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OOC Eucharis Discussion

I went ahead and edited the post for anyone that wants to read Masumi tediously going about the scans, it's there. It is the 5th paragraph, 3rd to last. Kuvexian is deemed safe!
Okay wow didnt think we'd be kicking down doors that suddenly. >_>;;

I'm assuming we want everyone ready to breach and/or hack the door to the computer core in case of security and so people dont get hosed by the cannons on the other side of the door? Otherwise I'll just smash it down and open up on the cannons.
Pretty sure Candon destroyed both the turrets and the door on the way in...

Tsuguka just wants Junko and Astridr to open up as much of the floor plan as possible to them, and cause as much internal damage in the area as possible. It should be mostly engineering works and probably networking systems, if the layout of the place makes conventional sense. No doubt there are more turrets out there somewhere, too.
I reread that, and it seems he hit the door, but it doesnt say anything about the turrets? He acknowledges them, busts the door and rejoins the attack team.
The only things that can destroy auto turrets are hard to figure out, but I have found this: well aimed artillery fire, guided missiles, aerial bombing, explosives, similar.

Idk if a rifle will take out auto turrets. I looked it up a lot when trying to figure out how to get past them and only found videagame stuff. Anyway, I could teleport! Charge 15 secs n boom, you're at the end of the hallway next to the door, for example. But in order to keep the mission going maybe taking those out as a team might be a good scene element. Meanwhile, Rizzo's at the wheel at the door, taking back to the Eucharis to figure out how to unjam the door. Hopefully he also answers Princess Masumi, too. Just an idea, or we can have it that he knocked them out with thunder and lightning.

Hope that block of text isn't too daunting, sorry for making my IC ones that way, too.
They wouldn't be terrifically hard to destroy, I think? Concentrated Aether weapons, some Gauss shots. They aren't regarded as "heavy", apparently. Only issue is what exactly Rizzo did to clear the confusion.

This wouldn't be such an issue if work hadn't kept me from the site the last two days. Now I gotta catch up all at once.
that's exactly right. On Candon's shoulder hardpoints are two mounts to carry 2 saber rifles. they are used normally for making surgical strikes on the hull of a Starship.
I feel a little out of touch with the wiki for not having checked that. I still vote for extending the time it takes to get to the computer core. When I had her rescue the technician I realized that doing that might have progressed the plot too fast and not let everyone get a chance to make a post. Idk.
Yes, that's correct. Through they are all standing pretty close to each other at the minute, still.

My last post had specific orders for all those in her own team.

Up to you if Junko and Astridr actually stay together. Yuuki doesn't have to stick with Tsuguka like glue, either.
Junko is going to follow orders to the letter until those orders are changed or it becomes necessary to adapt to changing circumstances.

EDIT: Fixed my post.

I assume the pairs are moving separately as opposed to A Squad sticking all together?
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Because they were teleporting into a vessel they have no first hand data on Candon ended up teleporting just outside the room he needed to be in, the computer room. The core is what they need to identify and retrieve. That'll take some searching but on the whole this should be a lightning operation.

Or you could always go nuclear.

View attachment 6199
Lol, Candon likes nukes. He's like a Yamataian version of Duke Nukem! He and Tsuguka nuked a Kuvexian controlled shipyard already.
When I wrote Sigurds reports I had something like this in mind:

Since they are inside the space station we're talking about automated anti-infantry turrets, of course. Not some heavy anti-starship autoturrets. In my mind their purpose is pretty much to deny any unauthorized access to the core not to hold off an actual assault. "No opposition so far" doesn't include roaming technicians and that sort of stuff since for a strike team in PA they are no opposition. And since we're only seconds into the attack actual opposition hadn't had the time to react yet.
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Only part of the strike team is going for the computer core and I imagine that a massive space station would have a computer system far less simple than one clearly marked room. It would probably need redundancies like multiple smaller computers to ease the load on the main and keep the station alive when the main is down. Since computers generate heat there needs to be a really big cooling system. So I was under the impression that we were looking at a very large room more similar to an entire floor. With a large area dedicated to such an important task I assumed they would have better interior defences than a couple of turrets.

That's why I believed we were teleporting directly into the 'computer room' because we're not here to steal a laptop. I think we need to really determine the size of the device we're going for and reevaluate the appropriate defences.

I would NEVER leave such an important part of the station indefensible, and I have no military training at all. I would also assume a pair of auto turrets are just the tip of the spear.
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