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OOC Eucharis Discussion

@Primitive Polygon Sounds like you wouldn't want Sam in her cabin. Don't you like your occasional lunatic bunk mate?
Me as well as Sigurd don't mind at all who might be his bunk mate. Let's choose that when we get to it.
Guys, please make your posts in the following format:

Setting Location (use italics)

"Posts in the roleplay should be in past tense and in third person," Wes explained, "and in between paragraphs there should be a blank line." He took a seat on the couch and began to contemplate his next post for the YSS Eucharis.

"Got it," the players responded, as they, too, worked on posts.

I'm not sure whether 'mounted on each forearm' means welded or not. But, if the intent was to disarm Sam, shouldn't the other PEW be removed as well? I only read one gun being taken away. (Course, a severely damaged suit isn't likely to be pulling any triggers, so it probably doesn't really matter anyway.)
The DAISY usually carries an actual rifle around, which is what I referred to. He'll still have his forearm weapons.
"Anti armor guns standing by to fend off alien hostiles"

I imagined the aliens to be to close to the Eucharis to use Eucharis' weapons without risking damage to the Eucharis itself. I mean, they are right below the landed ship. If Eucharis' weapons can be used against the aliens, Sigurd's idea becomes, of cause, obsolete.

Nope, no breathing there.

Edit: Damn, Wes was faster.
Hm... Then I probably should wait for that damage report and see how the power armor's life support function is. Cause, if that's out, he's pretty much toast (depending on how long he can hold his breath).
Tony didn't leaf Mitsuko out of the conversation with the bridge. She was hoping Mitsuko would speak up and join in coming up with a solution to the mess she helped create.
Oh, the post only said transmitting to the Bridge, and had the italics that generally means thoughts, private conversations, etc. So I didn't see anything to make it clear she was also transmitting to Mitsuko. I can edit the post I made, if that really is the case.
it really is the case.

And Tony isn't just going to let mitsuko cause such a huge mess and then run away. It's time to step out of the ship and fight.
To clarify: The outer doors are armored and do not have separate covers. One of them is damaged so that it's currently stuff in the open position. The only forcefield in it is the one that contains air, and the projectors for that are also damaged and are barely working.
I'm just going by the wiki information for the Plumeria's PA Bay. It says it has "long doors on both sides protected by segmented armored covers for the doors, which rise from the edge of the floor to deploy just inside the openings." That sounds like something separate to me, and it's the only information I could find about this, but I could be wrong.
@BloodyScarlet ; Erm, nobody is grabbing Tsuguka's rifle but Tsuguka herself. It was just really bad wording, sorry. Edited that bit to be clearer.

*Ahem* That said, I guess the poop is gonna hit the fan the minute that door is opened anyway. >_>
@Samael ; Just so you know, I'm pretty sure the PA's butt pack always comes with a handgun as standard. The atmosphere definitely isn't breathable, through... You know, seeing as there isn't one. >_>

@Wes ; Thinking about it, this situation is actually a pretty good argument for your modular "neko core" system. They could just eject the damaged components as needed and eventually just boil down to a space suit if they really had to. I know the character concerned here isn't a neko, but the point stands.
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