If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
Even though it seemed to Sienna to be the most immediately logical thing to do, I kinda figured it would backfire in some horrendously evil way. :shock:
If it's in-character, it won't bother me. Will be entertaining to see Chieko's scientific language butt up against Sienna's everyday wrench-turner jargon.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you're a real-life chemist? :lol:
Nope, IT Service Desk Analyst. I have too many interests though which causes me to read up on all that stuff. Outside of work though, I'm an amateur astronomer and go to meetings for it almost every month.
You'll want to wait for Wes to tell you how to make your debut. With the exception of one small away team, I think pretty much everyone is aboard the ship at the moment, and because Wes is always on top of things, I don't think you'll have to wait long.
I believe the last couple of newcomers arrived in the same way. If he's already given you specific directions on how to come in, then Mission 19.3 is the current thread set aboard the Eucharis.
The first post in the thread by BionicSamurai is a good example to follow if you need help. At least in my opinion - one of the veterans would likely be more help than I. :lol:
Thanks again this is my first online RPG so I'm sorta wandering along hoping I'm posting in the right threads thankfully I found the one you were talking about. Thank you again
Nashoba, I just noticed that Jalen Sune shows as a former crew member on the Eucharis roster, having transferred to the YSS Byakuren. I also saw that transfer on his previous service record. Does this need to be updated?