Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Episode 4: (Aside) Homeset


🎨 Media Gallery
RP Date
YE 42
RP Location
YSS Tokyo - Edge of Jiyuun System
The Phoenix, by Julia Ecklar , translated into Lithuanian and references to Earth removed.

Somewhere standing on the hull of the ship she now called home, someone sang of her lost and drifting home, her voice carried through the expanse. Slowly, she could start to hear voices whispering back in her comms.

She heard the voice of her partner, a few meters behind her as he gave a sigh, checking his tether as he listened to her challenging lament to the stars. She didn't see the point tethering herself. Her magnetic boots gave more than enough hold.

"Dvylikos kapsulės liepsnos bokšte buvau ten.
Aš nežinau, kur jie padėjo mano kaulus; tai gali būti bet kur.
Bet kai ugnis ir dūmai išblėso, tamsa paliko mano žvilgsnį. . .
Ir sielą radau erdvėlaivio korpuse, važiuodamas namo šviesos taku.

Mano sparnai yra iš volframo, mano kūnas - iš stiklo ir plieno.
Aš esu „Terra“ džiaugsmas dėl mano turimos galios.
Kartą gyvenime aš numiriau pionieriumi;
Dabar aš dainuoju erdvėlaivio širdyje. Ar kas nors girdi?"

In a tower of flame in Capsule 12, I was there
I know not where they laid my bones - it could be anywhere
But when fire and smoke had faded, the darkness left my side
And I found my soul in a spaceship's soul, riding home on a trail of light

And my wings are made of tungsten, my flesh of glass and steel
I am the joy of Terra for the power that I wield
Once upon a lifetime, I died a pioneer
Now I sing within a spaceship's heart - does anybody hear?

It was then, when the fleet started to move, that something seemed to shudder, deep within the expanses of space and time. Relativity sheared, stretched and swelled before tearing asunder in a flash of light, the continent sized mass, hundreds of kilometers of steel and dereliction making no transmissions, simply allowing its honey colored mountains to glitter in the starlight, as though watching. The first few of its heart and life was aboard the warships on course to pass it. And the few Senti aboard Tokyo and her fleet seemed attracted, by some magnetism to their home, to see it, and feel its glow. For one, his first time seeing Shurista in full majesty, having been aboard a science vessel all his life. The monstrous reactors across her flickered, growing, lights beginning to dance across the hull as she simply hung there, slowly spinning. The ships around her seemed a swarm of bees as they jaunted across her domes and polished surfaces, the great furnaces and shipyards, and more importantly, home.

What Nicol saw was shock, astonishment. Awe that such a massive spaceborn craft could exist, let alone move. He took a shaking breath, finally seeing the meaning and power of Aliset's song. He felt the tears building in his eyes, blinking them away.

" Prieš kiekvieną ryto startą jie žino, kad aš ten.
Sielai, kuri sušildo šio laivo korpusą, jie sako tylią maldą.
Aš esu tėvas, laivas ir svajonės, kurios jie siekia, dvasia.
Aš esu žmogus žmogaus rankose; pamatyk mus raketa dangui!

"Mano sparnai yra iš volframo, mano kūnas - iš stiklo ir plieno.
Aš esu „Terra“ džiaugsmas dėl mano turimos galios.
Kartą gyvenime aš numiriau pionieriumi;
Dabar aš dainuoju erdvėlaivio širdyje. Ar kas nors girdi?"

Before each morning's launch, they know that I am there
To the soul that warms this vessel's hull they say a silent prayer
I'm father, ship, and spirit of the dream for which they strive
For I am man at the hands of man, see us rocket for the sky!

And my wings are made of tungsten, my flesh of glass and steel
I am the joy of Terra for the power that I wield
Once upon a lifetime, I died a pioneer
Now I sing within a spaceship's heart - does anybody hear?

Her tears floated into her helmet, her voice choking as she stared, pressing on with the song as her soul ached and burned.

Slowly, it would answer, her song mirrored, growing, as individual comm arrays from long dead ships came online, flooding local space with a song of joyous exploration, loss, and hope for her safe return.

"Mano griaustinis atgauna rytinį dangų. Taip, aš čia!
Nors būdama vyras praradau liepsną, dabar ja važinėju be baimės.
Aš esu daugiau nei žmogus dabar, ir žmogus mane statė išdidžiai.
Oi, aš pasirinkau kelią ir esu žmogaus ateities danguje kelias!

Mano sparnai yra iš volframo, mano kūnas - iš stiklo ir plieno.
Aš esu namai džiaugsmas dėl mano turimos galios.
Kartą gyvenime aš numiriau pionieriumi;
Dabar aš dainuoju erdvėlaivio širdyje. Ar kas nors girdi?"
My thunder rends the morning skies, yes, I am here
Though lost to flame when I was man, now I ride her without fear
For I am more than man now, and man built me with pride
I led the way, and I lead the way, of man's future in the sky

And my wings are made of tungsten, my flesh of glass and steel
I am the joy of Terra for the power that I wield
Once upon a lifetime, I died a pioneer
Now I sing within a spaceship's heart - does anybody hear?

Millions of senti lived their entire lives on that single ship, breathing the same air, and drinking the same precious water. And those that didn't had been born there, or somewhere like it, and would eventually return there. She knew this in her heart as it pounded, the song faded. Those monstrous reactors flared, the hull lighting with the white-hot glow of mighty thrusters as it started to accelerate away, ripping its screaming hole in reality as it fell into the blinding white.

Aliset of the warship Tokyo of Yamatai who flew with freighter Soren of Shurista pulled herself back to the hull, her hot breath and racking sobs fogging the faceplate of her helmet. Her bottom touched the hull, her magnetic gloves engaging as she lost herself, a piece of her soul torn away and floating away as she watched her home go. In that moment, staring across the infinite black, she realized just how alone she was, and how so very far from home she was.

There was silence until her cry pierced the airwaves as though carried on her knife as all she could do was send a helpless scream of her pain and hope, a challenge to the unending void, where she thought no one could hear her.

All she could do was challenge that void, fight, win. He smiled then, nodding. He had a mission, now.

A mission he wouldn’t fail. For her.