Star Army

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Episode 5 (Pre-Glimmergold): Castle of Dreams


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RP Date
YE 43
RP Location
Motoyoshi-jo, Kyoto Yamatai
Outskirts of Kyoto, Yamatai

1月 43年

Freshly fallen snow clung to the branches of the Sakura that lined the inner garden, the moon-kissed undisturbed blanket of white that seemed to be draped over everything glistened as the fire flickered from torches lit along walkways. Hanabusa Miho-Chujo wore a full black kamishimo with decorative dark violet orchid patterns which bore a similarity to Katsuko's evening orchid symbol. She approached Auda from the back right side, hands folded in front of herself, as she regarded the tight appearance of Auda's bodysuit covered form. "You've come a long way, standing here in this garden. I'm proud of you," Miho said in a quiet tone, she didn't feel that their conversation needed to be shared with the other members of the palace security.

Auda gave a confident smile, "Hanabusa-sama, are you spying on me, or are you just here to find out what Katsuko had to say?" The cold air showed her breath in a silver puff of fog which trailed upwards upon each exhale. Barely covered she still was not cold, having adjusted to the elements rather well in the many years she had spent in harsh conditions. It seemed even in the new body she had managed to keep a relative state of being.

"Ah - what she said to you is for you, If I need to know something she will tell me Kaieda-chan. I just wanted to express my pride in your work," Miho said., she came to stand next to the young girl she had taken in from the streets that now was very much so a woman of her own making.

Auda smirked and shrugged a little, "Hm," she hummed as she elevated her chin slightly and looked out across the garden towards Kyoto in the distance and finally "I don't mind you looking in, you're like family. I'm happy you're proud of me but the job is just at its start. I have a feeling I will have my work cut out for me." Her body clenched slightly as she felt Miho move closer, and she took a step forwards.

Motoyoshi-jo, Main Kitchen

Taro looked over Eidan's shoulder and said with a laugh, "Dip the strawberries, not your fingers." He watched as the boy worked on the strawberries that were dessert for the meal that Katsuko had put them in charge of. She was set to have Eri and Yaichiro for dinner, so after Yaichiro had to miss the New Years' party, the night had to be special. Taro didn't mind being the chef for the night, he often took charge of the castle's kitchen when the clan gathered.

"It is chocolate, I like it. Do these look okay?" Eidan asked as he showed the hand-dipped fruit to Taro for inspection. Taro nodded and went back to the pots and pans that covered the stovetop. This would have been easier if Tachiko had been present, out of the two of them she was by far the superior chef. Either way, a full menu had been put together for the three lovers and the castle had been cleared for the night.

Motoyoshi-jo, Private Living Area
Orchid Chamber

Katsuko yelled from the bathhouse, "Eri get up! Yaichiro should be here shortly. You need to get ready!" The Taisho had already occupied the bathhouse for an unusually long amount of time, she had sprawled out in one of the spring-fed hot tubs and was more than content to soak part of the day away. She had talked Taro and Eidan with cooking, the rest of the staff had the night off save for the occasional patrols of her less than official security through the halls and in the gardens.

(@SageShooter , @Toshiro )
Motoyoshi-jo, Main Kitchen

Naoko walked slowly toward the kitchen doors Nikkusu following her like a shadow. Civilian cloths still made her uncomfortable and she longed to be back in uniform and the comfort of her long lab coat. "I know I said I wanted to learn some new skills but this wasn't exactly what I had in mind Nikkusu." As well as saying the words a sense of the emotions she felt passed threw the pairs connection. "Merow." The sound echoed threw her mind as well as the corridor, a wave of calm spread over Naoko. "Thank you." She whispered to the otar as they approached the door. The door opened automatically making a subtle swoosh sound as the air became displaced.

Entering the kitchen she saw Taro at the stove and began walking toward him Nikkusu in tow. Smiling at Eidan watching him dip the luxurious red fruits into the sweet melted candy She hoped that her tasks might be that simple. As she approached the heated workspace her hopes for an easy night were dashed with the sight of all the items he was preparing there. Nikkusu jumped up onto the counter top her nose twitching as she took in each scent. Images of the otar devouring all of the food Taro was working so hard to prepare passed threw the bond. Naoko quickly reached out grabbing the feline as it lifted its paw in an attempt to sneakily swipe a delicious morsel. "I was told you were in need of an extra pair of hands and Nikkusu will gladly test everything for quality if you let her." Her words were directed at Taro but her eyes were focused on Nikkusu as she bend over to put her back onto the floor.
Yaichiro arrived, dressed not in his uniform for once but rather in his light blue suit. Simply getting him to wear something other than his uniform for civilian functions was typically a chore in and of itself, and showed that he was trying to find at least some minimum of balance today. After all, he was asked here for fun rather than for military purposes. Being used to wandering around ships and looking in on his subordinates' actions and duties, Yaichiro was oddly prone to taking back routes and popping up in places that might be considered 'beneath his station'. It was not at all uncommon for a low-ranked soldier or a caretaker to be suddenly surprised by a young man ignorant of his own social status, talking to them as they worked or even assisting in menial tasks.

It was in this manner that Yaichiro entered through the kitchen, smelling strawberries and chocolate, and took note of the meal being prepared. "Impressive. Katsuko is going all out for this, isn't she?" Yaichiro inquired, having likely bypassed anyone waiting for him along the 'normal' route to his destination. Electronic systems had surely relayed his presence though. He gave a wave to Eidan and Naoko, greeting them kindly. Regarding the latter, Yaichiro still found it hard to believe how many children Katsuko had managed to hide from him before letting him know the truth. Still, it was for the sake of their own survival. "Naoko, be careful to watch Nikkusu. No matter how well-behaved she is, if she gets a paw or hair in any of the food, the cooks will feel compelled to throw out that whole dish and start over."
Outside Kyoto, Yamatai
Main Kitchen

Taro smiled when Naoko entered the kitchen, "Well if it is not our precious morning glory. We always need a set of extra hands, any excuse to have you young Motoyoshi around is good." He put down the knife and leaned over Naoko's shoulder and planted a kiss on her cheek, "Wash up, you can help me clean up some Uni, and we need to get going on this salmon." The retired Shosho was a force of nature in the kitchen, an obvious truth with his oversight of most Yugumo Corporation ventures that involved food. "How was your day, you enjoying the time off before deployment?" he asked Naoko.

"Hi, Naoko!" Eidan shouted, his fingers still covered in chocolate from the berries.

"The man of the hour, it is good to see you Kage-Taisa," Taro greeted Yaichiro. "You're looking pretty good in that suit. Katsuko will be impressed. You ready for your big night?" he asked, he couldn't help but wonder just how nervous Yaichiro was, he had always found the Taisa to be a little on the skittish side when outside of his element, and since Katsuko was not a subsystem or an engine that was assured for the events of the evening. By now the entire family knew that Katsuko had proposed to Eri and that the same thing would be done tonight with Yaichiro. "I think the ladies are upstairs, it takes forever for women to get ready..." he commented.

Orchid Chamber

"Eri! Wake up!" Katsuko yelled again from the comfort of her bubbling tub. She sighed in frustration, "Sleepyhead."

@Toshiro @KoreHytaria @SageShooter
Naoko smiled feeling his lips press to her cheek and returned the gesture in kind. "Do you think we could make If there is extra salmon do you think you could teach me to make salmon nigiri. I just hate waiting for it to be delivered at lunch time?" She moved over to the sink turning on the water before lathering her hands in soap. "It is going well actually. I was thinking of making an appearance at the Swap meet this year since I am here." Looking over her shoulder she smiled at Eidan. She slid her body to the side of the sink making room. "If your done with the strawberries why don't we wash that chocolate off your hands before you make a mess of yourself and the kitchen."

She had just finished her words before hearing her father enter the kitchen. What he said made her laugh quietly. "You are welcome to try and take her with you if you want to risk a trip to the infirmary during Mothers big dinner." Nikkusu felt the meaning of Naoko's words threw their link and looked at the man. "Merow!" The angry sound escaped the small creature and if otars could glare that was exactly what she would be doing. The otar turned to the side it's long fur poofing up and her back arching leaving her in a stance that dared him to try to do such a thing. Naoko couldn't help but laugh harder.
Outside Kyoto, Yamatai
Orchid Chamber

The soft groan that slipped from the tangled mass of pillows and blankets could be none other than Eri. Comfortable in the nest of softness and warmth it was a nigh insurmountable task for the Neko to escape from the clutches of sloth. A mighty struggle to open her eyes, to force her limbs to move and get out of the bed. The woman that rested in the bed was no ordinary Neko, she was one that had overcome many a trial and tribulation. She had overcome two wars against the Mishhu, she had fought against the Kuvexians, and any other number of enemies, or hardships and trials. She had risen to the ranks of Shosho! She had commanded strike groups and carriers and now was second in command of the YSS Tokyo! A small bed was no match for her!

Yet there she struggled, trying her best to crawl out of the bed and make herself move. Inside she cried pitifully at herself at the fact that the bed was so warm and she had to leave it. A pout creased her face as she rolled back and forth a bit, before her mind called out sadly to Katsuko.

"Kat... Kat I can't get out of bed. It's to comfy... Let's forget everything else and just go back to bed..." She sent to her lover as she laid hung over the side of the bed. After a few more seconds she eventually sighed and lifted up into the air as she let the blankets fall away and drifted into the bathroom where Katsuko was. Dressed only in a pair of panties, she hung in mid air like some pitiful sad hunting trophy, her messy green hair like a curtain over her face.

"That looks warm... can I come in too?"
"Ready as I'll ever be. Even after all these years, the nervousness doesn't completely vanish. It comes with having lived a structured life all these years, I suppose. That and a likely topic is something I'm still wrapping my mind around." Yaichiro confided, still unsure if the rumors he heard were accurate. Still, he'd hold off on that until the question was asked. Hanako had seen the writing on the wall a year ago. He took note of the aggressive creature and raised an eyebrow before glancing back to his daughter.

"I never threatened to take her and just asked you to keep an eye on her. I'd appreciate it if you didn't construct scenarios for your bonded empath to become hostile toward me...amusing as it might be. We might wind up having a dinner that is just a bit too interesting." He gave a smile to the creature indicating no hard feelings, deciding not to pet it until it had calmed down.

"It would probably be bad form for me to just wander up to the bedroom and check on them. Do you need any help while we wait?" Yaichiro inquired.
Orchid Chamber

Katsuko sat upwards on the inner ledge of the bubbling tub, she gave an amused grin towards Eri before she said, "If you can behave, Yaichiro just arrived - I want to be in the mood to give him some attention, later. Tonight is about him, and about him fully being part of us." She didn't feel she needed to give Eri a briefing but when it came to her intentions for the evening she wanted to make sure they were on the same page. Katsuko reached for the natural luffa and rubbed it down over her own shoulders as she tipped her head slightly back and took a deep breath of the mineral salt scented steam that plumed up from the surface of the water.

Main Kitchen

"Well come on with it, little morning glory. You're just in luck too because I wanted to include Salmon Nigiri in the starters." Taro said as he motioned Naoko over. He pulled the very fresh-looking pink salmon from the tray and laid it across the cutting board. "With any sushi, your most important skill is going to be with your knife - how you cut the fish is going to affect its flavor. For nigiri, you want to get the salmon as thin as possible, you should be able to see through it when you hold it up to the light." He picked up the fillet knife, spun it briefly between his fingers, and gracefully cut a thin slice off the salmon. He then held it up for Naoko to get a good look at it. He put down the knife and the piece of salmon and reached into the towel-covered bamboo basket of sushi rice. He carefully judged by feeling the amount, worked the rice with his fingers, then used his fingers to brush across a dripping of vinegar. He made a final shaping of the rice, then laid the think piece of salmon across the top. "Okay, now you try, Naoko. You can do the rest of these after you show me the first one. I will take care of the Uni," he said to the young Motoyoshi then turned his attention back to Yaichiro.

Taro glanced back and forth, between Yaichiro and Naoko so he could keep an eye on her, "I think we got things here, I'd hate to put you to work for a meal that Katsuko is having prepared for you. You could always go down to the wine cellar and pick out a bottle or two." Taro said in suggestion, he paused a moment and then said, "Actually wait a couple of minutes and I will come with you, you and I should really get in a talk before we both end up in distance again. I want to give you my best wishes and bring up a few family-related items. In the meantime, if you maybe have some questions, I'd be happy to save Katsuko some words on anything." The former Shosho gave a calm smile in Yaichiro's direction. He looked over towards Eidan briefly to check on him, but the young teen had already washed his hands and had bolted out of the kitchen to play a video game while the adults were busy.
Orchid Chamber

"So tonight is the night you ask him huh? Hm... Well frankly I say we just let him wander in here, I doubt he could say no to anything at that point." Eri laughed softly as she finally stripped herself fully and lowered herself down into the water until fully submerged for a few moments. After a good underwater soak, the Shosho softly lifted up to the top of the water to left her nose and eyes and the top of her head surface and let out a small murr of appreciation. She seemed far to content as she drifted over toward Katsuko. Eyes surveyed what she could of her love as eyes squinted mischievously. She lifted further up out of the water and pressed herself against the woman and slid up softly, her body gliding effortlessly to stop as she came face to face.

"Well... If tonight is all about him, I'll have to find my fun another way. Do you think we could play a little game my love?" Her eyebrow raised a hair as she leaned in to sneak a kiss on Katsuko's neck. It seemed the heat of the room, seeing Katsuko bathing, and her own escape from the bed had slowly started to wake the Neko up. Now she seemed to be in a playful mood, one she fully expected to have fun with. "It'll certainly make the night interesting, and I promise you, Yaichiro will enjoy it." She wasn't sure if Katsuko would go for the idea, frankly at times when she had plans she was a little to focused to play around, but she hoped tonight maybe it could make for an interesting night.
Naoko quickly finished washing her hands turning off the sink for Eidan when he had finished. She watched her young brother run out of the room as she dried her hands. Yaichiro's words made her laugh a bit. she couldn't help but think he needed to relax a bit. Everyone knew Nikkusu only acted tough and if he had taken her out of the room the only thing likely to happen would be her excessive crying at having lost the chance to gather some scraps. Naoko expressed to the otar that she was welcome to stay but only if she stayed out of the food. Nikkusu wiggled her body, her hair falling back into place. her eyes never left Yaichiro though they were fixated on his hair. The cats obsession with chewing on hair still made Naoko cringe. She had tried it once just to try to figure out the fascination. Bad idea.

Hearing Taro's reply she turned to him "Yes Sir," She quickly made her way over to Taro. She hadn't expected that he would serve her favorite dish tonight. She was happy to learn none the less. Noako's eyes followed his every movement. She took notice to the thinness of the cut of salmon, the way he shaped the rice in his hand. Reaching out she dipped her smallest finger into the sauce before sticking out her tongue allowing a small droplet to fall on her tongue. Smiling contently. She examined his finished product for a moment. "Looks easy enough."

Boy was she wrong. Naoko picked up the knife trying to mimic how he had cut the fish, her first attempt came out quite thick. She tossed it over to Nikkusu before placing the fish down sliding it along the fleshy meat. this time she was able to cut a much thinner piece. she reached into the bowl grabbing some rice though she had grabbed a bit too much causing issues in her forming it properly. She quickly removed a pinch of it allowing her to form it properly. She lightly brushed the vinegar across the rice, this step much to easy for her to struggle with. Placing the rice down on the plate she picked up the salmon draping it over the rice. She gently cupped it with her fingers pushing a few straggling pieces of rice into place. She looked up at him smiling proud of herself. "Finished."

Nikkusu heard the fish hit the floor and turned immediately running over picking up her prize before disappearing into a cabinet. you could hear the growling sound as the creature devoured its treat.
"Certainly. At your leisure," Yaichiro said in response to Taro as he noted the Otar grabbing up a treat and scrambling to a defensible location to eat it. The amusing antics had their charm. Hopefully, the creature never mistook a mini-Neko for food though. "I suspect I should hold off on any questions until you've said what you have to say, though." The suited Taisa had a few questions but wasn't sure he should open such a discussion in front of his daughter. He was unsure how he was expected to treat Katsuko's other children, as well as Eidan. He didn't want to be cold to them, nor did he want to overstep boundaries and disrespect their feelings toward their other relatives...
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Orchid Chamber

Katsuko purred lowly in a distinct expression of contentment, the corners of her lips lifted in a smile as her steel eyes glistened in the reflection of Eri's form. Katsuko's hands roamed the arching curves of her lover's hips. There was a desire to stay within the bubbling warm pool for the rest of the night; they certainly had always been able to find a way to amuse each other and even the best-prepared feast couldn't compare to the indulgence to which they suffered. "Mmmm...yes, tonight," she answered, then leaned forwards to press a kiss upon Eri's lips. "I need him to know he's wanted, appreciated; that he has a belonging with us and the clan..." she then sighed, "No, we have to meet him downstairs I already tasked Taro with the cooking, it would be rude to change our minds." The euphoric states and embraces intermixed between the pool and the feeling of flesh on flesh; she could have almost gone to sleep if it had not been for the sparks that ignited a fire neither of them had the time to quench.

"What kind of game?" Katsuko almost seemed interrupted from the suggestion, something that required her to think beyond how she was feeling. This was something that was going to require thought, "What do you have working out in that beautiful digital mind of yours? Hm?" Her right hand lifted and her pointer finger trailed gently down the side of Eri's cheek.



Main Kitchen

Taro nodded in approval of Naoko's work, he smiled as she said she was finished and said, "Ah you're not finished, sushi is like painting it will take time for you to learn to express yourself through the shaping of the rice, of how you cut your fish and how you present it. You can finish the rest of the tray for starters, the best ones will go to Katsuko's table and the rest can be served to the clan in the other dining room." Normally Taro would have stopped Eidan and impressed upon him the importance of staying until the job was done, but the day had already been given to studies.

"Patience is a virtue, Yaichiro. The more we interact the more I feel we will understand one another," Taro said, knife in hand again he began to crack the tops from blue Hideyo Urchins, one by one in perfect succession he orchestrated the upper shell to lift and expose the sweet yellow inside. Some people felt uncomfortable knowing that what they ate when they consumed uni, was actually the testes of the animal. "When you're done with the nigiri, you can squeeze some lemon into this uni; they are nice and fresh so they will be delicious raw and served alongside the oysters," he instructed Naoko, then put down the knife and wiped his hands off on the towel. "We will be down in the wine cellar, use the comm if you need us," he said as he walked past Yaichiro and motioned for him to follow.

Taro led the way down the stone staircase and into the cellar, there were massive vaults sealed with the clan's logo in almost every direction that held valuables that Katsuko had collected on her many expeditions with the Star Army. Some of the most prized valuables were even from other universes and were considered closely guarded secrets. "So, Welcome to the family. I know that is probably a weighted statement, but there's no secret you're about to be asked for marriage. There has been a lot of dancing between you and Katsuko over time, I just wanted you to understand it's more than her decision; we're all Motoyoshi and we all have a say. You're the father of several of her kids and she loves you. I'd rather you field your analytical questions to me, so you can focus on the moment at hand instead of having to ask at the time," Taro stated, he stopped in front of the shelves of wine, he motioned to indicate it was up to Yaichiro to choose.
Yaichiro followed Taro down to the wine cellar and nodded in full understanding. "A lot of that dancing around is my fault. I held a candle for Hanako-Taisho for the longest time and didn't want Katsuko to ever feel like I was settling for her or anything. This had to wait until I had truly moved on. She has been very patient with me and now that I have made peace with things, she's making her move. The fact she was that patient with me and waited speaks volumes about her feelings." Yaichiro felt bad that it had taken so long for him to get around to this, but matters of the heart couldn't be hastened. He noted the comments about the clan having part of the decision, regarding Taro without criticism or offense. If anything, he gave a relieved sigh.

"Thank you. I'm really glad to hear that she gave the clan a say. To be perfectly honest, I have been and always will feel like an outsider to the clan's first generation in one important way. I never went through the loss of Taiie with you. Sympathy is not a replacement for shared experience, and I've always been cognisant of the fact that I am different from the rest of you in that regard. Katsuko found me as a soldier trying to watch over some of Taiie's refugees in a bad situation and grabbed me up immediately afterward, promoting me quickly. I have always found myself wondering, I suppose, how deserving I actually am of what Katsuko has entrusted to me over the years given just how far she's willing to go for me. The clan making this decision for themselves is a more objective decision that I have needed to hear for a very long time." It felt like some of a weight was lifted from his chest, even if not the entire thing. He had not even been an officer yet before Katsuko found him. What Katsuko had entrusted to him was given with a measure of bias. Standing in front of the wine rack, Yaichiro smiled when he noted the plum wine that was present. When Katsuko realized what plums did to his old body as an aphrodisiac, she went the extra mile and had wine made from the fruit. Every time he saw a bottle, he was reminded of the lengths the woman went to for him.

"I find myself wondering about what exactly the clan desires of me, practical and familial, and what duties I will be expected to take on. One of the key things I am unsure about is how to handle Katsuko's descendants that I didn't sire. I don't want to assume that I will automatically be replacing a parent, or grandparent in Eidan's case, because they may yet have thoughts or feelings toward the genuine article. At the same time, I don't want to be unapproachable to those who do want a connection with me. Do you know how they feel about this and if they're ready for a conversation about it? Would my relationship with them be more formal than anything else, or do they actually want a new Dad and Grandpa?" Tio and Eidan had a right to make that decision for themselves, but maybe Taro could lend some insight as to how and when best to start the dialogue by letting him know the feelings in play.
Naoko gave a curt nod hearing his words before turning back to the food she was working with. While she began to work she started to let her mind wander. She had little knowledge of her family save for Taro. Most of her time was spent learning and on the YSS Tokyo. How should she act toward her father or even her mother. It seemed as if her father was not interested in her playful antics. It would take some getting used to, she was very interested in her career but had taken on a playful attitude to life. Seeing the life cycles of other beings and how short their time was if they chose not to have a back up made for recreation. Time could escape them very quickly and a lot of the time they were left with half their lives and desires going unfilled. Even with the back up she decided that she would live her life in the moment and never look back on who she was before making them.

All while thinking of this her hands kept moving forming quaint ovals a dab of vinegar and a neatly placed piece of fish. At that point she thought of Taro's words. "Express myself..." The whispered words trailed off her tongue as if lingering for a moment. Naoko always took work seriously, every detail exact and precise. Her home time and even her hours alone in her cabin with Nikkusu and Soru were filled with playful acts and loving gestures to her pets. Love. "That's it!" Her words were loud with excitement as she made 3 balls of rice with what remained in the bowl. Each were about double what the normal size was. Slowly she worked them into the shape she needed placing them each down on a long white and purple platter as she finished them.

Once they were all the correct shape that she wanted she brushed on the vinegar and, moved over to the cutting board looking at the salmon. She cut off a piece thin just like he had taught her but it was a bit wider than what he had shown her. She cut five more identical pieces throwing the inadequate pieces to Nikkusu who made these almost chirping sounds to express her happiness. Picking up one piece at a time she placed two on each of the shaped rice balls, after double checking the form and presentation she took a step back looking at the small items. Smiling she let out a quiet giggle before finding something to cover and hide her surprise so that when her father and uncle returned Yaichiro wouldn't see them and ruin the who plan.


Noako moved on to the Uni taking out another cutting board and quietly moving over to the fridge where she began searching for a fresh lemon. Lemons were always better fresh according to her friend from the YSS Tokyo. She had told her that the day Naoko had questioned her on why she always asked the chiefs in the kitchen to cut a new one for her lemon water. 'The zest in the peal has a zing to it. Stale lemons lose their flavor leaving only the bitterness.' She continued to search for the lemons knowing they must be in there somewhere.
"Oh this game you will certainly enjoy, or at least I will. And I know Yaichiro will... Or at least it'll make the night interesting." Gooseflesh raised as fingers trailed along her skin and Eri couldn't help but mimic the purr of a cat as she pressed herself a little more into her lover. Eyes sparkled as she looked up at Katsuko and continued.

"I happened to go on a small shopping trip, or had someone go on a shopping trip for me. In doing so, she may or may not have picked up a fun little toy we can use tonight, if you were so interested. One that can be used at a distance, and can be implemented with a simple volumetric screen that I can control." Her own fingers traveled up and down Katsuko's side as they spoke and eyes watched her lover's reaction. "Said toy can be used to test you... constitution? To see how well you can hold your composure."

Taro couldn't help but chuckle as he crossed his arms and leaned up against one of the stone support pillars; he shook his head back and forth and took in what Yaichiro had to say at first, "Held a candle? With these military career women, you'd have better luck holding an activated grenade sometimes. I know how that goes, I kept the fires going with something at every Star Fortress I stopped at for years, a new port and a place to blow off steam between missions. Every once in a while you hit that one that gets you caught up, and you get the illusion that maybe it will go somewhere but it ends up that you were the one who was the fling." The retired Shosho shook his head and took a deep breath, "You've hit the lottery, you've found one that actually wants you and seems to not care where you lay it down in between - you've had better luck than me." Taro adjusted his stance and pressed his back against the pillar.

"I'm kind of glad you didn't share those experiences with us. There is a reality to that situation that could excuse a lot of what even we shove back against. History is sometimes an unkind Mistress, and reports are made to swing the story in the way that one person or another seems to think it should go. I'm sure SAINT has an office somewhere devoted to how sad a SANDRA reporter should be when a tragedy strikes and what constitutes a tragedy and doesn't. " Taro took a deep breath of the dusty, stale air of the basement. "She found you knee-deep in her problems. There were a lot of ships in the range of Taiie when it happened, and a lot of excuses that went with them. What happened at Pieces afterward is what caused everything else that followed. Someday, someone somewhere is going to realize that at the time the younger generation of this clan was manipulated by grief. Melisson tricked them into believing the Star Army was responsible, but even beyond who is or who is not responsible for that tragedy it's the damn tentacle buggy fucks that pulled the trigger and then turned the entire sector upside down after. The fact that some people in our own nation of birth think we're all traitors because of one small, a very small percentage of our more self-serving to interest. It means they will never have to admit they fucked up. 'They were traitors' makes it so they never have to apologize for what happened to a lot of Taiie's refugees." The elder felt he could speak candidly, and to the point where he could say the things they didn't even speak of in front of Katsuko.

Taro stood upright completely and reached for one of the bottles, he pulled it off the shelf and blew the dust from its label. "You stood neck-deep in the shit, Yaichiro and you came out clean. That makes you either lucky, or a Motoyoshi and I'd like to think it is both. The fact you can handle the truth about things is something special and the fact that you can love her and help her makes you special to her. I've spent a long time thinking about what would happen when the time came that our clan could say they had finally dug themselves out of the hole Kiyoko put us in. That little bitch will be dead soon and when she is, a lot of the nonsense will stop. The fact that Katsuko seems to be able to at least start looking at a future beyond that moment of impending success is a big deal; for a long time I thought she would just give up when it was over and fade into obscurity." Taro smiled and popped the cork off the bottle and gave a slight wink, he took a sip of the red wine and tilted the bottle in Yaichiro's direction.

"Katsuko gave us a say, it was an active and involved decision for tonight to come to pass. As for what we require of you, I think you've already begun to understand it. Right now I have a lot to do with the rearing of these young ones and you're going to need to be involved in that - you're their father, I'm Uncle Taro...I preach wisdom and give them cute flower names. You're going to have to teach them how to be good citizens of the Empire. I may have stayed here and been a good loyal soldier, but I'm angry and bitter at people for the treatment they've given Katsuko and others. I have friends in places that say in some corners there are still people chatting about what exactly they should do with her - if you ask me a fucking apology would be the right course, but I'm sure those circles have something sharper on their tongues." Taro went quiet for a second, he realized he had talked most of the time. "Look, what we need you to do is love her, love your kids and help make sure there is a Motoyoshi tomorrow. Help show these people who are uneducated, ill-informed and drinking the YE 30 Lorath wine to use some common sense. There isn't a damn disloyal bone in that woman's body and they should eat shit for ever thinking otherwise." Taro stopped talking, he let Yaichiro have the reigns finally.


Main Kitchen

When Naoko would turn around during her search for lemons, Eidan stood right in her line of sight, "What are you looking for? Hm?" he asked a datapad with a video game on the display in his right hand. "Can I have one of the heart-shaped things you made? They look really good." He asked and commented on her work. He had gotten bored with his video game since he started designing them himself in his free time they had all gotten boring.


Orchid Chamber

Katsuko raised an eyebrow, "Just the way you're describing this, I can almost guarantee whatever you have planned will be fun," she said as she finally pulled away from Eri and ascended the short step out of the bath. "Sure, fine. We can play your game - just give him a little warning of what is coming. He's been a little skittish lately and I want this to go my way. Your game can start once he's said yes," she instructed, as usual Katsuko made sure they knew who was in charge. "Hurry up in there, he's already waiting downstairs and the MIKO system already reported he's in the cellar with Taro. He's probably ready to hang himself, or ready to run from that kind of intensity," she said with an educated assumption.

She disappeared back into the bedroom after she grabbed a towel, she wanted to be dressed before Eri could pull her off course again.
"After the big question, Aye ma'am. I'll make sure everything goes well." She was a little sad as Katsuko pulled away, but knew better than to press the issue for the moment. Instead she simply enjoyed the water for a few moments longer as she made sure to wash herself, ducked under the water again for a second or two before she followed the path Kat had taken out and opted to walk instead of float out as she had gone into the water. With a long stretch up onto her toes as she walked into the room where she soon enough began to get dressed after she dried herself. She opted for something fairly simple that night, a deep purple pleated skirt that rested at her knees and a matching purple sweater, she seemed to be looking for a more casual look tonight. But as she finished with the black leggings she had pulled up herself, she dove into a drawer of hers and rooted around until she found what she wanted.

A toy, and an ingenious one from Yuuko's Panties, when Kat was ready and dressed she would present it to her.
"Just slip it in when you're ready, and I'll handle the rest. I know to be good until after you ask, I won't mess that up I promise. But in turn, you can't say a word to him about it, and have to wait until after dinner to do anything, ok?"
"Yes, Hanako was married to her career. She's had to come to terms with letting people go to survive. We're friends, but she's moved on with her life. Katsuko, by contrast, needs people around her to remain strong. There's nothing wrong with that though. If anything, it's probably a better way to live. There's something left when all is said and done." He accepted the bottle and took a small sip, rather than a full drink. In reality, he only ever touched wine when it was offered socially. Being attacked by an enemy fleet on New Year's Day YE 30 and fighting some intoxication among his crew was a deterrent against ever getting truly drunk, even though there were ways for his body to counteract such things now.

"I'll say this. At least part of it was luck. I considered the idea of staying in the UOC because I felt responsible for the populace that had never even seen Yamatai or had properly been tended to by it. I also felt betrayed by the whole Elysian Plague ethical crisis the Mishhu wanted us all to feel. I'd even adopted a daughter that I had to leave behind when I left. Thankfully, I was able to get my head on straight and make the right call...but I can't help but understand how difficult the choice was for people. When my own adopted daughter came back to the Empire, I didn't judge her. I was elated. It's easy for the ignorant to complain when they weren't the ones forced to make the choice without the benefit of hindsight." Yaichiro gave a sigh at the thought. "I'll do my best to make sure the kids understand. That the people understand. I don't want a repeat of that event happening again. As for the kids being loved and guided, that should go without saying. Was just wondering if I would be a father to Tio or if he had no interest in having me assume the role."

A stern expression appeared on Yaichiro's face. "The idea that they could claim Katsuko was disloyal when she chose her Empire over her own children and population and has hunted down Kiyoko all this time...that is not just ignorance. That is the malicious editing of history toward a specific purpose. We're fighting someone or a group of someones who want to paint the Motoyoshi with such a brush, and it is not going to just magically stop when Kiyoko is dead. Katsuko will need as much support as ever, if not more, if she's going into a venue where truth and lies are stronger weapons than an aether shock array. It also means somehow communicating with the people directly, perhaps..."
Naoko had been so focused on her search she had not heard Eidan enter, or maybe she had but it hadn't registered in her mind. Seeing him standing there caused her to jump ever so slightly a gasp escaping her lips. "I am looking for a lemon. Ah there it is!" On the opposite counter of her work station behind the bowl of chocolate was a basket of fruit. She stood up walking over to it "The heart shaped ones are for moms table. You can have one of the regular ones I made for the family." Smiling she looked down at the data pad he to see what he was doing.

I heard they were coming out with another game based on the war. What will this be the 5th game in the series?" Naoko picked up the knife and sliced the nub from one side of the lemon then the other. She had seen it done like this before, the then cut the lemon lengthwise before placing one half down cutting it in small juicy slices. The other half she half over the bowl of uni squeezing it till the last drop fell into the bowl. tossing them gently to spread the citrus over the surface before poring them into a wide pilled bowl. Using the sliced pieces of lemon Naoko created a flower like garnish on the lip. Now the dish looked presentable. Having given Eidan enough time to procure one of the normal shaped Nigiri she started placing them onto another place so that they could be served to the few family members still present at the castle.

Taro took another drink from the bottle and let out a deep breath, "Tio..." he said, then paused and took yet another drink. "Tio is a complicated situation. As you probably know I made it my business to make sure the only way he was going to remain part of the clan was if he joined the Star Army. He might be a man in the body now but he is very much so the boy he left as when they stabbed the rest of us in the back," he said with a shake of his head. "I'll admit, I'm a lot harder on him than I probably should be but I caught a lot of the same tears you have over the years and I just am unable to reconcile the idea that that little...asshole, thought an apology would cover his actions. Katsuko wants a family, she wants the family to be a family and if she's willing to forgive him we all eventually will. I just don't plan to make it easy for him, so if you want to be the good guy in the situation I understand - cause I certainly won't be. He needs a father though, maybe a father would have been able to stop him in the first place." It had been a long time since Taro was able to be that open with someone. Something about Yachiro made him, relaxed and calm.

Taro held back on the topic of what Katsuko needed, almost as if he was silently telling Yaichiro to do what he had to do there. It was one area where Taro knew he couldn't meddle much, "I'm sure somewhere in your mind, you had the idea that marriage would come with you on bended knee. Then again, you're getting a two for one deal so I'm sure you can think of some creative bending. I'm sure as long as you're behind her both physically and supportively it will all work out," he said creatively, it held the same points at least that needed to be made.

Main Kitchen

Eidan walked over to the plate of Nigiri, he grabbed up a pair of chopsticks from the counter and shoved it into his mouth. It was a little big for him to chew but he managed to do it, his eyes wide the entire time. "Nice, Aunt Naoko you're a pretty good sushi maker," he said, a big smile on his face as he spoke. He was going to take another but he figured he best not make a pig of himself before the rest of the family got some.

"Yeah, the older Mishhu games are better. The Kuvexians are kind of boring from what the beta-testers said. I've been working on a couple of games myself, ideas I got while I was on the Shiori with Ojisan. I've been more focused on my roleplaying game though, it is more of a fantasy thing. Too many games are being based on the war and I don't know, I don't think people my age really want to hear about it anymore. I'd rather go on an adventure in a game that I can't do in real life," he suggested. "A long time ago, I used to do this writing thing with my friends, we would make up stories for characters and write back and forth to each other." Eidan seemed more interested in things that were outside of reality, a sign of the very protected life he had led. "I can't wait to go to Tsubomi! Kuroko goes there, but she doesn't really talk to me anymore. I miss her," he said a little disappointedly.

Orchid Suite

Katsuko took the toy from Eri and raised a brow, "I swear Eri if this thing makes me heard through this entire castle..." she just shook her head, it was obvious the little toy was going to be a winner. She wore the little black dress that she had picked up when they had gone shopping the year before, the plum pattern on the black dress was still as eye-catching as the day she had picked it up. She often thought back to that day, the fact they had made love in the changing room while people tried to kill them held a certain amusement to it, "You remember this?" she asked, as she turned right and then left pivoting on her right foot as she checked herself in the mirror.

She still had to do her makeup and hair, hopefully, Yaichiro could survive Taro just a little longer.
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