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OOC Eucharis Discussion

It is safe to use when wearing Star Army armor.
I got home from my vacation last night and I plan to make my GM post this afternoon once I'm home from work. Thanks for your patience everyone.

Also this is roleplay review month so I want to survey you guys soon and collect feedback on how we're doing and preferences for future missions.
Yep! It fit better anyway.
Just to clarify, do you want me to actually shoot the aether cannon in my post or does Hanako usually like to say 'Fire' first?
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You can shoot it if you like.
It's okay man. I'm glad to have you and I hope you're having fun being back in RP.
Er...my post isn't done yet because I got too caught up trying to polish the Mindy 4. I'm going to postpone it to tomorrow morning! By the way, we're nearing the end of the mission and I was wondering if you guys wanted some between-mission RP (e.g. downtime and social) or if you want to go directly into more action.
I vote for some social time. More specifically the things I was hoping to do in the near future are:

- Talk to Hanako about a plan for dealing with the Rixxikor
- Social time with Hanako and Wazu (Overall Wazu metaplot stuff)
- Social time with Tugs, Taharial, and Wazu (Dealing with the aftermath of the disagreement in the shuttlebay)
- And some social time between Natsumi and Wazu.
- Have Wazu pick up some more reasonable clothing for the Eucharis.
I second the call for social time. Escpecially after the events of this mission, our characters could use a little bit of a break
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