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OOC Eucharis Discussion

My post was a bit messier than what I intended. I rewrote it a few times and it ended up a touch messy. But I'm still happy to be getting into things with you all.
@Wes Like Mao, Candon seeks to protect the ship and it's captain. If he were to have asked before Mao's arrival, would he be granted permission to escort Mao to the bridge?

@BloodyScarlet Uh, are you sure you posted in the right thread? The Post-Mission 24 thread is set in YE 38 and the Mission 24 thread is in the previous year, YE 37. It doesn't make a lot of sense that Taharial would let the Rixxikor body fluids lay in the medical lab for possibly months between the two threads.
I didn't realize the time jump was that great! I would have thought only a day or two had passed. (possibly a new-years celebration was skipped over).
I was writing for the fluids that they had stocked up while they cut apart the Rixxikor so that they could study them at a later date, I am sorry if I didn't make that clear... I will rectify this.

Mao would be in Tsuguka's camp.

Ergo they will hook up. It happens in every fandom ever, always.
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