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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Can someone explain what exactly is going on in the fabrication bay and why people want to modify the Star Army's equipment?
The players are developing a counter to a Kuvexian weapon the enemy pilot used on Candon that was round grenade that when thrown caused a glue-like biological substance to coat his PA and it then hardened when in contact with air. I intended it to be a mobility impairment, but the way Rizzo RP'd it oit it also blocked the aether Reactor vents on his Mindy and caused an overheat and then an explosion, destroying the armor. Thankfully he ejected in time but got severe burns.

The counter involves a heated grill across the vents that can melt the stuff off before something like that happens again. Jax invented a better way to do it with self healing Yamataium.

But he better get permission from the CO!
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Recent events have warranted the creation of new, never before seen defense mechanisms. You may notice a yamataium grille covering the aether exhausts of your armor.


Kuvexians use what are known as "glue grenades", with which they will aim for and try to block your exhaust ports, which will in turn cause catastrophic armor failure. These grilles, when activated, will super heat in under a second, melting off any obstruction, and saving your life.

These grilles are connected to a small CPU which monitors exhaust flow, as well as grille temperature. Should flow of exhaust become less than optimal, a large, red [EXHAUST OBS.] will flash across your HUD. This message means that you must activate the grille IMMEDIATELY in order to avoid catastrophic armor failure.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

-Itto Hei Jackson Howard, YSS Eucharis Technician
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