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RP: NSS Kestrel EPISODE 1, PART 1: Flight of the Falcon

Casey had been staying behind the box, trying to stay alive and figure out what to do, all he had was a few Arrows left, and he would need those as a cover to get back to the ship. He looked over with a smirk to the marine who had been guarding him. "Looks like we gotta get moving or they'll leave us. I'm going on three." Casey took a deep breath and armed his last Arrows. "1...2..." But was cut off as he heard the command to retreat and recover the bodies. He sighed, relieved. Glad that's over. Casey moved from behind the box and looked over the completely ruined bay, smoke seeming to rise from every wall, the lights wavering slightly as the station remained under assault.

Casey followed orders and found a technician who had been killed by a fallen box, no doubt knocked over in the intense fighting. He carried the man in his arms, doing his best not to look at the broken and battered and bleeding body as he hurried onto the ship.
Stromm eyed the Cadet and the Private that approached Ian, he shook his head. In the time he had been in the military he had not seen one woman on board a ship, except for the ones that were cooks. The Sarge wasn't a particular ladies man either, he distrusted strange women. The Private seemed particularly strange, but that's not the what he usually means by strange. The Cadet seemed strange in that she seemed abit proper, dutiful though, she had already picked up one of the dead marines. It was then his armor picked up life signs in the Marine she was carrying.

"Hey, Cadet, er..." He stuttered, remembering there were two Cadets, "Er, Cadet er... Alain? Was it? With all due respect, I suggest you hurry that man to the Medbay and skip the pleasantries." He finished, and didn't give her the time to respond. He then turned to all the men entering with dead or wounded friendlies.

"Listen up men, I-" The Sarge stopped speaking through the loudspeaker as one Marine seemed just content to idle past him. The Sergeant, in a fit of infuriation, whacked the hell out of the Marine's head with the tip of his Chain Gun. He grabbed him by the head to get his attention.

"I said, LISTEN UP you little Shit pit. When I say listen up, that means give me your attention, eh?" The Sarge tried to confirm with the Marine.

"Y-Yes sir." The Marine said, dazed from the sudden shock to the head, trying to keep his corpse on his shoulders.

"Good, now as I said, before, Listen up." The Sarge repeated for the last time, the Marines around him listenting a little more intently.

"Protocol is to remove the bodies from the field of combat so the can be sorted and shipped back to respective families, or the military stock graveyards. So, any of you with dead bodies over your shoulders, take them to the hangar, any of you with wounded, take them to the Medbay. If you can't find the Medbay or the Hangar bay, ask the A.I. If the A.I. is down or just doesn't feel like talking to you, tough shit, just find the god damned bays, you men are smart enough to figure it out. I want this done quick, and done now, the battle is still being fought outside. Move out, now." The Sergeant barked through the loud speaker, he himself quickly moved up into the ship and looked through the crowd of civies.

"Hey, are any of you civies some medical experience!?" He yelled through this loud speaker. He looked on as some of the civvies seemed to stop and stare at him. One civilian raised his hand.

"I... er... I'm a doctor." He stuttered at the massive bulky armor.

"Good, you know about Iris-Scanning equipment, right?" the Sarge asked.

"Of course, very simple, use it all the time." The Doctor responded quickly.

"Great! Get those two guys next to you get some of the scanning equipment along with a large deal of body bags from the Med Bay, those two will bring the equipment and the bags, 'you' will tend to our wounded." Stromm said, pointing at the Doctor.

"But I-..." The doctor tried to comeback.

"I don't repeat myself jack ass, get moving." The Sarge snarled. The Doctor and the two civvies next to him shot off to the medbay. The Sergeant himself taking off to the hangarbay to get rid of the body on his back.
Ian watched the Sergeant through the corner of his eye, a smirk plastered on his face.
"Sergeant Dekomir, for the record, we need to dispose of these corpses quickly. The generator room, perhaps?"

The cadet then turned his attention to the marine before him. She seemed... really happy. Ian found this rather... odd. Especially since she had no doubt witnessed the numerous deaths.
"Welcome to hell, marine. Take this."
He loosed Jonah's body off his shoulder and right onto Terra's head, no doubt getting at least a bit of blood on her AIR2.
"Have fun, Private."

Ian then turned and walked into the ship, laughing silently to himself.
Terra beamed for a moment as she looked at Ian. Then she saw him drop the body on her Suit, and putting blood on it. She looked at the bloody body for a long moment, then she gagged and dropped the body. Her mind caught up in the sight of blood. She staggered around, her vision blurry for a second and her stomach churning. She carefully picked up the body, moving it for the most part out of eyesight as she carefully carried it onto the ship.

She mumbled and cursed as she let the AI guide her to the generator room, she quickly opened the door and threw the body in. Terra then dashed down the the hallway, brushing with her hands muttering out "Nasty! Icky!" As she ran wild through the ship. Eventually collecting herself. She wandered towards the Hangar of the ship, the A.I. guiding her. She skipped and hummed playfully as she entered it, her mind instantly forgetting about the corpse of Jonah.
Akane nodded to the sergeant, gritting her teeth at the man's talk, but he was correct that there was not time for extraneous discussion. That could come later. The civilian grouped had already entered the ship and she followed, walking past the marine on the gangway and moved into the ship, receiving simple instructions to the ships medbay. When she got to it she saw that it was already impressively filled. She laid the injured marine down on the deck just inside the entrance and helped one of the people working in the facility to get him out of it before she picked the wrecked armor back up and brought it to one of the cargo bays, dropping her duffle next to the armor. Given the number of casualties, she knew they would need all the space they could get in the medbay.

As she made her way back to the hatch she saw the stream of marines filling in carrying the bodies to their respective destinations. She peeked out before moving on to make sure everything looked to be under control. Seeing that it was, she headed towards the bridge, following the simple directions she had received from the computer. She was rather shocked to see all the civilians running around the bridge. Her eyes fell on the civilian sitting in the captains chair, of all places, she thought what the hell kind of warship is this? Finally seeing the two uniformed Star Army crewmember she moved on to the bridge and removed her armors helmet, holding it under her right arm. She could not see the nameplate on the lieutenant, so she addressed him by his rank as she snapped to attention.

"Lieutenant, Cadet 2nd Class Ijiri Akane reporting aboard. I take it you are the commander of this vessel? If I may, what is our current situation?â€
Ian got up the ramp, and quickly headed for the stairs. He pulled off his armor in the Hangar, and drew some looks from the techs who didn't like the cratered and scorched chest plate he had left them with. He just smirked and left. Heading to the top deck, he took a minute to look around for a bit. Pushing open a couple doors, he saw that the rooms were damn nice, especially for a military vessel.
This is a pretty fuckin' nice ship...

A couple people were running around, mostly technicians heading for the lower decks to kick off the ship's systems. Some civilians were sitting around moaning and speaking in hushed tones, most of them crowded around the cafeteria. He watched the civvies for a moment before deciding he might as well lay claim to one of the better rooms. Walking towards the fore of the ship, he pushed a marine with similar intentions out of the way, gaining a stream of curses, which were promptly ignored.

Ian finally settled on the room closest to the bridge on the starboard side of the vessel. He pulled open the door and stepped inside. He smiled and nodded his head. It was probably larger than any room he had ever had the pleasure of living in. Reaching into his jacket pockets, he pulled out his various small possessions and threw them on the desk he decided to claim as his own, a small bottle of pills, a little black plastic baggie, a silver pen, a pair of headphones, a ciggarette lighter, a couple small pieces of paper, and finally a small red-and-black colored blown glass pipe.

The cadet hopped onto his bed and stared up at the ceiling, smiling. He thought that he could quite possibly enjoy this little jaunt into the world of the military. Provided he didn't get stuck with an asshole for a bunkmate.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I am the commander here." Slade replied to the cadet, keeping his eyes on the bridge crew as they worked. He spoke this with solid confidence...as far as he was concerned, he was in charge of this ship, and everyone on it. After a short moment of silence, Slade turned to meet the marine questioning him.

"...and the situation, cadet, is..." However, it was at this point his vision began to register the image of the cadet in front of him. There was a noticable change in his expression for but a moment which was quickly ushered away as he lifted a hand to his mouth and cleared his throat. Slade had to avert his eyes away from the cadet while still attempting to answer her query. "...is not good. As you no doubt already know, the Reds have launched an offensive on this shipyard. I am taking control of this gunship, and bringing it to the defense of the shipyard."
Valen didn't prefer to just be shoved out of the way, but he didn't want to provoke anything, especially during a battle. He simply brushed himself off.

Upon hearing the rude officer's orders, Valen saluted smartly and replied, "Yes, sir!" He felt like a grunt again as he carefully made his way to the torpedo room. He made sure to walk carefully. If any Reds had gotten aboard, he wanted nothing to do with them. Without a Power Armor, Valen was just a sitting duck ready to be roasted.
The Vel Steyr captain perked an eyebrow as he heard the Lieutenants speak his plans to the soldier. To the...defense of the shipyard? After taking a moment to confirm if that was indeed what he heard, Karl whirled around in the chair to face Dominic. "What do you mean 'to the defense of the shipyard? Aren't we leaving this hell hole?" He spat out in an aggravated, slightly worried tone.

"No, we are not,â€
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