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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Ok I was panicking slightly thinking you may have missed the maintainance mode post on page 15, and thus that I may have jepordozed the plotline by not making it clearer.

*sighs in relief*
that would have been interesting though, if the med lab was still operational, we could get you all back alive.

the bad thing is we would have to wait on the moon for an other ship to save us, the creatures attacking us still, that would be the worst part.
Yea everything except the ships epidermis whoulda been soup. Actually the systems to create new bodies for us would be soup too....
that is true, well if the back ups were okay and we held out for a rescue we could of done it on the other ship.

the more important problem if the back ups were okay, would be injuries of the exploration team, considering i may need the med lab.
@Wes ; Just out of interest, would the team actually be able to move through the Eucharis' active shields without harm? I've read nepleslian things about the fields 'merging', but seeing as literally one member of the team even has an CFS (Aikiko's mindy), I'm sorta inclined to think that they'd get toasted... I'm asking since it makes the difference between the team running away to rendezvous somewhere safer, or immediately returning so that the Eucharis can just leave.
No. The shields would block any object from entering.

I'm thinking Hanako will have to send a shuttle to get you guys. It's not like we have any shortage of them.
Okay. Thanks for the fast response. I'll have her recall Dirjon so that they can leave. This isn't really a battle that is worth anyone's life.
Oops... In my defense, I had no notification about this being written.

EDIT: I'd personally like the chance to show how he fights when not stuck in tight corridors.
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Alright, well, don't let me rain on your parade. I'm not angry IRL or anything.

Tsuguka is basically just pissed off because she feels like the situation is her responsibility. The one thing she utterly hates is looking/feeling useless... As for the whole arm getting lopped off thing, honestly, I only went down that road because I didn't want her to look too perfect with her little butterknife. Somebody did logically have to stay and drag Tankyusha out, so it fell on her.
For those who know about physics and stuff, your probably wondering why Dirjon chose the center of the three guns. Lightning needs a trail of ions to follow. That means the lightning/ion based weapons wouldn't simply pass through each other as the shot seems to both create and leave an ion trail. The way I, and he, figure that each shot would collide in the middle and divide both ways since there are ion paths for each shot to follow. Each shot would be halving itself to take a new path but would meet up with the half from another gun. The hypothesis is essentially a shared backfire of sorts between the guns.

Whether this is the case or not I'll let Ames decide.
I don't this is was really established what the crystal anti-ship guns were shooting, but "technicolor blast of energy" doesn't sound like lightning to me. Also note that while I've been letting Ames describe the facility because I specifically asked him to, in general you (players) control your character but not NPCs/enemies or the world around you.
Mitsuko could swing by with the shuttle she's stuck in, she just doesn't really know what's going on. I'm guessing she'd be able to see out the shuttle's main window now, and the sensors should be telling her interesting things now that she's preparing to fly it away from the Eucharis, if necessary. I think the little thing would need plenty of cover and distraction, though.
Lightning itself would not backfire per se as it is attracted to large neutral bodies (or large gatherings of positive ions). Its likely that due to the ionising nature of lightning while all the shots fired from the same general area would follow the same general path they would be repelled from each others trails slightly. Not enough to make much of a visible differance though. Unfortunately the lightning would be going for the shortest route to the ground making it a non ideal choice of weaponary. On the other hand if your underwater the lightning would split the surrounding liquid into hydrogen and oxygen. These gasses would then ignite producing a lovely underwater fireball.

You could ofcourse use a concept like the DIPI gun. Whereby a metal jacketed round is polarised positive and the barrel around it is polarised negative. Were the shell designed to disintigrate over the course of about half a second it is possible that you could create a positive ion trail which the negatively charged lightning would the follow. The physics of this are uncertain however.
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Every time the gun fires there's all kinda of lightning kicked up so I just figure it was some kind of ion weapon which is essentially launching electricity.
Do I need to edit?
Okay. Hanako isn't going to lower the shields until she's ready.
If Eucharis is taking fire Id guess it would be a requirement for the shields to be to be kept on. Without shields up the first shot from the big gun did a lot of damage.
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