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Equipment Loan Request

Edto Xar'Sivaree

Lizard Freak!
Inactive Member
Equipment Request From: Sraralumee Khelena Het'Laderen, Commander in Chief of the VDTF
To: Chujo Kawahara Opal, Director of SAoY Logistics

The Vekimen are ever grateful for the assistance of the Star Army of Yamatai, and of the Yamatai Empire itself. I regret to ask for further assistance.

Due to the deconstruction of all VDTF major Interplanetary and Deep Space assets in the attempts to rebuild and once again become self-sufficient as a species, we have regrettably suffered an attack from an off world faction.

On Nagatsuki 22, YE38, a manageable outbreak of Mishhuvurthyar appeared within our colony, brought by a small group of Non-Mishhuvurthyar. We managed to capture one for questioning, however, we got very little information from them.

We are requesting a Midori Class Scout Vessel so that we may have Intergalactic Travel to investigate this and work towards an end to this before it happens again. We are willing to negotiate terms.

To: Sraralumee Khelena Het'Laderen, Commander in Chief of the VDTF
From: Taisho Ketsurui Yui, Commander of the Star Army of Yamatai

Because the Vekimen do not have any sort of treaty with the Yamatai Star Empire, military or otherwise, and because Star Army of Yamatai equipment and starships in particular generally contain technologies restricted from being distributed and therefore are usable only by Star Army of Yamatai personnel, I have decided to reject your request.

I suggest you work with the government of Yamatai to co-write a treaty that establishes some sort of official relationship between the Vekimen and the Yamatai Star Empire. In the meantime, there are a variety of civilian ships available for purchase that may suit your needs.
To: Taisho Ketsurui Yui, Commander of the Star Army of Yamatai
From: Sraralumee Khelena Het'Laderen, Commander in Chief of the VDTF

Odd. We of the VDTF assumed that given we had officers aboard your ships and young within your Military Academies, there would be a Treaty of some kind. We did not think things like that would happen without a treaty. Very well, we shall get a treaty formed.

To: Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Himiko I of Yamatai
From: Sraralumee Khelena Het'Ladere, Commander in Chief of the VDTF
FWD: Original Requisition, Requisition Response

It has come to my attention that despite our militaries joint cooperation, as well as the participation of our youth within your military academies, there is no treaty formed between our kinds. We of the VDTF were under the impression that there was a Treaty between us, under a mild Suzerainty, that while not officially formed, was not removed as we still have personnel within your Military. We would like to rectify this situation is the SAoY is willing.
To: Ketsurui Yuumi, Imperial Premier of Yamatai
From: Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Himiko I of Yamatai
CC: Taisho Ketsurui Yui, Commander of the Star Army of Yamatai

These aliens want some sort of suzerainty treaty but we are not familiar with them. Find out more and draft a basic treaty for them to sign, which would establish an official relationship between Yamatai and the Vekimen government.

OOC: @Doshii Jun
To: Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Himiko I of Yamatai
From: Ketsurui Yuumi, Imperial Premier of Yamatai
CC: Taisho Ketsurui Yui, Commander of the Star Army of Yamatai


I have sent my most trusted deputy to clearly establish what the Vekimen desire from your Empire. I will update you as information comes to me.

With reverence and thanks,
Reactions: Wes
To: Taisho Ketsurui Yui, Commander of the Star Army of Yamatai
From: Sraralumee Khelena Het'Laderen, Commander in Chief of the VDTF

The Vekimen are formally requesting relocation to a more suitable living arrangement. Our long range scanners had discovered a potential star with a possibly suitable planet upon entry of the Kikyo Sector.
To: Sraralumee Khelena Het'Laderen, Commander in Chief of the VDTF
From: Taisho Ketsurui Yui, Commander of the Star Army of Yamatai

Given your recent peaceful cooperation with the YSS Heartbreaker, I am inclined to help you. I have some questions, however:
  1. How many Vekimen need to be moved?
  2. Where do they need to be moved from?
  3. Why must your species be moved?
  4. Are there any medical/biological concerns or needs we need to know about?
To: Taisho Ketsurui Yui, Commander of the Star Army of Yamatai
From: Sraralumee Khelena Het'Laderen, Commander in Chief of the VDTF

We appreciate the willingness to help. Approximately 100,000 Vekimen, as well as our station need to be moved. After the most recent issues we faced, we have lost several of our skilled workers and our FTL systems have been down for several days. We are moving off raw thruster power and it is draining our energy reserves far too quickly for us to make it anywhere given we have discovered serious damage to our engines. Currently, 90% of our available power output is being directed to maintaining life support after damages one.
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To: Sraralumee Khelena Het'Laderen, Commander in Chief of the VDTF
From: Taisho Ketsurui Yui, Commander of the Star Army of Yamatai

Help is on the way. It sounds like the best option would be for you to evacuate your station onto our ships until the station can be repaired. We could send engineers to help fix it.
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