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RP: NSS Kestrel EPISODE 1, PART 1: Flight of the Falcon


Well-Known Member
NAM Orbital Shipyards, High Nepleslian Orbit.
Dockyards, 10 Minutes before Zero Hour

Karl Vel Steyr braced as he steadied the thruster controls. Docking an interstellar warship without other crew or AI assistance is the highlight of his entire solo test voyage around the Nepleslian systems on the new S1 Hray, the NSS Kestrel. A small slip of the hand would result in delivering damaged goods to the Star Army of Nepleslia that would be coming to collect the ship later. As a former businessman and cargo hauler, Karl would hate to do that.

"A little to the left Karl!" The voice of a young lady shouted through his communications channel. It was the Orbital Shipyard's AI, Kana.

"Not now, baby." Karl whispered as he adjusted the Kestrel's vector. Sure he was very happy to hear a female voice after being alone on the ship for a week, but the docking procedures were much harder than he thought. Taking one hand off the lever, he keyed in some of his pre-prepared stabilization programs.

The black colored ship tilted a little back into position as the heavy blast doors behind it closed. The technicians of the internal dock was nowhere in sight, probably covering behind something until the procedure is over. With a few clicks, the steel harnesses snapped into place around the ship, holding it still and ending the flight.

Karl took a few deep breathes and stretched his arms. The autonomous procedures of the dock was taking place, tubes were being lowered to pump the Hray full of fuel, two docking platforms were being extended to the Kestrel's airlocks and out of nowhere, twenty or so workers were scrambling around. Unfastening the seatbelt of the bridge crew type seat he was on, he picked up the small bag that held his things and stood up.

"Manual docking procedure test completed. I'll submit the ship report as soon as I get off. And also, thank you for your support Kana." Karl said, a little happily on the channel.

"It is a pleasure, test Captain Karl Vel Steyr, have a nice day!" Was the even more cheerful response. The commlink went dead after that.

Karl took the steps to the side of the bridge, as he did he took a long look at the Captain's seat at the center. Sure, he loves the Hray, it would give those annoying pirates that shut his business down a run for their money. But he was no soldier, no military grade captain. Throughout the whole seven days Karl never sat on that chair, not even once. He unbuttoned his blue longcoat that civilian captains wear.

"Well, see you around old buddy." He mused as the turned off the lights of the bridge.

Karl walked down the platform that connected the 300m long Hray with his sling bag. Along the way he was intercepted by a techie. "How did it go?" The blue suited man asked, handing Karl datapad for the Vel Steyr's signature.

"No problems, just load her up and she is good to go." He commented. Writing exacly what he said on the datapad and signing it.

The techie took the pad back from Karl. "No offense, but you better get out of here soon. The SAoN have suddenly bumped up their ship acquisition schedule. They would be here for the Kestrel within a few hours."

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Karl waved the techie off. "I'm was just about to go get a drink. You guys have not even stocked the bar yet too, you know." He palmed one of the shipyard tunnel doors open left the dock.

"Kana told me not to!" The techie shouted back at the Captain's fleeting form. "Man..." he muttered as he walked past a viewport to get about doing his other techish business. As he did, a few bright lights appeared on the horizon of space...
The soft glow from the floor and ceiling lights illuminated the pale white walls of the long, winding tunnels of the Orbital Shipyard. These tunnels were fairly empty at this moment, with a few civilians and personnel hastily walking from place to place, their soft footsteps and quiet voices reverberating down the corridors.

Dominic did not pay much mind to the solemn beauty of these tunnels as he traversed them. Instead, his attention was focused on the man walking beside him. The tall, hawkish Nepleslian strode confidently with his hands behind his back, while his companion walked in a much more casual manner, a sharp contrast to the number of military adornments on his uniform. This older gentleman was Captain Kusagi, and was one of the few people Dominic respected.

"So, a Lieutenant now, eh Slade?â€
Ian sat in one of the comfortable chairs encompassing the perimeter of the large reception room. He had on a dour expression and looked like he would probably beat the shit out of the next person who messed with him. On his shoulders sat the rank bars identifying him as a Cadet 2nd Class of the Star Army of Neplesia. As he sat, he began to reflect on the events that had brought him to this place.

-- Two Days Earlier --

Ian stared into the eyes of the Nepleslian officer.
"Mr. McCain, because of the large number of starships that have been introduced into our standing forces over the past several days, we face a massive need for more personnel, especially those with field experience."
The army man smiled a bit at the other man, but quickly stopped when it was met with little more than thinly-veiled utter contempt. Looking down for a brief moment, he then produced a small packet of official-looking papers, extending them over the table. Ian stared down at the pages for a short while before taking them. He narrowed his eyes and began reading.

"As the papers state, you will receive a commission to Cadet Second Class and be placed in command of a marine detachment."
The ID-SOL/Geshrin hybrid looked up from his reading.
"Listen, I like the offer, but I'm finally free of your formal shit, and I would like to stay that way. I'm sick and tired of all your military doctrines, your command structure, all that shi-" He was cut off by a wave of the Nepleslian's hand.
"I'm sorry, Cadet McCain, but..."
"I said I'm not coming back, man."
"It's not an option. You come, or we charge you with treason."

Ian leaned back, staring at the smaller man in disbelief.
"Wait... what? What the fuck did I do?"
The man shook his head. "Nothing."
"Then why the hell are you charging me with treason?!"
"As I said. We need men."
The Ian smashed his hand onto the coffee table between them.
"Fuck you man! I should kill you right now!"

-- Present --

After a brief tussle, Ian had finally accepted the offer. Well, he did after breaking the guy's nose and getting held down by three ID-SOL bodyguards. But, here he was, days later, a new officer on a new ship, off to see the universe.

Ian scanned over the small crowds in the room, looking for the marines he was assigned.
Stupid fuckers. Goddamned late. They fuckin' shot you in the MP if you did this kinda thing... And that's when the shaking started.
"What... the... fuck?" The station dock violently bucked and Ian shot up to his feet.

However, it was a rather ill-planned move as the man stumbled forward and ran into some big marine.
"Sorry, buddy, little shaky." Ian pushed away from the large marine and stumbled towards somewhere with some better handholds.
Ah shit. Where the fuck are those marines who are supposed to be here?

The tall hybrid stood straight and yelled. "HEY! WHO HERE'S ASSIGNED TO THE NSS KESTREL? GET THE FUCK OVER HERE!" Ian wobbled a bit as the station continued it's vibrations from the Red attack outside, and wondered just what he'd do when the marines got over to him. Something asshole-like, most likely.
Stromm Kumorok Dekomir sat next to a few marines in the mess hall as he ate, his metal jaw moved up and down to crush his food and send it down. Some of the Marines next to him eyed the quiet Sergeant, wondering why he didn't bother joining in their conversations. Some were distracted by his metal jaw, while cybernetics were common, to have one in such places seemed unusual.

The Cyborg didn't care about these guys, he didn't know them. It was like that with him whenever he was at a new place, he did his best to avoid strangers. He noticed one particular marine giving a weird look, he replied with a mean face, one that made him show his silver teeth. The Marine shook his head and minded his own. With that taken care of, he reached into a nearby pack and pulled out a datapad concerning his next assignment. He began to recall the day before when his father had handed it to him, the man never seemed to be prouder of his boy than he was on that day. Stromm grinned to himself, at least, as best you could with a solid jaw. The implant just seemed to hang to best show a grinning emotion.

When the station began to shutter, the Sergeant's mind began to return to the Mess Hall. He looked around, and saw a ID-SOL Cadet attempting to rally some of the men, specifically those from the Kestrel. Stromm came to a realization, and got up quickly, and stumbled toward the Cadet. The cyborg stumbled a little as he made his way.

"Hey, Cadet, are you..." Stromm stopped to look down at the datapad, his voice raised to come over the alarms and the bustle, "Ian McCain?"
One Day Earlier
Higa Zervus sat at the bar counter, waiting for assigned ship to leave. Good Old, Mel's Bucket. The favorite place for the scum of the station to go. Except today, the bar sat creepily empty.
The Barkeep questions, " Hey, what can I do you for?"
Zervus replies, " I'm good..."
Today, Zervus' arm was causing more pain than usual.
Feeling uncomfortable in the empty bar, Zervus paid his tab and exited the bar. Zervus, looked angrily at his cybernetic right arm. The last of the skin texture had fallen off today, and Zervus was forced to wear a glove. He couldn't wait to buy a replacement, with the money, the star army of nepleslia, would earn him.
Two minutes Ago
The station shook like the bomb that took Zervus' right arm. Zervus barely maintained balance in the rocking station, stumbling into the space port section of the station, hoping to find a way off the doomed station.
Busily typing on his laptop in the mess hall, Valen had forgotten all about his meal as the P3C finished up on an update for Tori, his personal AI system. The red-haired Geshrin was about to upload it into Tori's main system when the station rocked violently. His food hit the floor with a crash as he struggled to close his laptop and secure it. As alarms went off, he heard someone trying to rally the crew of the Kestrel to him. He carefully made his way towards the ID-SOL. It was hard for Valen to focus with the alarm and few more shudders of the station. He secured his laptop to him just in case and finally managed to arrive near the muscled officer, just in time to hear Stromm's question. A pair of fire eyes cautiously studied both men.
The alarm was quite loud had been laying for quite awhile already. This was a strange way to start his day, people were running everywhere and just like most people following procedures in case of emergency grabbed his costume and was ready in a matter of seconds. Wasting any seconds wasn't really an option as he walked outside of his quarters and ran toward the sound of people stepping forward. It was like ants running to specific places, Ships were departing at high space, the explosion had taken many by surprise.

The explosion had been shaking the station, some even lose their equilibrium from what he could see. The quakes were indeed quite strong but for a power armor pilot used to the most extreme conditions and velocity, this didn't prove to be a challenge at all.

Sprinting through the halls and looking for the nearest ship crews, while some were taking advantage of the panic to get themselves on some items. Opportunistic theft, well quite normal when you have been living on Nepleslia for so long most of them were new recruits. Every single of those men were expendable and yet they all seemed to cling to their life every chance they got.

His eyes looked around for any signs of an available ship, being new, his assigned ship hadn't been determined yet. A rather large and tall man seemed to guide some marines toward him and called on people to come near him. Ronan stopped right next to the group of men and he ran toward the man.

Ian looked around at the young men, giving each a thorough run-down in his mind.

Alright, Stromm, Valen, Ronan, and Higa... A Sarge, two grunts, and a techie.

Stromm shot off his question towards him.

"That's me. Now listen up. We're assigned to the NSS Kestrel. It's in one of the docks in..." He scratched him head for a moment and pointed in the general direction of the docks. "That direction. Now, we gotta get there, but a lot of these dumbasses are jacking ships." The man reached to his belt and pulled out his service pistol.

"You see ANYONE not with the SAoN heading for that ship, give 'em a whip or two. No way in hell are we going to die on this fuckin' heap of metal. Now let's go!"

Ian quickly set off towards the docks.
Valen followed close behind, his own sidearm at the ready as well. He didn't really want to use it, but war is hell... The Geshrin had a little trouble trying to keep up with the well-built ID-SOL, but that was probably a good thing. Valen wasn't a fighter, but he would be very important if they accidentally discovered a sealed security door or some other problem that would need his expertise.
Karl pulled himself away from the muscular Nepleslian's grasp and then adjusted his ruffled collar. "If you want the ship, its down the corridor over there." He said angrily while thrusting his thumb over his shoulder. Looking up, he noticed on the holoscreen that the number of exits out of this section was rapidly declining due to damage. Damn them military types, who do they think they are? I need to get out of here fast!

Dominic nodded solemnly, glancing past the young captain down the crowded corridor before turning back to face him. "Good. Take me to it," the Lieutenant said sharply.

"What, are you crazy? Its under-manned, under-armed and it's going to be blown into smithereens when the Reds even see it peeking out of the docks!" Karl yelled. "There is no way the ship can be readied in time!"

Ungh. Coward. Slade didn't bother trying to reason with the civilian, instead opting to harshly grabbing the scruff of his collar and lifting him up to his face. "TAKE ME to your SHIP civilian! That is an order!"

It's your coffin, pal. "Right this way." Karl muttered as Slade set him down. Re-adjusting his collar again, the Vel Steyr started pushing his way against the traffic back to the NSS Kestrel.


Like all parts of the Shipyards, the NSS Kestrel's internal dock is in chaos. Civilians and non-combat personnel alike were trying to force their way into the ship once they realized that they could not make it to the main complex in time. A few techies were restraining them at the platforms and a few more were packing up the remaining equipment. Like Karl, the must have felt that the chances of them getting the ship ready was close to nil.

Karl stood at the doorway where he exited and wondered how are they going to force their way to the front and convince the techies to continue their work. He waited for Slade to catch up with him.

Slade pushed past Karl and looked up at the Kestrel's hull, attempting to deduce what sort of vessel it was. He originally believed this young captain piloted a simple transport ship, but upon realizing this ship was, in fact, a gunship, Slade started to do a bit of rethinking. Dominic turned back around to Karl. "Alright. Follow me."

The Vel Steyr didn't have a choice. He deduced that by the time he made it back to the waiting room, all the exit tunnels would have already depressurized. However, he was slightly surprised that the military man was alone and that he was to board the ship. Doesn't the Star Army of Nepleslia know that it takes more than one person to operate a ship under these conditions? Perhaps *gulp* this madman wants him to be part of the bridge crew? But whatever it is, there was no turning back now. Karl closely followed the Lieutenant as he was told.

As Slade pushed and shoved his way through the gaggle of clamoring civilians, he began to take the situation into perspective. He had a ship now...a military grade gunship, from the looks of it. He had the captain of the ship in tow, as well as a large group of civilians on his hands. As he neared the technical staff attempting to keep the civilians at bay, Slade moved to the nearest one and presented himself.

"I am Lieutenant Dominic Slade, Star Army of Nepleslia. And I'm taking this ship," Slade said with a stolid expression across his face. The techie nodded quickly and allowed Slade and Karl past, much to the dismay of the now extremely agitated civilians. Dominic waited until Karl was inside the ship before turning back to the technical staff. "...alright, I want you to start filing these people into the ship. We will be lifting off soon. Get as many of them inside as possible." The techie saluted quickly and followed orders.

Karl was relieved that Slade ordered the civilians on board. Firstly because they don't have anywhere else to go, secondly because now that there are non-combatants on the ship, the military man would not try to do anything stupid. Trying to make himself useful, Karl stood on one of the landing ramps at the front of the Hray and shouted directions to the crowd for places to stow on the ship.

"The cafeteria on the highest floor, the multi-purpose rooms on the first and the storage areas on this floor are the safest to be on the ship! Don't push, there is plenty of space for all!"

After a few minutes of observing, Slade nodded with approval. It wouldn't be long until all of the civilians were loaded up, and the quicker that happened, the quicker Slade could evacuate. Suddenly, he caught a glance at the young captain farther down the landing ramp, shouting suggestions and orders to the civilians as they filed in. The hell? Why isn't he on the bridge? Dominic wondered silently as he made his way towards Karl. The Lieutenant stopped before the blue-coated Nepleslian, keeping a stern face. "Come, we need to get this bird into the air."

Hah! Knew he can't fly this thing alone. Karl smirked as he got off the ramp and took the stairs to the bridge.
Stromm filed in after the Cadet, his left hand holding his duffel bag he had thrown the Datapad in, and his right hand in a ready position to draw his blade. He kept a stiff pace after Ian, looking back to make sure the grunts and the tech were following. His view returned to Ian's direction.

"Hey, Cadet, any regulations on using..."


"This?" He said, as his blade shot out of his forearm.
Zervus quickly followed Ian, not knowing any other way off the station. Ian and Stromm ran in front, arms ready to use their weapons. Zervus knew if it came to combat, he would be a liability, due to his broken cyber arm. Zervus stood in shock, as the group entered the docking bay. It was utter chaos, people running back in forth, trying to get onto a starship. Zervus grimaced at what the group would have to make through.
The cadet showed the direction of the docks and apparently some people were trying to make their ways out by any means possible. Ronan looked the crew around him, so that was it, they would have to get out or die here. The docks were in state of high panic to say the least and one of the crew member pulled out his blade, obviously ready to make his way through by any means possible.

The crowd was hectic and going berserk, from what the cadet had said, making it to the NSS kestrel would be the first priority and preventing also all the hijackers taking advantage of the confusion to run away with a ship. Some were being pushed around and others were stomped on by the stampede.

Apparently they were a bit far away from the ship or maybe it was the mass of people running around that gave such illusion. Withdrawing his service pistol and following his group quietly. The weapon would be barely useful with all the military personnel in possession of one around here but at least would dissuade some people to enter into an unnecessary conflict.
Some civilians were being pushed around by the soldiers, well no surprise, it was Nepleslia.

On the horizon, A flow of civilians was heading toward the same general direction as the starship that they were supposed to board.

"...they are heading the same way as us."

He wasn't quite sure how big was the NSS kestrel but this flow of civilians heading toward the same direction as them couldn't be a coincidence and could become a problem of space available on the ship.
Ian rushed forward, his long legs carrying his tall body forward at an immense speed. He heard Stromm say something about "regulations" and a
swishing sound.
"I don't give a damn what it is as long as it's not in me. Now hurry the fuck up!"
The cadet used his pistol to knock a screaming civilian onto the floor and continued right on past. As the ship loomed ever closer, Ian began to slow down, mostly using a group of technicians readying themselves to board as something of a soft wall. Now at a reasonable speed (and several men yelling obscenities at his back), he searched the crowd for a superior, any superior. He quickly saw a lieutenant walking up the loading ramp of the large ship.
Ian charged through the crowd, sometimes looking back to check if the men who had been following him were still there. A civilian in a blue coat was hollering directions at the base of the ramp. The marine flew past him, giving him a strong shoulder in the chest and continuing upwards.
Zervus quickly followed Ian onto the ship. As Zervus was running up the ramp, a crazed woman grabbed his right arm. Zervus cringed in pain, but just as quickly, he knocked the woman off and boarded the ship.
In the midst of the confusing shouts and blaring sirens of the station, Dominic heard his title being called out to him. Glancing down below on the deck floor, Slade caught sight of the large ID-SOL cadet below him with a small group of marines trailing behind him. As the technical staff down below continued to funnel the civilians onto the service ramps, Slade began add this addition of soldiers to his original plans...he made sure the young captain had made his way into the ship before turning back to reply to the marines below him.

"Alright Cadet. I want you and your marines into those armors," Slade waved a hand quickly to the side of the docking bay. On the wall, assembled neatly in a line, were a row of NAM powered armors, as well as a large number of supply crates. "...and start bringing in that equipment. Step to it!"

The cadet nodded towards Slade. "Will do, Slappy." He moved quickly for the armors, gesturing for the marines to follow. "COME ON, ASSHOLES! LET'S MOVE THIS SHIT!" He picked out an AIR2 and climbed into it.

Valen was trying to stay within the middle of the group of marines... with little success. He heard Ian's order to get into the armors. Great... he thought to himself. I'm a sweatshop worker now? The FIRE power armor was a little uncomfortable, but it fit like a glove. He set his laptop near some containers, safely out of the way. He took the memory chip that held a full copy of Tori's "personality", just in case, and put it in one of his many pockets. He then began to lift one of the heavy boxes.

Zervus quickly maneuvered himself into the suit, Detaching his right arm, carefully, as to not incite pain. Once, buckled in, Zervus plugged his right arm into the control slot, and adjusted himself. Zervus had used power armors before, but only very limited and not this model. Zervus activated the NAM Fire suit, and download the specs and information on to his arm. A cyber chip in his brain, quickly informed him on how to use the NAM Fire efficiently. Zervus then followed the others as they quickly picked up boxes to put them on the ship.

Without any hesitation, Ronan rushed toward and jumped into one of the AIR power armor and activated all the systems. Everything seemed to be working correctly, and he rushed toward the closest boxes of supply and began lifting a few of the supply boxes getting out of this dying station with a few means to survive would be quite useful but for how long? The AIR power armor was indeed quite maneuverable compared to the kind of machines he had for training. In a matter of seconds, he was coming back to ship and putting down some of the boxes. "Sir how much more times we got?â€
Stromm smirked at the Cadet's response to how to use his Arm Blade. A Cadet with a disregard for other peoples action, except those that himself, the fact of how he was a Cadet escaped him. However, bigger things were moving, and Stromm had to keep a close pace. He gave everyone infront of him either a threatening swing of his blade, or an intimadating show of his silver teeth. When they had eventually waded through the crowds, he noticed the Cadet speaking to the Lieutenant. He knew things were about to fall in together.

The Cyborg hoped into a FIRE when the order to armor up was given. He loved these new FIRE armors, they practically screamed,

"Hey, you're on the wrong side of this armor, that usually means bad ju ju for you."

He picked up a crate as ordered and waded throught he crowd behind the Marines, trying to keep a stable walk as the entered the Kestrel. He kept looking behind him, a reaction to his natural paranoia, to the situation and the crowd.
Karl thought that something was keeping Slade up from comming to the bridge, no matter, the work cannot wait. Sitting on the bridge crew type seat he sat during the voyage, the Vel Steyr powered up the computers, fusion generators and ion drives on the Kestrel. He did this quickly using the pre-prepared programs he previously stored on the ship.

Moving to the more complex systems, Karl was stopped by a huge chunk of seemingly gibberish intructions. It seemed that firing up the combatness of the ship cannot be done with a simple click from the specialized stations in the forward bridge. Perhaps the generalized and condensed Captain's Seat has an easier inteface. Muttering an apology for violating the sancity of the seat, Karl sat on it hard and got to work.

It was at this point that Dominic rushed hurridly through the command bridge doorways, moving to take a position next to the lone captain. "Report," Slade ordered gruffly, trying to make out what he could from the multiple read-outs littering the screens on the bridge.

Karl tapped furiously at the controls, although he could see what he was looking for, much of the options required the entry of the Captain's security code, something that is only issued to the end user of the ship and not to a test pilot like him. Feeling a little pissed off, he flipped one of the solid screens and keyboard on the chair to face Dominic.

"I'm sorry for sitting in your chair sir, but I need the Captain's code to continue. Captain." He said, a bit of frustration but no remorse in his voice.

Slade raised an eyebrow slightly as he loomed over the seated captain. He didn't have any codes. Dominic waited in silence for a moment to see if the blue-coated civilian would type them in...but he never did. He simply kept equally silent, as if waiting for Dominic to reply. "...I don't have the captains codes. Are yout telling me you can't get this damn ship moving without them?"

"For moving about I have them taken care off, really." Karl 'heh-ed' while waving one hand. "But to turn on the point defense weapons, combat grade shields and cloaking that we need to use to get out of here requires a higher security clearance." Karl's voice swiched to being very serious now. "I'm sure NAM gives every captain the codes a week before the ship is handed to them, any letters, invoices or emails perhaps?"

"I'm...not a captain. I have recieved no such codes, civilian. This is/ your ship, is it not?" Slade spoke, a hint of aggitation amidst his voice.

"Err, nope." Karl said rather casually while looking to the side. This guy isnt the captain? Why did I let him drag me up here anyway? After about two seconds of broken eye contact, the Vel Steyr turned back towards Slade with his body slightly arched forward. "I am a civilian captain! I do not own military grade warships! You military people are supposed to collect this ship, you people own this thing!" Karl yelled while clutching the lapel of his blue coat.

"Then why the hell were you flying it?! What, did you steal it?! I told you to take me to YOUR ship!"

"I'm just the TEST PILOT!" - "I DO NOT own a ship!"


Karl angrily turned back to the console, there was too much time wasted already, much of it on Slade. Ignoring the presence of the useless military man, the Vel Steyr brought up the three hundred pages long instructions manual and started looking for ways to bypass the safety.

Slade huffed a sigh of frustration as this ignorant civilian returned to the consoles. Dominic didn't plan on waiting for him to figure out how to fly this ship, and abruptly stormed out of the bridge.

In a matter of minutes, Slade had reached his destination; one of the cargo holds of the Kestrel, filled with both civilians and shipyard personell of all shapes and sizes. As he entered, the entire room quieted and turned to him, as if expecting either good news...or bad news.

"...alright! Does anyone here have any experience flying a starship? We need assistance in the bridge."
After a few hits of the 'tab' button, Karl found out what he wanted. He had bookmarked the page a while back just in case a pirate attack happened. The Hray has many levels of controls, in case the bridge is destroyed the engineering bay could be used as a sub bridge, and should that go as well the individual consoles near each system can be operated. While operating from the bridge is convenient, there were numerous security systems involved. The trick is to go straight to the source, but unfortunately he needed people who knew how to do that.

Karl pulled out the microphone from under the seat and set it to broadcast throughout the Hray. "Anyone has any technical skills, please respond."


Zervus quickly picked up a transponder and replied " Captain ... Karl, I have some technical abilities."

Valen heard the broadcast and responded to the captain, "P3C Valen Sasorix reporting, sir! I have a variety of technical skills." The static over the radio was a bit loud, but he was sure that the captain had received his response.

A few people responded to his query but Karl preferred to pick the marines. At least he could be assured that they know what they are doing. The first name on his screen was Zervus. "Zervus? I need you to go down to the lower deck and remove the safety seals on the ship's systems. There are a lot of them so bring help if you can."

The next one was Valen Sasorix, the marine simply said 'a variety of skills' which made Karl do a quick search on the man's profile to be more specific. A few seconds pause later, the blue coated captain replied. "Valen, come up to the computer core on first deck and install the Savtech AI, it will make running things easier here. When you are done, switch on the sensor tail.â€
Valen had to remind himself to keep Tori clear of this SavTech AI. The memory of the incident at the academy made a shiver stroll down his spine. The Geshrin managed to upload and install the AI system in record time. He then picked up his laptop and headed for the sensor tail. Now, the hard part... he sighed mentally.
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