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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Honestly I didn't even know that was a thing. Certainly not for something like a power armor. The CFS article on the wiki doesn't say it can be used for communications at all. It was only digging through the smaller details for the Daisy just now that I realize it had an adaption to do that "even without an CFS"...

Eh, I'll make a few edits. >_>
I think the Mindy needs more improvements. When Samanthia posted about the electromagnetic field I was like "That wouldn't happen to a Mindy, they're shielded against that!" but then I looked at the wiki and I couldn't find evidence of that to cite. So it was fair game! My rule of thumb is when it comes to tech, it only has what the article says it has. So if it lacks subspace in the article, it wouldn't have it. That said, the Daisy 2 and Mindy 2 clearly have subspace comms as part of the standard "AIES" computer and electronics suite.
Best way to deal with it is just call things like that equipment failures IMO. There is bound to be a factory fault or a maintenance oversight in one out of hundreds of thousands of Mindys.

But yeah, the communications thing was my bad. Didn't read all the entries properly.
Taking a look on the wiki. The mindy M1 had passive electomagnetic shielding due to the use of Zesuaium as the material for the armor carapace. When Zesuaium was phased out as being a little too overpowered for general use and the mindy M2-2D was created the exterior alloy was changed to Yama-Dura and this shielding was lost. Certain models of the M2 (ace pilot and commander varients) come with a Zesuaium mesh shielding still, however normal varients remain unshielded.

Interestingly enough the M2-1F still retained a Zesuaium mech in its outer layers providing a shield to EM effects.

In other words it's just a design flaw stemming from phasing out the passive properties of the old armour compound.
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Scarlet, I may have read wrong but I thing everyone is in the hole already. That's where Dirjon landed
So was there any damage to the lower docking ring, or the shuttle, that Mitsuko can see or otherwise learn about? I'm not 100% sure what the area even looks like.
Yes, there's a leak in between the Eucharis' hatch and the shuttle's hatch. Anyone that opens one is in for a surprise, since water would have filled the space between.
your creature .. you decide... read the spoiler tag that is why I left it up to whom ever to decide the fate of the creature....
Yeah, I've been letting Ames detail the facility and he's been doing great.

Fairly good observations.

I left oversights in the Mindy M2-2D because I wanted to allow for a few things.

One was counter-play - a perfect suit of armor is boring if it doesn't have flaws that can be countered. Making a more 'perfect power armor' also limits the ways a GM can challenge roleplayers or demonstrate adversity without going to extremes; or just "this doesn't work due to plot-wierd reasons" (for example, the neko is conveniently immune to toxins except for the one creature that actually tries to poison it: the Mishhuvurthyar. The overall concensus could be that the article is mistaken and that the neko really isn't immune to poison at all).

The second reason was to leave room for innovation. You've technicians amongst you; that flaw in electromagnetic shielding is a roleplaying opportunity to do something about it.
Agreed on both counts. Ames has been doing a really immersive job, good enough that I would seriously consider joining a separate plot GMed by him.

As for the power armor... Well, frankly, I wouldn't have stuck around if this was just some super hero RP dressed up in sci-fi clothing. I like that the armor behaves like actual military equipment and not just magic. Enemies should be feared.
Yup. Her "perfect" joust was actually just the result of her shield-arm wedging the mandibles open for her to strike. Everybody else was just legging it, and she wanted to make sure everybody else was out first, so... Yeah. That's what happens when you bring a pea shooter to a giant bug fight.

Toast-yoe's a neko, anyway, so no worries. It'll grow back eventually. >_>
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Ummm. Im hoping that the starboard nacell is not critical to atmospheric flight. Its at least partially disabled and in maintainance mode at the moment, since fighter combat was really not what i was expecting.

Otherwise, this could get very hairy very fast.

Edit: Because I was bored I made an estimation of the unaided terminal velocity of the Eucharis were its engines to fail. Unless te engines were able to significantly slow descent, the Eucharis would hit the ocean below with a rough speed of 257.24 metres per second. The ocean below would probably have the same effect as crashing into rigid and thick concrete. The Frame would mostly remain undamaged however for the poor organics inside fate would have a differant story to tell. The sudden decelleration would splinter bones and pulp flesh turning crewmembers into little more then a puddle of meaty liquid wherever they happened to be. There would likely be heavy damage to most systems that involve mechanical parts as the forces stressed the metal. The Medea II would suffer a similar fate. Being ripped off of the docking ring and then likely shattering on impact with the ocean below. (not being framed fully from Zensueium.)

The prospects of this are... Not promising.

Estimated data:

Mass of the Eucharis (I gave the Eucharis the mass of a Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carrier ceing of a similar size to one. 64,000 long tons)

Density of the atmosphere. (Thin and Toxic) Estimated at 3/4 of Earths atmospheric density.

Crossectional area of the Gunship. Estimated at 0.7 of the area of its width multiplied by its length.
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I think we'll be okay for now. There's still the anti-grav system and the combined field to keep us aloft, not to mention our wings and the other engine.
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