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Approved Submission [ERSETU] Prime Minister class 5th Rate Heavy Frigate


Potato Salad
Inactive Member

Submission Type: Starship and associated technology
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?...s:warships:prime_minister_class_heavy_frigate

FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) Yes, me, now
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No) Yes, linked above
Contains New art? (Yes/No) Yes
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected) No

Notes: Ping @Ametheliana or @CadetNewb
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Alright, so far, there's a few grammatical errors here and there - you can have them ignored, but if you like, I can pick as many of them out as I can for you. Also, as an aside, I do happen to wonder if you've made a picture with the solar sails unfurled yet.

Anyways, I think that "Food Ration and Repair Supplies Dependent" would be nicer for the Range section, but that's up to you. Overall, the article is good, but somehow feels messy in a way I can't quite pin down. I'll likely figure that out next post I make though. Maybe with the sensor bullet points, use parenthesis with shorter descriptions like "Graviton Detector" or something. Regarding the mention of its "Spacial Distortion Mesh", could you link it in if it's in an article already? If it's been previously approved as part of ships like this though, you can likely whip up a quick page with a paragraph or two to explain and link to instead. Besides that, I noticed that the type of shielding the ship uses isn't specified. You'll need to do that. However, if the shielding is weaker than the ship's hull rating, you'll have to specifically point that too.

One other thing I noticed about the article however, is that the individual parts or rooms of the ship don't have descriptions or articles it seems. Though you can continue like this, the areas will be very vague in RP, and it's generally not recommended unless you're making NPCs or something.
I would not mind you pointing out the grammatical errors to correct :p

There is no art for this ship with the sails opened, but the Lively class does have art with the sails out.

Updated the range section

The sensors systems are named what I have them named. Shortening them, I think, might be a bit counter productive when looking via search for something if it suddenly has a different name than whats listed on the ship page.

Link to the page for the Spacial Distortion Mesh/Subspace sails added, thought I had that page linked already.

The first paragraph about the shields states that they block projectile and energy, but are weak and not the primary line of defense. Then in the section about the armor it goes into detail about the armor protection. I am not sure what else you want here.

Ship interior art and such will be coming eventually, it just does not have a priority at the moment as I get some other stuff worked out. but it is in the list of things to do.
I'm actually referring to how it's represented in DRv3 when I mention that stuff. Right now, your ship hull is rated at Tier 12 Heavy Starship, with it being assumed that your shields are the same. However, you're allowed to specifically point out that the shields are, say, Tier 11 Light Starship. In return, you can have the ship's armor and hull be rated at Tier 13 Light Capitol Ship. However, if you're going with the 'low tech, still figuring things out approach', you can just stick with having Tier 12 Armor/Hull, and Tier 11 rated shields.

EDIT: Need the mile wide version of those sails someday. :P
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No, I have not done the page for them yet. Just have the DR rating for them that was worked out with the first ship. I will get to that soon
We got any idea what the type of torpedo it is? Plasma? Space-Explosive with a shaped charge? Every bit of detail helps to tide things over until you got the proper torpedo article up. Though, other than that, the ship should be good to go.
I've not decided yet. Torpedo article will be soon though, probably next thing I work on if I don't do the main navy page next