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Episode 3 (Companion Story) - Jiyuu Sunsets


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RP Date
YE 42
RP Location
Jiyuu, Former UOC

Part 1: A Deserved Break
Part 1: A Deserved Break, Session 1

Part 1: A Deserved Break, Session 2
Part 2: Things That Go Bump In The Night

Part 1: A Deserved Break

The boat bobbed up and down on the waves, a few hundred miles from Tokyo the Hideyo Islands made a more than perfect getaway. They were relatively untouched from colonization and the attacks the planet had endured, save for a few luxury hotels and a lighthouse there was not much to see but endless sandy beaches and sunny tropical weather. The yacht belonged to Katsuko, one of many in her fleet of sailing ships that had been purchased since the clan's acquisition of Jiyuu-jo. The Dream of Taiie was one of the more grande of boats, nearly fifty-two feet in length and twin masts it more than grabbed the attention of tourists trying to sun themselves on the beach. The sails down, anchored a short distance from shore Kaoru could hear the swish of water as it rolled up the beach from where she laid on the bow of the boat. The pale-skinned Neko wore a black bikini that barely was anything other than some straps and narrow bands of fabric that barely covered her nipples, her sunglasses reflected back the gleam of the sun as she gazed towards the sky. Her blue hair with frosted pink tips rested in deliberate disarray against the towel beneath her.

"Blues..." she hummed, quiet at first. "Blues!" much louder she called his name. The Taisa and daughter of Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko huffed as she lifted her upper body and propped her elbows beneath her, she took a moment to take in what seemed to be the endless horizon over the ocean and then the beach on the other side of the boat.
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Part 1: A Deserved Break, Session 1
Authors: Andrew and Toshiro

"Yes, Taisa?" Blues asked, stepping out from inside the boat. He maintained rank fairly well or rather forced himself to out of habit. He had some issues here and there out of uniform that he did his best to reign in...but that was the nature he was given.

A wine bottle was a decent weapon in the ex-POW's hands when sufficiently motivated or offended. Of course, this meant he had the upper body strength to employ it and a select few scars on his body scarring to show Kiyoko's sadism. These were on display under a black muscle shirt and a pair of swimming trunks with a standard-issue knife that had previously been used to open a wine bottle. Of course, it was also meant to help tend to any hostiles that got too close to his commanding officer.

"Sorry, was bringing out more wine. What did you need?" He asked, a little unused to the concept of vacation. He tended to work, work, work. Much like his brother in that regard.

Kaoru pulled off her sunglasses and stared at him for a moment, the wine bottle posed in his grip. She giggled at him as he continued to insist on addressing her by rank even though they were on vacation, she wondered if his brother did that with her mother – although she had served on Yaichiro's ship she never really had much of chance to get to know that side of him. β€œI just wondered what you were doing,” she said as she curled her grip over the bottle and pulled it from his hands and headed towards the stern of the boat. β€œI think we should have dinner on the beach, have a nice bonfire. The weather is supposed to hold,” she said hoping that he would like her idea.

"That does sound nice," Blues said, not accustomed to the idea. In reality, he wasn't comfortable with being idle. This was a mission for the moment, even if it was out of vacation time. Not that he wanted her to think so, though. "Do we catch fish, or did the Taisho stock the yacht with food? Or did you have a preference?"

Indeed, Katsuko did prefer to manage worlds with ample edible sea life...that woman sure loved her tuna.

"Well, do you know how to fish?" the Taisa asked as she uncorked the bottle of wine, and poured two glasses. "The boat is stocked but if we could catch something, that would be nice," Kaoru said before she took a sip of the newly poured wine. She picked up his glass as well and took a few steps towards him, her eyes locked with his as she passed the wine to him in close enough that she was able to gaze up at him with the brilliance of big metallic silver eyes. "Blues, would it hurt for you to just try to enjoy this? I know you've never had a vacation before. You're in the middle of nowhere, you got a boat and me to yourself, you could try to enjoy it ...just a little." she stepped in even closer to him, giving him a nice view of her tits from above. She was willing to show him what vacation was if she had to.

"Heh, I suppose you're right. Sorry about that. Falling back into his old habits." Blues commented, clearing his head and referencing his other-self. "Fact is, I was engineered to not be Army material or that respectful to superiors. At least to a point. A bit weird getting back into life after that. I'm worried even more about overstepping."

He accepted the wine, looking at it as he gently rolled it in the glass. "Fine food, drink, and women shouldn't be so hard on the head, you're right. I can catch some fish if you want unless you're in the mood for something else first. Your call."

Kaoru kept her silver gaze locked up into his as he spoke, β€œYou know Blues, you work hard and you may not have been engineered for somethings...” her words trailed off into a softer tone, β€œ...but, I'm pretty sure, you're capable of much more than you were made for,” her right pointer finger hooked in the band of his shorts, her eyes narrowed as she refused to break eye contact with him as she kept her wine poised in the other hand. β€œYou could catch some fish, later.” she said as she swayed her hips slowly back and forth, she pushed the tied strings on each side in his direction β€œ...you could enjoy me, now.” Kaoru's body language said it all, her pale cheeks glowed a blushed hue as she forced herself to keep eye contact with Blues.

She hoped he wasn't going to fish right away. She curled her bottom lip slightly as the pearl of tooth bit down into her lip, her mind flooded scenes that would even make her mother's toes curl. She wanted him so badly she ached for it.
Part 1: A Deserved Break, Session 2
Authors: Andrew and Toshiro

He met her gaze with his own and smirked. His hands moving to those side-ties as he pulled on the easy-release knots and worked to get those bottoms out of the way. She was right, of course. He could do much more than he was made for. Of course, drilling a woman was something he retained from his brother.

"Sounds like a plan, Kaoru~"

With a sharp pull, those knots came free and he glanced down...all while making no move to stop her finger in the waist of his shorts.

Kaoru's smoky steel gaze focused intensely on Blues, the smirk transformed into the slightest of smiles as her cheeks flushed when he reached for the strings of her bikini bottoms. She shifted her hips from side to side, her thighs rubbed together as she bit down on her lip a little more. She tugged forwards a bit more on the waist of his bathing trunks and she looked down, then back up at him, "Ookii!" ("It's so big!") she exclaimed it had been a while, she forgot just how blessed he was.

She activated the boat's stereo system, the thunder of techno blasted over the sailing yacht's speakers as she swayed her now exposed hips slowly back and forth to give him something to look at. Her other hand still held her wine glass, which she quickly drained right to empty only to briefly unlock her gaze up at him. She wiggled her eyebrows and moved to set the glass down, her 'target-lock' reassumed though, another hand now free she reached back and tugged the string on the bra-part of her bikini top and let it drop to the boat deck right in front of his feet.

The length she was watching twitched lightly upon seeing the now nude woman in front of him, taking in her appearance. The out-of-place officer smiled and reached forward, getting one large hand on her rear, he squeezed the cheek. Her stature compared to his made for an interesting dichotomy which would likely be even more enjoyable once they got down to business.

His length battled the elastic of his trunks and started to win, with the assistance of her hand. Soon, that length sprang out free for her further inspection...a length similar to that which had left her mother quite satisfied in the past.

Kaoru's eyes widened as she beheld him in his fullness, the Neko was about to drop to her knees and give him a full oral inspection when the urgent chime of her communicator sounded from the table behind them. The voice of Tokyo Himawari, the avatar of the YSS Tokyo followed, "YSS Tokyo to Motoyoshi-Taisa, this is urgent," the usually cheerful voice of Himawari incited urgency, one that Kaoru could not just ignore. She lapped her tongue in a teasing manner across the bulbous head of Blue's cock and rose back to her feet with a sigh she said, "It sounds like that fun might have to wait."

The Neko reached for her communicator, still nude. When she stretched herself across the top of the table, she still wiggled her ass towards Blues in a teasing manner. "Kaoru here, What is going on Chusa?" she asked, her steel eyes turned back towards Blues as she spoke.

"Your shore-leave has been canceled, Motoyoshi-Yamada Chujo has ordered the crew to be assembled and emergency staffing procedures put into place. There has been a development in the Tange System. I will send you some updates, you're to get back to Tokyo to attend a meeting with your mother," Himawari explained, subsequent notification chimes followed as updates were sent to the now almost pouting Taisa.

Kaoru sighed, "We will take the boat into the harbor here, and catch a flight from the starport on the island, let someone at Jiyuu-jo know so they can retrieve the boat. My mother will kill me if something happens to it. Kaoru out." She sighed as she stared at Blues, a look of disappointment swam in her big wanting eyes.

He scratched the back of his head and restored his decency be restoring his trunks, save for the tent that he'd started to the sport thanks to Kaoru's attention. "Well, duty calls. If an enemy happens to be the cause of this, we'll just have to take it out on their hides. I'll get the boat into position, Taisa."

With that, the relationship returned to a work one, it seemed. At least until she could break him of the habit. He would be able to guide the boat wirelessly with his digital mind, so at the very least he could make the woman some food before they went ashore...

Kaoru huffed in frustration, she reached down and grabbed the bikini top and bottoms from the deck of the boat as Blues steered them towards the harbor. "Try to see what you can do about getting us a flight from the Hideyo Island Starport to New Tokyo," she eyed him a bit as she passed him, her hand grazed along the front of his swim trunks as she headed below deck to change.

The Taisho's daughter was well prepared, she had brought a uniform with her. She began to change into it as she spoke to Blues through the hatch, "Don't think you're getting out of this if we get pulled to active duty you're going to be assigned to me... This isn't over," she warned him and teased as she reluctantly put herself into her uniform, steel eyes locked on her form in the small mirror that was on one of the walls below deck.
"Understood, Ma'am." This was said with as much teasing as a formality, even while he made sure to get a flight via his connection to SYNC. He would step inside the yacht to get his uniform as well, having made sure to keep it slightly inside the ship to avoid any risk of it getting wet. Of course, he would change in a place separate from Kaoru as much to tease her like anything.

No more peeking for the moment.
Part 2: Things That Go Bump In The Night
  • Atarashi Tokyo
  • Fuji Hotel

After an uneventful flight from the Hideyo Islands back to Tokyo

Kaoru wondered why her mother had chosen the Fuji Hotel, the hotel's second location in Atarashi Tokyo was much more upscale than it's the older counterpart in the other part of the city. "I wonder why we're meeting here," she said as she put her duffle bag down on the bed. As instructed they had taken the reserved room.

She had been quiet most of the flight, something was definitely on the Taisa's mind and it had to do with him. She kept her eyes on him almost constantly, and it was not just that burning sense of attraction. She sighed as she straightened her uniform in the hotel room mirror, and said to Blues, "You should know, they intercepted communication from Angelica, and it mentions Kiyoko." She spilled the beans it seemed, what had been on her mind. She was worried about him, worried about the trauma that had been caused during his captivity by Kiyoko and her people. This mission, he was good for it but as she had got to know him she had begun to wonder if it was good for him, for his well being to be subjected to it all again.
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