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OOC Eucharis Discussion

his character did PRECISELY what he was supposed to do
Disregarding their captain's orders and bypassing their chain of command is not what soldiers are supposed to do at all. Besides, we already handled things and moved on with the mission.
I'd just like to reiterate this, my character has been specifically designed for the goal of being a renegade. He never intended for the SAOY to send support beyond electronic warfare. It was a mistake on my part as I didn't realize that it would go straight to the top. His immediate objective was to shut up all communication in and out of the system with the primary objective of wiping out all enemy forces. The changes made were done so because I made a mistake in portraying Suites as a model soldier. In fact he's quiet the opposite which is his motive for wanting to improve the efficiency of the infantry team on Eucharis, he wants to be able to perform his illegal actions without compromising the ship's security. These illegal activities are of course for the advancement and protection of the YSE but it is something he can only do himself. For this reason this is the most difficult character I've ever played and it's my fault for causing the issue here.
nekked,.... interesting......so that's what kinda show this is huh? ;D

Also, don't write posts where characters are in dire peril while listening to the soundtrack to Glory.... O_O'
@Wes @Gunsight1

I don't mean to be picky, but Mao directly interacted with Hanako and Natsumi before their retreat further down the canyon. Even something as simple as an off-handed dismissal would help me with writing my next post so there would have been some sort of response or note about it to go off of.
In post #61, Mao said something to Hanako and then left to go fight. There wasn't really any time or need for Hanako to respond. In post #73, Mao talks only to Natsumi, she doesn't say anything to Hanako. So I don't think I owed you a post, although you do need a response from Gunny.
Let me wake up and have some coffee then I'll go in and re read your post, Jond, and add what I need in mine.
@Wes and @Rizzo , Not to nitpick but your two posts at the Lighthouse are a little out of sync with each other regarding the Rixxikor with the chaingun guarding the shuttle... is Candon description the one we are going with? Because I don't think there were any climbing the walls to shoot at, etc.

It's relevant since it determines what Umeshu needs to do and Mitsuko's also.

This misty be the source of confusion. Are the Rixxicor climbing up the interior or exterior ladders?
I've been writing as if it's both. But it sounds like Tsuguka has them pinned on the bottom floor inside, whilst Candon went outside to take the shuttle, if I'm not mistaken.

The "heavy machinegun" breaking the window in my last post was supposed to be Candon firing at the bugmen on the outside ladders, I just left it open in case I read the situation wrong.
I wasn't actually aware that the lighthouse had exterior ladders. I was thinking they were coming up from inside.
I just double checked, if you look at the wiki page you can see the ladders running from top to bottom. Are we going to have bugs climbing or not climbing the side? I can work with either
It would make sense for them to just be doing both. I mean, they are Rixxikor, it's hardly like they would have a single unified plan of action, right?
Reactions: Wes
It would make sense for them to just be doing both. I mean, they are Rixxikor, it's hardly like they would have a single unified plan of action, right?
Very true.

Speaking of this, there is one option which no one has thought of yet, but would be effective on the Rixxikor precisely because of the above.
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