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[Episode 1] Roc and a Hard Place


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Hyperspace, on a course for Nepleslia

The hours in transit from Yamatai to Nepleslia passed by without so much as a hoo-ha, the occupants of the shuttle doing little more than resting or otherwise occupying themselves as they went. And yet, both sooner and later than anticipated, the journey came to an end, as Ellen's nap concluded and she made her way somewhat groggily to the Pilot's seat, bypassing the gigantic Abwehran as she did so, and then disappearing behind the high back of the comfy chair, to start the preparations for landing- the first of which included bringing the Roc gently out of FTL before the planet's gravity did so forcefully.

In the co-pilot's seat, Nyezeh lifted her glasses to watch Ellen take the controls. She grumbled, sitting up straight and leaning back, letting her eyewear drop back down onto her nose. Letting out a big belabored sigh, she cracked her knuckles once in front of her chest, and then a second time as she she stretched her arms into the air and her wings off to the sides. "Wide awake, captain," the Lorath reported, doing a cursory systems check while the Yamataian started with landing preparations.

Successfully in Orbit, Ellen went about the dreary task of calling in her identifications and intentions, before gaining clearance and taking the shuttle down toward the planet. However, instead of the usual trip to a starport, the Roc began swooping along through Funky city. While this was not altogether unusual, it wasn't really the standard procedure for delivering a package.

"Alright guys, I need you to help me look for a large red building with a landing pad on the roof," Ellen asked, herself scanning the skyline for such a structure. "We're supposed to take the package there, although, I'm not sure what we do with the Abwehran when we're done."

Rüd exhaled a sharp breath from his nostrils- not necessarily offended, but amused that the pint-sized Yammy would even allow herself to utter such an insult to such a massive man. He rose and leaned between the two women to peer out the window. He pointed off to the left, vaguely, and offered only slightly more precise information. "Should be downtown, toward the industrial district." He took his seat again and crossed two pairs of arms, glad that they would finally be doing something other than sitting.

Nyezeh opened her mouth wide, yawning as she barely brought the back of her hand in front of her face as some half-hearted gesture of politeness. "You still owe me a smoke break," she reminded the Abwehran as he returned to his seat. Lazily she planted her elbows on the console and her chin in her hands as she skimmed the cityscape for the aforementioned red building. "All in all, this gig is turning out a lot quieter than I expected," she mumbled not directly to Ellen, but turning to face her slightly she added, "Are we dropping it off on the pad or am I gonna get to drive that thing?" Jolokia nodded her head towards the back of the shuttle.

"Thanks," Ellen responded to Rued, as she took a different course, turning at a right angle to follow a different street as they looked about, the shuttle doing most of the actual flying anyway. "So, What Are we supposed to do with you once we drop off the package, Mr. Rued?" Ellen asked conversationally, her eyes still glued to the wildly varying skyline of Nepleslia's Funky City.

"Smoke on the job. Saves time," he suggested amicably to the Lorath, then turned his glowing eyes on Ellen. After some contemplation, he shrugged despite the Yamataian's back turned to him. "Nothing. You don't owe me anything. Though if you're looking for another hand, this job ends so soon as the goods are delivered."

"You can drive it if we've got nothing else to do after the job," Ellen answered Jolokia quickly, making a small noise as she acknowledged victory- the building appeared up ahead and to the right, not too conspicuous, but easy enough to find.

"Well, I wouldn't mind giving you transport wherever you might like to go, as far as another hand goes, well, Not sure if I'll need it, but I'll keep that in mind," the small Yamataian explained as she swiftly brought the Roc to the landing pad atop the building, deftly setting it down with a slight jolt, showing that she wasn't an especially experienced pilot, but it was still better than the landings the public transport pilots subjected their passengers to.

Ellen began flicking switches and shutting the shuttle down, equalizing the pressure inside the shuttle with that of Funky city one last time in case it had changed since they'd dropped into the city, and then popping open the starboard airlock door, which faced the small raised door that led down into the building. "Well, let's head on out, I'll call the contact." Ellen motioned toward the door, while pulling out her communicator and tapping a few buttons on the screen for the desired result.

The Nightwalker was already on his feet as Roc descended to the landing platform, and therefore the first out the door, the package tucked under one arm. He looked around, surveying the rooftop, and finding nothing of import. Grateful, he fished his partially spent cigar from one pocket and relit it. Then he withdrew a fresh one which he proffered to Nyezeh. "As promised." He felt nothing more could be said on the matter.

Grabbing the mess of guns and straps beside her seat, the Lorath woman slid her gear over her arms and fastened it once more as she stood up and headed for the shuttle door. "Ready to go, captain," she said, less worried about openly carrying firearms on Nepleslia than she was on Kyoto. Propelling herself outside, Nyezeh got a good look of her surroundings and graciously accepted Rüd's gift. "Thanks," she replied, holding it up and taking a good bite out of the tip, spitting the remains onto the launchpad. "Gotta light?"she asked, sticking the cigar between her lips and clenching onto the thick, wrapped tobacco with her teeth.

Rüd nodded, pulled the lighter from his pocket, and ignited it in one slick, well-practiced gesture. It was a short matter of firing up the Lorath's cigar before he dumped the lighter back in his pocket.

Ellen strode to position herself at the front of the duo, poking her communicator once more before flipping it closed and stuffing it in one of the pockets of her bomber jacket, and then simply standing, staring the door down as if daring something other than a simple customer to burst from it.

The wind whipped Nyezeh's loose tie about as she thanked the four-armed man, her words a little slurred as she spoke through clenched teeth. Taking a deep breath filled her lungs with the amazingly warm and calming aroma of Abwehran tobacco smoke. Perfect," she complimented, taking ahold of the cigar as she expelled a small puff of wisps into the air. Taking a moment to reflect on the taste, Nyezeh turned her head down to look at the Captain and see what their next move was.

Ellen's hopes were, of course, dashed, when some sort of suit-clad man emerged, a handkerchief hastily wiping sweat off his brow, the effort of making his way up the stairs apparently too much for his level of fitness. In any case, he approached, seeming somewhat intimidated by the very large grey person with four arms and a Lorath carrying two submachineguns.

"You Geoff?" Ellen asked, and the businessman nodded, answering
"Yes, Yes, I'm Geoff. Hey, you mind, you know, giving me the package really quick. I'm not supposed to be up here or anything, so..." He tugged at the collar of his suit, still nervous, looking from one side to the other as if expecting something horrible to happen any second.
"Uhh, Sure," Ellen responded, looking back to Rued. "Well, hand it over, Mister Rued, we don't want the customer dissatisfied." The small Yamataian also approached the man, pulling her communicator out of her pocket and calling forth a volumetric screen which asked for a signature to confirm the delivery.

Making small talk, Ellen asked Geoff "So, what's so special about this package that we have to drop it off on a windy rooftop rather than send it through the mail?" She wasn't really expecting an answer, just trying to be amicable toward the less than calm Nepleslian.

"Oh, Umm, It's nothing. just, medicine, you know, Cheaper to get it this way than by prescription." he explained, laughing nervously, and continuing to look about as if he were going to be shot at any moment.
Rüd stepped forward and held out the box with just one hand, as if it were nothing more than a child's doll. When Geoff came near enough, another arm lashed out and held the small man by his noodle of a bicep. "What's the rush, little man?" He had an amused grin.

Not liking Geoff's attitude, or general demeanor, form of dress, or really anything about the man, Nyezeh scowled at the Nepleslian, making sure her cigar was firmly held between her teeth. And when Rüd decided to have a close one-on-one chat with the man, she slipped her hands under her arms to unhook her guns. Certainly whatever strong-arm deal was going on, it seemed prudent to the Lorath that she not have to take the extra time later. If she didn't need them, great. But experience told her that generally when you bring out the guns, you end up using them.

Geoff, having already signed Ellen's form, grabbed the box as if it were a pet that was about to bite the Abwehran, and held it as firmly as he could, trying futilely to hide it beneath his suit coat, but Rued's arm was too quick and he couldn't retreat into the safety of his office building, the box dropping on the rooftop and splitting open, revealing a number of vials of various colors-Blue, Pink, and Purple. He began to frantically look around, his breathing rapidly increasing in pace, and sweat pouring from his brow once more. "It's ah, It's not actually mine..." he tried to mumble, though he could tell that it wouldn't help him at the moment.

"Whoops. Ladies, what's that look like to you?" Unfortunately for Geoff's peace of mind, the Nightwalker already knew what it was. With a dramatic puff of cigar smoke he answered himself. "Why, this looks to me like some good old old Kaserine. What's a man like you need Kaserine for?" Rüd put a little extra emphasis in declaring Geoff's gender because it was no longer clear just what the frantic fellow was. The pathetic attempts to divert guilt elicited a laugh from Rüd who didn't give a damn what it was for.

A gunshot rang through the air, and Geoff went limp in Rued's hands, the white shirt under his coat turning red with blood, giving everyone just enough time to react as more gunshots began pouring in at them- from a nearby rooftop, from the doorway, even coming out of some of the vents, crisscrossing the area with bullets and energy beams.

"Shit! What the hell did you have to do that for, Dumbass?" Ellen yelled at Rued, pulling two pistols out from beneath her jacket, which she had unzipped, revealing a black T-shirt partially obscured by two holsters. She quickly began firing, popping several 10mm rounds at the doorway, which rewarded her with a cry of surprise and pain followed by some dull thudding as the person she had just shot tumbled back down the stairs. She was already on her way down to the deck, taking cover behind a chimney, firing rounds at a nearby rooftop to keep whoever was on it pinned down.

"Fuggk," Jolokia swore through her gritted teeth. She knew something was up, and the worst part about it was now she was pretty sure that she was going to have to shoot the Abwehran. And he was such nice eye candy, too. "Gedd donn," she barked at Ellen, taking a few steps towards her employer as she sprayed laser fire from her Fatboys towards the source of the gunfire, offering some cover fire for the Yamataian to get to someplace safe. The smell of smoke filling her nostrils paired with the thrumming of the guns against her palms calmed the Lorath, giving her focus as things went out of control.

Whoops. Time to roll with the punches. The Nightwalker hefted the slumped body for use as a meat shield and bulldozed his way into the stairwell shouting a battle cry: "BRING IT BITCHES!" How he managed to speak clearly without removing the cigar was a hidden talent of his people, derived from their throaty language; little to no jaw movement was required to utter it. In the dimly lit entrance, there was just one more gun-toting goon; he had been sprinting up the stairs, but an Abwehran barreling down on led him to second-guess this plan. There was no time for that, unfortunately. Rüd plowed him over and followed his ragdoll of a body as it tumbled down to the next landing. With a sigh the Nightwalker dropped Geoff's corpse like he would dispose of a dead cigar: carelessly and without a thought. His second victim was still alive, but appeared to suffer from one or more broken bones. Rüd snapped his neck to end his suffering, then collected the man's gun. At the top of the stairwell, he also collected a pistol from Ellen's first kill. With one in either of his upper hands, he peeked left then right out the door. Gunfire immediately forced him to retreat. He was grinning, excited by the prospect of combat.

There was a lot of clanging as Grates removed themselves from the roof vents, the occupants ditching their hiding places to find better cover to shoot from- One guy got 'lucky' and took a shot to the face, Nyezeh's laser blast melting it to look more like a well-done hamburger, and causing what was left of him to tumble listlessly to the ground, but most of the other guys found their way to safety, continuing to fire on the trio, even as the Abwehran disappeared down the stairwell, to soon peek his head back out.

Ellen's efforts to shoot up the rooftops proved fruitful, as a well-placed shot resulted in a scream followed by a person falling off of the adjacent building, continuing to scream as he watched the street approach, already in pain. Ellen took the opportunity to reload her pistols, before turning around and focusing her fire on the opposing rooftop, though the range sort of made her efforts useless.

"Innana shuddle," Nyezeh suggested in as harsh of a tone she could muster, smoke billowing from between her lips as she continued to pepper the air with hot death. Stepping quickly towards the vehicle herself her guns drew an arc away from the stairwell and shuttle. If she didn't have to shoot the four armed bald guy, she wasn't going to. Perhaps his boss had instructed him to start a brawl, after all. There was really just too much unknown about the situation for her to make any rash decisions. For now, the priorities list mainly included keeping Ellen and herself alive long enough to enjoy the next shootout.

When hoodlums started sprinting around the roof, popping out of vents like they were damn rats, he started firing at a controlled rate: one, two, one, two... When they were all behind cover or dead, he moved closer to the rooftop threshold. He couldn't see Ellen or Nyezeh, so he shouted, "You ladies alright?" The Nightwalker still had his guns at the ready, and pulled the trigger anyone so much as thought about looking his way. This strategy wouldn't last long with stolen weapons and just one reload per gun. Should have brought a gun, he berated himself. Always always bring a gun to Nepleslia...

"Been worse, been better!" Ellen responded, ducking behind her brick-clad cover of a chimney, again swapping magazines for a fresh pair so she could keep firing, this time, however, she rolled out from her cover and took a knee, firing swiftly at the nearest gangster before diving for another bit of cover closer to the Roc.

The Nepleslian man, having been distracted by Nyezeh and Rued's fire, shouted one last time in surprise as his chest was peppered with ten millimeter hunks of hot lead, flopping face first into the ground with a thud.

The Lorath woman punctuated her response by giving a guy who thought he had good cover a couple of brand new holes, "Fuggnk cuddn be bedda," she yelled over the sound of return fire zipping past where she had just been standing. "Ah goddya nah fuggka," she grunted to herself, letting off another plume of deliciously aromatic smoke to dance around her cheeks and up the sides of her sunglasses. Taking a second to collect herself and waiting for a pause in her assailant's shots, Nyezeh spun back around, burning the air between her and her target with a flurry of semi-automatic laser fire.

Rued's shots resulted in one man taking a bullet to the knee- he flopped backwards onto his back and started yelling out in pain, his .45 pistol skidding across the rooftop, out of his reach. Nyezeh's flurry of laser fire pockmarked just about everything on the roof, the side of the building next to them, and with a lucky shot, popped off the last guy on the opposite roof, whom slumped over the edge, hanging there limply, and bleeding off the side of the building.

There now remained, against the three, about five gangsters, whom were wielding various forms of pistol, mostly in the larger caliber range, such as .45's. They sounded off, alternately stopping to hide behind cover and change magazines so they could keep firing.

Satisfied with the progress, Rüd charged out of the stairwell and dropped his massive form behind an unoccupied AC unit. Once the Nightwalker had his feet beneath him again, he waved an arm wildly outside cover on one side, hoping to draw fire. That way, when he swung out the other side and replied with his own salvo of forty-five fire his opponents would be unsuspecting. That was the plan, anyway. Results tended to vary in field testing.

"Gunna gedd me kildd," Jolokia huffed, hooking one of her chubbies back on her holster to free a hand to hold onto her cigar as she dove and rolled towards Ellen's position, bringing the gun up next to her employer to add some extra cover as she knelt beside the Yamataian. "Let's go, let's go," she emphasized, shoving the cigar back in her mouth and grabbing the back of Ellen's coat. Pulling the trigger she sprayed another round at the rooftop in front of them.

"Oi, You're bleeding," Ellen pointed out to Nyezeh, motioning to a number of grazes on her legs and arms, but the Lorath was apparently quite lucky having taken nothing serious. "No sitting on the seats till we patch you up, I guess," the Yamataian babbled, ducking out from her cover and taking a few more potshots to add to Nyezeh and Rued's fire before making a sprint for the Roc's open hatch, which she then dove through.

The Lorath woman winced, she didn't want to acknowledge any damage until the adrenaline wore off. "Juss geddana shuddle," she repeated again, grunting smoke through her nose as lips as she continued to provide covering fire for her fleeing employer, slowly backing up as she stayed low towards the ground. There was certainly less gunfire she was hearing, but otherwise Nyezeh couldn't tell how many were left. Just keep shooting until you don't hear no more was sort of a good rule of thumb in this situation.

Dropping her guns on the floor, the Yamataian girl went to her pilot's chair and started the shuttle up, warming the engines for takeoff. "Nyezeh, get in here quick!" she yelled, looking out and seeing the Abwehran still firing at the gangsters.

Rued's results with the field testing of his tactic did indeed vary, and as there were multiple assailants, not all of them were fooled, a few bullets flying at the Abwehran and smashing the pilfered weapon from one of his four hands, making the thing explode into sharp pointy bits of metal that flew everywhere- but at least he didn't get shot any closer than a bunch of holes in his pants, and a missing shoelace.

Rüd snorted out of frustration and took cover, shaking his hand that had until recently been equipped. This was why fist fights were so much better: you couldn't disarm your opponent without literally tearing his arms off- which was a valid tactic when you were someone like Rüd Grülik. "Fuckit," he decided, and made a mad dash for the open shuttle door, emptying the remainder of his one gun while he ran. He dove through the gap and rolled into the relative safety of the Starbryte.

"Commig," Nyezeh replied in the best sort of sing-song tone should could muster, given the current conditions. Reaching the shuttle she hopped through the doorway and used it to peek out and see if she could spot any remaining combatants out on the roofs. Seeing Rüd heading towards her, the Lorath rustled her wings, took out her cigar and yelled, "Fucking hurry!" She reached out and let off a few more rounds from her Fatboy, giving him some cover as he dove for the shuttle. "Fly! Fly! Fly!" she yelled at the captain, dropping her gun on the floor to help the Abwehran if he needed it.

The shuttle's engines made a bit of a whining noise, straining to get itself in the air as quickly as Ellen wanted it to. With a jolt and a shudder it was up, but it didn't go too far- small arms could be heard pinging off its thick metal belly as Ellen put the craft into a hover. she opened one of the boxes, revealing an enormous number of Zen Arms covert ops pistols.

"Take as many as you like. I'm opening the back, and let's unload on those chuckleheads." Ellen instructed the other two, taking a couple of the guns and doing as she said she would. Bullets began to ping off the rear cargo doorway, but Ellen ignored them, as she began firing indiscriminately down on the roof, raining her own bullets back at the offending gangsters on the rooftop.

The Nightwalker required no assistance, helping himself up. At Ellen's behest, he claimed four Zen Arms pistols for himself and marched to the back door. The animalistic desire to leap out the back and pulverize their remaining foes was strong, but not strong enough for Rüd to commit to the suicidal thought. He contented himself with the idea of firing all four pistols akimbo, alternating left and right as he had before. With this new vantage point, he didn't even bother considering to conserve ammo. The Abwehran let loose with the borrowed weaponry, still smiling that pleased smile in the face of mortal danger.

Nyezeh retrieved her Fatboy as it attempted to scatter away at the behest of the shuddering shuttle. "Still not sure if I need to shoot you," she directed at the four-armed man pawing through the pistol container with a scowl as she adjusted her glasses. With her cigar firmly back in place she unhooked her other gun, getting a good view of the red splotches over the shredded side of her previously nice white shirt. "Fuggken eh," the Lorath flicked her thumbs over the mode selectors on her weapons. Time to go fully automatic on whichever of these sons of bitches were left alive. Holding the guns aloft, she hardly waited to get a good view before applying pressure to the triggers and letting those fuckheads know how she really felt.

It was pretty awesome, what happened. Well— at least to the three on the Roc. The rooftop was pretty much wasted as a large number of bullets and laser blasts found their way down, raining on the four guys and turning them into some bloody, pulpy, macabre version of Swiss cheese. They didn't even have a chance to try and respond in some manner other than dying. not even girlish screams were afforded as they were killed, and then their dead bodies were killed, and then whatever was left in those bodies was also killed.

Then, as a final goodbye, Ellen unloaded the remaining ammunition in her magazines into the kaserine box, causing it to explode in a puff of oddly colored smoke which suddenly caught fire and exploded, spelling a definitive end to the whole ordeal.

Having found a resolution to their business, the Nightwalker put Ellen's guns back in the trunk. Unlike his reckless handling of Geoff's corpse, or absentmindedly discarded cigars, he took care to put them down with due respect. He resumed to his full height and glanced over his cohorts, surveying their status.

As Ellen cleaned up the last loose end, Jolokia rehooked her guns to the carabiners on her holster straps and started to look for a first aid kit and some gauze to wrap around her waist. She didn't seem to have been hurt too badly— mostly grazed, but there was some bleeding. It hadn't been anywhere near the worst scrap she'd been in. Taking the butt out of her mouth one last time, Nyezeh let the burning remains loose from her fingertips and fly out the back of the shuttle before slamming her fist the button to close the bay door. "Captain, where's the fucking gauze?" she asked as the back of the Roc shut closed.

Satisfied and out of bullets, Ellen threw her Zen Arms pistols back in the trunk and walked back toward the front of the shuttle, where she slowly sank to the ground. The others would notice why- there was a trail of drips of blood where she had been walking, and a darker stained portion of her jacket had appeared, surrounding a hole in the garment.

Ellen had been shot.

Jolokia was well; Ellen was not. "Well shit," he muttered, sounding more disappointed than surprised by the captain's injuries. He jogged the few steps it would take to cross the multipurpose space and threw himself down into the cramped pilot seat. After a quick refresher-- he hadn't flown an Origin craft in some months-- Rüd tried to compute a course for the nearest hospital, but found it had already been dialed in. Ellen had apparently been shot before deciding to finish the job, and knew she wasn't going to be up much longer.

While the craft managed the menial task, the Abwehran spun in the seat. "Find that first aid yet?" He was surprisingly calm given the scenario.

Walking over to where Ellen lay, Jolokia was not pleased. Either she hadn't done a good enough job at protecting the Captain, or the Captain didn't get to the shuttle when she was told. In either scenario, what was done was done. "Yeah, I found it," she yelled towards the front, having dug past a couple of crates to where the kit was strapped to the side of the vehicle."Open her clothes up, let's see how bad the damage is," Nyezeh instructed as she pulled out a syringe and a small bottle. The Lorath scowled at the roll of gauze, and removed her sunglasses, placing them in the white and red box while she carefully measured a dose.

Rüd wasted no time, dropping on his knees beside the tiny Yamataian and throwing open the jacket. The wound was low enough that the Abwehran disregarded Nyezeh's command to "open her clothes up" and instead tugged the shirt up high enough to reveal the injury. No point in wasting a perfectly good shirt. "Low on her left side," he informed the Lorath then scooted back, leaving plenty of room for the winged woman to work, but remaining near enough to be of assistance if necessary.

"Do we have to dig anything out?" Nyezeh asked, kneeling next to the prone Yamataian and setting the kit on the ground between Rüd and herself. First, she checked to make sure Ellen was still breathing, placing her ear close to the Yamataian's lips. Satisfied, Nyezeh pulled Ellen's jacket off of her shoulder and felt along her arm for a good artery to shove the needle into. Slowly she depressed the plunger, administering the medicine to the captain. Discarding the used needle back into the kit, she looked up for the Abwehran's report.

He rolled Ellen just enough to glimpse her back and discover an exit wound. "Clean through," reported the Abwehran.

At that point, the Yamataian began to groan, wriggling slightly, before blinking herself back awake. She looked up at Nyezeh and Rued, and then looked down at her torso, and looked back up at the ceiling. "Dammit, I liked that kidney," she complained, jokingly, wincing in slight pain, and closing her eyes again. She focused on the wound, diverting all her conscious efforts to making it hurt less, though the medicine Jolokia had given her helped a lot more than mind over matter would, even for a Yamataian.

Digging a hemosynth pouch from the kit, she tossed it to the Abwehran. "Open that up, rub it on her wound. Yammie bodies are crazily durable things," she said, offering stone cold advice to Rüd: "You have to really make sure they're dead." Placing her hands firmly on Ellen's shoulders, she directed some conversation to her patient, giving her something to focus on. "I don't think your kidney likes you very much right now," she joked, "You might want to call up your friend and ask if he can get you a deal on a new one— and if you hadn't shot the package, we could've given you a new organ." She chuckled even before giving the punchline, "It might not be a useful organ in this situation." Looking up at Rüd as she realized that they were currently in-flight Nyezeh asked, "Where are we headed?"

The Nightwalker nodded along, already possessing the knowledge Nyezeh attempted to impart. He did as told, ripping open the packet. He spread the hemosynth on his two lower hands then tilted Ellen's body so he could massage the gel on both exit and entry wound simultaneously. Rüd answered the Lorath, "She set course for the nearest hospital." To Captain Katsuragi, he jested: "Just don't get any funny ideas about this whole massaging business. You saved my ass, it's only right I return the favor."

"I don't want one of those. I've borrowed them before and while they're fun I'd rather not have one of my own." Ellen responded to Nyezeh, grinning darkly. "We're headed to the hospital in case one of you guys got shot, but it looks like you didn't so you can turn off the autopilot or make it go somewhere else," the captain said, apparently unconcerned for her own well being. "Just wrap me in Gauze and I'll be good in a few days."

"See," the Lorath noted to Rüd, "They've got crazy regenerative systems." She was a little nonplussed by what she interpreted the captain's statement to mean, but it wasn't exactly the sort of information Nyezeh wanted clarified from her employer. "Hospital's no good. We're on Nepleslia, they'd as soon sell your kidney and stitch you up with catgut." Taking the gauze from the kit, Jolokia ripped off a long piece for herself and threw the rest of the roll to Rüd. "Wrap her up, Baldo, Imma go fix our course," she told him, winding the bandage around her own waist as she headed for the cockpit.

The only man of the group let slip a small burst of laughter at Ellen's 'borrowed organ' comment. He glanced blankly at Jolokia as she once again stated a well-known fact about Yamataians, like he was a schoolboy or some ignorant hinterlander. However, he made no response, just took care of what needed doing. Once again four arms proved to be better than two as he gently lifted Ellen off the floor just high enough to run the gauze roll around her midsection a few times. After tearing it off and pinning it, he scooped up the little captain and carried her to a bunk. "Just let us know if you need anything."

"I'm fine.." Ellen answered Rued after she was placed on her bunk, swiftly deciding to pass out in light of the situation. Shutting down most of her body's functions by going to sleep would allow it to heal itself faster, anyway.

"There's a duffel bag on my bunk!" Jolokia called to the back of the shuttle as she started the AI on calculating a new course for the trio. "There should be a big bottle in there. Or two. Whatever. Grab one. Glasses are in the cupboard. The captain might want some, but you and I are definitely going to have some." She futzed around with her datapad as she checked Ellen's itinerary, her finger sliding down the list.

Jolokia's thinking was interrupted as the shuttle spoke to her in a young woman's voice. "If Miss Ellen's hurt, we can go to the Hinoki Pagoda and stay for a few days. Oh, wait, I'm not supposed to talk. Shutting up now." The voice disappeared but a set of coordinates was left for Nyezeh to choose.

The Nightwalker had just retrieved a bottle of hard liquor from Nyezeh's duffel and was headed to the cupboard when a voice, clearly belonging to neither of the women on board, came out of speakers within Roc. "What the hell was that?" He peered up at the ceiling with a quizzical glance for just a moment before resuming with his ordained task. It clearly wasn't malicious, so Rüd didn't have to worry about it.
"Fuck it," Nyezeh muttered, "we'll go there." She confirmed the AI's selection and let it do its thing. Turning her face towards the inquiring Abwehran, for the first time he could get a look at her face sans-sunglasses. "This rig has a better IES than I thought," noted the winged woman, who stripped off her guns and set her gear down next to the pilot's seat. "We're headed off to some big station. I think I—," cutting herself off, Jolokia realized it probably wasn't in her best interests to regale the Abwehran with tales of her pirating days, "I might have been by there once before."

Rüd turned to meet the Lorath, two half-full lowball glasses in hand. It took him a moment to realize what had changed about her appearance, register it, think it over, and then the moment passed. While offering the drink, he added his own two cents, "I know Hinoki Pagoda. Ritzy place, for big gatherings-- political shindigs and the like." He smirked and took a sip; the alcohol was mediocre, but that was fine by him. The Nightwalker was still smirking as he spoke again, "Pulled the rug out from beneath some Nepleslian bureaucrat once. Forget why, maybe he was fighting to shut down orphanages or something, I dunno. In any case, kidnapped the guy, took his stuff, and flung his ass into space in an emergency pod. Should have seen the look on his face. Like a child finding out Lewis Pasco is a hoax." He emptied the glass, then filled it up this time. Mediocre or not, the Unterweldt native hadn't had a drink in a couple months. Now, when he was between jobs, he might as well do a little unwinding.

It wasn't anything as extravagant as Lorath wine, but it was strong enough to enjoy a cordial evening together with. Nyezeh emptied her first glass as Rüd went over his own exciting adventures, and reached for the bottle to pour herself a second glass. "I probably wouldn't have left him alive," she noted grimly, filling her glass and shifting gear on the conversation, "What I want to know is what the hell happened down there." Getting straight to the point, she added, "Why the captain and I are nursing wounds and you can bet she's going to be mad about the paint job on her new ride. She won't shut up about it. Was the plan the whole time to bring down the fury and lay waste to the—" suddenly stopping, Nyezeh realized that the guy doing the pickup had to have been shot by what she had assumed were his own guys. Only now did she realize that it must have been some third— fourth party who was interested in the deal. Her brown eyes widened as her brain processed the scene again. "Someone else was after the merchandise."

The Nightwalker shrugged at the mention of the paint job and took another sip. "So I'll help her pay for it. Doesn't bother me any. As for the plan," he smirked, "I was just supposed to deliver the goods unopened." Another shrug. "But yeah, shit happens. Where there's a shady deal, there's always someone looking to get a cut of it." He suppressed another chuckle with a smile. "Did you see the look on his face, though? Geoff, was it? Guy about shit his pants when I rattled his cage a little." Rüd poured himself round three with a grin.

Nyezeh nodded her head, "Yeah, I don't think that getting a great big Abwehran hug was quite what he expected." She laughed and downed her second glass, "I don't think he was half as surprised as his buddy behind him on the stairs." Reaching again for the bottle, she poured her third round. "I don't think he expected the Captain to be such a fast draw. And the other one you bum rushed into?" The Lorath laughed again, feeling much more comfortable now that the two of them were embroiled in amicable conversation.

There was that smile playing at his lips again. "Saw that, did you? Poor sap tumbled so hard, I was surprised the fall didn't kill him." He shook his head as if still doubting the series of events. "I know I'm a big guy, but some of these goons... fucking twigs." He gave another shrug. "Goes to show what a gun does for a person. Once it's stripped from them, though..." He shrugged again, smirked, and downed his glass. The Nightwalker didn't need to say any more. He'd probably make up for it later, when the alcohol loosened his tongue and greased the gears of his internal dictionary.


Holding up her glass Nyezeh offered, "In any case, we're alive, they're not, and--" she glances back at the bunk to where the captain is sleeping off her injuries, "hopefully we're still getting paid," she adds in a really fake whisper. The Lorath grins, shaking her head as she goes to take a sip of her drink. Stopping just before tilting the glass and wetting her lips, she lifts the drink high again and toasts the Abwehran, "So here's to getting paid!"

Rüd met her toast with his own: "To payday." Normally this is where the Abwehran would slow down to maintain a buzz. Instead, he tossed back the whole glass. He silently wished he were at an actual bar where he could have slapped the glass down heartily on a solid table to express his enthusiasm properly. To compensate he simply grew a larger grin. "Although I believe I've already been paid..." He produced a 'pad from one of his pockets, tapped around its screen for a few seconds, then nodded and put it away again. "Yeah. So," he saluted with his empty glass, "To your payday."

Tipping back her glass, she drained it once more in salute to the almighty credit. "To future paydays, then, as well?" Nyezeh asked as she joined her empty glass to his. "Sorry I don't have a bigger variety around here," she apologized as she poured her fourth glass, promising herself that this one she was going to start taking slow. "Hopping on this barge was a little short notice," she explained, watching to make sure she didn't spill. "Okay, so full disclosure, I think I've been to this Pagoda place before. Or somewhere really close to it. A less than reputable job taking from people who don't think their shit stinks. I'm no Lewis Pasco," she warned, waving her free hand in front of her.

Rüd chuckled. "I tell you that I robbed a man and jettisoned him toward some random destination in the galaxy, and you're worried I'm going to judge you?" He laughed again. "Before I started traveling- actually the reason I started traveling- was freelance work. Heavy labor, grey-area work, you know the kind." He shrugged all four arms simultaneously, a gesture indicating the ship itself. "Jobs like this one." It left him with a smile, just thinking about it. He was starting to feel the urge to blather, but... Well, where to start?

The Lorath woman laughed again, leaning back into the comfortable pilot's chair as she sipped her drink. "You made it sound like you were doing the galaxy a favor is all." Switching her legs around, Nyezeh sighed happily as she looked up at the cockpit's ceiling. She could feel the tip of her nose as the edges of her cheeks warm. "I did have a reputable job for a while," she noted, swirling the drink around in its glass. "Testing equipment on Tami, before the Mishhu attacked. My resignation was pretty much implied when everything went to hell and I found a mercenary willing to help me off-world. Turned out he needed some help getting out of there, too." Wanting to turn the conversation back to the Abwheran, Jolokia sat back up straight and took another small drink and asked, "How'd you fall into this anyway? Shady backwater planet deals and digging bullets out of your teeth?"

Rüd chuckled heartily. "First: I thought I was doing the galaxy a favor when I spaced that guy." He took a sip to separate the answers and wet his throat. "In my experience, most freelancers start off with reputable work, but get fed up with the people, or the results, or both. I'm ex-military; after that I moved to domestic security." He almost laughed at himself. "Pardon me, bouncing. The owner insisted we refer to ourselves and business as domestic security, however. Funny little man.

"But I decided I wasn't going to work for someone else by their terms; I had my own desires, dreams. Unlike most people I have sought them with great enthusiasm, and continue to do so. As soon as I had saved enough to ship myself off Abwehr, I did just that. I met the Freespacers, and..." The Nightwalker had to pause to determine how best to frame his next thought. "...If ever- if ever there were a group of people who saw things differently, it was them. People think Nepleslians and Yamataians are different, or even Lorath and Elysians. 'Spacers were the only folk that really had a different way, in my experience." He swallowed another draught and the thought, And now they're gone.

"True, true," Jolokia agreed, nodding her head as Rüd rambled on, trying not to look impressed by his military background or his relatively sunny disposition in regards to his philosophy on life. "I've never met any so odd as the 'Spacers. They're mostly held up in Nepleslian space these days, right? On some station or other that got built out there? Here?" She glaces out the window, as if she could determine if they were still in relative Nepleslian space or not. Emptying her glass, she glared at it, as if it were at fault for having been finished. "Whatever," she grumbles, not intentionally sounding dismissive of the conversation's topic as she debates another drink. Her wings rustle behind her back as she wriggles in her seat, finding the most comfortable position. "You're a lot more— thoughtful than most goons I end up working with," Nyezeh attempted to compliment Rüd, "Thinking about tomorrow and other people."

He shrugged before tucking two hands behind his head, the Nightwalker's way of accepting the compliment humbly. "I just have things I want to do, places I want to see. Like I said prior, it's what got me set on the journey. Work..." He swatted the air lazily with his free hand. "It's just a means to an end. And thankfully there's work that'll pay for the voyage most of the time. Before Kyoto, I was visiting an old Elysian friend. Before that I was in UOC space, mopping up squid messes." Another shrug. "If it gets me where I want to go, just about any job is fine, really."

Nyezeh just smiled wryly, setting her empty glass on the console as she marvelled at this four-armed man who just wanted to travel the stars, and did whatever it took to facilitate that. "You sound really content," she noted in as pleasant of a tone as she could muster. "It must be nice—" She didn't add anything or qualify that statement, just sat there admiring his attitude and ability to enjoy the much simpler joys in life, and how it was so different from herself, that these were things that she herself could never do.

The Nightwalker frowned. He hated that phrase: It must be nice, like his life was magical or something. Rüd went to sip his drink before realizing he had already emptied somewhere in the midst of all his talking. Nyezeh seemed to have stopped for now, so it was only polite for him to ask if he could continue, which he did by pointing to the bottle and looking at her expectantly.

Rolling to the side slightly, Nyezeh lifted the half-empty bottle from between them and offered to pour his glass for him, using it as an excuse to give herself a refill next as well.

He nodded and thanked her. "That's just it though. People look at me like things are just so easy for me. Like this shit only happens for me." He looked away, diverting his anger, reminding himself that this Lorath woman before him was not the subject of his irritation. Once settled with a small sigh, Rüd look at Nyezeh again. "Anybody can get what they want. It's a matter of determining how, and then just doing it. Nobody ever came along and said, 'Hallo, Rüd, want to go meet the Freespacers before they're nearly exterminated?'" He shrugged, letting it go. No point getting worked up, especially not in the cramped space of the Roc. "Like you: what is it you want, Nyezeh?"

The Lorath's eyes were fixated on Rüd in fascination as she watched him get a little worked up over what she had intended as a compliment. Nestling the bottle in the chair between the armrest and her hips, she sipped at her drink as she listened to him. "What do I want," she asked, sounding a tad incredulous, "A fat load of credits. No worries. Not having to shoot anyone to make sure I've got enough to eat." Thinking about it brought a frown to her lips, "I kinda had that at Origin, really." Nyezeh's gaze wandered away from the Abwehran. "It was fun. I got to drive a lot, had some good coworkers. Steady pay. Only had to shoot one guy when he sprouted tentacles at me— though if I knew how that was going to turn out," she continued as her expression contorting into a devious grin, "I probably would've shot a couple other choice fuckers."

"So why not go back?" the Abwehran inquired, unfazed by the mention of Misshu, and ignoring it altogether to stick to his point. "I mean, if that's what you really want, the only thing stopping you is you." The Nightwalker's eyes dropped to the glass, which he found to be nearly empty. He cleaned it out then set it aside, despite the desire to continue.

"Because I'm not built for that sort of life, Rüd," Nyezeh admitted, "I need the excitement, the adrenaline— the lasers brushing past my face and wondering if I'm going to be able to spend the money I just made boosting a load of whatever it is I just snatched from the watchful eyes of one group of lowlifes or another." She sighed heavily, disliking the negative turn that everything had seemed to take. Again, Nyezeh blamed the glass; looking a whole lot less full than she had remembered. "Working for Origin was boring. When we got attacked, it was like— it was like I realized just how boring everything had gotten. My life requires excitement, and no 9-to-5 or extended hospital stay is going to keep me from seeking out that rush." She took in a deep breath and finished her drink. Letting the restriction of air add to the intense emotions she felt running through her system.

Rüd smiled. "Well then, I'd say your premise was faulty." Revelations rarely required one to dwell upon them; if her own outburst had not made Jolokia reevaluate things, it wasn't the Nightwalker's place to point it out; everyone has to find their own way. With this in mind he proceeded to the next topic. "I suppose I enjoy a gunfight as much as the next freelancer," the 'f' word was clearly a buzz word for the Abwehran," but I'll always favor the more personal, hand-to-hand encounters. A lot of people say it's because I always win." He grinned. "But I always say you can discern a great deal more about a man- or woman- when they scrap then when they hide behind an optic and pull a trigger."

Evaluating her own faults was not something that Jolokia was usually in danger of ever doing. "Fuck you," she told the Abwehran, chucklilng as the point he was trying to make passed over her head like a distant satellite. "You've got four big ole muscly arms. You'd hold me down and pluck me as a laugh if I ain't got a gun to defend myself with," this turn of conversation certainly seemed to amuse the Lorath, as she spoke through a wide grin. Adjusting again in her seat Nyezeh pulled out the bottle and set it back down between their chairs as she refuted Rüd's point of view. "And I'd like to see you 'scrap' with one of those big old Spacer's built out of two tons of Durandium or whatever," thinking she was making a point about the inherent physical differences between species, even if her mind was wandering and considering instead some beefy ID-SOL and the Abwehran in a ring instead.

He was entertaining the mental image of wrestling the Lorath woman for a moment, when she sparked another memory and it died out. Rüd smirked, which clearly meant some game was afoot! "But I have!" he declared. "And I lost. Nine times out of nine. But like I said, you learn a lot. I know I did. Things like: never attempt to wrestle a two-ton war machine. No pressure points, so there's no means of grappling an advantage or applying pressure to free yourself." He sighed fondly at the memory. "Speaking of wrestling, those wiry Elysian bastards are tricky. Taught me a thing or too, they did. Most of them couldn't figure me, what with four arms and all, but there were a couple guys, masters of that Pankration, who mopped the mat with my face every time." He nodded. "Some great memories there... And some not so great. The stereotypes exist for a reason." Rüd referred to the excessively zealous religious phenom, which was frighteningly more common than he had anticipated on his first voyage to the world of the angels.

Nyezeh did not feel she was so easily bested, each arguing what they considered to be the point of the conversation. "I don't like to lose," she noted with some chill in her tone, or maybe she was trying to be sultry, "And Elysians, 'Spacers, and any other fucker is going to go down just as easily with a barrel and burning air between us." She held up her hand, two fingers straight forward to simulate a gun. "Pzzaf," was her best approximation of her firearm's discharge. "And if it's a fucking cat or squiddy? Pzzaf! Pzzaf! Pzzaf!" she continues to mimic shooting into the corpse of her imaginary opponents. "Those fuckers don't stay down," she noted in all seriousness. "We'll see them try and wrestle me like that."

"When all the cards are on the table-- when everything's on the line-- I never lose," retorted the Nightwalker with a smooth tone, part declaration, part challenge. Then he shrugged and seemed to lose that cold edge, becoming his casual self again. "I wouldn't be here otherwise."

At the mention of Nekos and Misshu, Rüd nodded. "Right about that." Were he more inebriated, he would have told Nyezeh about the time he killed a Neko bare-handed-- well, finished the job bare-handed, anyways. Guns had certainly made it easier. In his slightly buzzed state, he deemed it too morbid for the situation, which had already slipped some distance from its congenial intention. This left him awkwardly silent after his agreement, which had departed his lips with the hint of a follow-up which would not come.

Tugging on her collar, the Lorath trailed a finger down to unbutton her shirt one more notch than it had been, exposing even more of her generous cleavage than she normally had on display. Certianly hotter from the buzz, the cool air felt better on her chest. The silence felt uneasy for her as well, and the sound her back appendages scraping against the fabric of the seat was ill-suited to fill the air. She slowly scraped her fingernails along the armrest and let out a dissatisfied sigh. The company was good, the drinks were good, yet still things ended up feeling kind of awkward. "Do you have any cards?" Nyezeh asked, resting her cheek on the back of the seat as she stared at Rüd. His mention of gambling seemed like a good change of subject.

"What you see is what you got," he answered. "Just the clothes on my back, and a few personals in my pockets. Sold everything else before I left for Kyoto." Another shrug. Then he pulled out his sterling silver pocket case-- his cigar holder. He drew out two and with a playful smirk suggested they break the Captain's request. "She's shot, after all. I don't imagine she's going to be roused from sleep of that sort." They were his last two cigars, which was significant; Rüd never shared the last of his stock unless he valued the others' company. So far Nyezeh had been an entertaining conversationalist and the Nightwalker had determined her to be of the right stuff to enjoy one of his prized smokes.

"A-ha-ha-ha," Jolokia gleefully chuckled as she held out a hand and made a beckoning motion with her fingers, curling them inwards toward her palm. "If her nose is good enough to smell this while she's out, then she's good enough to be up chatting with us," she reasoned out, greedily running the tip of her tongue over her lips and letting the saliva drain down her throat. The Lorath sat up, using her wings to push her away from her reclined position.

Rüd passed a cigar and lit it before firing up his own and sitting back to savor the aroma. It was one of the positive stereotypes to the Neps: they knew how to enjoy life, how to kick back, and take it all in when they wanted to. Their cigars were proof positive, with so many brands and flavors to choose from, it was impossible to dislike them all if you tried. These were the Nightwalker's favorites: they tasted like mint and premium roast coffee, if coffee were actually delicious. To commemorate his first full breath of smoke, he exhaled it in a thick ring; he clearly practiced.

Casually flicking the shuttle's air filtration unit onto a higher setting, Nyezeh took a long and deliberate puff herself as she savored the bitter mint taste. Watching the smoke escape from her mouth, her eyes caught Rüd's excellent ring. "Nice," was her only comment as she sunk into the pilot's seat and continued to enjoy the experience. A fine Nepleslian cigar capping off some good conversation with a new friend. Her eyes darted to catch a glimpse of the Abwehran and how he was appreciating his own.

"Thank you," he answered mildly and leaned into his seat. He had closed his eyes, content with the silence, content with not thinking. Rüd was relaxed, and let that be everything-- what more could he want, really? Not a damn thing, he answered himself with a satisfied smile.

Nepleslian Space
4 hours away from Nepleslia
'Hinoki Pagoda'

Ellen, after a generous nap, had awoken, with little fuss, though when she moved she acted tenderly like one whom was quite injured, because, indeed, she was. However, the gunshot didn't seem to phase her too much, and although a bit less peppy than usual, Ellen seemed intent on piloting her shuttle again, and had kicked Jolokia out of the pilot's seat, taking her rightful place upon it.

However, as the Roc approached Hinoki Pagoda, something seemed to be off about everything. despite repeated hails, they had received no transmissions from the space station, aside from the automated landing instructions. Still, they had nowhere else to go since they needed fuel and something with better medical facilities than the Roc had.

As they came in for landing, they noticed there did seem to be several ships docked with the station, a collection of small freighters and what looked to be privateer vessels; old, decommissioned military scout ships. Still, it was all eerily quiet. Nobody seemed to be greeting them, and nobody seemed to be around at all. The few other shuttles in the landing bay looked deserted, powered off and simply parked.

Ellen did, however, get a Message. "Oh, hey, it's from Mr. Face!" the Yamataian exclaimed, opening the message on her communicator and reading it. "Well, this is good news. Looks like we still got paid, Nyezeh, 1,000 KS each for our efforts." She looked around at the deserted station though, as that money now seemed to be a bit hollow considering the goings on. "Of course, whether or not we'll get to use them remains to be seen. How do you feel about this whole thing?" she asked, directing it at both her passengers.

Rüd merely grunted, looming in the back of the cockpit. "No answer means trouble, plain and simple. Something's up." Simple and concise.

"I say we turn this boat around," the Lorath in the co-pilot's seat suggested. "They're not answering hails and we're not in the charity business." Nyezeh began a search for other nearby stops on the console in front of her. "Besides, you're well enough now and we're in the clear. Job's done, credits are in our accounts. Flesh is all— fleshy. We need trouble like Rüd needs another pair of arms."

That Mysterious voice from earlier spoke up again, soliciting a frown from Ellen as it did so. "Well, I hate to break it to you guys..." The ship began, as it brought up a few screens over the volumetric display, sowing them their fuel level, which was drastically low, "But it looks like we took a hit on the fuel system somewhere, so we'll need to make repairs before we can fuel up and get out of here." the Ship made a sort of sheepish chuckle, as it seemed to notice Ellen glaring at the console.

"Rose, stop talking. This was bad enough before you started talking, and now they know you're here." Ellen seemed a little bit more than miffed, but she sighed dejectedly, knowing that the ship was right. "Either of you know how to fix a Fusion fuel cell?" the tiny Yamataian asked, getting up from her seat and walking toward the door on the port side of the ship. "We need to check the damage and then see if we can find a replacement part so we can get the hell out of here."

"Yeah, I can, we actually could--" Nyezeh glanced at the vehicle hanging on the wall and gestured with her thumb for Ellen's sake, "We could transfer the energy from the cells in that thing and—" She stopped and looked back at the Captain, she could already tell what Ellen was thinking reflected in those crazy eyes of hers. "You want us to stop, don't you?" The Lorath asked, her lips turning downwards as she sighed and straightened up her tie. "Okay, okay, let's do this with a little more finesse this time," Nyezeh stood up from her seat and walked to where her gun harness was draped over her bunk.

Rüd sighed imperceptibly. "You don't actually want to stick around this graveyard do you? What in the stars could you possibly need here?" This setup was triggering so many 'dumb' alarms, even the reckless Nightwalker was uncomfortable with the idea. But, if this was what she wanted... "I suppose if we are going to traipse through the Pagoda, then you owe me for it. We can discuss the pay later." The Abwehran wasn't going to lock in a value on an undetermined venture.

Ellen nodded at Nyezeh's idea, but seemed keen to point out one thing- "Unless we fix the hole in the fuel cell, it'll just leak out, and then we'll be stranded in space. The fuel cell from the A2 is just barely big enough to get us back to a civilized place, so the repair is paramount." Ellen did, however, take what Rued said into consideration. "I agree that we need to get out of here as quickly as possible, but I'd rather be stuck here with it abandoned or haunted or something than stuck out in space in a freaking shuttle. At the very least we need to try and find something to fix the Roc, so that calls for one or two of us to go outside, whether we like it or not."

The small Yamataian seemed quite determined, and opened the trunk full of Covert Ops pistols, grabbing a couple of loaded ones and stuffing them into her holsters. She motioned to Rued, offering him some if he wanted them, and then spoke to the ship this time. "Alright, Rose, I need you on standby. Be ready to help in case anything goes wrong, got it?" The ship replied with a chipper, "Yup, You got it, boss!"
Checking to make sure that her chubbies were in good working order, Nyezeh clipped the guns to her holster and threw her jacket on over top. Then a quick breath and the sleeve of her jacket on her sunglasses to make sure they were clean and a band around her hair to keep it out of her face and the Lorath woman was ready to bust this mystery. "Rose, take us in slow," she ordered, not really giving much thought to the chain of command. "There's an empty docking bay just off of our port side there, we'll use that as our entry—" giving some thought to the operation, she asked the Captain, "Do you have any EVA suits packed away on this barge?"

Ellen shook her head at the question, obviously not having expected any problems.

Rüd fetched two pistols for himself in silence, but spoke up when he was assured of their readiness. "Speaking of Pagoda, where are we going to start? Been here once, and if I remember the main space is largely modular. A little more guidance would be appreciated."

"Just put us down in that docking bay so we can try and do some repairs. Whatever's there, we'll deal with." Ellen instructed the Roc, and, sure enough, the Shuttle's AI did exactly as it was told, dropping in slow and entering the mostly deserted shuttle bay. Lights flickered on as they sensed movement, but otherwise nothing happened as the Roc entered and alighted on the hard deck, shutting itself down and opening the door to allow Ellen and the others to Disembark.

Ellen hopped down from the door gently, looking around at the desertedness, and then back at the shuttle. "Nyezeh, I need you under the Roc as soon as you can to check out the damage. Rued and I will go and see if there's any emergency repair kits lying around that we can use." The tiny captain looked at her two subordinates, holding onto her side gingerly as if to keep it from hurting much, and queried, "Any questions?"

"How about we make sure no goons or ghosts are going to shoot us before we attempt any repairs, Captain?" the taller woman asked, her eyebrows scrunched in annoyance with the tiny owner of the shuttle. "The Roc isn't going anywhere. Let's secure the bay first, then we can find the necessary gear to get this thing hauling out of here." With all of her equipment seemingly in proper working order, Nyezeh stood patiently by the bay door. "Maybe they're all dead from some space virus—," she noted grimly, "Glad we have those EVAs."

The Abwehran rolled another one of his undulating shrugs and followed Ellen into the bay. "Whatever. We do what we have to do. Wishing for EVAs won't get us a working ship. So, what're we waiting for? No, better question: where are we going?" Not having a destination in life was fine by the Nightwalker's standards-- he was a wanderer himself-- but lacking that sort of key intel during work? Unforgivable. His head was on a swivel, wary of the environment's many nooks and crannies and doors and... well, really anyplace things could lurk.
Ellen shrugged at the other two. "I can't see anything in here, at least nothing that looks dangerous. as far as where to go, those lockers by the bulkhead over there look like they have something to do with emergencies or repairs, so we can investigate that direction." Even so, Ellen pulled out one of her pistols and was at the ready in case anything moved or threatened them.

"Rose, do your sensors show any sort of life around here?" Jolokia asked as she walked out of the Roc. "Are they all dead or lying in wait?" This was really frustrating, walking into a situation with no clue whatsoever about what awaited them. She shot a glance at the Abwehran that suggested the two of them were sharing the pain of an uncertain insertion. Nyezeh unhooked a Fatboy and lead with the barrel, creeping over to one of the entry way doors into the docking bay. The first order of business was to make sure that this location was secure.

"There seems to be life on the station, it's mostly centered around the middle, like the main hall is occupied," Rose answered, displaying what she could of the station- it looked like there was a large group of life signatures in the main hall, and a few smaller groups that were moving about the main hallways, perhaps security patrols. "Maybe they're having a party and nobody wants to greet us?" the AI suggested, hopefully.

"Well, whatever's going on, They probably won't mind us fixing up the Roc, then. Come on, Rued, let's see how much those big arms of yours can carry," Ellen asked of the Abwehran.

Rüd shared that knowing glance with Nyezeh before answering Miss Katsuragi with a grunt; it could have been disapproval, or just a lazy acknowledgement; it was impossible to judge given his blank expression. After a few moments, though, it became clear that he dissented Ellen's analysis. "Too confident that they're pleasant folk. Not to burst your bubble, but all the pleasant folk like to stay on planets, and always answer a landing hail. If they're even people, they're not the courteous sort. Shoot first, ask questions later. And if I get shot fixing your ship..." Rüd couldn't express the emotions that idea elicited: something like anger and irritation and ironic laughter all in one. When spun together, it crooked his mouth into a frown.

"That's why I've got my gun out already" Ellen pointed out, looking to be just as annoyed by it all as the other two, "But it's probably not a good idea for us to just start shooting at everything for no reason." Unperturbed, Ellen continued on toward the wall, looking about as she did so to make sure there was nothing around challenging their approach.

"Shoot before getting shot," Nyezeh spoke as if it was some solemn platitude from a wise philosopher. "I don't see anything over here," she reported, waiting at her post by the door until the others had cleared their respective portions of the bay. She scrunched up her nose and took another look around, "The faster we're out of here the faster my feathers stop twitching."

As if one axiom could only be answered by another, the Nightwalker added sagely, "Having a gun and using it are two different things entirely." He glanced knowingly at Ellen, fully expecting her to retort. "I'm merely stating the facts." At the designated panel, Rüd turned his back to it, leaving the rummaging to Ellen. He was on edge, but as always, ready for anything. He just had to know to reclaim his smile. Once the enemy— if there was one— was identified, Rüd would be once again at ease, perhaps even moreso if it was something he could pulverize with his fists instead of relying on these mechanical clubs in his hands.

They reached the lockers unaccosted, Ellen glaring back at Rued for his insulting comment about her guns; she had obviously proven her skill with a firearm on the rooftops back on Nepleslia, but by now it really didn't matter. As the small Yamataian woman opened the door to the locker, a sound more than just the squeaking of the hinges was to be heard.

Flanking the repair locker, was a pair of Dark Demons, whom had used their stealth systems to disappear into the background, and now appeared suddenly from apparently nowhere, their chainguns pointed at the Yamataian and Abwehran. A third DD dropped from the ceiling near the Roc, its own weapon pointing at Nyezeh.

"If you come with us, we promise we won't kill you," one of them demanded, motioning with its gun toward the hallways. The way the suit was painted and kitted out made it fairly obvious that it was associated with Piracy, and they seemed none too keen to do any talking.

"Well, Shit." Ellen stated, simply, dropping the covert ops pistol from her hand.

"Well shit is right," seconded Rüd, his guns clattering down beside the Captain's. Inside, he was simmering in anger and frustration at the situation. Damn cowards, hiding in the dark, cowering in their damn exos, just make one wrong step... One step, I dare you! Of course, the sort of misstep the Nightwalker was clamoring for would be nothing short of mentally retarded on the pirates' part; in short, there was no hope here. There wasn't even good reason to raise his four hands in surrender-- no quick action flick maneuver could balance these odds.

The busty Lorath was not happy at all! Things just went from bad to oh fuck it's worse. "Fuuuuuuuuuuck," Nyezeh exclaimed, whipping her gun around and offering the grip to the pirate in a huff. She kept her other firearm tucked tightly where it was just in case, they were going to have to search her if they wanted it "I want this back," she declared, scowling behind her glasses as she held out the piece to the powered armor. "And don't scuff it up too much," as a former pirate herself, Jolokia was not above making demands where she was in position to.

The Pirate scoffed, knocking the laser SMG out of Nyezeh's hand like it were a toy. "Just come with us, Crow." he instructed her, prodding her with the barrel of his chaingun, but a noise from within the shuttle gave him pause. "Is there another one of you?" it asked, motioning for one of the other ones to come over and pushing Nyezeh over toward the other two, so they would be easier to watch. The DD from the ceiling then stepped up into the Roc, but didn't stay in long.

"What the-" it broadcast over the speakers, before being forced bodily out of the shuttle, flying a good five meters before clanking against the ground. From out of the shuttle, a sleek, small, black power armor with oversized forearms emerged, carrying two Model Sixteen Gauss rifles, which it opened up with, shooting the knocked-over DD with a flurry of armor piercing rounds before boosting toward the ceiling to avoid the chaingun rounds from the two DD's that had captured Rued and Ellen.

"Now! Run!" Rose's voice could be heard emanating from the black power armor, as it continued to avoid fire, buying time so that the two prisoners could escape. "You heard her! Ellen belted out, breaking into a sprint to the side, pushing past one of the distracted armors to get out of the way.

A big distraction is just what Jolokia wanted. She grabbed her other gun from under her jacket and placed it right next to one of the remaining pirate's brain pan. The thought didn't even pass through her mind, her finger muscles tensed on reaction alone as they pulled the trigger and filled the Dark Demon's head full of automatic laser fire. That much heat next to the barrel wasn't good for the gun, but Nyezeh wasn't exactly thinking straight at the moment. "Call me a fucking crow you racist motherfuckers," she yelled as the firearm trembled in her hand, quickly shutting off due to the temperature limiter. "Arrrgh! Fucking pirates," she yelled in Ellen's general direction. It felt good getting all of that off of her chest.

Rüd smirked as the echoes of Nyezeh's rant struck his ears. Yeah, he was busy running at a full sprint away from two Dark Demons now fully intent on smearing him all over the floor, but the Nightwalker had a soft spot for the little things in life— even in the midst of combat. Aside from this, Rüd's only thought was, Where in the Hell does she expect me to run!? It wasn't a question worth voicing.

As soon as the area was vacated, Rose opened up once more with her twin Gauss rifles, unloading the full magazines into the pirate armors, aided by Jolokia's incredibly reckless act of firing point blank. The Lorath would watch as the front of her gun melted itself, but it had served its purpose, and the two pirates fell to the ground, joining the third as the black powered armor touched down next to Ellen.
It opened up, but instead of 'Rose' inside, it was empty- Rose wasn't some hidden fourth person, she was an AI. Ellen, without skipping a beat, boarded the Power armor, as Rose's voice emanated from the loudspeakers. "Well, it looks like the rest of them noticed us, so, we better get ready for some fighting." As Ellen finished donning the suit, she walked toward Rued, handing him one of the Gauss rifles and a few spare magazines

"Here you go, something a bit tougher than a ten mil." The Yamataian said, shrugging at the offer, and looking over toward Jolokia with her newly armored head. "You want the other one, Nyezeh?" Ellen asked, as if nothing was wrong.

"Get ready for what?" The Lorath was incensed at the notion. "Unless you have two more of those hidden away back there, you might have forgot that your goons here are still fleshy bags of non-synthetic material." She stormed right up to Ellen, making sure to scoop up her discarded firearm and clasp both of them back into place before grabbing the other Gauss rifle from the Yamataian. "Give me that," Nyezeh grumbled. "This counts as like— double hazard pay— at least." She checked the heavier gun over, making sure she was familiar with it. As much as she complained, the thrill and excitement of their little escape and planned siege was enticing to the Fyunnen.
Rüd gratefully accepted the Gauss weapon, and hefted it, reacquainting himself with the weapon. "You can gripe all you like, but we all know you're looking forward to putting a few rounds in some butt-ugly pirates." He said it with a smirk. "So, we play guard duty at the door... Or what? We still need to fix that damn cell, and I'm pretty sure you didn't bring enough ammo for an army." He fixed the butt of the Thirty-Three in his shoulder and clasped the weapon with his two upper arms, which supported its measly weight almost as though it weren't there. He knelt and with his two remaining hands, reclaimed the ten-millimeter pistols and pocketed them while he still had a moment.

"You and I will hold them off while Nyezeh fixes the shuttle," Ellen suggested, finding the repair pack in the locker they had opened earlier, and placing it on the floor, kicking it so that it slid across and gently bumped the side of the shuttle, ready for the Lorath to use. "Go grab a couple of barrels and make some barricades so you have some cover and Nyezeh isn't out in the open," Ellen continued, pulling an ODM 17mm out of a thigh holster on the armor.

"They're about two minutes away," Rose informed the crew, displaying what was appearing on the armor's HUD. "Looks like only three more powered armor, and everyone else is soft."

A moment of disappointment flashed across Jolokia's face, mostly hidden by her sunglasses, "Yes, Captain," she replied with a little pep as she leaned her Thirty-Three up against the shuttle, where it looked like it had taken the most grievous damage. After snapping open the tool chest Nyezeh pulled out her datapad and linked it to the Roc's systems. "Rose, give me a readout of what you see on your end, I want to know what I'm looking at from the inside." She pushed her sunglasses up to hold on her forehead, "It looks like we've plenty of parts around here, so I'm going to mostly just need ongoing diagnostics and any warning if anything spikes. Shut down all power to the shuttle except whatever critical systems you need to keep running. The last thing I need is to fry myself while everyone else gets to fry pirates."

"Not a problem," The AI responded, causing a volumetric window to appear near Nyezeh, so she could overlook the Data. it appeared that there were several holes in the fuel cell, and while most of them had self-sealed, it appeared a few lucky hits had made a hole bigger than the self-sealing functions could plug. Unfortunately, even the 'sealed' ones showed signs of leakage, and so Jolokia would have to work on sealing the holes, and then patching the Hull to make it flight worthy.
The Abwehran set down his rifle, disdainful of having to do so, but desiring use of all four bulky arms to move the barrels. He found them full, and with the oddest of odd labels slapped on the front: Creamy Sun Butter. Stranger yet, the supplier was marked as Mr. Face on a half-torn strip of officious paper detailing the delivery specifications. With a laugh he pulled a pair aside, curled two arms around either one, and plowed them across the bay floor like a linebacker tackling two opponents simultaneously. Two minutes was more than enough time for him to heave around enough of the strangely abandoned goods to hide Nyezeh and create a small barrier for himself that provided him a small slice of an angle on the doorway.

Grabbing a can of sealant, Nyezeh began spraying the damaged fuel cells like they were the only Neko at a Mishhu bachelor party. "We're going to need to charge this thing back up once I'm done. And replace it when we get out of here," she instructed the AI. "I've got a patch here for the paneling. When we're sure it'll hold a charge I'm going to just put everything back together, jammygun this sheet to it so we're not exposed, and then seal it off. It won't last under too much stress, so as long as we don't get into too many firefights before we can get it fixed right, we should be okay." Glancing about for a fueling plug, Jolokia grabbed the tube-like device conveniently hanging from the bay ceiling and attached it to the connector on the side of the Shuttle. "This'll only take a minute," she told Rose, more out of habit than actually expecting to be informing the AI on how long charging the fuel cells would take.

"I fully expect you'll be able to fix the Roc enough to get us out of here, Ms. Jolokia." the AI responded, in a deadpan manner as if it had picked up on the rhetorical nature of the Lorath, but had decided to respond anyway. "And you can take as long as you want filling up, I don't mind~" it added, playfully.

"Well I mind," the Abwehran chimed in. "Make it quick." As he was dragging the final barrel to his makeshift bunker, he noted its weight to be significantly superior to the others. Having already been acquainted with the... less than legal practices of Mr. Face, Rüd could put one and one together. Without warning, the bay reverberated a loud POP! as the Nightwalker unclamped and pried off the top. He gagged slightly on the overwhelming scent of sunbutter. But in mere seconds it died, giving way to a far more ominous aroma: hemosynth. "Not to make this any weird than things already are, but Mr. Face was 'porting a metric fuckton of hemosynth to these guys," he declared matter-of-factly. "In the guise of luncheon product." Glancing again, he noted there was something else in the barrel of "sunbutter." "Wait, no... This is... A mask?" Well lock me under and blow the shaft, he thought, "They have Nekos," he declared with all due stress of tone. "He gave them Cats." Rüd grumbled an irritated sigh, but the animal in him was anxious for another bout with a nigh-immortal femme fatale.

That word in that tone caught the Fyunnen's pointed ears, distracting her from her task, "What?" she stressed, turning her head to catch the Abwehran in her sights. "You have to be shitting me," she swore. First off, finding that their contact was doing business here was pretty strange. Secondly, he was involved in some sort of ultra-illegal body smuggling? This was the sort of stuff that Yamatai liked to send out their fleets for 'destroy the station first, ask questions later' sort of operations. And they just happened to stumble upon it after some completely unrelated job? This stunk all the way back to Lor of a setup and Jolokia hated the thought of having her strings pulled behind the scenes. Leaving the Roc for a moment, she grabbed the Thirty-Three nearby and marched over to Rüd to see for herself the vast depths of shit they just found themselves in. "I cannot believe it," she groused, shaking her head. "I cannot fucking believe it."

"They must've used it to smuggle people inside and subdue the station without having to fight the security or something," Ellen hypothesized, sounding completely unamused, even if they couldn't see her face behind the armor's mask. "Either way, there's pirates here, and those soft targets are probably nekos. I bet the mass of people in the main hall are all hostages." If her face had been visible, Rued and Nyezeh would have noted a frown on it.

"Either way, they're pretty damn close. We need to get the Roc up and flying again as soon as f***ing possible so we can get the heck out of dodge and not have to deal with this anymore. Whatever Mr. Face is up to, it can't be good. When we get out of here, I aim to find out. I'm sure we can beat enough money out of him to pay for it all anyway."


"You guys better be ready," Ellen stated, as she hid behind the barricade that Rued had assembled, pointing the Peashooter downrange toward the hallway that the sensors showed was swarming with soon to be seen enemies. "Nyezeh, please fix the Roc up as quick as you can, though I'm sure I don't really need to remind you..."

Of course, she didn't have any more time to talk by then, as the first of the pirates showed up- the three other armors, two Dark Demons and an old WATER armor, whom showed up guns blazing. The DD's chainguns proved to be inaccurate at best, spraying fire everywhere, but it was still dangerous. the biggest problem, however, was the WATER, which had actual anti-armor capabilities.

Ellen opened fire with her Peashooter as soon as they broke through the door, the explosive rounds smashing into the shields of the WATER armor in front, that was currently acting as a battering ram for the other two armors to hide behind.

"Working as fast as I can!" came the annoyed reply from the shuttle as Nyezeh slammed the panel shut. She was working on clasping it in place when the new cadre of pirate armors arrived. She wasn't going to take any chances at any more damage to the Roc and grabbed the Thirty Three leaning up against the spacecraft. "Fucking let me work you assholes," she yelled at, leaning back against the half-done repair job to steady the heavy gauss weapon. "Keep them away or we're going to have more holes than I can fix," the Lorath woman yelled as she aimed her gun towards the doorway.

Rüd hunkered down behind of a barrel packed full of hemosynth and sighted the door. As soon as it burst open, he pelted the WATER at regular intervals, countering recoil by bracing himself with two free hands-- just one more benefit to possessing four of them. He desperately wished to retort to Nyezeh with things like, "If we'd just left when our hails went unanswered," or, "Sorry, I forgot my Power Armor in my other pants," but held his tongue. No point in starting a shouting match in the middle of a battle.

"Rued, you think you'll be able to hold back the DD's by yourself?"Ellen asked, not waiting for an answer as her armor boosted toward the ceiling, a wash of hot gasses blowing at Rued's clothing as she did so. The Black armor began to make a whining noise like some sort of charging, before it came flying down at the group of PA's, and a sudden force emanated from its right forearm, blasting the trio further apart from one another, the two DD's being bowled over, but the WATER somehow able to weather the storm.

Thanks to the 12.7mm fire from Rued, however, Ellen's next shot with her Peashooter managed to break the armor's shield, allowing the rounds to finally connect with the armor itself.

Rued's cover proved to be working remarkable well against the Chaingun fire, keeping the Abwehran safe, and allowing the Lorath to work in peace- sort of. Her sudden addition of fire to the firefight kept those whom hadn't yet broached the doorway at bay, giving her enough of a respite to get back to her work.

As soon as things looked clear, Jolokia dropped the gun unceremoniously on the ground and scooped up the piece of durandium to cover the wound in the side of the Roc. With one hand and her boot on the side of the ship, Nyezeh bolted the sheet down with loud, piercing shots from a tool snatched from the chest. "Almost done," she announced loudly, before turning back to finish her job as she asked Rose, "Everything still okay from you're end? We're full and holding I hope?"

Surprisingly, the hemosynth sucked up the bullets with relative ease. It still made the Nightwalker nervous to remain behind them for more than a few seconds-- ultimately, the barrels would succumb to the sheer number of bullets-- but for now he swallowed the fear and returned fir. With the ELEMENT PA shieldless, Rüd's fire become a more strategic matter. He had to take sensors out first, and fired for the head. Next, the weapons had to go, which meant aiming for any visible joints; were none visible, he would opt for the weapons themselves.

"We're doing fine on this end, I think," the AI responded to Nyezeh's request, sounding unsure for no real reason. "The level is still rising and is nearly full, and I don't detect any leaks."

The DD's had by now, regained their composure and stood back up, and once more Rued found himself under a hail of fire from their type 1 chainguns, the rounds pinging and plonking off the metal barrels he was hiding behind, the occasional stray round making a whizzing sound as it spun off to bounce off the hull of the Roc, and while harmless, were no less concerning to the Lorath working on the shuttle.

Ellen had, however, closed the ground to the WATER PA, deploying a long metallic cord from her left forearm. Thanks to Rued's distractions and damage, the pirate PA wasn't prepared when the cable wrapped around its body and the black PA pulled it tight, wrapping the WATER's limbs to the body, and then the cable electrified itself, sending arcs of electricity all over, making their way into the systems and causing the older armor to fry from the inside out. "One down, two to go!" Ellen announced, retracting the cable as the pirate armor fell to the ground like a log, with a satisfying CLUNK.

Unclasping the charging cable from the Roc, Nyezeh tossed the borrowed equipment back into the tool chest and kicked it away from the ship, nudging the rollers to push it away from the shuttle. "Rose, start us up and plot the course," she demanded, retrieving the Gauss rifle from the ground and hoofing it over to her comrades. Wordlessly she took a post and set up the Thirty Three. They just needed to clear this group and hop out of here hopefully before more reinforcements arrived. Doubly hoping that they didn't have a ship or more PA in space waiting to shoot them as they left.

The AI responded Immediately to Jolokia's order, with a "Yes Ma'am, charting course for the nearest place where we aren't being shot at, confirmed!" The Roc could be heard starting up, as well, the AI apparently satisfied with Nyezeh's repair job.

Rüd took cover to swap sides. Also, he didn't trust the barrels to maintain integrity. Repositioned and feeling slightly more comfortable with his cover, the Abwehran joined in firing upon the DD's with Nyezeh, leaving the WATER to Ellen. Noting the Lorath was now fully devoted to the fight, he asked, "All this shooting for a sixty-second fix?"

"If we're ready to go, then I think we should make a hasty retreat," Ellen pointed out, almost pointlessly, as she backpedaled toward the barrels and the ship, while reloading her Peashooter, and the beginning to fire again, the explosive rounds proving to be a great deterrent to the armors, however, more pirates began appearing from beyond the doorway; unarmored ones, toting mostly personal-sized weapons like pistols, and even a few with knives. Rued's fears were confirmed, as several scruffy-looking Neko wearing stained uniforms that might have previously been yellow or Khaki rounded the corner along with the pirates, all firing their small arms, which were thankfully ineffective at the current range.

The nearest DD seemed to be suffering from 'getting shot too much syndrome' and the armor could be seen sparking and smoking as several systems shorted out, but it suddenly stopped doing that as it exploded. The tiny Aether generator that powered the unit had shorted and blown, thankfully not going critical, but it was still quite catastrophic, as a hole was blown in the floor and the other DD was knocked down, even the pirates by the doorway were worse for the wear. The barrels shook, but thankfully proved quite enough to stop the blastwave from doing anything serious to the Lorath and Abwehran.

Ellen skidded backwards a bit in her armor from the shockwave, having been able to brace herself, and called over the comms "Alright, get in the shuttle, this is our chance!" and without further delay, the black Power armor made way to the door of the shuttle, ushering the other two inside.

Discharging Gauss shots into the pirates was somewhat soothing, but everything seemed to slow down for the Lorath as the Dark Demon exploded, the blast sending her reeling, trying to catch some wind resistance with her wings spreading out from under her jacket. Nyezeh shook her head to clear her mind and focus, it was time to retreat. Grasping the rifle close, she jogged for the Roc, glancing about to make sure that Rüd was right there with her as they followed the captain back to the shuttle.

The explosion was surprising and frankly, awesome, like getting everything you asked for from Lewis Pasco is awesome. Rüd bore the explosive force easily with the barrels shielding him from the brunt of it. At the captain's behest, he broke into a sprint for the ship, trailing behind Nyezeh a few paces. "Sure hope this heap can handle small arms fire," he commented flatly to Nyezeh. It was neither the tone of legitimate concern nor complete lack of faith in Roc, but a little of both.

As the doors slammed shut behind the trio, Rose responded in an incensed manner, "Of course I can handle a little small arms fire... from this distance anyway!" Already, the shuttle had taken off, making a hasty retreat from the bay and boosting beyond what was normally considered safe or proper near an inhabited body, but was quite warranted by the situation. before long, they had been freed from the station's meager gravity well, and despite the fact that one of the pirate ships had disengaged from the station to follow them, it was soon lost as they jumped into hyperspace.

Inside the shuttle, Ellen got to work disembarking from the powered armor, first removing the helmet, and letting the armor open itself up so she could extricate her wiry limbs from within. After getting out, the armor closed itself back up and, Ellen placing the helmet back on its neck, the armor walked itself toward one of the wall panels, which opened up to reveal a secret compartment that it stashed itself within.

Once safely inside, Nyezeh dumped the Thirty Three into an open crate, then threw her jacket and sunglasses roughly onto her bunk. "Anything else you got hidden away on this thing?" she asked, more than a little salty from having just finished getting shot at. "And what the hell was going on there, anyway? We just happen to land at the place your contact was smuggling bodies in during a hostile takeover?" She planted her butt down in one of the cockpit seats and crossed her arms. "I think we deserve to know what's going on."

Rüd likewise set aside his Origin weapon, and made his way to the cockpit, but lingered at the threshold, upper arms propped on either side, and his lower arms folded. The Nightwalker, while completely unconcerned about Ellen's secrets, did agree the situation was beyond bizarre. His tone was contrary to Nyezeh's, inquiring rather than demanding- good cop to her bad cop. "It is... Unusual does not begin to describe what we have been through these last several hours. Perhaps you have an idea of what is going on?"

Ellen seemed to only be slightly nervous, not in that she was afraid, but rather in that she was somewhat embarrased. "Well, you see. I'm a superhero. no, wait, that's not it... Vigilante! That's right. Vigilante of Justice and all that. Of course, fighting crime doesn't pay in cash so I honestly needed the delivery job for the cash. Plus, I had heard Mr. Face did some shady dealing, and so I figured I could do a low level delivery and investigate while making a bit of cash, to live on, you know?" The small Yamataian woman grabbed the two Type 33 rifles as she spoke, putting them safely away in one of the crates in the cargo bay, locking it so they weren't just sitting around, and continued.

"The whole fiasco here was, however, completely unplanned, and unrelated, aside from Mr. Face apparently being involved. Rose just chose the closest place she thought we would be safe at, and it's not really her fault she was wrong, considering nobody seemed to know that there was a problem going on there..." The tiny woman grimaced, realizing that her wound was still sore, and sat down on the lower bunk, and rubbing her side gingerly. "In any case, we really do need to do something about this gunshot wound, and proper repairs to the Roc would be nice..."

> Begin SP
>Kyoto, Yamatai

In the days since the ambush at Hinoki Pagoda, Ellen and the Roc's crew had been busy, fixing themselves and their ship. Nyezeh's temporary repairs had been gone over again, and the Roc itself looked a bit better, although it still bore the scrapes and gouges from glancing blows after having come under fire twice in one day.

Ellen's Yamataian biology, along with some medical attention, had caused the gunshot to heal up quite well, and Nyezeh's scrapes and grazes had all but disappeared. Rued, being the only one not actually shot, had seemed to have had a slightly more comfortable time than the others. And so, now, the black Starbryte shuttle called the Roc descended upon a building within Yamatai's capital city, before swinging away to avoid it, landing instead a block away at a small public parking garage.

"This is your last chance guys," Ellen stated at Rued and Nyezeh, giving them a warning. "This will probably get dangerous, and you guys are really only involved in this by accident, so, if you don't think you're up to it, then get your asses out of here now before they can be exposed to too much lead."

Rüd chuckled. "Dangerous. I don't think Yammies can comprehend the concept of dangerous. I'm all in. This Mr. Face is a friggin' creep, and I can only imagine there's a hefty bounty for turning him in... or turning him to ash. Either way," Rüd smirked and rolled all four shoulders, "He needs a good beatdown."

"Well," Jolokia replied as she jammed a fresh battery into her gun, "Let's get dangerous, then. I don't take too kindly to being shot at and they did a lot of shooting already." She clipped her chubbies to her holster and threw on her jacket. "This ass is too pretty to be worried about a little lead exposure."

"Fine then. If you guys die, it's on your asses, not mine," Ellen grunted, making sure that her shoulder holstered guns were fine, as well as checking the thigh holster and the pistols stuffed in her boots, to boot.

"Obviously," retorted the Abwehran with a roll of his glowing eyes. "You're not our mother. We're big kids and we can make big kid choices." His tone was mildly condescending, aimed less at Katsuragi and moreso at the implication that someone else was responsible for him. He stepped over to the party box filled with Zen Arms armaments and took two for himself as well as a few reloads. He was hoping there would be no need, but if the last encounter was any indication, he would need something much bigger. Something like... "Any chance I could borrow that Thirty-Three again?"

Ellen looked over Rued for a moment, as if thinking about it. "I don't think you carrying around a military-grade Gauss rifle will exactly be subtle. Besides, there's not really enough ammo for them left." The small Yamataian woman shrugged, heading toward the door.

"Don't be too overly concerned," the Lorath woman commented as her wings rustled under her jacket and she made sure that everything was secure. "It sounds like you're having doubts yourself. Rüd and I are professionals," she paused for a moment before adding a completely deadpan, "So really you only have to worry if they have more money to offer than you."

"Jokes on them. once they're dead I'll give you their money and we all win," Ellen joked, popping open the shuttle's airlock and heading out. "Now we just have to get into his office and figure out where the bullets go." Without another word, the black-haired woman set off at a fairly swift pace to cover the distance from the parking garage to the office building where Mr. Face's offices were held. Within a couple of minutes, they had arrived at a nondescript skyscraper, and had just as easily gained entry.

Jolokia waggled her eyebrows at the Abwehran before taking off after their employer. "I think we know where the bullets go," she quipped.
It was almost too easy— nobody stopped them, nobody demanded any identification or anything. They were thoroughly ignored as if strange looking parties were either common sights at the building, or they specifically were expected. As the trio boarded the elevator and Ellen punched the button that was marked as going to Mr. Face's offices, Ellen mumbled "You'd think they'd have better security."

The pace was easily matched and was little more than a jog for the longer-legged Nightwalker. When no one stopped them, made inquiries, or bothered to even notice their presence, Rüd knew the gig. Once they were in the elevator, he examined it for possible trap devices and then escape routes. "Well, he either wants to meet us or it's a trap. Either way, taking the elevator certainly wasn't the wisest route." Without explanation, he punched the button for the floor below Face's office. "The direct route is the worst route in this case."
"It's a trap," The Fyuunen droned as she leaned up against the back of the elevator, her arms crossed over her chest. "Or maybe it's a deal, 'Here's five mil cred for being awesome,' go us," Nyezeh gave her best impression of a Yamataian man— which was pretty racist as she approximated how they sounded to her. With a nod to Rüd's change in plan she noted, "If he wanted us dead, we'd probably have been shot at by now." She shrugged and poked her nose in the air, "However, cavalry might be a good backup plan."

Ellen chuckled a bit nervously. "Remember how I said I was like, a superhero? I never said I was a particularly good one." She examined the buttons in the elevator once more and thought on Nyezeh's idea of cavalry for backup. "Rose is on standby, and she can be here in about a minute if we need her, so we've got the Cav covered." The elevator continued to rise silently, until it reached the button Rued had pushed. it came to a sudden, but gentle stop, with a notable but not obnoxious DING! and summarily opened the doors. "I guess this is our stop, then?" Ellen ventured, stepping off.

The Abwehran stepped out after her, head on a swivel, alert and ready for action. He prayed, given the general nature of offices, that things would devolve into melee for obvious and personal reasons, but his hopes weren't high. Offices tended to mean lots of cheap walls and flimsy dividers that made for shit cover when bullets start flying. It was a seven-foot-tall warrior's greatest fear: stuck in a claustrophobic space designed for people a foot or two shorter and surrounded by paper-thin obstructions. Maybe the rich Mr. Face was the sort of fellow to provide a ritzier-- and more solidly constructed-- work place. The sooner this was over, the better. "Find the stairs," was his only suggestion.

"Alright," Nyezeh replied, following her employer and fellow goon from the elevator. The way Ellen was more— fluid with her plans grated on the Fyuunen, who was much more comfortable being fluid after the original plan had gone to shit. On Rüd's suggestion she casually walked off to one side, searching for signs of a stairwell near the Elevators. Emergency or otherwise.

The Stairwell was easy to find, clearly marked and brightly lit, although it didn't show too many signs of heavy use; obviously, most patrons of the building chose to ride the elevators rather than walk down from this floor. "So, up one more floor, then, and the we can ask first and shoot questions later. Or shoot later and ask questions first. Or. Whatever that saying is."

Without further ado, Ellen ascended, gently stepping her way up the pristine stairs toward the next level, which was reached shortly. They were greeted with another hallway. Almost identical to the one they had just left, except that the carpet was a slightly different shade of ugly. Doors lined it, and little signs showed who the offices belonged to, one clearly marked 'Face Shipping co.'

"Who wants to bet that he doesn't realize that we're coming, or that if he does, he doesn't know why?"

"Only one way to find out," Nyezeh declared as she strode swiftly to the door and threw it open. She had hoped there wasn't a mass of goons on the other side with guns, or a bomb rigged to go off or any of a million other potentially life-ending things that could be on the other side. The worst part of any situation was going in blind, but like an adhesive gauze strip — you've just got to rip it off and get it over with. Even if it pulls off a couple of hairs in the process. "Back me up," she whispered.

The door flung open to reveal none other than an office. A few cubicles had receptionists in them, who paused their calls to stare at the Lorath, but then quickly went back to business. There was a secretary near the door, who's cubicle's desk faced into the sort of walkway that lead to the main office. "Yesss?' the woman asked, a little exasperated, as if this happened fairly often. "May I help you?"

The Nightwalker did as Jolokia requested, 'backing her up.' Upon entering, he took his hands off the guns at his hips and sighed. Shootouts suck, but no confrontation at all was even worse than a gunfight. He grumbled wordlessly. "Mr. Face? Is he here?"

The woman looked up at Rued, seeming a bit bored. "Do you have an appointment?"

At that point Ellen shoved her way in front of Rued, to confront the woman. "Umm. Yes." She lied.

The woman didn't seem convinced, but she sighed, rolled her eyes, and pressed a button on her desk. "There's someone here to see you, Mr. Face." She spoke. A light over the office door lit, and the thunk of an automatic lock could be heard, but there was no further indication of anything from the Secretary.

"I guess we go in, then." Ellen said to her cohorts, moving down the little pathway, her right hand settling on her leg near the thigh holster, just in case. Upon reaching the door, Ellen turned the knob and entered to find a large wooden desk, behind which was seated a younger Nepleslian man. The nameplate on the desk signified that this man was 'Preston D. Face'.

As soon as the door closed behind the trio, Ellen pulled the pistol from her thigh holster and pointed it at the man, demanding, "I want some answers!"

Mr. Face responded, "Don't we all?" with a bit of a sigh.

Turning to the Abwehran, the Lorath commented, "It's not often I get to rough up Nepleslians here on Yamatai."

Rüd shrugged. "Can't always get what you want. Guess we just lucked out today."

Ellen's two goons flanked the young man, the Lorath bending down to suggest, "You should probably give her what she wants. You don't really want to make her angry. Because when she gets angry, we get angry." Nyezeh enjoyed playing bad cop / bad cop.

Rüd chimed in, "And when we get angry, well..." He shrugged. "...Let's just say I like seeing people's face after both their arms are torn off."

"What, don't have enough of your own already?" Nyezeh added in an annoyed tone, even though she was positively delighted to play this sort of role with Rüd.

"All I do is run a business where I ship anything, anywhere, and I get people coming in all the time, saying it's my fault that this or that item got shipped there..." Face began, more to himself than to the others "I really should get my own company, working under duress like this all the time is bothersome. Do you know how hard it is to be a front when the person controlling your life has your family under surveillance and promises to kill them if you ask questions?"

"Why should I believe you?" Ellen asked stalking forward and motioning the other two to be ready for anything. "My crew and I almost got killed by our delivery, and this one-" she pointed at Rued "was even hired by you and everything. And THEN!" she emphasized the 'then', spitting a little in a bit of anger, "Then we had to get the hell out of Dodge, and we find buckets that have 'Mr Face' plastered all over them that delivered freakin' nekos to the station so pirates could take it over! All in one day! How is that not suspicious at all?"

Mr. Face seemed unperturbed by it all. "I believe the Abwehran was hired because the customer demanded extra security, and as for the other problem, I must reiterate that I have no idea what is being shipped, which is an occupational hazard when one runs a semi-legitimate business, I suppose."

Rüd had folded both pairs of arms, clearly unconvinced. His glare was indifferent to this man's plight, which he delivered apathetically. To the Abwehran's ears, it sounded like Mr. Face didn't even care about his own plight. The plea sounded hollow. "Well, I'm not convinced. Can I tear him in half now?" His eyes fell to Captain Katsuragi with a business-like curiosity to match his very formal tone.

"Wife and kids are gonna be pretty sad without a father," Nyezeh snorted, grabbing the picture frame off of the man's desk. "Oh poor daddy is such a loser," she said in a high-pitched tone, dancing the frame around as if it could somehow speak, "He couldn't stand up for himself at all even on the safest planet in the universe."

Ellen was a bit confused by this all. "Don't the guilty ones usually, you know, try harder to sound innocent?" she looked over the man, who shrugged.

"I suppose it doesn't matter. If you kill me my family would probably be safer. If you want, however, the man who's probably more interesting to you is usually upstairs. He tells us to call him 'Mr. Boss' and likes to gallivant around with his spiky hair and threaten everyone. You either grow thick skin around here, leave, or get threatened into submission before you can do either." He pulled out a business card, which was an odd thing considering what was being discussed. "Go up there. You can kill me on the way back down if i'm lying, since I won't leave. I have a business to run."

Ellen took the card, and looked it over, glaring at Mr. Face and pocketing it.

Nyezeh nodded to Rüd as she stuck the frame into her jacket for safekeeping. "Let's go," she told the Nepleslian.

The Abwehran didn't like this setup, but Ellen was the boss, so he kept quiet about his opinion. He did, however, let Mr. Face know his feelings. "Grow a spine, you squiddy piece of shit." Then he grabbed the collar of Mr. Face's business suit and tore him from the seat. He dragged the man along, willingly or not, forcing him to bend at the waist or allowing him to hang limp and be pulled along-- a natural reflex for the man, Rüd imagined. He would not, however, allow Mr. Face to assume a dignified position while he was escorted to the office of Mr. Boss. People who let others walk all over them were repulsive to Rüd, especially when they put others at risk with their compliant behavior. He would not offer the 'businessman' pity, and it was clear his dignity had been surrendered ages ago.

"Or I could go with you..." Mr. Face groaned as he was removed from his seat. Ellen shrugged at the manhandling, but, all things considered, didn't have any problems with it.

"Alright, Let's find this Mr. Boss man and give him what's coming to him. Oh, Mr. Face, how many stories is this building?" Ellen queried.
"Thirty nine, why?" he answered, taken off guard by the question.
"Think that's enough floors, Rued?" the Yamataian woman asked the Abwehran, referring to if the fall would kill him or not. Mr. Face simply groaned a bit in response.

"Oh, that's plenty. He could go feet first and the weight would still shove his flimsy little pelvis into his chest cavity." He smirked. "You're gonna be a midget, Mr. Face! You can claim disability and everything... Well, assuming you survive... Which you won't. Best not to pursue that line of thought too far."

"Might as well just use the elevator this time," Nyezeh commented as she pushed the call button. "We have a 'guest,' and— failing that— a body shield." She grinned toothily at Mr. Face just in case he didn't realize what she was talking about.

In the elevator, Rüd had adopted a skeptical glance and shoved Mr. Face sideways toward Jolokia, like a man offering the leash of his pet. "That's crazy talk. Too much jelly, not enough muscle. He'll catch bullets about as well paper. But you're welcome to try it. I've got fifty that says the first shot hits you both."

"Enough of that!" Ellen demanded as they reached the elevator- only a few interested look from the receptionists- and started pressing a few buttons for the fun of it. Once they were inside, they would feel the familiar sensation of the elevator going up towards the top of the building.

When the elevator reached its climax, there was a simple ding, followed by the doors sliding quietly open. A number of security guards in the hallway pulled their triggers back partway, but paused short of firing because there was nothing in the elevator. after a few tense moments, the doors rolled themselves closed once more, and the elevator trundled upwards, continuing its journey toward the highest suite in the office building.

That's when the bullets started flying. From the stairwell (Who uses those?) the trio and their drag-along pal Mr. Face had burst forth, taking the only mildly well trained guards by complete surprise in a rather well-executed flanking maneuver. Ellen dove from the fairly open landing toward one of the many columns that lined the overly wide hallway, taking cover behind it, so as to avoid being shot like the last time she had been in a firefight.

The six security guards likewise dove behind cover, although their number had originally been eight.

Rüd swept into the hall briskly, two left hands operating triggers with a certain sense of smugness having ambushed his opponents-- opponents who had laid in wait for him. Once in the relative safety of an extravagant column, he looked to Ellen. "Told you the elevator was a bad idea." Given the circumstances, the Nightwalker could no longer afford to treat Mr. Face like the dog he was and stood the semi-legitimate businessman upright. "Now, are you going to be trouble? Or are you going to be a good meatshield and keep your trap shut? If not, I'm going to have to pound on your skull and put you out for the time being."

Mr. Face was indeed keeping quiet, though, with all the color drained out of his face, it seemed that regardless of his desire to talk back, he no longer had his wits about him and was nothing more than a ragdoll which occasionally made small noises of terror.

Following behind Ellen, Nyezeh ended up with her back to back behind the column. Either of them firing from each side in turns at the entrenched security guards. "I count four-or-five," the Lorath announced between shots, using only short bursts to keep the bad guys at bay. Or maybe they were the badguys, the Fyuunen thought, at the very least — they were the ones doing the assaulting. On Yamatai. Oh, they were in so much trouble. "Go around that way after the next round," she whispered to her tiny boss, indicating the next column over, "And I'll go that way."

"Sounds good to me" Ellen agreed to Nyezeh's suggestion, and after hearing their opponents fire again, she ducked out from behind the pillar, firing several times, to move to the next one. The combined fire was proving rather effective- two more of the guards went down in the second barrage from the mercenaries or hooligans or whatever the three from the Roc were.

Getting settled behind her new cover, Ellen called to the others "Let's try to keep this short- just move toward the end of the hallway, don't worry too much about them. If they think we don't care, their feelings will get hurt, then they'll get mad, and make a mistake!" the small Yamataian reasoned.

The Abwehran scoffed at Mr. Face's childish behavior and rolled his eyes. Although, when compared to Ellen and her naive rationale, Mr. Face seemed rather mature. "About that, Katsuragi... Pretty sure that won't work. But if you like, you're more than welcome to lead by example!" In a quieter voice, he warned his meatshield, "We're going to advance. If you so much as think of fidgeting, I'm going to pistolwhip you into next week. Get it?" Without waiting for a response, he nodded. "Good." Mr. Face was shoved out of cover ahead of Rüd, the Nightwalker testing the guards' reflexes and awareness.

Once comfortable with the state of things, Rüd stepped out, wrapped an arm around Preston's neck and forced him forward while firing his pistols. At the next pillar, the Abwehran swung into its shadow and checked Mr. Face for wounds. "How're you doing Mr. D? Don't mind if I call you that, do you? Course not, we're buddies right?" Rüd smiled at his own joke. "Course we are."

As she made her way around the other side, the Fyuunen swiped a stapler off the receptionist's desk and tossed it over towards the guards. "Fire in the hole!" she yelled, hoping to spook them out and flush at least one dumb enough to think that she'd use a grenade in an office building. At the very least it was a temporary distraction as she laid down suppressive fire, moving toward the pillar on the opposite side.

A thud informed them that at least one of the security guards had thought it real, and acting before thinking, tried to sacrifice themselves to save their comrades — apparently figuring they could easily be ST'ed or something. another decided to jump out from behind cover as the stapler had landed right next to them, surprising them more than anything else — this left two nicely exposed security guards who soon found themselves taken out of the fight; by 10mm rounds rather than a grenade. This left just four security guards to the three freelancers.

"Whatever we're doing, it seems to work, so let's keep at it!" Ellen yelled, darting to the next pillar — a line of bullets stitching across the wall behind her as she went. Rued's 'cover' suddenly went even more limp as Mr. Face passed out, but it lacked any spasm suggesting the man had been shot. Preston had simply had more excitement than he could handle.

The remaining guards, seeing that there actually weren't any grenades being thrown at them, clustered together farther down the hallway and began to pool their fire on Ellen, as she was the one closest to them and therefore the best target for them to go after.

Bad idea, focusing fire like that. It let others like Jolokia and the Abwehran get even better shots, and in an enclosed space like this — range was no issue for any of their weapons. The Lorath woman seemed only too happy to fill the air with an increasing amount of searing hot laser blasts. "Anyone want to still live, you better throw down your guns and lie flat on the floor!" she announced loudly, "Everyone else feel free to wet your little yammie panties."

With a grumble like apathetic thunder, Rüd hoisted Face's limp form over one shoulder before reengaging combat. Clearly some of these guards were idiots and had provided him with clear shots in the wake of the fake grenade fiasco. He was blasting through his clip at a steady pace, but stopped when Jolokia offered an ultimatum. The Abwehran didn't want to contradict her, especially when it was a great idea. It could save them a lot of time and ammo; also, the Nightwalker had no real desire to kill these men. They were just idiots or corrupt fools defending a criminal-- hardly worth the time and effort.

One of the guards dropped their gun, and put their hands on their head, surrendering, but their cohorts didn't seem okay with that, and a swift gunshot to the abdomen brought the 'coward' as the shooter called the surrendering guard, to the floor. "We aint no damn cowards!" the guard yelled, ignoring the pained noises his former colleague made on the ground. The three remaining security guards then charged forward, opening fire with all they had- one of them carrying an extra pistol he had taken from the guard he had just shot.

"Well, I guess I was partially right!" Ellen retorted, gleefully, as she also pulled out a second pistol and began firing from behind her cover — the resulting barrage from the three freelancers soon left the final three security guards in a pile of pain and gunshot wounds on the ground. Amazingly enough, none of the guards were actually dead — every single one had simply been wounded to the point of being unable to fight any longer.

Ellen strode out into the hallway and kicked a gun away from the feeble hand of that stubborn security guard, and then she proceeded to kick him in the face, knocking him unconscious. "Well, guys, it looks like it's time to party. let's go see this 'Mr. Boss', shall we?"

Jolokia walked up to the door and announced loudly, "Time to check in on Mr. Boss!" and — standing about a foot and a half away — began to fire into the door, covering it in holes. "I hope he was waiting to shoot us on the other side," she explained to her two cohorts, standing back to let her fatboys cool a little for a second.

Rüd put a boot to the door, which to his surprise, gave a loud cracking sound but remained whole enough fly open and let him shoulder his way into the adjoining room, guns at the ready and Mr. Face's unconscious form clutched before him like a shield.

Behind the doors was a moodily darkened room. it was wide, and circular, probably a hundred yards in diameter. at its center was a bit of a podium, and atop that podium was a large desk. behind that desk was an almost comically oversized executive chair. they could not see what was on the chair, aside from the slight glow of what appeared to be a cigar being puffed. the small glowy spot began to bob up and down as whomever was smoking it began to talk.

"Well, well, well. it seems you have come, after all. I'm not exactly surprised you defeated my guards, as they're mostly for show. Do what you will with my puppet, he's served his purpose." the voice spoke — but, it would sound familiar, to Nyezeh. It was Luca Pavone's voice. except, something was off. there was a hint of what could be best described as evil, worming its way into the hero's voice. There was a clap, and the lights turned on, suddenly harsh and bright, illuminating the man in the center — It was, by all accounts, Luca. But, it wasn't. He wore Body armor, which was of NMX make, and had his hair slicked back with a vast amount of grease to tame the wildness that should have been inherent in it. he also lacked many of the signs that would let someone know it was the real Luca Pavone they were looking at — his posture, the way he carried himself, the shit eating grin on his face, and the stogie.

Ellen was stunned by this. "buh- wha- Wait a second?" she mumbled, the sentences stumbling over one another. "This doesn't make any sense at all! How could YOU be a criminal in charge of such an evil organization?" She then shook her head, and made up her mind — her guns raised, and she fired on this fake Luca, but her bullets stopped short, interdicted by a shield barrier that flickered, showing that it was generated by the platform the desk was on.
The fake Luca merely laughed.

Nyezeh turned her guns on the little Yamataian. "I wouldn't do that, Captain," she warned. "Good to see you again, Boss," she said, her fingers straight alongside the triggers and twitching to move. With a cocky grin her sunglasses slid down her nose, exposing her brown eyes to Ellen. "Sorry it had to go down like this, but that's what you get picking up strange Lorath after all."

"Luca friggin' Pavone," Rüd muttered to himself, startled for once. Having discovered Mr. Face to be of zero value, Rüd dumped the body on the floor carelessly. As if Luca wasn't a great enough surprise, Nyezeh seemed to have worked with him prior and made it clear her allegiance was with Pavone. The four-armed freelancer had no horse in this race and was content to let it play out, presenting hostility to neither faction. Something didn't ring true about 'Mr. Boss's' supposed identity as the infamous Yamataian mercenary. Namely, he had no reason to — nor prior indication that he ever would — run a transit company supplying illicit goods. He had to ask, "And why would Luca Pavone run such a grimy company such as this when he has the ability and desire to do greater?" It was directed to Mr. Boss as much as Katsuragi and Nyezeh.

The Fake Luca laughed again. "Ohh, how cute. They actually think I'm Luca!" he gloated, chortling annoyingly. "I'm not Luca, no, but I am Luca, in a way. I'm a cloooone~ And you are all so silly. I'm here, in the center of Yamatai, pulling off evil deeds and spreading the seeds of chaos, because that is my purpose. Oh, yes. And I will bring down Yamatai from within, because the stupid fleets that preceded me were much too incompetent, and could not! No, my master is much more clever than they are, and together we will bring down Yamatai, and its pesky little friend, that stupid company, Origami or whatever." The Luca Pa-Clone stood up now, climbing to stand atop his desk, and look down even further upon those before him.

"I shall give you three a moment to gaze upon my magnificence before you all die, I believe that should be fair." the clone gloated more, just in time for the trio to hear a CLUNK from behind them- a large armored door had silently descended within the doorway behind them, and closed, locking them in now. The desk he stood upon started to shudder, and make noises, and then it started to split at previously invisible seams, transforming into some sort of machine- the chair came up and scooped the clone up once more, forming itself into a heavily padded cockpit for 'Mr. Boss'.

"Well, Shit. What the hell are we supposed to do now, miss 'I'll pretend to be a traitor to confuse everyone'?" Ellen asked sardonically. She pointed her pistols back toward the desk-turned mecha-clad enemy before them, and pondered what to do. "Hey, Umm, Rose. BACKUP, DAMNIT, GIVE US SOME BACKUP NOW!" she yelled at her communicator, quite subtly.

"This," the Lorath said with a smile as she made sure she was between Ellen and the clone so he couldn't see her pass the Captain her guns as she raised her arms up and — extended her wings up, pushing her jacket up off of her, obscuring the tiny Yamataian even more and giving her ample time to move out of the way before she herself swerved out of the way and dove for the door. The Origin-made guns would certainly do more damage than the wimpy 10mm pistols they had and Ellen was the least likely to take permanent damage from anything that required a cockpit to use.

The freelancer drew his guns at the first sign of hostility-- and stupidity, which happened to be one in the same. Then he sprinted off to the side, hoping to put distance between himself and his teammates. That way he had to pick one or divide his attention over a great distance to fight them. It wouldn't be difficult for the Power-Armored NMX even if Rüd could put 200 yards between himself and the women. The fact remained that their most powerful guns were Jolokia's Chubbies and not one of the three was properly armored. Their only hope was getting Rose to their aid in time.

Despite the futility of it, the Nightwalker fired off his weapons all the same. Even if it was nigh impossible to damage his foe, there was a chance he could distract or imbalance him, which was more than he could say for just running around in circles like a crazed maniac.

Ellen took the cue and dodged to the side, tucking and rolling, but shooting as she came up- Nyezeh just barely got out of the way as the mechanical construct the clone wore came smashing down on top of the spot where the trio had previously been standing. It raised itself back up, and then kicked at Jolokia, its much longer than human legs reaching out and catching her by a leg, thowing her off balance.
Ellen responded to this by opening fire with her 10mm pistols, the rounds mostly bouncing off the metal construction of the thing Mr. Boss was wearing, whatever the hell it was. This proved to be enough distraction for Mr. Boss to turn around in a bit of rage and start stomping toward Ellen, leaving Nyezeh a chance to regain her feet. The Abwehran was ignored for the moment- or so he thought. As he ran, a section of floor before his feet suddenly collapsed, caving in and revealing a five meter drop down to a spiky floor beneath.

Jolokia rolled as she hit the ground, tumbling for a moment before ending up right-side up and pointed towards Rüd and the exit, who had had more time than she to get away. This meant that she had front-row seats to his untimely demise as the floor disappeared beneath him. "Rüd!" the Fyuuyen exclaimed with a manner of urgency that surprised even herself, extending her arm to give the Abwehran something to grab onto that wasn't necessarily a crumbling edge. The mass and velocity were not in her favor, but Nyezeh wasn't ever exactly that great at Physics anyway.

"Shhhiiiii-- !" He tried to slide to a stop, but was moving too quick. He slipped over the edge and was forced to sacrifice his guns in order to attempt saving himself. Thick hands groped for a hold on the slick floor's edge. Failing that, he flailed in what he imagined a futile attempt to catch Nyezeh's outstretched hand. By some stroke of luck, Jolokia caught his hand. Then gravity pitched in and they both began to slide toward a very painful death. "Ooooh shit!" he shouted, scrabbling for a good grip with his free hands. Just when it seemed the Lorath and Abwehran were to go tumbling head over heels into the death pit, Rüd got a grip on the lip of the trap and pulled a leg up. His savior, however, still tipped perilously over the small chasm before the Nightwalker righted her. "Close one," he mumbled.

It was just in time to hear Ellen's gunshots cease, followed by her yelling and screaming, followed then by maniacal laughter from Mr. Boss, the Fake Luca. For no apparent reason, the Mecha desk then dashed toward one of the walls and smashed through it, opening a hole to the outside, which filled the room with the sound of howling wind. This caused the building to shake, and the ceiling to crumble. Bits of it came falling down around Nyezeh and Rued, and they could feel more of the floor beginning to give away beneath them.

"Never get a break!" He grunted before climbing to his feet and pulling up Jolokia alongside him. Then he was sprinting headlong at the convenient hole the Pa-Clone had made for their escape. He was about to declare their work here at an end when he realized Ellen was no longer present. With a groan, he informed the Lorath woman, "Captain's been captured!"

Jogging beside the Abwehran, Nyezeh didn't bat an eye, "Well, we can't save the Captain without bigger guns. Why did we leave the big guns on the ship? And where is that infernal AI?" She tapped her communication earpiece and asked more directly, "Rose, where are you?"

'That Infernal AI' showed up, in the form of the Roc backing into the hole in the wall, with its rear cargo hatch open. the AI's voice could be heard from within, electronically shouting "Get in! I'll get you outta this place!" Before pausing and realizing. "Hey, where's Ellen? The sensors don't show her around here!"

"You piece of Nepleslian junk!" Nyezeh swore as she leapt into the back of the vehicle. "Open up the big guns. We're going to save her because you can't get off your chrome backside when someone tells you to." Looking at Rüd the Fyuunen realized. "Well fuck, neither of us are going to fit in that stupid armor."

Rüd hopped into the Roc. He shrugged, viewing the situation to be a non-problem. "Rose can do it. She did it before, didn't she? Just need to point her in the right direction and pull the trigger." He turned his eyes toward the ceiling, the tell-tale sign of a man speaking to an onboard AI. "Rose, find an active power armor nearby. Couldn't have gone too far, and should have Ellen in its grasp."

"Ahhh... that's a negative, unfortunately." Rose replied, sounding rather unhappy about it. "I can't find any signs of anything like a power armor being active nearby... and... Ellen's communicator is on the floor of the room behind us, so... Yeah, we're screwed." The shuttle did, however, take off, closing the rear hatch and flying away, as if to widen the search area. "I can try to find it, but there's so many Aether generators working all over the place that I can pretty much only use Radar as sensors right now..." The computer made a bit of a noise, not at all happy. "There's just too much shit going on in this city."

"Stop fucking flying you fucking hunk of fucking junk," Nyezeh was incensed as she stormed up to the cockpit, "The Captain is still there even if your piddly sensors can't detect whatnot, likely because we're on Yamatai in the middle of a fucking city." She hopped into the pilot's seat. She certainly wasn't going to just give up so easily. "Let me have the controls," she demanded of Rose as she yelled at her passenger as well, "Rüd! Guns!" There was a huge Powered Armor stomping around the planet. How the military wasn't already crawling down their gizzards the Fyuunen didn't know.

It did occur to her that Abwehrans, AIs and tiny Yamataians didn't have gizzards.

"Rose, open up the Power Armor bay so can I grab those guns," he demanded.

"The guns are down in the crates, Mr. Gray man." Rose informed the Abwehran. "The locks are open, so you can grab them anytime you want." As if to ensure that Rued chose the correct crate, however, one of the ceiling lights swiveled and shone, pointing at the crate in question.

Once he had the information requested, Rüd ignored the rest. However, he did quirk his eyebrows at the nickname while he was flipping open the illuminated crate's lid with the toe of his boot. He pulled out the pair of Thirty-Threes and checked their ammo. He asked Rose, "Any spare ammo?"

"One full magazine worth, and whatever's left in the two you guys used before." Rose recounted, doing some math. "You have about sixty rounds left."

Taking the shuttle around, Nyezeh strafed the building with obvious damage. Grumbling all the while and swearing more than speaking intelligible words, she used the two best sensors she possessed — her eyes — to scan the wreckage and see if she couldn't trace a path for the massive armor to have taken.

Nyezeh could see a slight hazy trail, which wound this way and that, apparently of some sort of burnt fuel. it was slowly drifting away in the wind, and didn't give any exact indications, but it did give a general direction.

Rüd pocketed the extra magazine then strode to the cockpit, weapons in hand. "Any luck yet?"

A general direction was all she needed. And her gut feeling of course. The Roc didn't have wheels, but the Fyuunen wasn't going to let that keep her from doing her very best impression of her quite impressive wheeled-vehicle driving skills. That meant of course skimming the sides of the packed-in skyscrapers that dotted the Yamataian landscape. "Maybe. Fuckin' maybe. Maybe. Maybe," Nyezeh repeated as her breathing got heavier, quicker. She was on pins and needles hoping that the trail didn't go cold.

> END.
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