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OOC Eucharis Discussion

It's okay. Prepare for incoming GM post tonight! I don't want to lock you guys in the briefing any longer than I have to lol.

One thing I want to emphasize is the nature of this strike is flexible - it's the crew's job to figure out what they want to bring in terms of troop numbers and stuff.
Made a smaller post early just to keep things flowing.
Is there a schematic or a brief description of this base anywhere on the wiki? It'd make it easier to make plans.
So since we're already talking torture and maiming, I have to ask: how cool is yamatai on the whole with using such methods?

Should my character be disgusted by this or is this just sort of normal in space japan? for all I know Shiho might have been graded on this stuff in basic training.
The POW regs would indicate it's at least not officially allowed. Although that might only apply to the Nepleslians since that's who's named in the prisoner cartel.
I found that the constitution of yamatai states that the empire was expressly against torture.

But the actual laws of yamatai state that star army personnel are expressly allowed to cause bodily harm should the situation warrant it.
It depends how jaded they are. There are a lot of bad stories floating around about what Yamatai does in secret. There have certainly been some seriously vicious agencies of questionable allegiance in the past. Given that the Eucharis is a rather elite vessel, it would certainly be possible for them to hear nasty rumors about it, and Hanako personally, too.

Tsuguka considers such things dishonorable and beyond protocol, which is why she wouldn't tolerate it willingly.
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Okay, I'm getting a bit turned around by this. We seem to be going around in circles a little.



-Disable the bases ability to attack space assets. (Primary)

-Extract computer intelligence (Secondary)

-Extract enemy technical specialist (Tertiary)

Assets: Eucharis, 1st Expeditionary Fleet

Enemy has:

-Space station

-Lots of manpower

-Lots of ground to cover?

-Tech on our level

So the main problem is getting in, taking out the guns and then extracting the data before the entire station can come down on our heads. And not dying just getting their.

I dont think getting in "stealthy" is going to be an option. We can knock down their sensors/shields for infantry to get in, but if they're halfway smart, they'll know somethings wrong. Any obvious debris is going to be suspicious.

Also it sounds like we're trying to wrap this up before the 1st exp gets here.

Does that sound right?
Sounds right.
Ok, while working on stuff I noticed Adelphress is not assigned to any quarters. There is only one available, with Tsuguka.

Primitive Polygon, is that ok if Adelphress is roommates with your character?
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