before the car lowered a bit before he fixed it up again. “Careful...come one work with me I know we got a wide load” he said mostly to himself and the hover car.
"I'm a Nightwalker," was his simple response, shrugging his upper arms in a gesture toward himself, as though his physical appearance should speak for him.

Once she'd made her comment, he continued. "Though I didn't stay long. I've been roaming since I proved myself. Yourself?" There was a brief pause, during which he decided to add, "And is it just me or is our driver a bit talkative?"
"I'm from the capitol. I was born there, and I grew up there. When I came of age I joined the Weltraumflotte as a Corpsman. My first assignment..." Evelyn drifted, her thoughts turning to the massacre she had seen.

"I wasn't fit to participate in Her Majesty's Armed Forces. But I still want to see as many worlds as I can."

She looked toward the driver. "I think he's fine."
Fieke quietly watched her new surroundings as the Ocelot made its way through the forest. Every now and then a creature would streak through the sky above them or make its way from one tree limb to another. Along with all the new and alien things surrounding her, Fieke also had the pleasure of hearing a conversation in her native tongue going on right next to her. The novel oddity of being able to experience both the new and the old at the same time brought a small smile to her face.

Fieke's fondness for discovering new things wasn't the only reason she had her attention locked on the outside though, after her fight with the Mishhu parasites on Dawn Station itself Fieke had taken it upon herself to do some research. By the word of the reports something as small as the parasites would be the least of the group's problems if they met something really nasty. Mulling over that thought, the Nightwalker mentally cursed herself as she realized something she should have asked during the briefing.

“Commander, if the enemy stumbles upon us first and gets off a surprise attack how do we proceed? Should we all fall back to the researchers' position and all protect them or split into two groups, one offensive and one defensive?”
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