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OOC Eucharis Discussion

I can't imagine them being fit for heavy combat right now. With so many warheads exploding simultaneously there would have been tremendous forces coming from many directions. That means there'd be a lot of heavy debris and sheer force being transferred through the air, room, and them. I'd say they would be a little worse than battered and bruised, in fact I've gone over it in my head several times.
Best case scenario
Akane: hit ceiling and armor rack-> severe bruising, head trauma, multiple fractured ribs(3)
Aikiko: hit armor stations, rack support fell on her-> minor head trauma, minor SPINE damage, damage to either right or left arm, multiple fractured ribs(4)

I play this stuff out in my mind and assuming that no one took a direct hit from the missiles that's the best outcome I can conceive.
I just checked the wiki to see if we had any spare uniforms in our shuttle... we don't.

Were either of the otger Mindys equipped with a butt pack containing a CEWEP?
Could people posting in the shuttle please include their shuttle's name, since there is now more than one shuttle in flight?
Well, I don't know if I followed proper procedure on fixing the life support, but I didn't quite know what happened to it in the explosion, so I just made something up.
Well, I don't know if I followed proper procedure on fixing the life support, but I didn't quite know what happened to it in the explosion, so I just made something up.
Can you clarify if you're inside fixing life support or outside fixing the landing gear? I was a little unsure how to respond. The life support systems are located in the belly of the ship under the cargo bay floor, but I don't think you could get to them from the outside, since there's so much armor in the way. If you want to edit I'll work with you.
I'm inside working on life support.

@Wes I've edited accordingly. That should clear things up.
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Reactions: Wes
I've been fairly busy this weekend. If you need just NPC Candon a little. If your not sure how he'll trespond ask here and I'll get back to you
I think she should let him out because:
  1. Life support is offline and a small cell is a bad place to be because he could eventually run out of air (maybe in a day)
  2. There's fighting going on and it's stupid to have an infantry soldier locked in here when he could be fighting out there.
  3. OOCly I don't want Samael to be bored.
But that's entirely up to her character.
Alright, I'm almost back to being able to post. I was thinking we should fast forward the space team to the lighthouse station
Word. Sensors show it's not rigged to explode, so dock already!
Thanks. I'm going to post again tomorrow afternoon. I don't like to make you wait but tonight I spent all my energy upgrading Star Army's server (it's all finished now, thankfully) and tomorrow during work I'll have a new guy to train who will be watching me so I can't really sneak in a SARP post during the day. I appreciate all you guys being patient.
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