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OOC Eucharis Discussion

A little of the unexpected now and then is what puts the fun in RP. It was funny seeing everyone's reactions in the shoutbox.
The Eucharis has been STOLEN!! If word of this got out, Hanako could lose everything!

Marooned on UX-1 I with nothing but their finest uniforms, legendary mad scientist Heram Wazu, a random guy from Ayenee, and a bottle of wine, the crew will have to find a way off of the planet and track down the gunship they call home!
This. I like this.
That's a good point, the fact that the ship was unmanned outside of a friendly port is a violation of Da Rules.
So, this means the crew won't be contacting the SAoY for help, and may need to reach out to someone who is both willing to help AND flout 'Da Rules'?

Do I need to fix up some character bios?
I should also mention something that I didn't put in my post, the rounds he was firing were almost silent as they were launched using the mass driver. Sorry I didn't clarify.
1. Yeah, I want the crew to handle this themselves. It's Hanako's call whether or not to be contacting anyone or sending out distress signals or any of that jazz. It would not look good for Hanako or the rest of the crew if anyone found out this famous ship was stolen!
2. There may be some people on the ship still (NPCs like the cooks who were making the next meal, maybe half-naked Becker) but I'm not really decided on the particulars until my next GM post.
Hi everyone.

Just trying to catch up so I can get back to posting. Mission 25 looks like crazy fun.

Since Akane has been shipped out, what should/can I do?

Sorry about the delays from me. Having a job with 12 hour shifts along with a growing imprint as a writer is tough sometimes, at least when it comes to free time.

That Black Desert character creator looks awesome. I'm going to try it out at some point.
You know, all this suddenly makes me think of the period of time in the Star Trek movies 3 and 4 when they had to use the Klingon vessel for the clandestine Spock rescue arc. It would be really hilarious if the crew were forced to use an NMX ship because it was the cheapest thing they could find on short notice, heh.
Hey all, I am so sorry for not posting, I have been really ill for the past couple of weeks actually so I am feeling better and coming back.
So...realizing I'm fairly new at this, when do we, officially, switch to the next mission thread? Or are we going to considering it wouldn't be an "official" mission?
I'll probably either split the current thread off or start a new one. Just keep going in the current one for now.
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