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Episode 5 (Aside) : Warmakers III


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
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RP Date
YE 43
RP Location
Kuvexian Occupied Miyamae II, Miyamae System
Months After: RP (18+): GM Cinematics - Episode 4 (GM Cinematic): Warmakers II | Star Army

Kuvexian Occupied Miyamae II, Miyamae System
Fritztown Colony

'Don't trust her, she will kill you all...'

Tange Nao stood her eyes locked on the sky and yelled, "You have got to be joking." She kicked a rock and made a cloud of dust as Fumiko joined her. "I can't believe they left us here. She fucked us over completely...her and that fat frogman," Fumiko said as she heard Nao's outburst. They were fucked, there was no doubt about it. Kiyoko and the Baron had left them on a world, one the Kuvexian appeared to be leaving, that would undoubtedly end up back in the hands of Yamatai. Since Misato's death, things had been pretty close to the derailment, several of their Tange sisters had been killed by Motoyoshi Kiyoko and the Baron Gello Kordoon.

"We could be dead," Nao said, she hugged her arm over her sister's shoulder. "We might as well be, or are you forgetting? We stay here and Katsuko gets to decide our fate. Do you really think she's going to care?" Fumiko replied. "We aren't out yet, we need to find a way off this planet though. Preferably not with the buggy fishy men, I've had enough of my ass being poked with a Trident," Fumiko tried to make the best out of their situation. "How do you plan for us to get out of here? We didn't exactly get our cut from the sale of the Akuro III," she added, as they looked at what seemed to be row after endless row of farmland in front of them. Fritztown was not exactly a booming port, the Kuvexian occupation there had been pretty much limited to angry Kuvexians that hounded local farmers for food and put outrageous prices on the sale of their crops.

Nao hung her head, she took a deep breath and said, "We do what we have to do. Just might mean a bit of discomfort and ...." she didn't even finish what she was saying, her eyes locked on a Kuvexian merchant who was busy packing his shop up in preparation to leave the planet. Fumiko gagged a bit, she shuddered with thoughts of yet another fishy digit going somewhere it was not welcome, or worse.
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