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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Well Taharial is going to be looking like they done more as it is going to be her I haven't slept in a week look with her wings having a large 'bed head'-esk look.

and glad to help you @Rizzo.
She hung up his grease stained coveralls, he overlooked in his haste, on the vents to his locker where he could easily see it. To be reminded in a subtle way to be more careful in the future.

@Samanthia Mother cat.
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@Rhysis: Was this Marcus's first time in zero gravity (going up the vertical zero-G passage)? He didn't see to have any trouble with it, and I wondered if he would.
Posting as fast as I can! I'm a bit busy this week but I should be able to post reliably closer to midnight.
Not sure which caliber you're talking about @Primitive Polygon . Possibly the "I'm gonna just try to not mess up the storyline" caliber? Heh. But thanks. Anyway, ultimately I'm just going to have Marcus check into computer records, if he's allowed, so I don't have to do a ton of IC Q&A sessions.
@Wes I'm not sure if I missed something but Candon hasn't spoken to anyone yet. Don't get me wrong, he is definitely interested in seeing how an Ayenee human matches up to a Nekovalkyrja but he never said anything.
I'm not sure what your post is in reference to.
I'm sorry, I forgot to attach the quote.
Sorry, I meant Marcus. I'll edit it.
I saw that Kyle is looking for a replacement Game Master for the YSS Ryujo (thread with the plot concept is here). If any of you guys want to GM that, you should let him know.

I don't want the dinner/night time to drag out for too long (some people are loving this downtime, others are bored) so on Friday afternoon I plan to advance us to the next morning if possible. so try to get your "tonight" RP done by then.

Also apologies for the wait for the other technician NPC, I need to write the bio still.
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