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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Which would allow the motley crew in Engineering time to put the Eucharis into overdrive mode!
Probably, and I'm not sure it would help all that much. If you think about it, the actual system we need to restore power to is the Combined Field System, which takes huge amounts of power. Draining life support or hooking up a Mindy isn't going to provide what the CFS systems need. But, Mindy armors would be able to power things like the ship's anti-fighter turrets.

We wanted to shut off life support to allow the anti-matter generators to run past normal capacity by further cooling the coolant lines.
Also, is the Eucharis' Aether Reactor fixable? As a player I don't really have enough information to know this and ontop of that Wazu wouldn't be 100% sure how the reactor works anyways beyond knowing generally what a reactor is supposed to look like and do. I also don't want to ask you to detail what happened to the reactor if we're not going to be fixing it in RP.

hooking up a Mindy isn't going to provide what the CFS systems need.

And by my count we have 15 Mindies and two shuttles on-board the Eucharis right now, each one has enough power for their own small CFS. If we hooked them all up would that be enough to do anything? Jax should be able to do some rough estimates in his head to find out if that would get them close enough for the anti-matter reactors to do the rest.

Edit : Checked inventory on this page
Sorry for the delay, guys. Seems like both me and Rizzo kinda became busy IRL at the same time. We are both going to dive into a JP soon enough, might just take a day or two.

Could be worth posting it as its own thread.
Is the main gun still able to fire?
I don't think Hanako will try to fire it again. If the thing is damaged more than a little and we try to fire it, it might blow up.

Also, just in case there was any confusion, the ship's turbo aether plasma engines power themselves and are still working, so we can still move around in STL.
I made some updates to the crew roster to remove the people who aren't active. Also I'm not sure if @BloodyScarlet is still with us (no Eucharis RP posts in over a month) so I might need to take her off there too.
@Wes I am here but as my Taharial is still on the lighthouse I didn't know what to do, I haven't seen anything saying that they have came to pick everyone up.
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